



1、Affricates: /t/ /d/ Teachinggoals: 教学目Leadstudentsto understandthe definitionofaffricates andthe namesandthe ans Lead the students to know the characteristics of erms of the ofarticulation,theplaceAffricates: /t/ /d/ Teachinggoals: 教学目Leadstudentsto understandthe definitionofaffricates andthe namesa

2、ndthe ans Lead the students to know the characteristics of erms of the ofarticulation,theplaceofarticulationandtheforceofarticulation. Helpstudentsdifferentiateaffricatesfromfricativesounds/and/Help students acquire correct tion of affricates (T sets good detect and help ss correct whatever mistakes

3、 they may have; then ss do repetition work chorally and individually, in groups and in pairs).Teaching philosophy and methods: 教学理念与教学The teaching s is based on the “student-oriented” philosophy. The method is a student-centered comprehensive method, namely the teaching instructed by s, assisted by

4、explanations, demonstrations from the teacher the -recorderpaniedandreinforcedbyagreatdealof Gamesandactivities: 课堂活Thefollowing gamesand activitiesare tobe usedin chapter Jazz chant After-class assignments: 课后练1. Ssmemorizethewords,phrases,tongue twistersthey have lesson(Twillhavea henext2.Makeand/

5、oradvertisingsloganscontainingthe3.SinganEnglishions: 教学Studentsareassignedtofindthedefinitionofaffricatesandknowthenames oftheansStudents are assigned to listen to and imie the t teacher before hand.smended by Studentsareexpectedtobe veryactiveandattentivein Students should finish on time the after

6、-class assignments including listening and ing mended s and reading aloud the words, , tongue twisters, chants/rhymes, Studentsareexpectedtobe veryactiveandattentivein Students should finish on time the after-class assignments including listening and ing mended s and reading aloud the words, , tongu

7、e twisters, chants/rhymes, singing songs etc. assigned by the Time arrangement (total: 1 Affricates 破擦教学重点:破擦音的发音方法及特点,即先未能完而产生摩擦形成,音兼.Warming-upexercise Goover theplosives/t/& /d/,andthe fricatives/ & 音/t/ & /d/和摩擦音/ & /Ask students to read the following phrases in falling tone and rising tone, pay

8、 attention to the words containing /t/ & /d/ sounds.talkbig/abadtaste/tidyup/tailor-made out of date / from dawn to duskdayin anddayout / dogheshade/asharp-sightedshallow-headedmen/havenoshame take no measures / the Treasuryadopteffectivemeasures/atonesroduction 破擦音的定义Tthe definition of erms of the

9、manner, place and force of shows Ss the diagrams of the ans, Ss are required to locate the involved in pronouncing affricates. 2. T respectively the two affricates loudly and slowly, Ss listen closely and quietly for the correct chorally&then tion. 3. Ss e Affricates occur when a complete closure is

10、 made he and the soft palate is raised. Air re increases behind the closure, and ninplosives. (见课件破擦音的定义thenreleasedmore. Characteristics 破擦音的发音特点(3m) (见课件/d/ Palato-alveolar sounds. The tongue tip, blade and rims close against the alveolar ridge and side teeth. The front of the tongue is raised, an

11、d when the air is released, there is audible friction. The soft palate is also raised. /t /. Characteristics 破擦音的发音特点(3m) (见课件/d/ Palato-alveolar sounds. The tongue tip, blade and rims close against the alveolar ridge and side teeth. The front of the tongue is raised, and when the air is released, t

12、here is audible friction. The soft palate is also raised. /t / is unvoiced fortis/strong. /d/ isvoiced and lenis/weak./d/is devoicedofa PracticeWords Individual ss read the , T detect whatever trouble they have and give immediate help, then ss may do repetition work chorally and individually, in gro

13、ups and in (见课件单词练习chat/charm/ cheer/cheque /cheap /cheat /nature/ jolly/juice/jam /judge/ change/larger/Phrases短语Tmayusethesameteachingmethodsasthoseforthewords. (见课件短语练习have a chat / a cheque / the chief editor / a charming young lady / a ofnature / cherishit/ rise to jumpatthechance/joinhandswith

14、/stewinonesownaplainJane/a venture/makeasound句子Twrites the on the nderline and read aloud the words sounds; T helps ss correct whatever mistakes they may have; T guides ss tress; practice and build up the locate each tep by slowlythenincreasethetempogradually. (见课件句子练习/t/ Dont be fooled. She is no T

15、hereisnothingtochoosenShehas nochoice buttoslowlythenincreasethetempogradually. (见课件句子练习/t/ Dont be fooled. She is no ThereisnothingtochoosenShehas nochoice buttoquit the Theyarechewingthefattocheatthe/d/Shehasdoneajollygood YoumustbeIfyouhurthershewillbearyouagrudge. Id like to have some orange jui

16、ce.Tongue twisters 绕口令 T writes the tongue twisters on the nderline and read aloud the sounds; T helps ss correct whatever mistakes they may have; containing practice and build the tongue twisters step by read slowly, then increase tempo gradually; T may encourage ss to create some advertising t sou

17、nds. (见课件绕口令练习Chuckcheap chocolateTryGerryscharmingGermancherryJanesdrainboarddrainjustdrainedJanesJazz chants节奏训练Tplaystherecord,sslistencarefullyandquietlytotheandgetthemainsslistenagainandunderlinethewordscontainingT invites individual ss to read aloud the words containing correctwhatevermistakes

18、theymaysounds and sslistentotheandineafterssreadafterTlineafter Treadstwolinesineachstanza,ssreadthelasttwoina group of ss read two lines in each stanza, the other ss read the last two in individual ss read two lines in each stanza, a group of ss or all the other ss read individual ss read two lines in each


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