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1、秋季A 班第三周II 卷阅读理解【精读】 )秋季A 班第三周II 卷阅读理解【精读】 )JJremainssingle.JJstays或找到and/orAandk),Iwent(tofeed the family k),Iwent(tofeed the family takeaLearningEnglishisA(When I was six), Dad brought home dog (one day), (who was “Brownie”). My brothers and I all loved Brownie and did different things her). One o

2、f us would walk her, another would feed her, then there were baths, playing catch and many other games. Brownie, in return, loved each and one of us. One thing t most touched my heart) was td go) whoeverwas sick) and just be (with them). We always felt better (when she 眼泪 n.(One day), (as I was gett

3、ing her food), she chewed up (咬破) one (of Dads shoes), (which had to be thrown away) ( he end). I knew (Dad would be mad) and (I had to let her know) (what she did) was wrong. (When I looked) (at her) and said, ”Bad girl,” she looked down (at the ground) and then went (One day), (as I was getting he

4、r food), she chewed up (咬破) one (of Dads shoes), (which had to be thrown away) ( he end). I knew (Dad would be mad) and (I had to let her know) (what she did) was wrong. (When I looked) (at her) and said, ”Bad girl,” she looked down (at the ground) and then went and hid. I saw a tear(inhereyes). Atu

5、rnouttoben宠物die ofdie Iam(from令人害怕的 adj.Brownie turned out (to be more) n just our pet). She everywhere (with us). People would stop and ask (if they could pet her). Of course shed let anyone pet her. She was just the most lovable dog. There were many times (when wed be out) (walking) and a small ch

6、ild would come over and (on her hair), she never barked (吠) or tried (to get away). Funny thing is (would).This frightenedpeople(becausetheythought)(shewasshowing teethFarfromthetruthshelovedeveryone. Now many years have passed (since Brownie died) (of old age). I still miss days (when shewas) (with

7、 us). WhatwouldBrowniedowhenasheA.LookatthemB.KeepthemC.Playgameswitht BrownieB.feltsorryforherD.dislikedtheauthorsWecaninferfromParagraphA.wouldeatanythingC.Playgameswitht BrownieB.feltsorryforherD.dislikedtheauthorsWecaninferfromParagraphA.wouldeatanythingWhydoestheauthorsaytBrowniewasmore)njustaf

8、amilyA.Shewastreated(asamember)(oftheB.SheplayedgamesnyonesheC.ShewaslovedbyeverybodysheD.Shewenteverywherewiththe(1)符(2)符合出题A.s Somepeoplegotfrightened(byBrownie)whenshedB.C.rushedtoD.triedtobeWhichofthefollowingbestdescribesA.B.C.D.B抓我(Whenyourelying) (onthewhitesands) (oftheMexican Rivierathestre

9、sses (力) (of the world) seem a have(tofinishaway. Hey, stop! (Whenyourelying) (onthewhitesands) (oftheMexican Rivierathestresses (力) (of the world) seem a have(tofinishaway. Hey, stop! This is no vacations the problem (for travel writer and food critic) (评论家) Edie Jarolim. alwaysloved traveling anda

10、lwayslikedtoeat,butitneveroccurredto t I make ng both of those things,” Jarolim said. Now you can read her advice everywherein Artsand Antiques,in Brides, orin oneofherthreebooks,CompleteIdiotsTravelGuidetoMexicosBeachHer job ravel writing) began (some eight years ago). After getting a PhD Englishin

11、Canada,shetookatestforFrommerstravelguides,passedit,andgotjob. (After working) (at Frommers), Jarolim worked (for a while) (at Guides)(inLondon),thenFodors,(whereshefell)(soinlove)(oftheSouthwest)(oftheU.S.)tshemovedNow (as a travel writer), she spends one-third of her year on the road. The rest the

12、 time) is spent (completing her tasks) (writing reviews) (of restaurants) home)ucson,(As adventurous) (as the job sounds), information). Sure,itsgreat(towrite)hard part is fact-checking (all traction),butyoudbetterthelocal当地的museumhourscorrectoryoucouldreallyruinsomeoneseatman-eater climbthemountain

13、-climbing nIenjoymountain-climbing. teach drivebus车。的:!WhichcountrydoesJarolimliveinA.B.TheC.TheD.WhatismostdifficultforA.Working(indifferent)drivebus车。的:!WhichcountrydoesJarolimliveinA.B.TheC.TheD.WhatismostdifficultforA.Working(indifferent)(tocollectB.Checkingallthefacts(tobewritten)heC.Finishingh

14、erworkassoonD.PassingatesttowritetravelWhatdoweknow(aboutJarolim)(fromtheA.ShecsfulinherB. ShefindsherlifefullofC. ShespendshalfofhertimeD.SheisWhatwouldbethebesttitlefortheA.B.WorkingasaFoodC.TravelGuides(ontheCThousands of people capital will rate the of New Year by heading for the ski resorts (滑雪

15、场Never t dry weather seldom snow. It is cold enough in er for snow-machines to make a covering forthe hills northto the capital.And the growthapleasure-seekingmiddleclasshasformedthebasisforthisnewdry weather seldom snow. It is cold enough in er for snow-machines to make a covering forthe hills nort

16、hto the capital.And the growthapleasure-seekingmiddleclasshasformedthebasisforthisnewcraze热潮Since ski resort was opened ten years ago, the s enjoyed astonishing increase. There are now n a dozen resorts. Clothes cityhaveaddedbright coloredskisuits totheirer collections.Mr.Wei,aof a newly-opened ski

17、resort in Beijing,sees the growthof an t could lead to head for the ski resorts of Europe. In recent years ski resorts natural snow have opened in China. But many are in faraway areas of the country cantreallymatchtheequipmentandofsomeskiresortsinBeijings skiing craze is partly a result of the recen

18、t increase in private (私有的cars. This has led to the growth of a leisure he burbs (郊区tilthelate1990swereunreachabletoordinarypeople.AccordingtoMr.about 40% ofthe visitors to his resort heir own cars. The rest arebused in schools,overnment.The problem is making money. Starting ski resort requires quit

19、e a lot of hiring land from the ernment, preparing the hills, buying snow making sure there are enough water and electricity to run them, and buying equipmentforhiringouttocustomers.TheskiresortwhereMr.Weiworkscost$4m to set up. And, as so often in China when someone comes up good manyothers rushin

20、andprice warsbreakout.Beijingnowofferssome oftheski training expectingafewhe world, though with most people rather new to the ngthesameWhatdoesthistextmainlytalkConvenienceforskiersbroughtaboutbyprivateSkiingasanewwayofenjoyingonesspareThingstobeconsideredwhenstartingaskiAsuddenincreaseofskitraining


22、ringC.PricewarswithotherskiB.LackofbusinessD.ShortageB.productionmilyC.businessofprovidingsparetimeD.part-timeworkforpeopleheWhatisthemainprobleminrunningaskiA.DifficultyinhiringC.PricewarswithotherskiB.LackofbusinessD.ShortageofwaterandDsCoolestheThe Ariau Amazon Towers lets you n a tree house. Eig

23、ht towers up this t offers over 300 rooms. If you really want to o the spirit, the Tarzan Suitewhich is large enough for a big family. Youll be thirty feet airandcantravelnthetowersthroughtheirwooden: starting at $300 one night for for a regular room and going thewayupto$3000fortheTarzanFormoreinfor

24、mation,visitthewebsite: HYPERLINK http:/w/ TheIce Every erin Jukkasjarvi, Sweden, al kind of called the Ice built. Each year, world-famous artists are invited to design and produce works of from the ice, many of which can be found in the rooms. Youll have your n hot or cold rooms, but you will be we

25、ll advised to east one night in coldroomforatrue: starting at $318 one night for for either a cold room or a Formoreinformation,visitthewebsite: Propeller Island City Lodge is a very l t was designed by a artist. Each room provides you with sibility of living in a work of art. ece of he thirty rooms

26、 of the has been hand-made and room is aly different. Youll be able to choose a room based on your : starting at just $91 a night, and an additional (另外for only extraForinformationaboutothercoolsheworld,visittheA.Youcan?ntreeB.YoucanchooseanyoftheD.extraForinformationaboutothercoolsheworld,visittheA

27、.Youcan?ntreeB.YoucanchooseanyoftheD.EveryroomhasaC.ItisdesignedforbigFor s a night in one of these s, they have to pay leastA.B.C.D.Which website should you visit if you want to find out whether there exists undertheA.B. HYPERLINK http:/w/ wouldinviteartiststocometoworkeveryA.PropellerIslandCity D.

28、BahamaBeachC.TheIce.Eo being is unknown. All we How words me (猜测) t some men invented certain sounds, ay or another, to express thoughts and actions and things, t they could talk with each other. Later they agreed certain signs called letters, which could be put together to show those sounds, and wh

29、ich could be written down. Those sounds, whether spoken or written in letters, calleder of words, s in their tionsthe things they bring up ourminds.e filledwith meaningfor usby experience;andthelongerlive,the morecertainwordsbringbacktousthehappy andsad eventsofourpast;the more we read and learn, the more the number of t mean something to Great w


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