1、S.,1. 钢结构工程概述采2. 钢结构工程的特点S.,1. 钢结构工程概述采2. 钢结构工程的特点。3货顺序从 1 轴线开始,先安装 12 轴线的刚架,同时安装柱间支撑、屋面支撑并(4)20cm车稳定,同时打开回转刹车,然后将钢柱(4)20cm车稳定,同时打开回转刹车,然后将钢柱下放到离安装面 40100 mm,对准基准3m(1规3、安装时,首先用临时螺栓拼装,个数不应少于接头螺栓总数的 1/34、安装高强度螺栓,结构中心位置经调整检查无误后,即安装高强螺栓(螺母扣紧的 3、安装时,首先用临时螺栓拼装,个数不应少于接头螺栓总数的 1/34、安装高强度螺栓,结构中心位置经调整检查无误后,即安装
2、高强螺栓(螺母扣紧的 Pc(。(6)5. 屋面板安装方法(6)5. 屋面板安装方法2、节点大样图(包括天沟、彩钢板拼缝处理、封沿及泛水处理(布盖好等。测(布盖好等。测123板的安装,应先将板的上下两端用螺钉作临时定位,当一组(约十块46铺93板的安装,应先将板的上下两端用螺钉作临时定位,当一组(约十块46铺9子打磨喷涂防火涂料面漆四遍(金属光泽子打磨喷涂防火涂料面漆四遍(金属光泽。231139JGJ4688。39JGJ4688。 .Abriefaccount ofsteel structure There will be 6 8t bridge traveling cranes in prod
3、uction hall, welding H-section column and beam, structural aterial is Q345B, cold bending sheet Z-purlin, wall and roof cladding are double-skin pressed steel sheet and insulation .Characteristicof steel structureThecolumn and beam, structural aterial is Q345B, cold bending sheet Z-purlin, wall and
4、roof cladding are double-skin pressed steel sheet and insulation .Characteristicof steel structureThe single span of the work is 18m, the height of steel column is large, single plane external rigidity is very small, so the key guaranteethe stability outsidethestructural of safety technical control
5、is Take out 6 steel columns from grid line he production building, instead 52.5mspace trussastrimmerbeam tosupport theupper structureandcrane load,installation of thespace trussisadifficulty ofthis.Fabricationofsteelstructuralmembers Technical preparations prior fabrication1. Study and check the des
6、ign working drawing before fabrication, make drawingand get approvalfromdesignerthenprepare materialfor2. Makea planand programfor fabrication asperthethestructural ty andmaterial 3. Writeconstruction techniquesand technical measures, and theequipment examineand ain plan,keep themachinery ingood Mat
7、erialSelect andconfirmthematerialfor theAll kinds of material should be with quality guarantee and ex-. there is any doubt, ling examination should be taken according to nationalstandard, onlywhen passed theexamination material inbatchescan be3. Rust degree of steel hould conform to the present nati
8、onal standard and rust removaldegree before4. ingmaterial(weldingrod, solder, flux),highstrengthbolt, andcoating( coat and top coating) should be with ex-factory designand national and conform to 5. If the skin of welding rod is peeled off or the core is rust, welding flux is wetting and agglomerati
9、ng or melting, the high strength bolt is rust/damaged or taken different batches,thesematerialsarestrictlyshould conform to the design and relevant standard, and andoperationEquipment andtool1. Check and ahefabricatingequipmentin 2. The fabricating tools and measuring instrument should be with certa
10、in andbeexamined andmarkedbythemeasurementtesting department 3. Welder should bearing the ,and do the work scopestipulated.1. Check and ahefabricatingequipmentin 2. The fabricating tools and measuring instrument should be with certain andbeexamined andmarkedbythemeasurementtesting department 3. Weld
11、er should bearing the ,and do the work scopestipulated.Ifthewelding work stopped n6 months, weldershouldbere-examinedandpassedtheKeysofsteelstructuralmember. Steelstructure installationPreparationspriortoAs per the requirement of steel structure installation, before installation work it is need to c
12、heck and clear the site, insure the s for hoisting is nd and er is ready, the following works are also need to 1. Survey thehorizontal level andaxialdeviationof theall groupsof embedded make records forthe er withthecivilworkteamin2. Thesince tyofstructuralmembersislargeand hasagreatvariety,itbenumb
13、eredand confirmedtoavoid mis-3. Makesaryinspectionandacceptancelywiththeemployerandbefore ionandstorageofstructural1. Transport structural members by appropriate vehicle as per the make and 2. While loading/unloading and moving the structural members, it must be gently. Insertspacer whilesaryto avoi
14、d damagethe3. Someonemust beputinchargeof Structurehostingand installationionand 1. ConsiderationaboutinstallationofsteelThe type the hisproject isastandardportal-framed structurewith crane beam, external rigidity of a single frame is small, the sequence of of structure is start from grid line insta
15、ll steel frame at grid line 12, bracing column and roof installed and adjusted simultaneously to form astable then moved to grid line 29. Steel column to be hoisted and Two-Crane-Lifting-method after assembled on the ground. Truss trimmer to assembled with bolts on the ground and hoisted through Two
16、-Crane-Lifting-Space n crane beam and Two-Crane-Lifting-method after assembled on the ground. Truss trimmer to assembled with bolts on the ground and hoisted through Two-Crane-Lifting-Space n crane beam and roof purlin is 3.5m, it is enough for minimum space, and can bedoneafter thestructureinstalle
17、dor alternated2. Hoistingandinstallationandadjustment ofsteelSteel column tobe hoistedthrough ing Someonemustbeinchargeofhoistingandinstallation, safety,qualityandtechnology to be talked over in details before hoisting.For the efficient hosting, ling the columns, put the binding footing center/basec
18、enter atasame While the column is being hoisted slowly 20cm above the floor, stop hoisting for a while tocheckthesling andcrane,open theswingbrake, then putthecolumn downat 40100 mm to the installation plane, alignto the datum line, direct the crane descend, insert the column to the anchor bolt and
19、fixed temporarily, tie the column at two direction to stable the column structure.After initial adjustment of the column, only when the vertical deviation controlled within 20mm then can remove the hook of crane, check the verticality with theodlite, anydeviation tobeadjustedimmedia y, whileadjustme
20、nt is beingdone, observethebottomand levelcontrol blockto avoidhorizontallevel Vertical adjustment of the column, fix two theodlites to the longitudinal transverse aim at the column bottom wing or center line then move to the column top, if the center line drifted off the line of sight, to adjust th
21、e tie or support, make the column to be vertical through prying. Usually to erect a row then to do adjustment. t time, two theodlites can be placed at side of longitudinal and transverse axis, deviation to the centerline not more n 3m. while hoisting roof truss or installing vertical members, the st
22、eel column must be re-check and adjusted.2. Hoisting andinstallation ofsteel 3. After the steel beam turned over itioned, trial hoist must be done and bond again , while trial hoist is being carried out it must be lifted slowly, the e t uniform force at each and the beam will not deformed, then to a
23、nd e to the ition, pull the controlling rope buckled on the beam advance by hand on the ground, ing to connecting hole with high strength bolt. Since the guy ropes should be tied, while fixing it, ition, fix the column and beam hoisted beam length is 46m, the verticality with pendant. second and the
24、 after beams tobefixed temporarilyby theroofpurlinandtie4. Re-check the column while hoisting the beam, normally use the chain block steel wire rope, the rope to be removed till the beam installed. The steel beam line4. Re-check the column while hoisting the beam, normally use the chain block steel
25、wire rope, the rope to be removed till the beam installed. The steel beam line must be controlled. Make the deviation n the truss and the column center line be equal, tall therooftrussto beat a same center Theconnection ofthehighdensity 1. The bolt, nut and washers will panied with the quality which
26、isdwiththenational standardand the2. The bolt, nutandwashersshould beinuniform.The threadshouldnotbeworn-out. It should be in clean and dry s e and be kept in the storage according to the Preparation tothe boltbefore1. Check each part of the installation is in ition and make t installation is comply
27、 with the “Regulation for check and acceptance to the quality steelstructurework”codeno. GB50205-2. Check the aterial with the hole is meter and the size. t the smooth is met the specified requirement. If there is thread on the material, wey removeWeshallfamiliarwiththeinstallationconstructiondrawin
28、gandprogramschedule and make full preparation to the work spanner and the other related equipment.Preparationtothemeasuring The 1. The connection to the steel plate must be straight, the side and hole should contain no thorn to make sure the surface is closely attached. If there is the bending, we m
29、ake saryadjustment and avoid thedamageto thefraction 2. Beforefixing, weshall clean dirtyoilandonthe hole 3. Before installation, we shall use temporary bolt to fix ition, the number be n one third of the total number for the connected bolt. The method is adjust the steel hole and put the temporary
30、bolt inside and then use the nut to screw There will be two temporary bolts in each bolt to be served as the temporary bolt. After . Not allowed to use the high ction is completed, then to it and confirmed thento carryoutthe workwiththe high density 4. While install the high density bolt, we shall m
31、ake t the ition check and no mistake and then procedure the work of the high density bolt (This project adopt the double nut screw tight). The washer will be put on one side of nut and be sure not in ite direction. If the bolt cannot be through the hole weshall use theknifeto adjusttheholeandthenpro
32、cedurenut and be sure not in ite direction. If the bolt cannot be through the hole weshall use theknifeto adjusttheholeandthenprocedurethework. Itshould notuse the force to go through the hole so as to avoid the damage to the thread. Clean thorn afteradjusting the5. The tight for high density bolt:
33、This work will be in two stage, stage called preliminary tight, the tight force is about 50%-60% of the designed pre-force.The second stage iscalled the final tight.The tightforce willreach the pull force. The deviation will be n 10%. The pre-pull force will determined according to the designed spec
34、ification. During the work, the force formula will be Tc=k*Pc*d k=0.110.15 Pc(designed pre-pull force) d=the diameter of the bolt.6. Check the turn panner mark record and the bolt construction record. If isanyquestioning, weshall checkthepreliminarytight Quality1. The high density bolts type, specif
35、ication and the technical condition should be comply with the designed specification and the related standard. We must carry the test to determine the turn space coefficient and recheck bolt pre-pull force checkthe quality andthe test 2. The connection surface for the bolt in friction coefficient wi
36、ll be d with designed requirement and the related specification. On rface, there should be rust, thorn, weldingremaining, dirtyoiland,3. The high density bolt must be wo stage, the quality of the preliminary final tight should be d with the construction regulation and the 4. The high density bolt wi
37、llbe puthe samedirection andthethreadshouldn 2 5. Thefrictionsurfacen shalldwiththedesigner and theregulationsteelstructurecheckandacceptanceItemsto betakeninconsiderationduringtheinstallation forhighdensityQuality1.Thesurface withrust, dirtyoil,thornandwelding remaining shouldbeAfter treating the f
38、riction surface should be reached the anti slide coefficient requirement. The use of the high density bolt and the nut, washers should be uniform and be used at the same time not allowed to exchange.Treatthepartsfrictionsurface. Whileinstallation,therewillbenodirty oiland 4. While installation the p
39、art,thefriction in hould keep dryand avoid to5. Beforeinstallation, weshall check and recheck theconnectedsteel plateand sary adjustment to the 4. While installation the part,thefriction in hould keep dryand avoid to5. Beforeinstallation, weshall check and recheck theconnectedsteel plateand sary adj
40、ustment to the While installation, we shall not use the hammer to hit the bolt to avoid the thorn of the bolt be damaged.We shall check and measure the spanner timely to the preliminary and the tight of the high density bolt. We shall make sure the precise and do the record.The tightworkwill becarri
41、edon inrightMajorsafetytechnical1. To use the flexible spanner the size will fit the nut. While work high above the ground, we shall use the fixed spanner. If we are using the flexible spanner, we shall be tied with safety belt.2. Whileassemblethesteelparttoconnectthebolt, we shallavoidtousethehandi
42、n testing the screw hole. The hand will be on the side of the steel plate.Theroof panel installationThe installation of the color steel sheet ed of the detailed part production sequence, transport and installation, etc. Every part of the work and the method isthe key linkto the projects completion,s
43、afety, and quality. The work will be carried out after the steel structure work has been completed with formality of thecheck and .Detailedpart design Thispart of thedetailed design playsa keyrole tothe installation. We shallevery connection on the original drawing so as to instruct the work workman
44、shipprocedure.Thefollowings arethemain content forthedetailed1. Theroofcoverage 2. The connect and enlargedrawing(includethetreatment to gutter,the ,l3. Detailedpartdesign Project construction designeditePreparationforthecolorsteel sheet 1. Before the installation of the color steel sheet, we shall
45、check the size n structureparts,theleveland thequality. If thereisany bending onsteel structureweshall carry outthe adjustment work2. Before the installation of the color steel sheet, we shall structureparts,theleveland thequality. If thereisany bending onsteel structureweshall carry outthe adjustme
46、nt work2. Before the installation of the color steel sheet, we shall check those installedcool bend thinplatepartofwhich shouldnot be heavy loaded or 3. Before the installation of the color steel sheet, weshall make t the pull or the press pole are tight and the purlin are in ition. The twisted angl
47、e prulinshould n 4. Before the installation of color steel sheet, we shall check all the cool structure whether the parts are treated with the rust protected, fire convenientforinspection,brush,pa steel structure part.,avoidwater collected and of 5. The temporary stack for color steel sheet should b
48、e arranged according to general construction layout to putition. Weshall preparea solid compacted, areawith good drainagesystem andconvenient ionforcolor steel sheet temperature reserve cotton. We shall also make t the area will have measuresto be covered withplastic clotheto protect the rain6. We s
49、hall make t the installation tools, equipment, protect items, parts, propand the soriesto the colorsteel sheet arefullyprepared. Allthesebe tested and qualified. These items will be in storage full to 7. We shall make t the staff will be fully understand the technical, safety of the work before unde
50、rtaking the roof installation work. We shall make fully understand the construction drawings, work method, safety operation, quality requirement. Weshall recheck the axis for the installation parts, the level, etc.The installation methodofColor 1. The installation of roof panel started from the gabl
51、e. Survey and set a datum itioning line at the lower end of roof in advance to guarantee the accuracy ofinstallation, then installin 2. Check the roof panel in lengths (normally ten panels) during installation, to the straightness of the two end of the panel and the parallelism to t it will inclined
52、 or fan-d. sary adjustment to be done during micro-adjustmentto bedone onebyonetomeet therequirement of 3. of roof panel in length direction will be over-lapped on the bracing length is 4. Reliable sealant to be done to lap at the length direction of the roof panel, or weather strip to be filled at
53、two ends, 15mm apart from the panel end. panelover-lengthis80100mm, sealantmight notbedoneatover-5. Leave 50mm gap n two panels at ridge, it is preferable to bent the upward at 80” to form a flashing. The pressed steel panel to bepanelover-lengthis80100mm, sealantmight notbedoneatover-5. Leave 50mm
54、gap n two panels at ridge, it is preferable to bent the upward at 80” to form a flashing. The pressed steel panel to be projected 120mm gutter, bentdownward at10” toforma 6. Over-lap of flashing boardnotn100mm,with enough ndrolled spacing of s not n 50mm. Sealant to be done to over-lap 7. Atroofridg
55、eerfacen upper andlower span, flashing androofto be edby over-lap,lap notless200mm, insert roofclosurein.Wallpanel1. Wall panel to beinstalled priortoroofeavesgutterwith l e and 2. ing wallpaneltobeinstalledasperthegableoutsidecorner line, useand or pendantto fix the datum3. Screw to be fixed to the
56、 top and bottom end of the wall panel for temporary itioning, when a group (about 10) of panels laid and adjusted, fasten the screw tothewall 4. Mark ition of screw n wall panel and purlin, it should be even to purlin and beuniformly 5. Install the panel to be over-lapped in length direct from botto
57、m to top, the over-to be arranged at ition wall anel over-length is 100mm,out anel over-length is 120mm, sealant might not be needed 6. Inspection to be done by rooms for wall panel, use theodlite or hang the column center lineto survey the7. Gable panelsto bedifferentspertheroof pitch, thentoinstal
58、l it.endclosure to gable eaveflashing if8. Gable flashing to bedonestarted from eave uptothe ridge after theroofand panel installed. Outsideanel to bedown from bottomto top,rivetto beforthestowall panel,spacingasper thetechnical 9. Door and window flashing started from top to the two sides, use wall
59、 purlin or door/window frame for fixing. If it is to be connected to the pressed plate, use rivet for jo . Flashing at opening on wall, its top to be installed inside the wall bottom outside the wall panel. To fix the wall panel and flashing to the wall withself-10. s n flashings to be sealed with s
60、ilicone, and if wrong screw opened on thewall, itmust be. Fireproofing1. To fulfillthe highrequirementofappearance, andthe coating must beasper10. s n flashings to be sealed with silicone, and if wrong screw opened on thewall, itmust be. Fireproofing1. To fulfillthe highrequirementofappearance, andt
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