



1、第 第 PAGE 5 6 页学习目标娴熟把握实义动词实义动词1。 不及物动词(vi):是指后面不需要宾语而意义完整的动词如:我住在温州2。 及物动词(vt):是指后面需要使用宾语使其意义完整的动词如:That dog makes the boy happy3.后面只能接动词不定式(to do)作宾语的及物动词1。常跟不定式作宾语的动词有:hope(期望), want(想、要),fail(失败),love(宠爱),pretend(假装),manage(管理同意开头需学会同意, 打算),happen(发生)start(开头),refuse(拒绝)等。Im learning to skate on

2、real ice.我正在真正的冰上学滑冰。4,后面只能接动名词做宾语(ving)的动词只能接动名词做宾语的动词:避开错过少延期avoid, miss, put off建议完成多练习suggest, finish, practice宠爱想象经不住enjoy, imagine, cant help承认否定与嫉妒admit, deny, envy 躲避冒险莫原谅escape, risk, excuse,忍受保持不介意stand, keep, mindLily finishedthe book yesterday。A。 readB。 readingC. to readD。 readsWhat are

3、you busythese days?-Nothing much.A。 do B. doing C。 to do D。 done3。 Do you want to eat something?, thanks。 I am feeling sick now。 I dont feel like。A.Yes; eating something B。 No; to eat anythingC. Yes; to eat anything D。 No; eating anything4。 No matter how hard it is, well keepuntil we make it。A。 fail

4、ed B. failing C. tried D。 trying5,后面只能接动名词,又可接动词不定式的动词有:1。begin,start(开头),like, love,perfer(宠爱), hate(憎恨),continue(连续)可以接动词不定式或-ing形式作宾语。+to do表示具体的动作+doing表示习惯行为I like swimming。我宠爱游泳.I like to go swimming。我现在想去游泳。2。 stop(停止),forget(遗忘),remember(记得),try(试),go on(连续)等动词接不定式和ing形式意义有区分.试比较:stop to do

5、sth。停下来去做另一件事stop doing sth.停止(正在)做某事go on to do sth。接着做另一件事(已做完一件)go on doing sth。连续做(原来未做完的)某件事)forget to do sth.遗忘去做某事(还未做) forget doing sth。遗忘做过某事(已经做) remember to do sth。记住去做某事(还未做)remember doing sth.记住曾做过某事其他:try to do sth。 尽力做某事try doing sth.试着做某事mean to do sth. 打算做某事mean doing sth 。意味着某事cant

6、 help to do sth 不能帮忙做某事cant help doing忍不住做某事3。 need, want, require(要求,需要), deserve (应得,值得), be worth (值得),后doing主动表被动。The book is worth reading.这本书值得一读。The old building requires repairing. 这座古建筑需要修了.These young trees will require/need looking after。6,后面接双宾语的及物动词有:动词 tell (叫,让),ask (恳求), want(期望),ord

7、er(命令),get(使),wish(期望),warn(警告),teach(教),invite(邀请)等动词后常跟不定式作宾语的补足语 ,构成tell/ask。 sb. to do sth。 “叫/请某人做某事”句型.Could you ask him to call me, please?请你让他给我打个电话,好吗?1. My mother often asks meearly。A。get upB. got upC。 getting upD。 to get up2。Yesterday afternoon Mrs Green told the boysfootball in the class

8、room.A. didnt playB。 to not playC. not playD。 not to play7,后面接不带to 的不定式使役动词let(让),make(使),have(使)等;跟不带to 的不定式作宾语补足语What makes you think Im a farmer?你凭什么说我是农夫?2。 感官动词see(观察),hear(听见),feel(感到),watch(观看),notice(留意到),look at(看),listen to(听)等跟不带to 的不定式作宾语补足语A woman saw it happen when she was walking past

9、.1。“Dont always make Michaelthis or that。He is already a big boy,dear, “Mr。Bush said to his wife .A。 doB。 to doC. doesD。 did2。 “Mr. Zhu, youd bettertoo much meat. You are already over weight. said thedoctor。A。 not to eatB。 to eatC。 not eatD。 eat3。Tracy cant play the match now。 Pleaseinstead.A. have

10、Lily do itB。 have Lily to do itC。 make Lily to do itD. let Lily to do it4。I hear someoneat the door. Please go and see whois。A. knock; itB。 knocking; itC。 knocking; heD。 knock; he5。 The teacher told her studentsin public。A。 not to shoutB. didnt shoutC。 not shoutD。 to not shout6。 I have finishedthis

11、book。 You can take it away。A。 to readB。 readC。 readingD。 reads7. Look! How heavy the rain is! Youd better。A。 dont go nowB. stay here when it stopsC。 not leave until it stopsD. not to leave at once8。 Let hima rest。 I think he must be tired after the long walk。A. haveB。 gets C. to take D。 has9。 The li

12、brary needs, but itll have to wait until Sunday。A。 cleaningB。 be cleanedC。 clean D。 being cleaned1。 I likevery much, but I dont likethis morning。 A。 swimming,swimmingB. to swim, to swimC。 swimming, to swimD。 to swim, swimming2。 Little Jim should loveto the theatre this evening.A. to be taken B. tota

13、keC。 being taken D。 taking3。 “Did you close the door?-“Yes, I rememberit.A。 toclose B。 to closingC. closing D。 closed4。 Rememberthe newspaper when you have finished it。 A. putting backB.having put backC。 to put backD。 will put back5。 Im sorry I forgotyour dictionary.Lets borrow one from Li Ming.A。 t

14、otake B. takingC. to bring D. bringing6. Henry always forgets things he has done.Yesterday he forgotand looked for it everywhere.A. to post the letterB。 to have the letter postedC. to have posted theletterD。 having posted the letter7。 My brother regretteda lecture given byProfessor Liu。 A。 missing B

15、。 to missC。 missed D. being missed8。I regretyou that we are unable to offer you a job。 A。informing B. havinginformed C. to inform D. to informing9. I felt tired with walking, so I stoppeda break for an hour。 Ahaving B. tohave C。 taking D。 to taking10。 The teacher told the students to stopto him. A。

16、to write and listen B。writing and listening C。 to write and listening D. writing and to listen11。-“What can we do to help Li Hai?” “All we can do is to trythathe ought to study more” A。making him to realize B。making him realize C. to make himrealize D。 to make him to realize12. You didnt hear us com

17、e in last night。 Thatsgood。 We tried noisy。 A。 to be not B. not to be C。 not being D. being not13。He finished his homework, then he went ona letter. A. write B. writing C。with D。 to write14. The grass has grown so tall that it needs。 A. to cut B。 to be cut it C。cutting D. being cut15。 -Youve come ju

18、st in time to help us 。”“Fine, what needs? A。 I doB. doneC. to be done D. to do16。 You didnt needhim the news; it just made him sad.A. telling B。tellC。to tellD. that you would tellThese young trees requirecarefully。 A。 looking afterB。 to lookafterC。 to be looked atD。 looking forThe sentence wantsonce more。 A。 to explain B. explain


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