1、Unit 5 travelling abroadUnit 5 travelling abroadPre-readingPre-reading新人教版unit5travellingaboardwarmingupandreading完美版课件新人教版unit5travellingaboardwarmingupandreading完美版课件新人教版unit5travellingaboardwarmingupandreading完美版课件新人教版unit5travellingaboardwarmingupandreading完美版课件新人教版unit5travellingaboardwarmingup
2、andreading完美版课件新人教版unit5travellingaboardwarmingupandreading完美版课件What are the advantages and disadvantages of studying abroad?What are the advantages and a. Its fun to live in a new country.b. It will help us to be independent.c. easier to learn a foreign language;d. easier to learn advanced knowledg
3、e and technology;e. learn a lot about local customs and broaden our mind;f. relax and get rid of anxiety;g. People who leaves their native countries have many new experiences.Advantages:a. Its fun to live in a new cDisadvantages:a: At first it is difficult to communicate with others;b: cost a lot of
4、 money;c: it may be tiring to live in a new country;d: if a child studies alone in a new country, he/she must look after himself/herself.Disadvantages:a: At first it i Keep it up, Xie LeiReading Keep it up, Xie LeiReading Listen to the tape carefully and answer the two questions.Which country does X
5、ie Lie study in? How long has she been there?2. Which two types of people have helped Xie Lei most since she came to England? She studies in England. Shes been there for six months. The host family and her teachers.Listen to the tape carefully aCareful readingCareful reading II. Scan the text and pu
6、t the events into order._The difficulties Xie Lei met while living in London;_The newspaper will follow Xie Leis progress in later editions._The general introduction to Xie Lei and her study;_The advantages that Xie Lei gained while living with a host family._ Xie Lei is now getting along well and i
7、s living an active life._ Xie Lei, a Chinese girl, is studying in a foreign country-London._Xie Lei is getting used to the Western Universitys way of learning.1234567First reading II. Scan the text and put theI. Choose the best answer.Who does Xie Lei board with in England? A. Her classmates B. Hers
8、elf C. A host family D. Her family2) Why does Xie Lei have such a decision that she would like to board with while studying in England? A. She feels lonely while staying in a foreign country. B. She is afraid to get used to a new life in a new country. C. She can make good preparations for her cours
9、es. D. She can have opportunities to learn more about life and customs in a new country.Second readingI. Choose the best answer.Who3) How does Xie Lei try to get used to the new life in England? A. She tries to avoid rising a feeling of homesick.B. She tries to join in a few university clubs to shar
10、e more social activities and meet some people she had much in common withC. She tries to put her heart into her preparation course.D. She tries to protect herself from the strange environment and does nothing to make herself familiar with the culture.4) What can we learn from Xie Lei according to th
11、e passage? A. She is timid. B. She is brave. C. She is determined. D. She is honest.3) How does Xie Lei try to getI. Choose the best answer.Who does Xie Lei board with in England? A. Her classmates B. Herself C. A host family D. Her family2) Why does Xie Lei have such a decision that she would like
12、to board with while studying in England? A. She feels lonely while staying in a foreign country. B. She is afraid to get used to a new life in a new country. C. She can make good preparations for her courses. D. She can have opportunities to learn more about life and customs in a new country.Second
13、readingI. Choose the best answer.Who3) How does Xie Lei try to get used to the new life in England? A. She tries to avoid rising a feeling of homesick.B. She tries to join in a few university clubs to share more social activities and meet some people she had much in common withC. She tries to put he
14、r heart into her preparation course.D. She tries to protect herself from the strange environment and does nothing to make herself familiar with the culture.4) What can we learn from Xie Lei according to the passage? A. She is timid. B. She is brave. C. She is determined. D. She is honest.3) How does
15、 Xie Lei try to getTrue or false statementsXie Lei came to the university to complete a science qualification.2. At first, Xie Lei didnt get used to the life in London, now she gets used to it.3. Xie Lei lives in the student accommodation.4. Xie Lei found the preparation course was very easy to lear
16、n at first.FFFTTrue or false statementsXie LeRead the text carefully and fill in the diagram below.BenifitsHer preparation course is to help her to_ 2. She thinks living with a host family can give students the opportunity to _3. She thinks having a tutor is to _Third readingDifficulties 1.At a univ
17、ersity-_ 2. Of a new life-_Read the text carefully and fiRead the text carefully and fill in the diagram below.BenifitsHer preparation course is to help her to_ get used to academic requirements of a Western university.2. She thinks living with a host family can give students the opportunity to _ _l
18、earn more about everyday life and customs in their new country. 3. She thinks having a tutor is to _encourage you to express your own ideas with reasons. Third readingRead the text carefully and fiDifficulties She has to get used to a whole new way of life, which can take up all her concentration in
19、 the beginning. 1.at a university- Studying here is quite different from studying in China and she needs some preparation first, either here or in China .2.Of a new life -Difficulties Suppose one of you is a newspaper reporter. You want to interview Xie Lei about her lifein England. The following wo
20、rds or phrases may help you:Keep it up, get along, make progress, board, adjust to, It is the first time.get used to, as far as one is concerned, feel at home, all the best, etc.Homework:Two in a group to make a dialogue:Homework:Two in a group to makThanks for your attention.Thanks for your attenti
21、on.风,没有衣裳;时间,没有居所;它们是拥有全世界的两个穷人生活不只眼前的苟且,还有诗和远方的田野。你赤手空拳来到人世间,为了心中的那片海不顾一切。 运动太多和太少,同样的损伤体力;饮食过多与过少,同样的损伤健康;唯有适度可以产生、增进、保持体力和健康。 秋水无痕聆听落叶的情愫红尘往事呢喃起涟漪无数心口无语奢望灿烂的孤独明月黄昏遍遍不再少年路岁月极美,在于它必然的流逝。春花、秋月、夏日、冬雪。 你必汗流满面才得糊口,直到你归了土;因为你是从土而出的。你本是尘土,仍要归于尘土。 我始终相信,开始在内心生活得更严肃的人,也会在外表上开始生活得更朴素。在一个奢华浪费的年代,我希望能向世界表明,人类
22、真正需要的的东西是非常之微少的。世界上的事情,最忌讳的就是个十全十美,你看那天上的月亮,一旦圆满了,马上就要亏厌;树上的果子,一旦熟透了,马上就要坠落。凡事总要稍留欠缺,才能持恒。 只有经历过地狱般的磨砺,才能练就创造天堂的力量;只有流过血的手指,才能弹出世间的绝响。时光只顾催人老,不解多情,长恨离亭,滴泪春衫酒易醒。梧桐昨夜西风急,淡月朦胧,好梦频惊,何处高楼雁一声? 如果你长时间盯着深渊,深渊也会盯着你。 所有的结局都已写好 所有的泪水也都已启程 却忽然忘了是怎么样的一个开始 在那个古老的不再回来的夏日 无论我如何地去追索 年轻的你只如云影掠过 而你微笑的面容极浅极淡 逐渐隐没在日落后的群
23、岚 遂翻开那发黄的扉页 命运将它装订得极为拙劣 含着泪 我一读再读 却不得不承认青春是一本太仓促的书 记忆是无花的蔷薇,永远不会败落。 我也要求你读书用功,不是因为我要你跟别人比成就,而是因为,我希望你将来会拥有选择的权利,选择有意义,有时间的工作,而不是被迫谋生。 尽管心很累 很疲倦 我却没有理由后退 或滞留在过去与未来之间 三千年读史,不外功名利禄;九万里悟道,终归诗酒田园。 这是一个最好的时代,这是一个最坏的时代这是一个智慧的年代,这是一个愚蠢的年代;这是一个光明的季节,这是一个黑暗的季节;这是希望之春,这是失望之冬;人们面前应有尽有,人们面前一无所有;人们正踏上天堂之路,人们正走向地狱
24、之门。 我有所感事,结在深深肠。 你一定要“离开”才能开展你自己。所谓父母,就是那不断对着背影既欣喜又悲伤,想追回拥抱又不敢声张的人。 心之所向 素履以往 生如逆旅 一个人的行走范围,就是他的世界。因为爱过,所以慈悲;因为懂得,所以宽容。 刻意去找的东西,往往是找不到的。天下万物的来和去,都有他的时间。 与善人居,如入芝兰之室,久而自芳也;与恶人居,如入鲍鱼之肆,久而自臭也。 曾经沧海难为水,除却巫山不是云。 回首向来萧瑟处,归去,也无风雨也无晴。 半生闯荡,带来家业丰厚,儿孙满堂,行走一生的脚步,起点,终点,归根到底,都是家所在的地方,这是中国人秉持千年的信仰,朴素,但有力量。风吹不倒有根的
25、树我能承受多少磨难,就可以问老天要多少人生。心,若没有栖息的地方,到哪里都是流浪.如果有来生,要做一只鸟,飞越永恒,没有迷途的苦恼。东方有火红的希望,南方有温暖的巢床,向西逐退残阳,向北唤醒芬芳。如果有来生,希望每次相遇,都能化为永恒。不乱于心,不困于情。不畏将来,不念过往。如此,安好。 笑,全世界便与你同声笑,哭,你便独自哭。 一辈子,不说后悔,不诉离伤。上帝作证,我是真的想忘记,但上帝也知道,我是真的忘不了 如果其中一半是百分百的话那就不是选择了而是正确答案了,一半一半,选哪一半都很困难,所以这才是选择。跟着你,在哪里,做什么,都好。眠。我倾尽一生,囚你无期。择一人深爱,等一人终老。痴一人
26、情深,留一世繁华。断一根琴弦,歌一曲离别。我背弃一切,共度朝夕。 人总是在接近幸福时倍感幸福,在幸福进行时却患得患失。路过的已经路过,留下的且当珍惜 我相信,真正在乎我的人是不会被别人抢走的,无论是友情,还是爱情。我还是相信,星星会说话,石头会开花,穿过夏天的木栅栏和冬天的风雪之后,你终会抵达! 每一个不曾起舞的日子,都是对生命的辜负。 每个清晨都像一记响亮的耳光,提醒我,若不学会遗忘,就背负绝望。 那一年夏天的雨,像天上的星星一样多,给我美丽的晴空,我们都有小小的伤口,把年轻的爱缝缝又补补,我会一直站在你左右,陪你到最后的最后。 如果一开始就知道是这样的结局,我不知道自己是不是会那样的奋不顾
27、身。 黄昏是一天最美丽的时刻,愿每一颗流浪的心,在一盏灯光下,得到永远的归宿。 因为有了因为,所以有了所以。既然已成既然,何必再说何必。想念是人最无奈的时候唯一能做的事情。你受的苦,会照亮你的路。 我希望有个如你一般的人。如这山间清晨一般明亮清爽的人,如奔赴古城道路上阳光一般的人,温暖而不炙热,覆盖我所有肌肤。由起点到夜晚,由山野到书房,一切问题的答案都很简单。我希望有个如你一般的人,贯彻未来,数遍生命的公路牌。 岁月极美,在于它必然的流逝。春花、秋月、夏日、冬雪说并用程这为再年余生,风雪是你,成多每内淡是你,清贫是你,荣华是你,心底温柔是你,并用光所内为界,也是你。个人的遭遇,命运的多舛都使
28、我被迫成熟,这一切的代价都当是日后活下去的力量。送你的白色沙漏,是一个关于成长的礼物,如果能给你爱和感动,我是多么的幸福,我有过很多的朋友,没有谁像你一样的温柔,每当你牵起我的手,我就忘掉什么是忧愁。很多故事不就是因为没有结局才有了继续等下去的理由。 有些人,有些事,是不是你想忘记,就真的能忘记?也许有那么一个时侯,你忽然会觉得很绝望,觉得全世界都背弃了你,活着就是承担屈辱和痛苦。这个时候你要对自己说,没关系,很多人都是这样长大的。风平浪静的人生是中年以后的追求。当你尚在年少,你受的苦,吃的亏,担的责,扛的罪,忍的痛,到最后都会变成光,照亮你的路。 你要做一个不动声色的大人了。不准情绪化,不准偷偷想念,不准回头看。去过自己另外的生活。你要听话,不是所有的鱼都会生活在同一片海里。有人说,鲁迅是杂文,胡适是评论;鲁迅是
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