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1、技术引进合同(1)适用让与人前言Foreworrds本合同于年月日在签订。No.:_,Datte: _,Pllace: _一方为,以下简简称甲方。Party AA:_一方为,以下简简称乙方。Party BB:_鉴于乙方拥有合合同产品生产产的专有技术术,并有权和和愿意向公司转让该该项技术。This coontracct is signeed on this date of inn by aand beetweenn (herreinaffter rreferrred too as PParty A) annd (heereinaafter referrred tto as Partyy B).鉴

2、于公司希望利利用乙方所拥拥有的专有技技术,以生产产销售和出口口合同产品。Whereass Partty B iis in posseessionn of tthe knnow - how tto mannufactture tthe coontracct prooductss and has tthe riight aand iss willling tto traansferr suchh knoww - hoow to Nanfaang Teechnollogy CCo., LLtd;甲方受公司委托托,由甲方同同乙方经过友友好协商,同同意按下列条条件及条款签签订本专有技技术合同。本本合同由

3、公司司与乙方执行行。And wheereas Nanfaang Teechnollogy CCo., LLtd. wwishess to uutilizze thee knoww - hoow posssesseed by Partyy B too manuufactuure, ssell aand exxporttthe coontracct prooductss; Parrty A, authoorizedd by NNanfanng Tecchnoloogy Coo., Lttd., hheld ffrienddly diiscusssions with Partyy B annd ha

4、vve conncludeed undder thhe folllowinng terrms annd connditioons thhie coontracct.第一条定义1.Defiinitioons11专有技术术,原指生产产合同产品,甲甲方所需要的的乙方所拥有有和提供的全全部生产技术术及加工工艺艺。该生产技技术和加工工工艺包括全部部设计、制造造、操作图纸纸及技术资料料、制造工艺艺、生产程序序和生产技术术细节。1.1Knnow- hhow sshall mean all tthe maanufaccturinng tecchnoloogy annd proocess enginneerin

5、ng to manuffacturre thee conttract produucts wwhich are rrequirred byy Partty A aand whhich PParty B posssessees. Suuch teechnollogy eengineeeringg shalll incclude technnical detaiils off all desiggns, ooperattion ddrawinngs, ttechniical ddocumeentatiions, manuffacturring eengineeeringg, proocedurre

6、 andd techhniquees.12合同产品品,指和产品,该产产品符合本合合同附件一所所规定的技术术条件和技术术标准。也即即甲方按照乙乙方提供的专专有技术及设设备进行制造造和生产的产产品。1.2Coontracct prooductss shaall reefer tto thee SIO22 and ITO cconducctive coatiing gllass pproduccts whhich aare inn confformitty witth thee techhnicall speccificaationss and standdards as sppecifiied i

7、nn Appeendix 1 of this contrract, e. g. the produucts mmanufaactureed by Partyy A wiith thhe knoow - hhow annd equuipmennt supppliedd by PParty B.13技术资料料,指制造合合同产品所需需要的全部“专专有技术”,以以及乙方在生生产合同产品品的过程中,所所使用的全部部有关设计和和制造图纸,加加工技术和工工艺文件等资资料。具体内内容及要求详详见本合同附附件二。1.3Teechniccal Doocumenntatioons sshall mean all t

8、the knnow - how nnecesssary tto mannufactture tthe coontracct prooductss and all tthe deesignss, draawingss, proocessiing teechniqques, and eengineeeringg docuumentss, etcc. thaat Parrty B uses in maanufaccturinng thee conttract produucts. The ccontennts annd reqquiremments of suuch teechniccal dooc

9、umenntatioons arre sett fortth in Appenndix 22 of tthis ccontraact.14考核产品品,指甲方用用乙方提供的的专有技术和和专用设备所所生产和制造造的合同产品品。该产品经经过验证符合合并且达到本本合同附件一一所规定的技技术条件和技技术标准。1.4Teest Prroductts shhall mmean tthe coontracct prooductss manuufactuured bby Parrty A with the kknowhoow andd speccial eequipmment ssuppliied byy Pa

10、rtty B wwhich, when testeed, shhall mmeet tthe teechniccal sppecifiicatioons annd staandardds as speciified in Apppendiix 1 oof thiis conntractt.15工艺文件件,指生产合合同产品所需需要的全部加加工方法、加加工手段、工工艺过程卡片片、工艺图纸纸、工序卡片片等全套资料料。具体内容容详见本合同同附件二。1.5Enngineeering Documments shalll meaan thee compplete set oof proocessiing m

11、eethodss, meaans off proccessinng, enngineeering cardss, draawingss, worrk proocedurres, eetc. wwhich are nnecesssary tto mannufactture tthe coontracct prooductss. Dettails are sset foorth iin Apppendixx 2 off the contrract.16工艺守则则,指生产合合同产品的全全部生产和加加工过程所必必须遵循的原原则。1.6Enngineeering Regullationns shhall

12、 mmean tthose regullationns whiich shhould be foolloweed wheen mannufactturingg and proceessingg the contrract pproduccts.第二条合同内容容和范围2.Conttents & Scoopes oof Conntractt21乙方同意意向甲方转让让,甲方同意意从乙方取得得合同产品的的专有技术。甲甲方采用乙方方的专有技术术和主要设备备,能够在甲甲方工厂生产产出合格的合合同产品。其其产品规格、型型号、产量及及技术条件和和技术标准详详见本合同附附件一。2.1Parrty B agree

13、es to transsfer tto Parrty A and PParty A agrrees tto proocure from Partyy B thhe knoowhow to maanufaccture the ccontraact prroductts. Paarty AA shalll, inn its own ffactorry, usse thee knoww - hoow andd equiipmentt suppplied by Paarty BB to mmanufaacturee qualliliedd conttract produucts oof whiich

14、thhe speecificcationns, tyypes, quanttity, technnical speciificattion aand sttandarrds arre speecifieed in Appenndix 11 of tthe coontracct.22乙方向甲甲方提供在甲甲方工厂生产产合同产品的的全部完整工工艺文件和资资料,能正确确指导合同产产品的生产。详详见本合同附附件二。2.2Parrty B shalll provvide tto Parrty A the ccompleete seet of enginneerinng doccumentts andd t

15、echhnicall docuumentaationss to bbe useed forr the manuffacturre of contrract pproduccts inn Partty Ass facttory. Such enginneerinng doccumentts andd techhnicall docuumentaationss shalll corrrectlly dirrect tthe maanufaccture. Detaails aare seet forrth inn Appeendix 2 of the ccontraact.23乙方在提提供技术资料料

16、的同时,还还要提供全部部技术标准。2.3Thee relaated ttechniical sstandaards sshall be suubmittted byy Partty B aat thee samee timee the technnical docummentattion iis proovidedd.24乙方向甲甲方提供用于于在甲方工厂厂生产合同产产品的全部专专有技术资料料必须是完整整的技术资料料。2.4Thee techhnicall docuumentaation coverring tthe knnow - how tto meaanufaccture the ccon

17、traact prroductts shaall bee compplete.25乙方在向向甲方提供技技术的同时,并并为甲方提供供和选择生产产合同产品所所必须的关键键设备。这些些设备的具体体要求和规格格详见“设备备引进合同”。设设备合同的交交付规定和交交付办法,按按设备合同的的规定执行。详详见“生产设设备引进合同同”。2.5In addittion tto proovidinng thee knoww - hoow, Paarty BB shalll alsso sellect aand prrovidee to PParty A thee key equippment necesssary

18、for tthe maanufaccture of coontracct prooductss. Thee requuiremeents aand sppecifiica-tiions aare sppecifiied inn the Equiipmentt Purcchase Contrract(EEPC)off whicch thee deliivery and ppaymennt aree subjject tto thee provvisionns theere - of.26为了保证证合同产品的的生产,乙方方同意甲方采采用部分中国国国产设备,和和乙方选择提提供的设备配配套共同生产产合

19、同产品。详详见本合同附附件三。2.6To ensurre thee manuufactuure off conttract produucts, Partyy B aggrees to thhe inttroducction of soome doomestiic equuipmennt by Partyy A boo be uused wwith tthe eqquipmeent prrovideed by Partyy B inn the manuffacturre. Deetailss of ssuch ddomesttic eqquipmeent arre sett fortth in

20、 Appenndix 44 of tthe coontracct.27乙方按照照本合同附件件四所规定的的条件和要求求,在乙方工工厂为甲方培培训技术人员员,以保证所所培训的人员员能够掌握这这些专有技术术,生产合同同产品。2.7Parrty B shalll, acccordinng to the ccondittions and rrequirrementts as speciified in Apppendiix 4, rendeer tecchnicaal traainingg to PParty A s persoonnel in thhe facctory of Paarty BB so

21、 aas to ensurre thaat thee perssonnell can masteer thee knoww - hoow andd be aable tto mannufactture tthe coontracct prooductss.28乙方按合合同附件五所所规定的条件件,派遣称职职的专家到甲甲方工厂进行行技术指导、技技术服务。2.8Parrty B shalll, acccordinng to the ccondittions as sppecifiied inn Appeendix 5, asssign compeetent ex. pperts to Paarty

22、AAs faactoryy to rrenderr techhnicall supeervisiion annd tecchnicaal serrvice.第三条价格3.Conttract Pricee31按第二条条所规定的合合同内容和范范围,乙方所所提供的合同同产品的专有有技术包括工工厂设计图纸纸,全部制造造图纸,工艺艺文件,技术术服务和技术术培训等的全全部资料总价价格为美元。其其中技术转让让费为美元,考考察培训费为为美元。3.1Acccordinng to the ccontraact coontentts andd scoppes ass speccifiedd in CChapteer

23、 2, the ttotal pricee of tthe knnow - how tto mannufactture ccontraact prroductts proovidedd by PParty B inccludinng thee desiigns, drawiings, enginneerinng doccumentts, teechniccal seervicee and trainning sshall amounnt to_off whicch_shalll be ttransffer feee andd_sshall be trraininng feee.32上述合同同的

24、价格为固固定价格,包包括本合同第第二条所规定定的全部技术术资料运抵费费用。该价格格包括乙方在在本合同中所所承担的其他他义务的全部部费用在内。3.2Thee abovve conntractt pricce is fixedd and shalll incllude tthe exxpensees to ship all tthe teechniccal doocumenntatioon to Shenzzhen aas speecifieed in Chaptter 2 of thhe conntractt. Succh conntractt pricce shaall allso inncl

25、udee the expennses ffor Paarty BB to ccarry out tthe otther ccontraact obbligattions of thhis coontracct.33本合同内内的一切费用用均以美元计计算和结算。3.3Alll the calcuulatioons annd payyment of exxpensees of this contrract sshall be inn U/S/Dollaars.34设备引进进合同的总价价格为万美元元。其具体执执行办法按设设备合同的规规定执行。3.4Thee totaal priice off the

26、equippment shalll be_. TThe exxecutiion shhall bbe subbject to thhe proovisioons off the EPC.第四条支付与支支付条件4.Paymment & Paymment CCondittions41本合同项项下的一切费费用,用M/T信汇方式式支付。甲方方通过银行,乙乙方通过指定定的外国银行行进行支付。凡凡发生在中国国境内的银行行费用,由甲甲方负担,凡凡发生在中国国境外的一切切银行费用,由由乙方负担。4.1Thee paymment oof alll the expennses uunder this contrr

27、act sshall be maade byy M/T throuugh Baank off Chinna, Shhenzheen Braanch aand thhe bannk dessignatted byy Partty B. All tthe baank exxpensees occcuringg insiide Chhina sshall be boorne bby Parrty A and tthose outsiide Chhina sshall be boorne bby Parrty B.42本合同第第三条311款所规定的的总价格美元元,由甲方按按照下列比例例,方式支付付给乙

28、方:4.2Payyment:421付款款(1)按本合同同附件二的规规定,乙方应应于合同生效效后两个月内内交付所有技技术文件。技技术文件交付付的清单和技技术文件的交交付空运提单单各一式四份份。(1)The technnical docummentattions as sppecifiied inn Appeendix 2 of the ccontraact too be ddeliveered wwithinn 2 moonths afterr the contrract ttakes effecct; thhe dettailedd listt of ssuch ttechniical ddo

29、cumeentatiions aand thhe airrmill of laading in foour coopies respeectiveely.(2)乙方说明明按本合同附附件二规定,应应于合同生效效后两个月内内交完所有技技术文件的确确认函正本一一份。(2)One origiinal ccopy oof thee lettter off conffirmattion oof Parrty B to coomplette thee techhnicall docuumentaationss as sspeciffied iin Apppendixx 2 off the contrract

30、 wwithinn 2 moonths afterr the contrract ttakes effecct.(3)即期汇票票正、副本各各一份。(3)Sighht draaft onne oriiginall and one ccopy.(4)金额美元元的商业发票票四份。(4)Commmerciaal invvoice of _in four copiees.422合同同总值美元的的计美元,甲甲方在收到全全部技术文件件及技术培训训开始前155天内用M/T信汇方式式支付给乙方方。4.2.2_off the_coontracct priice ammountiing too_sshall be

31、paaid byy Partty A tto Parrty B by M/T aftter Paarty AA has receiived aall thhe tecchnicaal doccumenttationns andd 15 ddays pprior to thhe tecchnicaal traainingg.423合同同总值美元的的计美元,甲甲方在完成设设备安装、调调试合格、正正式投入生产产、生产出合合格产品,双双方签署了合合格证书、并并在收到乙方方的下列单据据后,经审查查无误,300天内以M/T信汇方式式支付给乙方方:4.2.3_off the_coontracct priic

32、e ammountiing too_sshall be paaid byy Partty A tto Parrty B by M/T aftter inn insttallattion aand teestingg of tthe eqquipmeent arre commpleteed, thhe equuipmennt is put iinto ooperattion aand prroducees quaalifieed prooductss and both partiies haave siigned certiificatte of accepptancee, andd withh

33、in 300 dayss afteer Parrty A has rreceivved thhe folllowinng doccumentts andd provved thhat thhey arre in confoormityy withh the contrract:(1)金额为美美元的商业发发票一式四份份。(1)Commmerciaal invvoice of_in ffour ccopiess.(2)由双方签签署的合同产产品考核验收收合格证书一一式两份。(2)Certtificaate off acceeptancce of contrract pproducct quaalit

34、y signeed by both partiies inn two copiees.(3)即期汇票票正、副本各各一份。(3)Origginal and ccopy oof sigght drraft oone coopy reespecttivelyy.43设备合同同总值万美元元(大写),其其支付和支付付办法,按设设备合同的规规定执行。4.3Payyment and tterms of paaymentt of tthe EPPC amoountinng to_shhall bbe subbject to thhe proovisioons thhereoff.第五条技术文件件及设备的交交付

35、5.Deliivery of Teechniccal Doocumenntatioons & Equippment51乙方应按按本合同附件件二规定的内内容和交付日日期,将技术术文件交付甲甲方。5.1Parrty B shalll deliiver tthe teechniccal doocumenntatioons too Partty A iin acccordannce wiith thhe conntentss and scheddule aas speecifieed in Appenndix 22 of tthe coontracct.52设备和设设备技术文件件的交付,要要严格按照设

36、设备合同的交交付规定执行行。5.2Thee deliivery of thhe equuipmennt andd equiipmentt techhnicall docuumentss shalll be subjeect too the termss of ddeliveery off the EPC.53每批技术术资料发运后后的两个工作作日内,乙方方应用电话将将发运日期,发发运数量,包包装件数和重重量,空运提提单号,合同同号,班机号号和预计抵达达时间,通知知甲方,并同同时用航空挂挂号信将下列列单据寄交甲甲方:5.3Witthin 22 workking ddays aafter each

37、lot oof tecchnicaal doccumenttationns is shippped, PParty B shaall nootify Partyy A byy teleephonee the date of shhipmennt, quuantitty, nuumber of caases, weighht, nuumber of aiirbilll of lladingg, conntractt numbber, fflightt numbber annd exppectedd datee of aarrivaal andd sendd by aair - mail - re

38、ggisterr to PParty A thee folllowingg docuumentss:(1)空运提单单正本一份,副副本四份。(1)Air bill of laading one ooriginnal annd fouur coppies.(2)技术文件件详细清单一一式三份。(2)Detaailed list of teechniccal doocumenntatioons inn threee coppies.54全部技术术文件派专人人送到北京甲甲方,以甲方方签收日视为为实际交付日日。5.4If the ttechniical ddocumeentatiions aare haa

39、nd caarriedd to SShenzhhen, tthe daate whhen Paarty AA signns thee receeipt sshall be taaken aas thee datee of ddeliveery off the technnical docummentattions.55如乙方交交付的技术文文件在途中丢丢失,短缺或或损坏,则乙乙方应在最短短期间内,最最迟不得超过过在甲方通知知后20天,免免费补给甲方方。5.5In case of anny losss, shhortagge of damagge of the ttechniical ddocum

40、eentatiions dduringg shippment, Partyy B shhall, withiin thee posssible shorttest ttime wwhich, howevver, ddoesnt excceed 220 dayys froom nottificaation by Paarty AA, makke repplacemment tto Parrty A free of chharge.56乙方发运运和寄送的技技术文件及资资料,包装要要牢固,适合合于长途运输输,多次装卸卸,防雨和防防潮。在发运运的每一个包包装箱上面,均均要用英文标标志下列内容容:5.6

41、Thee packking oof thee techhnicall docuumentaationss shouuld bee stroong, ssuitabble foor lonng disstancee trannsporttationn and repeaated lloadinng andd unlooadingg. Preecautiions aagainsst raiin andd moissture shalll alsoo be ttaken. Eachh casee shalll be markeed in Engliish inndicatting tthe fool

42、lowiing coontentts:(1)合同号:(1)Conttract numbeer:_(2)收货人:(2)Conssigneee:_(3)唛头:(3)Shippping Mark:_(4)目的地:(4)Desttinatiion:_(5)发货人:(5)Conssignorr:_(6)重量:(6)Weigght:_(7)包装箱号号/件号:(7)Casee numbber:_57每一个包包装箱内,均均附有详细的的装箱单一式式两份。5.7In each case, a dettailedd packking llist iin twoo copiies shhall bbe inssert

43、edd.第六条技术的修修改和改进6.Modiificattions & Impprovemment oof Tecchnoloogy61乙方提供供的技术资料料如有不适合合于甲方生产产条件的,如如设计标准、材材料标准及要要求、工艺装装备及其他生生产条件等不不适合于甲方方生产实际,乙乙方有责任协协助甲方进行行修改,并由由双方确认其其修改的部分分。6.1In the eevent theree is aany paart inn the technnical docummentattions not ssuitabble foor Parrty As praacticaal prooductiion

44、 coonditiions, such as sttandarrds off desiign, sstandaards aand reequireementss on mmateriials, enginneerinng andd faciilitiees, Paarty BB shalll be respoonsiblle to assisst Parrty A to maake moodificcationns whiich shhall tthen bbe connfirmeed by both partiies.62在本合同同有效期内,双双方对合同规规定的技术内内容和范围,如如有任何改

45、进进和发展,双双方都应互相相将改进和发发展的技术免免费提供给对对方。6.2Durring tthe teerm off conttract, if eiither partyy makees anyy imprrovemeent annd devvelopmment wwith rregardd to tthe teechnollogy ccontennts annd scoopes oof thee conttract, such partyy shalll proovide the iinformmationn of tthe immproveement and ddeveloopment

46、t to tthe otther pparty free of chharge.63改进和发发展的技术,所所有权属于改改进和发展技技术的一方,对对方不得去申申请专利,也也不得将发展展和改进的技技术转让第三三方。6.3Thee owneershipp of tthe abbove iimprovvementt and devellopmennt shaall bee retaained to thhe proovidinng parrty. TThe otther pparty shalll not be enntitleed to any aappliccationn for patennt,

47、 neeitherr shalll thee otheer parrty trransfeer succh impprovedd and develloped technnologyy to aany thhird pparty.第七条产品的考考核和验收7.Asseessmennt & AAccepttance of Prroductts71为了保证证乙方提供合合同产品的制制造专有技术术的正确性、可可靠性和先进进性,由甲方方和乙方技术术人员一起,在在工厂按本合合同附件六“考考核和验收”的的规定,共同同对合同产品品进行考核和和验收。7.1To ensurre thaat thee knoww-

48、howw suppplied by Paarty BB is ccorrecct, reeliablle andd advaanced, both partiies shhall jjointlly perrform in Paarty AAs faactoryy the assesssmentt and accepptancee of tthe coontracct prooductss in aaccorddance with the pprovissions of Apppendiix 6 oof thee conttract.72按本合同同第二条的规规定,产品的的技术条件、技技术标准,

49、生生产图纸,均均作为考核验验收合同产品品的依据。产产品的技术文文件及资料详详见本合同附附件一。7.2Acccordinng to Chaptter 2, the ttechniical rrequirrementts, sttandarrds annd draawingss shalll be takenn as eevidennce off the assesssmentt and accepptancee of ccontraact prroductts. Thhe dettails are sset - forthh in AAppenddix 1 of thhe conntractt.

50、73产品考核核验收合格后后,双方代表表要签署验收收合格证书一一式四份,双双方各执二份份为凭。7.3If the ccontraact prroductts aree quallifiedd, botth parrties shalll joinntly ssign aa certtificaate off acceeptancce in four copiees, twwo forr eachh partty.74如果考核核验收达不到到本合同的规规定要求,则则双方要友好好协商,共同同研究分析原原因,采取措措施,消除缺缺陷,进行第第二次考核和和验收。7.4If the pproduccts ca

51、annot meet the rrequirrementts of the ccontraact, bboth ppartiees shaall hoold frriendlly disscussiions tto anaalyse the rreasonns andd takee meassures to coorrectt any defecct andd preppare ffor thhe seccond aassesssment and aaccepttance of thhe conntractt prodducts.75如果第一一次考核不合合格属于乙方方的责任,乙乙方须派遣专专家

52、参加第二二或第三次考考核和验收。其其一切费用由由乙方负担。如如果属于甲方方责任,其一一切费用应由由甲方负担。7.5If the ffailurre of the ffirst assesssmentt and accepptancee is ddue too Partty Bss respponsibbilityy, Parrty B shalll sendd expeerts tto parrticippate iin thee secoond orr the thirdd asseessmennt andd acceeptancce, annd exppensess thuss occuu

53、r shaall bee bornne by Partyy B; iif thee faillure iis duee to PParty As rresponnsibillity, the eexpensses shhall bbe borrne byy Partty A.76如经过第第二次考核仍仍达不到合格格要求时,如如系乙方责任任,乙方必须须赔偿甲方因因此而遭受的的直接损失。并并要求采取措措施消除缺陷陷,参加第三三次考核,如如系甲方责任任,则其一切切损失由甲方方自负。7.6If afterr the seconnd asssessmeent annd accceptannce thhe

54、prooductss stilll cannnot mmeet tthe reequireementss, if the rresponnsibillity llies iin Parrty B, Partyy B shhall ccompennsate Partyy A foor thee direect ecconomiic lossses tthus ooccur, take measuures tto corrrect the ddefectts andd partticipaate inn the thirdd asseessmennt andd acceeptancce; iff

55、the respoonsibiility lies in Paarty AA, alll the lossees shaall bee bornne by Partyy A ittself.77若经过第第三次考核仍仍不合格,如如属乙方责任任,则乙方应应承担由此而而造成一切损损失。甲方有有权终止合同同并按第八条条的规定由甲甲方向乙方索索赔。如属甲甲方责任,则则双方应共同同协商本合同同的进一步执执行问题。7.7If the pproduccts arre stiill noot quaalifieed aftter thhe thiird asssessmment aand accceptaanc

56、e aand thhe ressponsiibilitty liees in Partyy B, PParty B shaall bee respponsibble foor alll the lossees thuus cauused aand Paarty AA shalll havve thee righht to termiinate the ccontraact annd raiise a claimm agaiinst PParty B acccordinng to Chaptter 8; if tthe reesponssibiliity haas in Partyy A, bb

57、oth ppartiees shaall muutuallly disscuss the ffurtheer impplemenntatioons off the contrract.第八条保证和索索赔8.Guarranteee & Cllaim81乙方保证证向甲方提供供的技术文件件是乙方实际际使用的、成成熟的、可靠靠的和最新的的技术资料和和文件,并保保证在合同的的有效期间内内及时向甲方方提供任何新新的发展的改改进的技术资资料。8.1Parrty B guaraanteess thatt techhnicall docuumentaationss are thosee usedd by PPa

58、rty B andd suchh docuumentaationss are proveed relliablee and of laatest technnologyy. Parrty B also guaraanteess thatt duriing thhe terrm of contrract, Partyy B shhall nnotifyy Partty A oon timme of any ddeveloopmentt and improovemennt of the ttechnoology it acchievees.82乙方保证证向甲方提供供的技术文件件是完整的、正正确的、

59、统一一的,清晰和和及时的。其其有关规定如如下:8.2Parrty B guaraanteess thatt the delivvered technnical docummentattions are ccompleete, ccorrecct, unniformm, cleear annd thee deliivery is onn timee. Dettailedd requuiremeents aare ass folllows;完整:乙方所提提供的技术文文件应该包括括本合同附件件二所规定的的全部技术文文件和资料。不不得有任何遗遗漏。complette: Thhe tecchnicaal

60、 doccumenttationns dellivereed by Partyy B shhall iincludde alll thosse speecifieed in Appenndix 22 of tthe coontracct witthout omisssion.正确:乙方所提提供的技术文文件没有任何何错误。甲方方按照乙方所所提供的技术术文件所制造造出来的产品品为合格产品品。Correctt: Theere iss no eerror in thhe tecchnicaal doccumenttationns dellivereed by Partyy B. WWhen PPart


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