1、 PAGE PAGE 14注意事项:冲刺 2022 年中考英语精选真题答卷前,考生务必将自己的姓名、考生号等填写在答题卡和试卷指定位置上。回答选择题时,选出每小题答案后,用铅笔把答题卡对应题号。回答非选择题时,将答案写在答题卡上。写在本试卷上无效。考试结束后,将本试卷和答题卡一并交回。听力部分3030笔试部分10110Space Day of China fallsApril 24th everyyear.onBbyCatDinAnn has got a letter from her best friend.It makesexcited.sheBherChersDherselfToday,
2、 many winterOlympic sportseven bychildren.enjoyedBenjoyCwere enjoyed Dare enjoyed 34Walking is good for health.SoIgo to school onfoot.everneverseldomoftenThevillagersplana new bridge over theriver.buildbuildingto buildbuiltMrs. Green will take her son to the amusement park ifshe the tickets.gotBgets
3、CisgettingDwillgetThe price of this piano is a little.Icantaffordit. AcheapBexpensiveClowIf the weather is nice, we couldhavea(n)in thepark.picnicBchanceCplaceDidea my surprise, the twinshavenothingcommon.To;inBWith;inCIn;toDTo;of 40You seem to know much about the Palace Museum inBeijing.Thatstrue.I
4、it lastyear.isited visitare visitingChavevisitedDwill参考答案: 31-40ABDDCBDAAA10110The lion dance is part of traditional Chinese culture. People oftenperform it the night before the Chinese NewYear.They41 perform it for other happy occasions. People think the lion dance can 42good luck andsuccess.There
5、are many differentstories43how the lion dance began. One of them is like this: Hundreds of years ago, a monster called Nian came to a village in China. Thevillagerswere44. A lion chased Nian away. A year later, Nian came back again, but this time the lioncouldnt45.Sothevillagersmadea“lion”bythemselv
6、es. Their“lion”danced,jumpedandchasedNianaway.Forthis46people began to perform the lion dance before the Spring Festivaltochase bad luck away.Thereare47different kinds of lion dances. In the southern lion dance, the dancers48hard to perform like a real lion. Their “lion”mayshakeitsbody.Thedancecanbe
7、funny.The49is the northern lion dance. It has more martial art skills likerolling,leaping and jumping. Both kinds are very interesting to watch, but it takes alotof50to performwell.41Astill42AbringBalsoBleaveCalmostCfindDJustDkeep43AinBwithCaboutDover44AexcitedBboredCrelaxedDscared45AhelpBagreeCvisi
8、tDrefuse46AstoryBreasonCeventDmistake47AtwoBthreeCfourDfive48AwatchBfightCcatchDtry49AotherBsameConlyDsimple50AluckBadviceCpracticeDhope【答案】41-45 BACDA 46-50 BADAC15230AIf you have problems describing people, dont worry! Well usepopular film characters to help you learn some usefulwords.LoyalNaiveMe
9、aning: If someone isnaive,they have little experience and believe good things will always happen.Example:InthefilmEI,Buddyisa naive person who grows up with elvesOne day, he goes to New YorkCity but finds thingsMeaning:Ifyoureloyal,you always give support to a person or a group and help them and act
10、 honestly.Example:In the film ToyStory,Woody is loyal to his friends and owner, Andy. He stays withAndy, even when Andy grows up and goes to college.very different there.Director: DavidBerenbaumDirector: John LasseterDemanding Meaning: If someone is demanding, they are not easilysatisfied or pleased
11、.Example: In the film The Devil Wears Prada, Miranda is very demanding. She always works very hard, and expects others to do the same.Director: David FrankelTalented Meaning:If youre talented, you have a natural ability to dosomething well.Example:In the film McFarland, USA, coach White notices some
12、 talented runners in his PE class. He forms a cross-country group that races against other schools.Director: Niki CaroWhich word is used to describe a person with a natural ability to do somethingwell?Naive. Loyal.CDemanding.Who always gives support to friends according to thefilms?Buddy. DNikiWoody
13、.CDavidFrankel.Inwhichpartofamagazinecanwereadthetext?Sport.DLanguage.BTravel.CEnvironment.【答案】51-53 DBDBSchoolGardensCouldHelpChildrenTryMoreVegetablesIts not always enjoyable for children to eat vegetables. But what if a garden is built in the school? New research suggests that a gardening program
14、 in schools can increase childrensvegetable intake() .How the Study Was Carried OutThe study was carried out in eight schools. Each school was in the gardening program for one school year. Every child in grades 3-5 received a total of eighteen 60-minute lessons across the school year. In the program
15、, each school built a garden, where children learned to grow their own fresh produce, like fruit andvegetables.The Benefits Children Could GetThe study found that vegetable intake if the children who grew their own produce increased greatly across the year. Related studies show that increased vegeta
16、ble intake can improve health and cut the risk of chronic diseases. Not only are there benefits to health, increasing the variety of vegetables children are exposed to may also make mealtimes much easier.” Children who are often exposed to a variety of vegetables are more likely to try new foods,” e
17、xplains Dr. Kerry Jones. For children, growing their own food is a powerful tool to increase their intake of the food.28Any opportunity to expose children to more vegetables is meaningful. “If children are learning about vegetables at school, its important to encourage this interest,” says Jones. Pa
18、rents can listen to their children about what they have learned and read the handouts they bring home from school. Parents and children can also read bookstogether. Younger children can enjoy reading stories about vegetableswith parents who offer useful messages. Older children may enjoy searching t
19、hrough cookbooks with parents to find new dinner ideas to cook vegetables in a tasty way. Besides, a small planter box in a sunny part at home can encourage children to understand more about where their food comesfrom.Teaching children to grow their own produce is a great way to increase their prefe
20、rence for the produce. If children are taught to enjoy vegetables early in life, they will probably continue eating vegetables in the longterm.What did children do in the gardeningprogram?They did research on new plants. produce atschool.CThey took home green vegetablestheir classes.They grew fresh
21、DThey built gardensWhich of the following would be the best heading forParagaph4?Ideas to Encourage Children to Cook atHomeWaystoExposeChildrentoVegetablesatHomeReasons Why Parents Should Understand Children DSuggestions Which Children Could Get fromParentsWhat can we learn from theprogram?Parentssu
22、pportmightimprovechildrensreading.Schoolprogramscoulddevelopstudentscreativity.Doing studies can prepare students for futurelearning.Hands-onexperiencemayinfluencechildrenspreference.【答案】54-56 BBDCTraditional food such as Guilin Rice Noodles, Snail Rice Noodles, Rolled Rice Noodles( 卷筒粉)can be found
23、 around most streets of Guangxi, which is in South CentralChina.The famous snack Snail Rice Noodles is also called luosifen inChinese. Luosifen is usually sold at roadside stands in night market in Guangxi. It is cooked easily and tastes good! The dish is made up of rice noodles boiled and served in
24、 soup made from river snails and pork bones which are cooked for hours.The food was listed as part of Liuzhous intangible cultural heritage in 2008 and became popular after being introduced in the program A bite of China in 2012.Since then, luosifen restaurants have developed quickly acrossthecountr
25、y. Many restaurants have been set up in Beijing, Shanghai, Hong Kong. It is becoming a popular snack at home and abroad. Its said that28.4 million bags of luosifen were sold on Taobao last year, becoming the most popular snack in the online market. It was also one of the best-selling foods during CO
26、VID-19 outbreak in China.Besides the traditional export markets, including the US, Australia, France, the food has also been sent to new markets such as Singapore and New Zealand.WhatkindoffoodwasNOTmentionedinthearticle?Lemon Duck. CSnail RiceNoodles.Guilin Rice Noodles. DRolled RiceNoodles.Luosife
27、n restaurants have developed quickly across the country since the year.A2008B2012C2019D2021Why was luosifen one of the best-selling foods during COVID-19 outbreak inChina?Because it could help to fight theCOVID-19.Becausewewouldntmakeluosifenanymore.Because it could bring good luck to usChinese.Beca
28、use it was very convenient anddelicious.Which of the following countries is the new market for selling luosifen according to thearticle?AUS.BAustralia.CFranceDNewZealand.【答案】57-60 ABDDDCan plants talk? Modern research has found something amazing: theydo communicate with eachother.It has been known f
29、or some time that plants use chemicals to conunicate with each other. This happens when a plant gets attacked by insects. The plant gives out chemicals from the leaves that are being eaten. This is like a warning, or a call for help: “Im being attacked!” When another plant gets the chemicals, it sta
30、rts to give out its own, different chemicals. Some of these chemicals drive insects away. Others attract the wasps! The wasps kill the insects that are eating the plants. Scientists hope to learn more about this plant warning system, so that we can use it to grow morecrops.More surprisingly, plants
31、also use sound to communicate. People cant hear these sounds; but plants are making them. Some plants make noises with their roots. Com and chili plants do this. Some trees make clicking noises when there is not enoughwater.Most surprisingly of all, plants have an amazing system of communication tha
32、t can link nearly every plant in a forest. Scientists callthis system the “wood wide web” . The wood wide web is linked underground by fungi. It links the roots of different plants to each other. It is in some ways similar to the Internet we use. Using the wood wide web, plants can share information
33、 and even food with each other. However, it may lead to bad effects. Plants may use it to steal food from each other, or spread chemicals to attack other plants. Perhaps one day scientists will learn how to create a “firewall” to help prevent these attacks within the wood wideweb.Scientists are lear
34、ning more every day about the secret ways in which plants talk to each other. Maybe one day we will know enough about plantcommunicationtobeableto“talk”withthemourselves.What will plants do when they are attacked byinsects?They will kill the insects bythemselves.They will control the wasps to kill t
35、heinsects.They will send out signals to ask forhelp.They will produce chemicals as a warning or a call forhelp.How are the wood wide web linked byfungi?By making noises with theirroots.By connecting the roots of different plants to eachother.By sharing food and information with eachother.By spreadin
36、g chemicals to eachother.Whatisthewritersintentionofthelastparagraph?Togivepeoplehopeforfurtherstudies.Topraise scientists for their great achievements.TocallonpeopletoprotecttheplantsonEarth.Toinspire people to communicate with plants.What is the structure of thepassage?ABCDWhich is the best title
37、for thepassage?The Secret Language ofPlantsTheStudyaboutthePlantWarningSystemThe Plants that GiveWarningsWhy Scientists Do Research aboutPlants【答案】61-65 DBABA5210EA man named Huang Guoping is known to the public for a part ofhis doctoral thesis. Many people have been moved by his difficult journey t
38、o study.“I have walked a long way and overcome so many difficulties beforehanding in this thesis. During the 22 years of study, the road has been a rainyandmuddyone.Itisnoteasytogethere,”hewroteatthebeginning of histhesis.Huang was born in a small village. His mother left home when he was12. Five ye
39、ars later, his father died in a traffic accident. And in thesame year, his grandmother also passed away. He could only depend on himself to make a living.In the daytime, he made a little money by fishing and raising pigs.Atnight, doing homework or reading books was the most enjoyable part of his day
40、 even without brightlight.Without anybody to depend on, he had to wear thin clothes in winter and walk to school without shoes insummer.Huang said that he felt almost defeatedby the hard life, but he still didntgiveuplearningFinallyafter22yearsofstudy,Huangsdreamdidcometrue.Now Huang is working in a
41、 big company as a senior researcher and living a betterlife.How did Huang make money in thedaytime?Huangs dream came true mainly because he is.(仅限一词) “His hard and challenging road to study has touched alargenumberofpeople.”意思相近的句子。请将文中划线处译为中文。请将文中划线处译为英文。【答案】66By fishing and raising pigs. 67hard-wo
42、rking.68Many people have been moved by his difficult journey to study. 69他只能靠自己谋生。Hewantedtogooutandseethebeautifulworld.10110整。阅读下面短文,根据语境、音标或所给单词的提示,在每个空格内填入一个恰当的词,要求所填的词意义准确、形式正确,使短文意思完整、行文连贯。Tai chi is a symbol of Chinese culture. It was first 71 ( develop) in China as wushu, but its becoming on
43、e of 72 most popularsportsaroundtheworld.Itspracticedbyover100millionpeople in more than 150 73 ( country).Tai chi is a mix of breathing, meditation and 74 /slu/ movements. As you make your movements, you breathe 75 (deep) and naturally with meditation. This helps you relax and 76 /fri:/ yourself from pressure .Caitlin, a young German beginner, says, “T
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