



1、2021-2022学年湖南省岳阳市虹桥中学高一英语下学期期末试卷含解析一、 选择题1. Shall I stay here for another day?Oh,Mary,it depends on yourself _ you stay or leave.Awhether Beither Cneither Dboth参考答案:Awhether.or.可引导主语从句,意为“不管是还是”;either.or.只能连接并列主语,不能引导主语从句。2. Look out! Dont get close to the house _ the roof is under repair. A. which

2、 B. whose C. of which D. that参考答案:C略3. 一What will happen to the children if Jim and Mary ?一I dont know but I think its a really terrible thing. A. break down B. break out C. break up D. break in参考答案:C4. I thought I asked you to fix the radio.- Oh, Im sorry, Madam. I _ it right away.A. am to do B. wi

3、ll do C. was about to do D.am going to do 参考答案:B5. I often see lights in that empty house.Do you think I _report it to the police?A. should B. may C. will D. can参考答案:A在空房子里看到灯光是一件奇怪的事,所以问:“你是否认为我应当把这事报告给警察?”6. Charlie Chaplin, _ childhood was hard, began acting at the age of five. AwhoBwhomCwhoseD.

4、his 参考答案:C试题分析:考查定语从句,句意:卓别林的儿童时代很苦,在五岁就开始表演了。 Charlie Chaplin是先行词, whose childhood was hard 是定语从句,故选C项。 7. The Great Wall is the last place _ Mr. Smith is going to visit before he leaves China. A. when B. where C. what D. that ks5u参考答案:D8. It is the third time _ late this week. A.that you are B.you

5、 are C.when you arrived D.that you have been 参考答案:D9. Yesterday I bought an ancient Chinese vase, _ was very reasonable.A. which price B. its price C. the price of which D. and whose price参考答案:C10. Human beings will live in the sky or under the water in the future. _!I dont think you really believe

6、that, _?A. You cant be serious; dont I B. You have got it right; dont you C. Oh, come on; do you D. Good for you; do I参考答案:C略11. The familiar English song _ me of the happy days l spent in Scotland several years ago.A. remindsB. remembersC. remainsD. respects参考答案:A12. ( )we were worried about was( )

7、they could manage to control the pollution.A.That; how B. What; whetherC.That; whether D.What, that.参考答案:B略13. The boy is so young that he _ come out at night by himself.A. dares not B. dares not to C. doesnt dare D. didnt dare to参考答案:C14. Were going to play basketball. Would you like to ?A. join B.

8、 join in C. attend D. take part in参考答案:B略15. Mr.Brown returned to his office after a holiday,only_ broken into.Ato find it had been Bto find it hadCfinding it had been Dfinding it was参考答案:A句意为:布朗先生度假回来,却发现有人闯进过他的办公室。“强行闯入”是一个出乎预料的结果,且break into与it(办公室)之间是动宾关系,所以应用被动式。35.-Only a fool could think ther

9、e was any advantage for students spending too much time surfing the internet.- _.A. So do I B. Neither do IC. Im sorry, but I dont agree. D. Certainly参考答案:C略17. He was busy writing a story, only _ once in a while to smoke a cigarette.A. to stop B. stopping C. to have stopped D. having stopped参考答案:B1

10、8. We tried to _ his doubts and let him tell the truth.A. replace B. review C. remove D. rebuild 参考答案:C二、 单词拼写19. 单词拼写76. It is important to keep _(乐观)in daily life77. He is _(上瘾) to playing computer games and spends all his spare time on them. 78. Parents should pay attention to their behaviour whi

11、ch has a great _ (影响)on their children.79. Oh, its you. I didnt _(认出)you just now.80. I am glad to say learning English well gives me a sense of a_.81. The team c_ of twenty doctors has been sent to the village.82. The Spring Festival is a t_Chinese festival. 83. This is a party only accessible to _

12、(名人).84. He is an astronomer; in other words, he spends most of his time o_ stars.85. Please make a list of the _(参与者) of the activities. 参考答案:76.optimistic 77.addicted 78.influence 79.recognise80.achievement 81. consisting/composed 82. traditional83. celebrities 84. observing 85. participants三、 阅读理

13、解20. 阅读下面短文,从每题给出的A、B、C、D 四个答案中,选出最佳选项。When a friend is sad about a tragedy(悲剧),its hard to know how to comfort(安慰) him/ her. But the worst thing you can do is say nothing. It could mean that you dont care. You dont have to say much. A single supportive phrase doesnt require ly perfect words to brea

14、k the ice. Here are some conversation starters when life difficult situations have your tongue tied.1. A friend loses his baby.Dont say: “Dont worry. Youre so young. Youll have another baby.” Do say: “ Im so sorry. I cant begin to imagine what you are going through, but if you want to talk about it,

15、 call me anytime.”2. A guy deserts(抛弃)your friend.Dont say: “I never liked that rat bastard (坏蛋) anyway!” ( If the couple winds up reconciling (和解), you could end up losing your friend.) Do say: “Breaking up is always hard to deal with, but Im here for you, whatever you need.”3. A friend has a death

16、 in the family.Dont say: “Its Gods will.” or “I know exactly how you feel.” Do say: “Im sorry about your loss. What can I do to help?”4. A friend loses a job suddenly.Dont say: “Work is always boring. Those bosses didnt suit you!” Do say: “Im sorry for that, but I know theres an even better job wait

17、ing for you there. Lets think about possibilities.”5. Someones pet dies. ks5uDont say: “Gee! It was only a cat!” or “My roommate doesnt like her dog and she is getting rid of her dog. Do you want it?” Do say: “Im sorry, she was such a great cat. How long did you have it?”68. Which of the following h

18、as the same meaning as the underlined part “have your tongue tied”?A. make your tongue shut B. tie your tongue in order not to say.C. have no suitable words to say. D. say what you want freely.69. As a whole, whats the suitable way to comfort your friend troubled with a tragedy?A. To show your sorrow and offer your help.B. To try to make the tragedy less serious.C. To tell your friend not to think about it any more.D. To do your best to make him/her cheerful a


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