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1、合同(CONTRACT)合同号 日期Contract No: Date:地点Place:买方: Buyer: 卖方:Seller:本合同有买卖双双方订立,根根据本合同规规定的条款,买买方同意购买买,卖方同意意出售下述商商品:This Coontracct is made by annd bettween the BBuyerss and the SSellerrs,wheereby the BBuyerss agreee to buy aand Seellerss agreee to sell the uunder-mentiioned commoodity on thhe terrms an


3、款 条 件TERRMS OOF PAYYMENT:(13)单 据 DOCUMMENTS REQUIIRED:卖放应将下列单单据提交付款款银行议付/托收货款.如为电汇付付款,下列单单据应直接寄寄给买方:The Selll shaall prresentt the folloowing documments(markeed witth)to thhe payying bbank ffor neegotiaation/colleectionn,or tto thee Buyeer in case of paaymentt by TT/T:1)Siigned Commeerciall Invooice

4、 iin 3 ccopiess indiicatinng Conntractt No.2)Fuull seet of cleann on bboard Oceann Billls Ladding mmade oout too ordeer andd blannk enddorsedd.markked “freiight pprepaiid”,indiicatinng shiippingg markks andd notiifyingg the Buyerr. Aiir Wayybillss showwing “freigght prrepaidd”indiccatingg freiight a

5、amountt and shippping mmarks and cconsiggned tto thee Buyeer.3)Innsurannce Poolicy/Certiificatte forr 110% of tthe innvoicee valuue shoowing claimms payyable in Chhina iin currrencyy of tthe drraft,bblank endorrsed,ccoveriing(Oceaan Marrine TTranspportattion/Airr Trannsporttationn)All Riskss,War Ris

6、kss.4)Packiing Liist inn 3 coopies indiccatingg quanntity/grosss and net wweightts/meaasuremments of eaach paackagee and packiing coonditiions.5)Ceertifiicate of Quualityy in 22 copiies isssued by thhe manuffacturrer/Publlic reecogniized ssurveyyor.b)下列单据应应在发货时与与货物一起交交付承运人或或用快递寄送送买方.If neceessaryy,t

7、he folloowing documment sshall be seent allong ttogethher wiith thhe connsignmment,oor sennt to the BBuyer by exxpresss airmmail.Certtificaate off (Heaat) Trreatmeent isssued by thhe Offficiall Orgaanizattion, or Noon-conniferoous woood paackingg mateerial issueed by the SSellerr.c)货物装运后后一个工作日日内,卖方应

8、应传真买方装装运通知.Within 1 worrking day aafter shipmment iis efffectedd, thee Selller faax freeight shipmment nnoticee to tthe buuyer.(14)技 术 资 料TECCHNICAAL DOCCUMENTT:甲 技术资料料一套与货物物一起装箱,运交买方.One sett of ttechniical ddocumeents iincludding ooperattion aand seervicee manuual shhall bbe paccked aand diispatcc

9、hed ttogethher wiith thhe gooods.础 线 损 件 合 装1 . FFoundaation drawiingsi ro tlnon aarrcns3 . Maanufaccturinng draawingss of eeasilyy wornn partss p lsei uysl t l1rroa inpiunk 3 te m els ao rop hcactne t2,dnIatce装 MOSE卖4电关次,以名数尺号方通造将责4rthora delhae rfhm eiNht r noou aeiaiioonet ecte d B t mimnneocdbry

10、 e 保 A UY 方系的艺新过保定使的自口 内. hls a g mostliic miaen cs lssh ipionraaitnst. ealuthf s eotaiwgsfrraf o o tftancedraetdnn 索IC CS造货性,量和验货同的该议货交据,为量规/后造载和面质内euus rkdea inmeepo g esia,fnsfiauti i it igt s omwttastcahrcsarne hct rto nnroicc at l oeannpoa,fnpionaygrlaestead hntsts e ea hia it地应人上检(检货,量行.货符保航责货

11、1凭具书货方aa g hr ioeeapten ytpodrnroopcC(ieltu)alanif src rlsfiautiF rcaobeeeihoihntehfher r aspbhyhwn rceg hr iovehttjtoo mite hrhtntcfeuy a c. Withhin thhe guaaranteee perriod sstipullated in Cllause 16 heereof shoulld thee quallity aand orr the speciificattion oof thee goodds be foundd not iin connf

12、ormiity wiith thhe conntractted sttipulaationss, or shoulld thee goodds proove deefectiive foor anyy reassons, incluuding latennt deffect oor thee use of unnsuitaable mmateriials the Buyerr shalll arrrange for aan insspectiion too be ccarrieed outt by tthe Buureau and hhave tthe riight to cllaim aag

13、ainsst thee Selller onn the strenngth oof thee insppectioon cerrtificcate IIssuedd by tthe Buureau.(18)索 赔赔 解 决 方 法 SETTLEMMENT OOF CLAAMS: In casse thee Selller arre liaable ffor thhe disscrepaanciess and a claaim iss madee by tthe Buuyer wwithinn the periood of claimm or qqualitty guaaranteeeperii

14、od ass stippulateed in clausse 16 and 117 of this contrract, the SSellerr shalll setttle tthe cllaim uupon tthe aggreemeent off the Buyerr in tthe foollowiing waays:同意买方退货,并将退货金金额以成交原原币偿还买方方,并负担退退货而发生的的一切直接损损失和费用包包括利息,银银行费用,运运费,保险费费,检验费,仓租费等一一切其他费用用.Agree tto thee rejeectionn of tthe gooods aand ree

15、fund to thhe Buyyer thhe vallue off the goodss so rrejectted inn the same curreency aas conntractted heerein and tto beaar alll direect loosses and eexpensses inn connnectioon theerewitth inccludinng intterestt accrrued , bankking chargges, freeight, insuurancee premmium,iinspecction chargges, sstor

16、agge andd all otherr neceessaryy expeenses requiired ffor thhe cusstody and pprotecction of thhe rejjectedd goodds.按Devaluaate thhe gooods acccordiing too the degreee of inferrioritty, exxtent of daamage and aamountt of llossess sufffered by thhe Buyyer. 损Replacee the defecctive goodss withh new one

17、s whichh confform tto thee speccificaationss,quallity and pperforrmancee as sstipullated in thhis contrract, and bbear aall exxpensees inccured and ddirectt lossses sustaained by thhe Buyyer. TThe Seeller shalll, at the ssame ttime, guaraantee the qqualitty of the replaacemennt gooods foor a ffurthe

18、er perriod oof 12 monthhs as speciified in Cllause 16 off thiss conttract.(19) 人 力 不 可 抗 拒 的 事 故 FORCCE MAJJEURE:力将买The Selller sshall not bbe helld ressponsiible ffor anny dellay inn deliivery or noon delliveryy of tthe gooods ddue too Forcce Majjeure. Howeever, the Selleer shaall addvise the BBuye

19、r immeddiatelly of such occurrrencee and withiin fouurteenn davss therreafteer, shhall ssend bby airrmail to thhe Buyerr for theirr acceeptancce a ccertifficatee issuued byy the compeetent goverrnmentt authhoritiies off the placee wherre thee acciident occurrs as evideence tthereoof. Unnder ssuch cc

20、ircummstancces thhe Selller, howevver, aare sttill uunder the oobligaation to taake alll neccessarry meaasuress to hasteen thee deliivery of thhe gooods- IIn casse thee acciident lastss for more than ten wweeks, the Buyerr shalll havve thee righht to canceel thiis conntractt.(20) 迟 交 和 罚 款 LATEE DEL

21、IIVERY AND PPENALTTY:交In casee of ddelayeed delliveryy, exccept ffor foorce mmajeurre casses, tthe Seeller shalll pay to thhe Buyyer foor eveery weeeks oof dellay a penallty ammountiing too 0.5% of tthe gooods wwhose delivvery hhas beeen deelayedd. Anyy fracctionaal parrt of a wweek iis to be coonsi

22、deered aa fulll weekk. Thee totall amouunt off penaalty sshall not, howevver, eexceedd 50% of thhe tottal vaalue oof thee goodds invvolvedd in llate ddeliveery annd is to bee deduucted from the aamountt due to thhe Selller bby thee payiing baank att the time of neegotiaation, or bby thee Buyeer dirr

23、ect aat thee timee of ppaymennt. Inncase the pperiodd of ddelay exceeeds 100 weekks aftter thhe stiipulatted deeliverry datte thee Buyeer havve thee righht to termiinate but tthe Seeller shalll not thereeby byy exemmpted from the ppaymennt of penallty.(21) 仲 裁 ARBITTRATIOON: All dissputess in cconne

24、cction with this contrract oor thee execcutionn therreof sshall be seettled tthrouggh friiendlyy negootiatiions. In caase noo setttlemennt cann be rreacheed thrrough negottiatioons,thhe casse shoould tthen bbe subbmitteed forr arbiitratiion too Chinaa Inteernatiional Econoomic and TTrade Arbittratio

25、on Commmissiion,Shangghai CCommisssion in acccordaance wwith the rrules in foorce oof thee saidd commmissioon. Thhe arbbitrattion sshall take placee in SShanghhai annd thee awarrd rennderedd by tthe saaid coommisssion sshall be fiinal aand biingingg uponn both partiies.Thhe arbbitrattion ffee shhall bbe borrne byy the losinng parrty.(22) 适 用 法 律 GOVEERNINGG LAW: This coontracct


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