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1、附件二:SAP的阴暗面- 有限的业务务效益不值得得承受这么大大的痛苦众所周知SAPP的阴暗面是是:有限的业务务收益,缺乏乏灵活性,很很难实施和使使用,复杂 。等等等,导致用用户排斥和高高额的推广费费用。 一家独立的咨询询公司Spiikes CCavelll & Coo.最近调查查了一些英国国SAP的用户户,进一步证明明了以上问题题。以下附上上调查摘要(文文章一)。为了更加具体地地说明SAPP的弱点,我我们来看一下下 “CFOO Euroope”杂志志(文章二)中列出的Piirellii项目情况.这是一个典典型的SAPP项目:19994年一月启启动, “预期”今年年底完完成.(有没有搞搞错?对!

2、是需要六年年.ASAPP大概是代表表As SLLOW Ass Painnful!)最后发表在英国国媒体的文章章(文章三)足以说明SAAP在开放性性方面如何落落后.正如文章所所说:一个公司如如果试图将用用户锁定在它它的系统里,就不可能考考虑解决现代代最新业务需需求. 文章一 Compuutasofft Connsultiing reevealss SAP Hurdlles annd Sollutionns , Presss Infoormatiion Computaasoft咨咨询公司揭露露了SAP的的障碍和解决决方案,所发发布的资料来来自19999年7月1日日的Commputassoft 咨咨

3、询from Coomputaasoft Consuultingg, Jully 1, 1999 Indepenndent markeet ressearchh sponnsoredd by CComputtasoftt Conssultinng revveals that despiite 由computtasoftt负责的独立立市场调查揭揭露,尽管SSAP得到了了广泛应用,但但是几乎2/3的已经应应用此软件的的公司感到没没有获得充分分的收益。the widde upttake oof SAPP, almmost ttwo-thhirds of coorporaate buusinessses

4、 tthat hhave iimplemmentedd the sofftwaree do nnot feeel thhey reeap thhe fulll bennefitss. Thee reseearch, undeertakeen by 该调查由SSpikess Caveell 负责责,他于19999年5月月,在英国调调查了1000个SAP的的项目经理和和商业经理。Spikes Cavelll & CCo, suurveyeed 1000 SAP projeect maanagerrs andd busiiness managgers iin thee UK duriing Maay

5、 19999. Thhe surrvey wwas deesigneed to assesss thee impaact off SAP on UKK busiinessees 这个个调查的目的的是评估SAAP在英国商商界的影响和和展示他们将将来依赖原有有投资来发展展的方式。aand too demoonstraate thhe wayys in whichh theyy plann to bbuild on thheir eexistiing innvestmment in the futurre. Two-thiirds oof SAPP IT mmanageers annd 62% of

6、 bbusineess maanagerrs admmit thhat thheir ccompannies 2/3的IT经经理和62商业经理承承认他们的公公司目前没有有从SAP的的解决方案中中获得充分的的收益。do not curreently receiive thhe fulll bennefitss of tthe SAAP sollutionn. 59% of tthose surveeyed 59的被被调查者stated that a lacck of flexiibilitty wass reduucing the bbenefiits thhey reeceiveed, whh

7、ile 表明SAP缺乏乏灵活性,并并因此减少了了他们的收益益,56% fouund thhat moore trraininng wass needded thhan orriginaally eestimaated. A furrther 54% 56的调查者者表明SAPP需要的培训训比他们原先先估计的要多多。foundd thatt finee-tuniing thhe sollutionn to mmatch theirr busiiness needss caussed prroblemms. 另外54的调调查者表明调调整SAP的的解决方案以以匹配他们的的商业需求将将导致问题。Reas

8、onss for not rrealissing aall exxpecteed SAPP beneefits. Basee - alll resspondeents 没有从SAP中中获得预期收收益的理由还还有很多。对对所有的回答答者来说,其其IT和商业业经理面临的的最大问题之之一是最终用用户的的接受受和系统的使使用。Howeverr, onee of tthe moost teellingg probblems facinng IT and bbusineess maanagerrs wass geneeratinng endd-userr acceeptancce andd use of

9、thhe sysstem. 70% oof IT/SAP mmanageers annd 70%的IIT/SAPP经理和900的商业经经理认为职员员感觉在企业业的软件应用用和信息共享享是重要的。90% of businness mmanageers viiew itt as iimporttant ffor sttaff tto feeel invvolvedd in eenterpprise appliicatioons annd infformattion ssharinng. Yeet oveer onee thirrd (377%) off thesse bussinesss 但是超过

10、11/3(377)的商业业经理感到SSAP的界面面不友好导致致了最终用户户对系统的使使用降低。managerrs feeel thaat thee SAP interrface is noot friiendlyy and leadss to llow usse of the ssystemm by eend ussers. Surprrisinggly, oone thhird oof thee comppaniess takiing paart inn the 让让人吃惊的是是,参加培训训的1/3公公司只运用了了SAP所有有功能中的 oonly eextendd the

11、 SAP cclientt to aaroundd 10% of thheir oorganiisatioon. SSAP prrovidees a ffoundaation for eefficiient bbusineess opperatiions aand iss absoolutelly invvaluabble too mostt “SAP提供了了一个有效的的商业运作基基础,但是对对许多公司而而言是完全无无价值的。companiies. HHoweveer, itt is ttoo coomplexx and infleexiblee for userss in tthe frro

12、nt oofficee 对公司最前端的的用户来说,SSAP太复杂杂和不灵活引引起信息的存存取和流程的的管理没有效效率。”,Compputasooft咨询董董事 Tobby Connrad 评评价,of the organnisatiion too acceess innformaation and mmanagee theiir proocessees efffectivvely commeented Toby Conraad, Maanaginng Dirrectorr, Commputassoft CConsullting. Providding aand shharingg infoor

13、matiion too end userss is bbecomiing inncreassinglyy impoortantt - paarticuularlyy in ssales, markketingg, andd busiiness managgementt funcctionss. Sellf-serrvice appliicatioons thhat suupportt the frontt offiice annd inttegratte witth SAPP provvide tthe fllexibiility and rreach needeed by the bbusi

14、neess. TThey ppromotte thee sharring oof knoowledgge acrross aand beeyond the oorganiisatioon, CConradd conttinuedd. “对最终用户提提供和共享信信息变得日益益重要,特别别是在销售、市市场和商业管管理的作用中中。支持前端端办公和同SSAP的集成成的自我服务务提供了灵活活性而且满足足了企业的需需求。它们提提升了信息在在整个组织和和超越组织的的知识共享” Conrrad 继续续说。Computaasoft Consuultingg is tthe UKKs leeadingg inte

15、egratoor of SAP RR/3 wiith Lootus NNotes and iintrannet teechnollogy. Its EEnterpprise Invollvemennt Suiite off selff-servvice Computaasoft 咨询公司在在SAP和LLotus软软件群集成和和内联网技术术领域在英国国处于领导地地位。它的企企业applicaationss is aa userr-frieendly rangee of ssolutiions tthat eextendd the reachh of bback 拥有自我服务软软件套件,此此套件在

16、解决决方案中实用用,它扩展了了后台ERPP信息和流程程,这些流程程遍及和超越越了组织。office ERP iinformmationn and proceesses throuughoutt and beyonnd thee orgaanisattion. Compuutasofft Connsultiing deefiness selff-servvice aappliccationns as low ccost, easy-to-usse andd easiily deeployeed appplicattions that alloww peopple too retrrieve in

17、forrmatioon andd inteeract electtroniccally with centrraliseed deppartmeents aand baack offfice systeems. Computaasoft 咨询公司定定义自我服务务应用是低成成本、易使用用和容易扩展展的应用软件件,此应用软软件允许人们们方便检索其其所要的信息息和与集中管管理部门及后后台系统能电电子互动。 Computtasoftt Conssultinng is an innnovattive pprovidder off worlld claass buusinesss sollutionns

18、to corpoorate cliennts wiishingg to uuse grroupwaare, wworkfllow annd intternett relaated ttechnoologiees. A UK bassed Lootus PPremieer Parrtner with accesss to over 120 SSAP coonsulttants, the compaany offfers corpoorate cliennts thhe abiility to leeveragge theeir SAAP invvestmeent. CComputtasoftt

19、Conssultinng is accreeditedd by kkey ITT comppaniess, inccludinng IBMM, Lottus, MMicrossoft aand Suun. Cllientss incllude PPharmaacia & Upjoohn, MMobil Oil, The HHalifaax, Soony, RRoyal & Sunn Alliiance, Krafft Jaccobs SSucharrd andd Tescco. Computaasoft咨咨询公司是创创新提供者,它它提供世界级级企业解决方方案给那些被被代理公司,这这些公司希望望

20、使用软件群群、工作流和和互联网相关关技术。作为为一个英国基基于LOTUUS第一位的的合作伙伴,它它访问了超过过120个的的SAP顾问问和对那些使使用SAP的的用户帮助它它们提升其SSAP投资回回报的公司。Computasoft 咨询公司是可以信赖的,它在主要的IT公司中享有盛誉,如:IBM 、LOTUS 、微软、SUN。客户包括:Pharmacia & Upjohn, Mobil Oil, The Halifax, Sony, Royal & Sun Alliance, Kraft Jacobs Suchard and Tesco。Computaasoft Consuultingg is pp

21、art oof thee Compputasooft Grroup, with officces inn Londdon, New York, Hongg Kongg and Wallddorf. With a turrnoverr of mmore tthan GGBP21 milliion peer annnum, tthe Grroup hhas grrown ssecureely annd steeadilyy sincce it was eestabllishedd in 11984. Todayy, it has mmore tthan 5500 cuustomeers arrou

22、nd the gglobe and aa repuutatioon forr deliiverinng meaasurabble buusinesss impprovemment. Computaasoft 咨询公司是是Compuutasofft集团的一一个部分,它它在伦敦、纽纽约、香港和和Wallddorf都有有办事处。它它每年的营业业额超过了22100万GGBP,自从从1984成成立以来集团团就一直稳健健地发展。至至今,它已拥拥有超过5000家的顾客客,这些顾客客遍及全球,并并在陈述可测测量的企业改改良观点方面面享有较高的的声誉。文章二 ERP, Plug and PPlay , CFFO

23、 Eurrope , Junne 19999, Jaanet KKersnaar andd Mattthew MMay资料来源:”EERP,即插插即用”,”欧洲财务经经理”,19999年6月,作作者:Jannet Keersnarr 和 Mattthew MMayMany laarge EEuropeean coompaniies haave allreadyy embrraced ERP ssystemms, orr are aboutt to ddo so. Itallys PPirellli is amongg themm. Wee starrted iimplemmentattion

24、of a SAP RR/3 syystem in JJanuarry 19994 andd it wwill bbe commpleteed by the eend off thiss yearr, whiich iss on ttargett, saays Ennrico Parazzzini, direector of addminisstratiion pllanninng andd conttrol oof thee tyree and cablee comppany, whichh had 1998 revennues oof 10.7 triillionn liree (E5.5

25、billlion). Thaats qquite a lonng perriod bby inddustryy stanndardss-accoordingg to MMeta GGroup, a teechnollogy rresearrch fiirm, tthe avveragee timee it ttakes to immplemeent ann ERP systeem in Europpe is arounnd 23 monthhs.许多欧洲大公司司已经拥有EERP系统,或或正准备这么么做。意大利利Pirellli公司就就是其中的一一个。”我们已在11994年11月开始实施施SAP

26、的RR/3系统,并并且将在19998年年末末完工,这是是我们的目标标” 轮胎和缆缆车公司的行行政计划控制制董事如是说说,些公司司1998年年收入是100.7万亿里里拉(E5.5十亿)。以以工业的标准准来衡量,这这是一段非常常漫长的过程程,根据Meeta集团 -一个技技术研究公司司,它在欧洲洲实施ERPP系统的平均均时间是233个月。Parazziini accknowlledgess thatt overrcominng intternall resiistancce to replaacing Pirelllis custoom bussinesss softtware took time.

27、 It was vvery ddifficcult aat thee begiinningg, hee recaalls, .bbut byy 19966, we no loonger had tto connvincee peopple innside the ooperattion. They were askinng forr ERP, and then we foound iit eassy. TThe fiirm haas alrready impleementeed R/33s fiinancee, cosst acccountiing, mmateriial maanagemme

28、nt, serviice diistribbutionn and assett manaagemennt moddules, and is cuurrenttly woorkingg on tthe prroducttion oones. (.)Parazziini承认在在克服用R33替代原来商商业软件的内内部抵制上花花费了时间。”开始非困难,”,他回忆说,”但直至1996年,我们就再也不必使人们信服内部的运作。他们开始要求ERP,并且我们发现非常容易。”公司已经应用了R/3的财务、成本会计、材料管理、服务分配和资产管理模块,现在的工作运行在SAP上”。SAP paackagees, coom

29、e wiith ann incrrediblle nummber oof opttions and yyou haave too evalluate the ccombinnationns, nnotes Davidd Garrrett, a connsultaant wiith KPPMG. DDoing so diidnt tire Pirellli. PParazzzini ssays tthat tthe coompanyy pickked SAAPs RR/3 syystem for tthree reasoons : the ffact tthat iit wass relaati

30、velly neww at tthe tiime ; its aabilitty to integgrate otherr appllicatiions eeffecttivelyy ; annd SAPPs abbilityy to ooffer suppoort inn all of thhe 16 counttries in whhich tthe Ittaliann firmm operrates. Paraazzinii acknnowleddges tthat RR/3 iss a paarticuularlyy riggid pproducct thaat cannt bee t

31、aillored easilly, buut nottes thhat Piirellii has dealtt withh thiss by pprovidding sstaff with intennse trraininng in its uuse. TThe coompanyy alsoo deciided tto swiitch ffrom vvariouus harrdwaree plattformss to uusing Hewleett-Paackardd harddwar aand Unnix. David GGarrettt,KPMMG公司的一一个顾问说,“SAP软件包,有

32、多得不可置信的选项,你不得不去评价它们的组合,” 。 David Garrett说, 这样做不是整理PIRELLI公司。Parazzini说公司选择R/3系统有三个原因:一、事实上SAP在当时是最新的;二、它能和其他的应用软件有效集成;三、SAP有能力在16个国家包括意大利运营的公司提供支持。Parazzini承认SAP是一个不容易适应的非常”钢性”的产品,但是他同时表明公司已通过培训职员如何使用该系统来解决这个问题。公司也决定从不同的硬件平台转到使用HEWLETT-PACKARD硬件和UNIX上。Typicallly, tthe exxpensee of bbuyingg ERP softw

33、ware aand haardwarre is only a smaall paart off the overaall coost off a prrojectt. As soon as thhe goo buttton iis hitt, CFOOs cann expeect too signn off fat cchequees forr everrythinng froom connsultiing woork too traiining fees. Aboout 600% of the ccost wwas oon immplemeentatiion annd 40% on ssof

34、twaare, says Pirelllis Parazzzini, whosse prooject is esstimatted byy The ROI RReportt, an indusstry nnewsleetter, to hhave rrequirred a totall inveestmennt of 98 biillionn liree. (.)典型的ERP软软件和硬件费费用的成本只只是全部项目目成本的很小小的一部分。一一旦开始运作作,财务总监监希望能停止止大量的因培培训而支付的的费用。”60的成成本是实施费费,40是是软件件费”PIRELLLI公司的的PARAZZZINI说

35、说,他的项目目被ROI报报告(一个工工业通讯刊物物)估计,总总额需要投入入980亿里里拉。A compaany shhould mouldd its own pprocessses iin ressponsee to tthe sooftwarre. WWe succceedeed in that, overrall, we keept moost off the standdard ssolutiion, says Parazzzini, thouugh hee admiits Piirellii occaasionaally ttweakeed it to fiit loccal neee

36、ds. (.)一个公司必须制制作它自己的的流程来响应应软件。”我们全面地地成功了,我我们保留了大大部分的标准准解方案”PARAZZZINI说说,虽然他承承认PIREELLI公司司偶尔也改变变标准方案去去适应本地需需要。Many seenior execuutivess conttinue to trreat EERP immplemeentatiions aas IT projeects. They fail to unndersttand tthat EERP roolloutts flyy in tthe faace off the mantrra of decenntraliisatio

37、on thaat wass popuular iin thee 19800s, noot leaast beecausee moduules ooften cut aacrosss tradditionnal deepartmmentall linees, reequiriing joob desscripttions to bee rewrrittenn and forciing maanagerrs hoaardingg dataa to sshare it. AAnd thhey unnderesstimatte thee inteernal resisstancee to cchang

38、ee thiss can inspiire.许多高级行政人人员依然将EERP实施看看成是IT项项目,他们不不能理解ERRP的出现与与20世纪880年代流行行的分权完全全相反,并不不因为模块缩缩短了传统的的部门流程,而而是ERP需需要重新明确确工作细则并并使储存资料料经理不得不不共享。他们们认为内部抵抵制的改变可可以起到激励励的作用。At Pireelli, suppoort frrom thhe commpanys CEOO, Marrco Trroncheetti PProverra, annd othher toop mannagerss inclludingg the CFO, Carl

39、oo Buorra, waas esssentiaal in driviing thhe prooject forwaard. The kkey reeason for wwhat wwe seee as ssuccesss is commiitmentt fromm top managgementt.annd thee opinnion lleaderrs insside tthe coompanyy, saays Paarazziini.在PIRLLII公司,最高高执行官,MMarco Troncchettii Provvera和其其他高级管理理人员包括财财务总监,CCARLO BUORA

40、A,认为推进进项目是必要要的”我们认为成成功最关键原原因是 高层层管理人员的的承诺和公司领导导的观点”PARAZZZINI说说文章三SAP rappped by analyysts, Commputinng, UUK, Maay 6, 1999“SAP被分析析家们斥责”,”计算”,英国,11999年55月6日。SAP is blockking rrivalss fromm creaating produucts tthat ccompette witth itss own data warehhousinng prooduct, say some indusstry aanalyssts.一些

41、工业分析家家说,SAPP阻碍竞争对对手生产与SSAP数据仓仓库产品竞争争的产品。The anaalystss say SAP hhas faailed to siimpliffy an extreemely compllex appplicaation progrram innterfaace (AAPI) wwithinn its flagsship RR/3 ennterprrise rresourrce pllanninng sofftwaree. Thee inteerfacee makees it very diffiicult for rrival compaanies to wr

42、rite ddata wwarehoouse pproduccts thhat caan exttract data from R/3. Even if otther vvendorrs cann overrcome the ddifficculty, SAP will oftenn refuuse too certtify oor appprove theirr softtware for uuse wiith R/3.分析家们说SAAP未能简化化在它的R/3企业资源源计划软件中中复杂的应用用程序界面。这这些界面使得得竞争对手很很难写数据仓仓库产品来榨榨取R/3的的资料。既使使其他的卖主主能

43、克服困难难,SAP也也拒绝保证或或赞成他们的的软件与R/3一起使用用。Other pparts of thhe APII for R/3 hhave bbeen ssimpliified in thhe lasst thrree yeears. SAP hhas allso deevelopped ann API whichh alloows daata frrom riival EERP syystemss to bbe expportedd to SSAPs data warehhouse softwware BBusineess Innformaation Warehhouse (BW)

44、.在最近的三年其其他部分的应应用程序界面面已经简化。SSAP已经开开发了APII,它允许数数据从竞争对对手的ERPP系统输出过过入SAP的的数据仓库”商业信息库库”By refuusing to oppen thhe whoole off its platfform, SAP iis efffectivvely llockinng R/33 userrs intto a SSAP ennvironnment, accoordingg to MMike TThompsson, rresearrch maanagerr at aanalysst Buttler GGroup. Itts obbvi

45、ouss why SAP iis doiing thhis. IIts bbecausse it wantss peopple too use its oown toools aand loock ussers iinto SSAP, he saaid.因为拒绝开放所所有的平台,SSAP有效地地锁定了R/3的用户在在SAP的环环境中。依据据MIKE THOMPPSON ,“非常显而易见为什么SAP这么做,因为他想人们使用它自己的工具和锁定用户于SAP中”R/3 useers arre beiing afffecteed by the sstrateegy. SAPPs appproacch leaads too lesss choiice annd higgher iimplemmentattion ccosts for


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