1、 PAGE PAGE 25Lesson1what does international business refer to?Please tell the differencebetweeninternationalbusinessanddomesticbusiness.?International business refer to transaction betweenparties from different business across the borders of different customs areasofthecountryisalsoregardedasimporta
2、ndexport,suchas business between Hongkong and Taiwan. International business takesplacebetweencountrieswhiledomesticbusinesstakesplacein the samecountry.Please explain the differences between visible trade and invisible trade. which is becoming more and more important and accountsforanincreasingprop
3、ortionininternationaltrade?Visibletraderefertothefromofcommoditytrade,.exporting andimportinggoodsproducedormanufacturedinonecountryfor consumptionormanufacturedinonecountryforconsumptionor resaleinanother.Invisibletradereferstothekindoftradeinthe form of transportation, communication, banking insur
4、ance , consulting, information etc. The latter is becoming moreandmore important and accounts for an increasing proportionininternational trade.Canyoucitesomeexamplestoillustrateculturaldifferences in internationalbusiness?Yes,I can. In business activities, Americans are more informal than Europeans
5、. Americans are pleased to be called their first names to close the relationship. Europeans will think it impolite to be called the first names, especially the first time they meet.Please elaborate on the two categories of international investment.Whatistheirmajordifference?International investment
6、can be classified into categories,that is ,foreign direct investment(FDI) andportfolio investment.ThemajordifferencebetweenthemisthatFDIismade forreturnsthroughcontrollingtheenterprisesorassetsinvestedin a host country. Portfolio investment refers to purchases offoreign financialassetsforapurposeoth
7、erthancontrolling.Whatislicensing?Whydofirmssometimeschooseitasmeans of entering a foreignmarket?In licensing, a firm leases the right to use its intellectual property to a firm in another country. Firms choose licensing becausetheydonothavetomakecashpaymentstostartbusiness, andcansimplyreceiveincom
8、eintheformofroyalty.Beside,they canbenefitfromlocationaladvantagesofforeignoperationwithout any obligations in ownership ormanagement.What is franchising? How is different from licensing? Franchising can be regarded as a special form of licensing.Under franchising, a firm, called the franchisee, is
9、allowed to operate the franchiser who provides the former with trademarks. brand names, logos, and operating techniques for royalty. In comparison with the relation between the licenser and the licensee,thefranchiserhasmorecontroloverandprovidesmore support for the franchisee.whatismanagementcontrac
10、t?Underwhatconditionsisitmost applicable?Under a management contract, one company offersmanagerial orotherspecializedservicestoanotherwithinaparticularperiod foraflatpaymentorapercentageoftherelevantbusinessvolume. Whenagovernmentforbidsforeignownershipincertainindustries, it is most applicable.what
11、isaninternationalturnkeyproject?Inwhatwayisits variant BOT from it ?Foraninternationalturnkeyproject,afirmsignsacontractwitha foreign purchaser and undertakes all the designing, contracting and facilityequippingbeforehandingitovertothelatteruponcompletion. For BOT,B stands for build, O for operate a
12、nd T for transfer. BOT is a popular variant of the turkey project. For a BOT project,a firm operateafacilityforaperiodoftimeafterbuildingitupbeforefinally transferringittoaforeigncompany.Makingprofitfromoperatingtheproject for a period is the major difference between BOT and the common turnkey proje
13、ct.Lesson2Explain the concepts of GNP and GDP respectivelyand pointouttheirmajor weusetheminterchangeably?GNPandGDParetwoimportantconceptsusedtoindicatea countrys total income. GNP refers to the market value of goods and services produced by the property and labor owned by the residents of an econom
14、y. GDP measures the market value of all goods and services produced within the geographic area of an economy.ThemajordifferencebetweenGNPandGDPisthatthe formerfocussonownershipofthefactorsofproductionwhichthe latterconcentratesontheplacewhereproductiontakesplace.what are meant by high income,middle
15、income,and low incomecountriesaccordingtotheWorldBank?Citesomeexamples for each group.High income countries refer to those with annual per capita income of $9,386 and above , . the united states . Middle income countries refer to those with annual per capita income of below$9,386butabove$765,.Greece
16、.Lowincomecountriesreferto those with annual per capita income of only $765 or below , African countries.Why are high income countries important to trade and investment?Shouldweneglectlowincomecountriesininternational business?Because highincome countries often have good infrastructure, high purchas
17、ing power, advanced technology, efficient management , and favorable environment for trade and investment .They offer prime markets for expensive consumer goodsandbothattractiveaourcesanddestinationsofinvestment. Butlowerincomecountriesshouldnotbeneglectedininternational business activities , becaus
18、e they constitutle markets for lowerpricedstaplegoods,providecheaplaborandareoftenrich inresources.Besides,marketissomethingtobedeveloped.In what different ways are GDP and per capita income significantinassessingthepotentialofaparticularmarket?TotalGDPindicatestheoverallsizeofaneconomy,whichis impo
19、rtant in market assessment for durable equipment or bulk goodssuchasgrain,steel,orcement.PercapitaGDPrevealsthe average income level of consumers, which is important when marketing consumerdurables.Was china a lowincome country a few years ago? How about now ?Chinawasalowincomecountryafewyearsago,bu
20、tnowamiddleincome country.What does the m”Triad”refer o ?what is meant Quad?Triad refers to the three richest regions of the world ,the United States ,the European Union and Japan that offer the most important business opportunities. Quad extends the scope of Triad to include Canada.Howmuchdoyouknow
21、aboutOECD?Pleasemakeabrief account.OECD stands for Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development . An organization that acts as a meeting ground for 30 countries which believe strongly in the free market system .The OECD provides a forum for discussing issues and reaching agreements ,some of
22、 which are legally binding.What is the best policy for China to develop business opportunities?Thebestpolicyforchinatodevelopbusinessopportunitiesisthat weshouldpayparticularattentiontothemarketsaroundthefour tigers,theASEANcountries,Russia,India,andabitfartheraway Australia,atthesametiem,do notnegl
23、ectothermarkets.Itisnota good idea to tie ones business to only a few markets.Lesson3what is free trade area?Make a brief account of themost notable free trade area in theworld.In the free trade area, members remove barriers to the flow of goods and services among themselves while eachInwhatwayisacu
24、stomsuniondifferentfromafreetradearea?Whatarethecharacteristicsofacommonmarket?Whichorganization remained a common market for some years in the past?How much do you know about an economic union? Can members of an economic union keep all of their nationalsoveignty?Makeabriefaccountoftheoriginanddevel
25、opmentoftheEU.WhatisthemostpowerfulinstitutionoftheEU?Whatisthe executive body of the EU?How does it operate?Explain briefly the five layer organizational structure of AsiaPacific Economic Cooperation.WhatarethetenetandobjectivesofAPEC?Whatismeant by its twowheels?WhatarethenatureandobjectivesofOPEC
26、? Lesson4What are the basic feature and major role of economicglobalization?Mention some of the pros and cons of economic is the right attitude towards it?What is the formal definition of a multinational enterprise?How can you tell whether a multinational corporation is a parent or just an affiliate
27、?DescribebrieflythecharacteristicsofMNEs.What is the commonly recognized recognized objective ofMNEs.Why is seurity so important toMNEs?Do you think “wide geographical spread”of MNEs play a veryimportantroleinthedevelopmentoftheirbusiness?Why?What is the relationship between MNEs and their host coun
28、tries?Whatarethefourtypesofenterprises?Describe each of thermbriefly.Are there many world companies at present?Imagine theirfutureroleincompleteglobalization?Lesson5Howwouldyoudefineinternationaltrade?Why did international trade firstbegin?What is the new incentive for trade that arose withthedevelo
29、pment of manufacturing and technology?Accordingtothetheoryofabsoluteadvantage,tradeoccurs onlywhenacountryhasanabsoluteadvantageover thatalways true?Who introduced the theory of comparative advantage? Which theory makes more sense,absolute advantage or comparative advantage?Explain briefly why trade
30、 to exploit comparative advantage promotes efficiency among countries.IS comparative advantage somethingstagic?Is it purely decidedbytheendowmentsofnature?Giveexamplestoshowthe development of comparative advantage by certaincountries.Lesson6Are there other bases for trade when there are no differenc
31、es among countries in production conditions?Mention some of the bases.What is economy of scale? What is the relation between economy of scale andtrade?Whatdoesthetheoryofinternationalspecializationseekto answer?Willcompletespecializationoccurinreality?Why?Whatistariffbarriers?Whatisacustomsareaandwh
32、atisacustoms union?Whatismostfavourednationtreatment?Isitaveryspecial treatment ? Why?What is the most common form of non-tariff barriers? Explain it in a fewwords.whatarethedifferencesbetweenvisibletradeandinvisibletrade?Give a few examples of invisible trade. briefly the different kinds of tariffs
33、.Lesson7Whatsortofriskscanarisewhengoodsarebeingmoved fromoneplacetoanother?Ifrisksdooccur,whatconsequences would they bringabout?Whyisitnecessarytohaveincoterms?Andwhatispurposeofmakingamendmentsandadditionstoincoterms?Do you know anything about container transport ?Is it a revolutionary innovation
34、 in transportation techniques? Give your reasons.Can you explain the world “negotiable”in the phrase “negotiable transport document”?whatarethefourdifferentcategoriesoftermsinincomes 2000?whatarethefourdifferentcategoriesofterminincoterms2000?howdoyouunderstandthefirstsentenceofparagraph 6?Trytoputi
35、tintoChineseandthenparaphraseitinEnglish.why should the compilers of Incoterms 2000 take the troubletosetforthindetailthedivisionofdutises,taxes,costsand charges bothsellersandbuyers,assomeofthermareirrelevantto either the seller or thebuyer?ExplainbrieflythetermFOB,CFRandCIF.In what areas are subst
36、antive changes made with Incomterms 2000?Lesson8whatisacontract?whatmayhappenifacontractingparty fails to fulfill his obligations?Mention the two types of business negotiations,andgive examples of each.Isaninquirybindingontheinquirer?Whatisinquiry,andwhatinformationshouldbegiveninit?Whatisafirmoffer
37、?Whatcontentsshouldbeincludedina firm offer?Isacounterofferanacceptanceorarefusaloftheoriginal offer?Whathappenstotheofferonceacounterofferismade?Isawrittencontractamustinternationallyfortheconclusionofatransaction?whatisthecaseinchina?Whatarethe functions of a writtencontract?what is the difference
38、 between a sales contract and purchase contract,andbetweenacontractandaconfirmation?Givememajoritemsofthecontractproper.Arethestipulationsonthebackofthecontractconstituentparts?Aretheybindingonthecontractingparties?Lesson9what is counter trade ?why has it attracted so much attention?hwodidcountertra
39、deoriginate?Andwhatwasthenature of early counter trade?whayshouldBritainusebilateralclearingarrangementsatter world war 2?whatarethemainfeaturesofthecurrentcountertrade?Can yousummarizethecategoriesbrieflyundercountertrade?whatarethemajordifferencesbetweencounterpurchase and buyback?whatismeantbybun
40、dling?Whatistheoppositewayofdoing business?since bunding is not an efficient way of getting business done,why should a significant part of the international trade ofgoods as well as services still be bundled?whataretheadvantagesanddisadvantagesofcountertrade?whatarethebasicconditionsforcountertradet
41、oexist?what are the other modes of trade mentioned in next?Lesson10why is it difficult to effect payment in a straight forware manner in internationaltrade?mentionsomeroftheriskstheexporterandtheimporter may face in trade.explainbrieflythefollowingmethodsofpayment:cashin advance;openaccount;consignm
42、enttransactions.what is a draft?Does it have another name? what arethe relevant parties in relation to a draft?what is the difference between a sight draft and a usance draft and what is the difference between a clean draft and a documentary draft ?whatisdocumentsagainstpayment?WhatareD/Patslight an
43、dD/Paftersight?Whichismorefavourablefortheexporter? Whendoestheimportergettheshippingdocumentsinthecaseof D/P aftersight?what is the different between D/A and D/P after sight?Which is safter for the exporter?Is payment by collection very common in internationaltrade? Mention some cases when collecti
44、on isused.Lesson11what constitutes conflicting problems for internationaltradein respect of payment ? why?whatistheuniquefeatureoftheletterofcredit?Howdoes itoffersecuritytothebuyerandtheseller?whenwasthemodernletterorcreditintroducedandwhen didithavesubstantialdevelopment?whataretheothernamesof the
45、 letter of credit ?Explain briefly the following terms: ; principal ; bank ; issuing bank ; establishing bank ; C benefically; bank ; E. confirming bank.whydoestheexportersometimesrequireaconfirmedletter of credit?whousuallyaddsconfirmationtothecredit?whatarethemainconterntsofaletterofcredit?Mention
46、 at least 10 items.what are the banks concerned with in credit operations? Does a credit guarantee that the goods invoiced are those purchased ?In case of problems with the quality or quantity of goods, who shall the buyer contact so long as the documents comply with the terms and conditions of the
47、credit?Lesson12Explain the difference between clean credit and documentarycredit.whereistheformergenerallyused?what is an irrevocable letter of credit ? If a credit is not specified as revocable or irrevocable ,what type should it be regarded ?By whom is confirmation undertaken in the case of a conf
48、irmed letter ofcredit?Since a confirmed credit provides the greatest degree of securitytothebeneficiary,itshouldbeusedforalltransactions.Is this statement right ?why?what is the advantage of a sight letter of credit tobeneficiary?whatdoesthebeneficiarydointhecaseof ausancecredit ofhewishestogetpayme
49、ntbeforethematurityofthedraft?howmanytimesandtohowmanypartiescanacreditbe transferred.?inwhatsituationisarevolvingletterofcreditmostuseful?Can the letter of credit provide absolute security for the contractingparties?Whatlossesmaythesellerorthebuyerstillsustain?what is a non- draft credit? How many
50、types can it be classified into?Lesson13whatarethepossibleconsequencesofdocumentation?whatfactorsdecidethetypesofdocumentsrequiredforaparticular transaction?what is commercial invoice? What is relation between the commercialinvoiceandotherdocuments?Mentionsomeofmajorcontentstobeincludedinacommercial
51、invoice.Mention2typesofshippingdocumentsthataresimilarin functiontothepackinglist.Whatisthedifferencebetweenthem and the packing list.whatarethe3majorfunctionsofthebilloflading?define the meeting of “the consignee”. Who is possilbly tobetheconsigneeinabilloflading?what is a clean on board bill of la
52、ding? Is a foul (not clean)bill of lading acceptable?Givethenamesofcounterpartsoftheoceanbilloflading inthecaseofairtransportationandrailwaytransportation.Inwhatcurrencyshouldthegoodsbeinsured?Whereareinsurance claims to be settled?Isitacceptableforthedateoftheinsurancedocumentto be later than the d
53、ate of the bill of lading? Why?Lesson14do you agree that a society without an advanced transportationsystemwouldremainprimitive?Canyougiveone example?whatarethemajormodesofthemoderntransportation system?what is “contract carriers”?whatisthemostimportantcontributionoftansportationto the society ?what
54、 is the difference between domestic transportation and internationaltransportationmentionedinthetext?whatarethefactorsthatdeterminetheamountdocumentationrequired?whatarethemajorreasonsforthetrendamongbusiness firmstoprovidetheirowntransportationcapability?canyousummarizebrieflythefactorsthathavecaus
55、edthe changes in the ransportationindustry?what is the meaning of transportation deregulation? Give oneoftheresultsofthederegulation.The globalization of business has not only made transportation more important but also promoted the development ofthisindustry.Doyouagreetotheabovestatement?Couldyou g
56、ivesomeexamplestoillustratetheviewpoint?Lesson15whatismeanty“potentialloss”inthe paragraph?withoutinsurancewhatkindofuncertaintymayexperienced by an individual or anenterprise?“There will be some variation in claim costs from year to yearandthepremiumsincludeasmallmargintobuildupareserve upon which
57、the company can draw in bad years .”Paraphrase the above sentence and explain especially the implication of “bad years”.what are the functions ofinsurance?whatistransportationinsurance?whyisitsoimportant?Do you think it is necessary to change the term ”insurance “into transportation insurance:”? why
58、 and why not?why do businessmen like to pay a premium into an insurance pool even though trade did exist when there was no methodofinsuranceavailableinthepast?Explain the underlined expression in e sentence “does not want to scoop the pool” Lesson16what are the basic principles of insurance that fir
59、ms must follow when they seek cover forgoods?Can you give someexamples to illustrate interest”?how important is insurableinterest?what is the most important fact about “utmost good faith”?how are cargo policies usually calculated for values to be covered?can you briefly describesubrogation?willthein
60、surercompensatetheclaimforlossforwhichthe risk covered is not the proximatecause?Lesson17Explain briefly the meaning of the gold standard? What kindofexchangeratesystemdiditcreate?HowmuchcanyoutellabouttheBrettonConference? What is meant by “adjustable peg “?whatistheSpecialDrawingRight?Howwasitcrea
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