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1、管理学原理第四讲组织行为第1页,共98页,2022年,5月20日,16点52分,星期二个体行为团队行为层级组织行为任务完成与人力资本价值升值目标、任务第2页,共98页,2022年,5月20日,16点52分,星期二一个企业完成任务的基本行为方式包括哪些? 个体方式:职员被作为一个独立的个体来对待,工作任务、目标和报酬等以个体为导向。自我管理的团队方式:这种组织方式通常被定义为多个个体的集合,每一个成员与其他成员拥有一个共同的目标,每一个成员的报酬依赖于整个团队的经营业绩。层级组织的方式:某个人专职从事对其他成员的监督和协调工作。尽管大多数企业一般都采用一定形式的层级结构,但是在正式权威方面却有很

2、大的差异。 第3页,共98页,2022年,5月20日,16点52分,星期二三种完成任务的行为方式存在哪些差异?主要表现在:成员之间相互联系的程度和协调成本的大小。当任务不需要协调时,采用个体方式是比较适合的,例如设计工作;当协调变得非常必要的时候,团队方式就更合适一些。这样,每一个成员的产出可以直接受益于成员之间的频繁接触、技能互补和团队本身所产生的利益(例如成员之间的信息共享和共同价值观)。当按照团队方式很难对个体的产出进行监督和控制,当团队的规模达到到某种程度、协调的成本开始大大增加的时候,层级组织方式可能更为合适。 第4页,共98页,2022年,5月20日,16点52分,星期二第十四章:

3、个体行为 Individual Behavior1、态度Attitudes2、个性Personality 3、认知Perception 4、学习learning第5页,共98页,2022年,5月20日,16点52分,星期二Learning ObjectivesYou should learn to:Define the focus and goals of organizational behaviorDescribe the three components of an attitudeIdentify the role that consistency plays in attitudes

4、第6页,共98页,2022年,5月20日,16点52分,星期二Learning ObjectivesExplain the relationship between satisfaction and productivityTell how managers can use the Myers-Briggs personality type framework and the big-five model of personality第7页,共98页,2022年,5月20日,16点52分,星期二Learning Objectives (cont.)Define emotional intell

5、igenceDescribe attribution theory and its use in explaining individual behaviorIdentify the types of shortcuts managers use in judging othersExplain how managers can shape employee behavior第8页,共98页,2022年,5月20日,16点52分,星期二Why Look At Individual Behavior?Organizational Behavior (OB)concerned specifical

6、ly with the actions of people at workaddresses issues that are not obvious第9页,共98页,2022年,5月20日,16点52分,星期二The Organization as an Iceberg第10页,共98页,2022年,5月20日,16点52分,星期二Why Look At Individual Behavior (cont.)Focus of OBindividual behavior - attitudes, personality, perception, learning, and motivationg

7、roup behavior - norms, roles, team building, leadership, and conflictGoals of OBexplain, predict, and influence behaviormanagers success depends on getting things done through other people第11页,共98页,2022年,5月20日,16点52分,星期二Attitudes第12页,共98页,2022年,5月20日,16点52分,星期二Attitude Definition evaluative statemen

8、ts concerning objects, people, or eventsthree componentscognitive - beliefs, opinions, knowledge, or information held by a personaffective - emotion or feelingterm attitude usually refers to this componentbehavioral - intention to behave in a certain way toward someone or something第13页,共98页,2022年,5月

9、20日,16点52分,星期二Attitudes (cont.)Job-Related Attitudes job satisfaction - employees general attitude toward her/his jobjob involvement - degree to which an employee identifies with her/his jobdegree of active participation in the jobfeeling that job performance is important to self-worthorganizational

10、 commitment - employees loyalty to, identification with, and involvement in the organizationorganizational citizen behavior (OCB) - discretionary behavior that is not part of the formal job requirementspromotes effective functioning of the organization第14页,共98页,2022年,5月20日,16点52分,星期二Attitudes (cont.

11、)Attitudes and Consistencypeople seek consistency:among their attitudesbetween their attitudes and behaviorinconsistency gives rise to steps to achieve consistencyalter attitudes or behaviordevelop rationalization for the inconsistency第15页,共98页,2022年,5月20日,16点52分,星期二present employee with questions t

12、hat elicit how they feel about their jobs, work groups, supervisors, or the organizationattitude score is the sum of responses to individual itemsAttitude Surveys第16页,共98页,2022年,5月20日,16点52分,星期二Sample Attitude Survey第17页,共98页,2022年,5月20日,16点52分,星期二Implications for managersSatisfaction-Productivity C

13、ontroversytraditional belief was that happy workers were productive workersresearch evidence suggests that if satisfaction has a positive influence on productivity, it is smallcontingency factors have clarified the relationship between satisfaction and productivityeffect of environmental factors tha

14、t constrain employee behaviorresearch designs do not permit conclusions about cause and effect第18页,共98页,2022年,5月20日,16点52分,星期二态度的概念态度由三个部分组成:(1) 态度的认知成分由一个人所持有的信念、观点、知识或信息组成。(2) 态度的情感成分是态度中的情绪或感受部分。 (3) 态度的行为成分是指以某种方式对某人或某事做出反应的行为。第19页,共98页,2022年,5月20日,16点52分,星期二与工作相关的态度工作满意度(Job satisfaction)是人对其工作

15、的一般态度。 工作投入( Job involvement)是员工认可自己的工作,主动参与工作,认为工作绩效对自己的个人价值很重要的程度。(3) 组织承诺(Organizational Commitment)是员工对组织的忠诚性、认可程度及参与程度。第20页,共98页,2022年,5月20日,16点52分,星期二对管理者的意义有明显的证据表明,对于那些承诺和满意的员工来说,他们的离职率和缺勤率很低。同时,那种为了提高生产率而以员工快乐为目标的做法可能会误入歧途。第21页,共98页,2022年,5月20日,16点52分,星期二PersonalityPersonality is defined as

16、 a combination of psychological traits that classifies a person.(个性是个体的心理特质的综合)Predicting behavior from personality traits(根据个性特质预测行为)第22页,共98页,2022年,5月20日,16点52分,星期二PersonalityPredicting Behavior from Personality TraitsLocus of Controlinternals - believe that they control their own destinyexternals

17、 - believe their lives are controlled by outside forcesless satisfied and involved with their jobsmore alienated from the work settingMachiavellianism - people who are high on this trait:are pragmatic, maintain emotional distance, believe that ends can justify the meansare productive in jobs that re

18、quire bargaining and have high rewards for success第23页,共98页,2022年,5月20日,16点52分,星期二Predicting Behavior from Personality Traits (cont.)Self-Esteem - degree of liking for oneselfrelated to expectations for successhigh self-esteem individualswill take risks in job selectionmore satisfied with their jobs

19、low self-esteem individuals susceptible to social influenceSelf-Monitoring - ability to adjust ones behavior to situational factorshigh self-monitors can present striking contradictions between their public persona and their private selvesPersonality (cont.)第24页,共98页,2022年,5月20日,16点52分,星期二君王论在人类思想史上


21、君主国,运气和努力是必须的。第26页,共98页,2022年,5月20日,16点52分,星期二最有力的办法是征服者进驻;其次是征服者在一或二个关键要地把守。第27页,共98页,2022年,5月20日,16点52分,星期二同时,马基雅维里在君主论中说过,“君主易变而且健忘,他随时准备改变自己的立场,只要对他有利,君主必须做到不仁,并且根据需要选择仁和不仁”。马基雅维里将人性的弱点毫无保留地揭示出来,希望人们理性地对待和顺势管理。第28页,共98页,2022年,5月20日,16点52分,星期二Predicting Behavior from Personality Traits (cont.)Ris

22、k-Taking - affects time required to make a decisionhow much information is required before making a choicePersonality Types in Different Culturesa countrys culture can influence dominant personality characteristics of its peoplee.g., national cultures differ in the strength of locus of controlPerson

23、ality (cont.)第29页,共98页,2022年,5月20日,16点52分,星期二Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI)Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) - four dimensionssocial interaction: Extrovert or Introvertpreference for gathering data: Sensing or Intuitivepreference for decision making: Feeling or Thinkingstyle of making decisions

24、: Perceptive or Judgmental第30页,共98页,2022年,5月20日,16点52分,星期二Personality (cont.)Personality Traits (cont.)Big-Five Model of Personality - traits include degree of:extraversion - sociability, talkativeness, assertivenessagreeableness - good-natured, cooperative, trustingconscientiousness - responsibilit

25、y, dependability, persistence, and achievement orientationpredicts job performance in a number of jobsemotional stability - calmness, enthusiasm, securityopenness to experience - imaginativeness, artistic sensitivity, and intellectualismpredicts training competency第31页,共98页,2022年,5月20日,16点52分,星期二Emo

26、tional Intelligence (EI)self-awareness - aware of what youre feelingself-management - ability to manage ones emotionsself-motivation - persistence in the face of setbacksempathy - ability to sense how others are feelingsocial skills - ability to handle the emotions of othersPersonality (cont.)第32页,共

27、98页,2022年,5月20日,16点52分,星期二Implications for managersThe major value of a manager understanding personality differences probably lies in employee selection.第33页,共98页,2022年,5月20日,16点52分,星期二个性特质(Personality traits)控制点(Locus of Control)权威主义(Authoritarianism)马基雅维里主义(Machiaviellism)自尊(Self esteem)自我监控(Self

28、 monitoring)冒险型(Risk taking)第34页,共98页,2022年,5月20日,16点52分,星期二个性评估社会的相互作用 (性格外向或内向)对资料收集的偏好(感觉或直觉)Preference for gathering data(sensing or intuitive)对决策的偏好(感觉或思考)Preference for decision making(felling or thinking)决策的风格(敏锐的或倾向于做出判断的)Style of making decision(perceptive or judgmental)第35页,共98页,2022年,5月20

29、日,16点52分,星期二对管理者的意义管理者理解个性差异的主要价值可能在于选拔过程,管理者如果能在个性类型与职业的匹配性方面予以考虑,将会拥有更高绩效和更满意的员工。第36页,共98页,2022年,5月20日,16点52分,星期二PerceptionDefinitionprocess by which individuals give meaning to their environment by organizing and interpreting their sensory impressionsnone of us sees realitywe interpret what we se

30、e and call it reality第37页,共98页,2022年,5月20日,16点52分,星期二Factors That Influence Perceptionperceiver - individuals personal characteristics attitudes, personality, experience, expectationstarget - relationship of target to its background situation - time, location, light, color, and other environmental f

31、actors第38页,共98页,2022年,5月20日,16点52分,星期二Perception Challenges: What do you see?第39页,共98页,2022年,5月20日,16点52分,星期二Attribution Theoryused to explain how we judge people differently depending on what meaning we attribute to a given behaviordevelop explanations of why people behave in certain waysinternal e

32、xplanations - behavior under the control of the personexternal explanations - behavior the result of situational constraintse.g., chance, rules, custom第40页,共98页,2022年,5月20日,16点52分,星期二cause of behavior determined by:distinctiveness - whether person displays a behavior in many situations or whether it

33、 is particular to one situationless distinctiveness leads to internal attributionconsensus - behavior of others in same situationhigh consensus leads to external attributionconsistency - regularity with which person engages in the behaviorgreater consistency leads to internal attributionAttribution

34、Theory (cont.)第41页,共98页,2022年,5月20日,16点52分,星期二Attribution TheoryInternalExternalAttributionof CauseExternalInternalExternalInternalInterpretationLowHighLowHighLowHighDistinctivenessConsistencyConsensusObservationIndividualBehavior第42页,共98页,2022年,5月20日,16点52分,星期二errors and biases may distort attribut

35、ionsfundamental attribution error - tendency to explain behavior of others by:overestimating the influence of internal factorsunderestimating the influence of external factorsself-serving bias - personal success attributed to internal factorspersonal failure attributed to external factorsAttribution

36、 Theory (cont.)第43页,共98页,2022年,5月20日,16点52分,星期二Perception (cont.)Shortcuts Frequently Used in Judging Othersmake perceptual task easiercan be valuable or lead to errorsselectivity - portions of stimuli bombarding ones senses are selected based on interests, background, and attitudes of the perceiver

37、assumed similarity - “like me” effectperception of other based on perceived similaritiesstereotyping - base perceptions of an individual on ones impressions of the group to which s/he belongshalo effect - general impression about a person is forged on the basis of a single characteristic第44页,共98页,20

38、22年,5月20日,16点52分,星期二Implications for a managersManagers need to recognize that their employees react to perceptions,not reality.第45页,共98页,2022年,5月20日,16点52分,星期二影响认知的因素许多因素影响着认知的形成有时造成了知觉的失真,这些因素有:认知者或人的特点,包括态度,个性,动机,兴趣,经验和期望。 被认知的标的或客体:目的的特点以及目的同其背景的关系影响认知。 认知发生的情境(地点,光,热,颜色等)第46页,共98页,2022年,5月20日,1

39、6点52分,星期二判断行为原因依据三个因素 (1) 区别性是指在众多场合下都表现出这种行为还是仅在某一特定情境下表现这一行为。(2) 一致性是指每个人面对相似情境,对相同的行为都有相同的反应。(3)一贯性是指人的行为的持续一贯性。第47页,共98页,2022年,5月20日,16点52分,星期二导致归因失真的错误或偏见基本归因错误(Functional attribution error) 是指人们在评价他人行为时,低估外部因素的影响而高估内部因素的影响的倾向。自我服务偏见(Self-serving bias )是个体倾向把自己的成功归因为内部因素,而把失败归因于外部因素。第48页,共98页,2

40、022年,5月20日,16点52分,星期二评价他人行为时常走的捷径(1) 选择性接受(Selectivity)是指人们根据自己的兴趣、背景、态度和经验等对观察到的信息进行主动选择 的过程。(2) 假设相似性(Assumed similarity)是假定别人和我们类似 。 (3) 刻板印象(Stereotyping)是以个体所在的团体知觉为基础对个体的判断。 (4) 晕轮效应(Halo effect)是根据个体的某个特征而建立对总体的印象。第49页,共98页,2022年,5月20日,16点52分,星期二对管理者的意义管理者需要认识到,员工根据知觉而不是客观现实做出反应。 第50页,共98页,20

41、22年,5月20日,16点52分,星期二LearningDefinition any relatively permanent change in behavior that occurs as a result of experiencealmost all complex behavior is learnedOperant Conditioningargues that behavior is a function of its consequencesdescribes voluntary or learned behaviorreinforcement strengthens a b

42、ehavior and increases the likelihood that it will be repeatedpleasing consequences that follow a specific behavior increases the frequency of that behavior第51页,共98页,2022年,5月20日,16点52分,星期二Learning (cont.)Social Learninglearning by observing other people and direct experienceinfluence of model determi

43、ned by:attentional processes - must recognize and attend to critical features of the modelretention processes - must remember the models actionsmotor reproduction processes - performing actions observed in the modelreinforcement processes - positive incentives necessary to motivate performance of th

44、e models actions第52页,共98页,2022年,5月20日,16点52分,星期二Learning (cont.)Shaping: A Managerial Toolshape behavior by systematically reinforcing each successive step that moves the individual closer to the desired behaviorshaping accomplished by:positive reinforcement - desired response is followed by somethi

45、ng pleasantnegative reinforcement - desired response followed by eliminating or withdrawing something unpleasantpunishment - undesirable behavior followed by something unpleasantextinction - no rewards follow undesired response第53页,共98页,2022年,5月20日,16点52分,星期二Learning (cont.)Implications for Managers

46、manage employee learning by means of rewardspositive and negative reinforcement strengthen a desired behaviortend to increase its frequencypunishment and extinction weaken an undesired behaviortend to decrease its frequencymanagers should serve as modelsset examples of the desired behavior第54页,共98页,

47、2022年,5月20日,16点52分,星期二Implications for managersManagers can clearly benefit from understanding the learning process.Implications for individual: Individual learningIncremental learningAdaptive learningDevelopmental learning第55页,共98页,2022年,5月20日,16点52分,星期二社会学习理论 (SLT)社会学习理论认为,人们通过观察和直接经验进行学习。业已得到证实,榜

48、样的影响是社会学习的核心。人们发现四个过程决定了榜样对个体学习的影响(1) 注意过程(Attentional Process)(2) 保持过程(Retention process)(3) 动力复制过程(Motor re-production)(4) 强化过程(Reinforcement process)第56页,共98页,2022年,5月20日,16点52分,星期二四个过程(1) 注意过程: 只有当人们认识到榜样的重要特点时,彩绘想榜样学习。 (2) 保持过程:榜样的影响取决于个体对榜样活动的记忆程度,即使当榜样不再真正出现时。(3) 主动模仿过程:个体通过观察而能够执行榜样的活动。(4) 强

49、化过程:如果提供了积极的奖励,个体会被激励从事榜样的行为。第57页,共98页,2022年,5月20日,16点52分,星期二行为塑造行为塑造是系统的强化每一连续步骤而使个体越来越趋近理想反应。这是一个有用的管理工具。行为塑造有四种方法:(1)积极强化(Positive reinforcement);(2)消极强化( Negative reinforcement); (3)惩罚( Punishment); (4) 消除(Extinction).第58页,共98页,2022年,5月20日,16点52分,星期二行为塑造的四种方式(1) 积极强化是在一个行为发生后而出现的愉快的事情。(2) 消极强化是中

50、止或逃避不愉快事件的反应而获得奖励。(3) 惩罚指对不希望出现的行为的处罚。(4) 消除是指祛除任何维持行为的强化物的办法。第59页,共98页,2022年,5月20日,16点52分,星期二第十五章:组织和团队行为UNDERSTANDING GROUPS AND TEAMS第60页,共98页,2022年,5月20日,16点52分,星期二第61页,共98页,2022年,5月20日,16点52分,星期二Learning ObjectivesYou should learn to:Differentiate between formal and informal groupsDescribe the

51、five stages of group developmentIdentify how roles and norms influence an employees behavior第62页,共98页,2022年,5月20日,16点52分,星期二Learning ObjectivesYou should learn to:the key components in the group behavior modelIdentify the advantages and disadvantages of group decision making第63页,共98页,2022年,5月20日,16点

52、52分,星期二Learning Objectives (cont.)You should learn to:Explain the increased popularity of teams in organizationsDescribe the four most common types of teams in organizationsList the characteristics of effective teamsIdentify how managers can build trust第64页,共98页,2022年,5月20日,16点52分,星期二Understanding G

53、roup BehaviorGrouptwo or more interacting and interdependent individuals who come together to achieve particular goalsformal groups - established by the organizationhave designated work assignments and specific tasksdifferent types existinformal groups - occur naturally in the workplace in response

54、to the need for social contact第65页,共98页,2022年,5月20日,16点52分,星期二Examples of Formal Groups第66页,共98页,2022年,5月20日,16点52分,星期二Understanding Group Behavior (cont.)Stages of Group Developmentforming - people join the group either because of a work assignment or for some other benefitbegin to define the group

55、s purpose, structure, and leadershipstage marked by much uncertaintystorming - acceptance of the groups existenceconflict over who will control the groupnorming - relationships and a sense of group identity developgroup assimilates a common set of expectations of what defines correct member behavior

56、第67页,共98页,2022年,5月20日,16点52分,星期二Understanding Group Behavior (cont.)Stages of Group Development (cont.)performing - group structure is functional and acceptedgroup energy has moved to task performanceadjourning - group prepares to disbandattention devoted to wrapping up activitiesgroup does not nece

57、ssarily become more effective as it moves through the first four stagesgroup effectiveness is a complex issue that is affected by factors other than developmental stage第68页,共98页,2022年,5月20日,16点52分,星期二Stages Of Group DevelopmentPrestageStage IFormingStage IIStormingStage IIINormingStage VAdjourningSt

58、age IVPerforming第69页,共98页,2022年,5月20日,16点52分,星期二Understanding Group Behavior (cont.)Basic Group ConceptsRole - set of expected behavior patterns attributed to someone who occupies a given position in a social unitgroup members have particular rolesroles oriented towards task accomplishment or mainta

59、ining group member satisfactionindividuals play multiple rolesrole conflict - individual confronted by different role expectations第70页,共98页,2022年,5月20日,16点52分,星期二Understanding Group Behavior (cont.)Basic Group Concepts (cont.)Norms - acceptable standards or expectations that are shared by the groups

60、 memberseach group has:its own unique set of normscommon norms related to levels of effort and performanceexert powerful influence on performanceConformity - acceptance by group makes some members susceptible to conformity pressuresgroup norms push members toward conformityresults in alignment of op


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