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1、1390国开电大本科人文英语4历年期末考试试题及答案汇编(分学期版)2021年7月试题及答案一、交际用语(共计10分,每小题2分)1-5题:阅读下面的小对话,选择恰当的答语。Do you think I can borrow your bike for a few hours?I* m sorry, but I really need it this afternoonI don* t think soT am afraid you can答案AExcuse me, could you tell the time?You* d better buy a watch.Can you see th

2、e clock?It* s three thirty by my watch.答案CWould you like a tea?Yes, pleaseI like green teaYes 1 prefer coffee答案AHow long wi 11 you be away from Italy?Yes r 11 be in ItalyAbout a monthYes, it* s along way to Italy答案BHave you ever been to Tokyo?No I didn, t go there last yearNo, but I hope to go there

3、 next yearTokyo is a busy city答案B附:你觉得我可以借你的自行车几个小时吗?对不起,我今天下午真的需要我不这么认为恐怕你可以答案A对不起,你能告诉时间吗?你最好买一块手表。你能看到时钟吗?我的表已经三点三十分了。答案c一要喝茶吗? 是的,请我喜欢绿茶是的,我更喜欢咖啡答案A一你会离开意大利多久? 是的,我会在意大利大约一个月是的,在去意大利的路上答案B一你去过东京吗? 不,我去年没去那里没有,但我希望明年去那里东京是一个繁忙的城市答案B二、词汇与结构(共计30分,每小题2分)6-20题:阅读下面的句子,从A、B、C三个选项中选出一个能填入空白处的最佳选项。All

4、students are required to translate this poem English into Chinese.withfromon答案BBy the year 2020, Chinas population probably 1. 4 bi 1lion.will be reachingare reachingwill have reached答案CThere* s lots of fruit the tree. Our little cat is also in the tree.inaton答案C9.Its high time that he settled down

5、in the country and a new life.startstartedstarting答案B10.He didn,t pass the exam this time his headache.thanks forbecause ofbecause答案B11. Living the countrylife helps ussome of the simpler things.11. Living the countrylife helps ussome of the simpler things.appreciateappreciatingappreciated答案AThe pro

6、ductivity economic growth.dwellsfostersconsiders答案BTim speaks Italian Chinese and German.as wellas wel 1 asso wel 1 as答案BThe old houses are being pulled down to a new office block.make room formake use oftake the place of答案AYou have been to Beijing for many times, and you been to the Great wall.must

7、 haveshould havecould have答案AThe red flower goes from one to in the class.the otherothersanother答案CIt is not until you have lost your health you know its value.untilwhenthat答案CThe computer system suddenly while he was searching for information on the Internet.broke downbroke outbroke up答案AIt was get

8、ting , he had to stop to have a rest.very darkerdark and darkdarker and darker答案CTwo days is not enough for him to finish the work. He needs day. otherthe othera third答案C三、阅读理解(共计40分,每小题4分)21-25题:阅读下列短文,从A、B、C三个选项中选出一个正确答案。Liu Hui interviews Dr. Smith about the issue of educational inequality.Liu Hu

9、i: Thank you, Dr. Smith, for agreeing to be interviewed by our Campus News Weekly. First, what do you mean by educational inequality?Dr. Smith: Educational inequality is the disparity that certain students experience in their education as compared to other students.But the meaning of it varies in di

10、fferent social contexts.Liu Hui: Why does it exist in modern society?Dr. Smith: Well researchers link educational inequality to socioeconomic racial and geographic reasons.Liu Hui: So it is very likely that educational inequality exists in different forms in different countries.Dr. Smith: Yeah you a

11、re right.For example, in the United States, although skin color is linked to other forms of inequality, it is evident in education.Liu Hui: Educational inequality exists in China, too. For example, the college entrance rate is much higher in Beijing than in other provinces. How do you think can we s

12、omeday eradicate the inequality?Dr. Smith: Its impossible to answer such a big question in few words. Educational inequality has become one of the most important political and social issues in every nation nowadays. There have been numerous attempts at reforms and The researchers link educational in

13、equality to .socioeconomic racial and educational reasonsracial, economic and geographic reasonsracial socioeconomic and geographic reasons答案CAce or ding to the passage .in the United States, skin color is linked to other forms of inequality, bu: not in educationin the United States, skin color is o

14、nly 1 inked to the form of inequality in educationin the United States, skin color is linked to the inequality in education答案CEducational inequality exists in .China onlymany countriesall the countries答案CWhat does the underlined word *eradicatew mean in the passage?get rid ofcope withcarryout答案AWhat

15、s the attitude of Dr. Smith to the future of education equality?reservedpositivepessimistic答案B附:刘辉就教育不平等问题釆访Dr. Smitho 刘辉:谢谢史密斯博士同意接受我们校园新闻周刊的釆访。首先,您所说的教育不平等是什么意思? Dr. Smith:教育不平等是指某些学生在教育中与其他学生相比所经历的差距。但它的含义在不同的社会 背景下有所不同。刘辉:为什么会存在于现代社会? 史密斯博士:嗯,研究人员将教育不平等与社会经济、种族和地理原因联系起来。 刘辉:所以教育不平等很可能在不同国家以不同的形式

16、存在。Dr. Smith:是的,你是对的。例如,在美国,虽然肤色与其他形式的不平等有关,但在教育中很明显。 刘辉:中国也存在教育不平等。比如北京的大学入学率比其他省份高很多。你认为我们有朝一日怎样才 能消除这种不平等?Dr. Smith:这么大的问题不可能用几句话来回答。教育不平等已经成为当今每个国家最重要的政治和社 会问题之一。已经进行了无数次改革尝试和研究人员将教育不平等与 联系起来。社会经济、种族和教育原因种族、经济和地理原因种族、社会经济和地理原因答案CAce 或 ding 段落, 。在美国,肤色与其他形式的不平等有关,但与教育无关在美国,肤色只与教育不平等的形式有关在美国,肤色与教育

17、不平等有关答案C教育不平等存在于 。仅限中国许多国家所有国家答案C文中划线的“根除是什么意思?摆脱应付执行答案ADr. Smith对未来教育平等的态度是什么?保留阳性悲观的答案B26-30题:请根据短文内容判断给出的语句是否正确,正确的写,错误的写“F”。Passage 2All communication begins with the sender and ends with the receiver. The sender is responsible for successful conveyance. The senders personality , beliefs , cultu

18、ral and educational background all influence the message and it is important for the sender to be aware of this as he or she is encoding the message. Simply put encoding is translating information into symbols that represent the ideas or concepts of the message that needs sending.These symbols are u

19、sually words in written or spoken form. To ensure successful communication, the sender should know as much about his or her audience-the receiveras possible in order to focus and support the encoding process.In addition to this awareness of self and encoding, the sender must choose the proper channe

20、l for conveying the message. Using the wrong channel may result in miscommunication. Like the sender, receivers are influenced by internal factors: theirpersonality , their receptivity to the message or their relationship to the sender. Additionally, their current feelings mood, or state of mind can

21、 affect a message. Once the message moves through the channel, the receiver then decodes it. The receiver uses his or her own experience and the context of the message to interpret its meaning.Feedback is the return message from the receiver to the sender. It is feedback that enables the sender to k

22、now whether the message was received successfully or not. Therefore it is essential to the communication process.This process though very common, is fraught with potential breakdown at every turn. Spoken or written language is inherently easy to misinterpret. In conclusion, effective and successful

23、Communication takes place when the message is successfully received and the receiver provides the sender with desirable feedback.The sender* s gender also influences the message.答案FEncoding is a process that translating information into symbols which serve as the ideas or concepts of the message tha

24、t will be sent later.答案TThese symbols are usually words and sentences in written form.答案FChannel is not crucial for conveying the message.答案FFeed backs enable the sender to know whether the receiver has received the message successfully or not.答案T附:所有的沟通都始于发送者,结束于接收者。发送者负责成功传达。发送者的个性、信仰、文化和教 育背景都会影响

25、信息,发送者必须意识到这一点,因为他或她就是对信息进行编码。简单地说,编码就 是将信息翻译成代表需要发送的信息的思想或概念的符号。这些符号通常是书面或匚头形式的文字。为 了确保成功的沟通,发送者应该尽可能多地了解他或她的听众接收者一一尽可能集中注意力并支持 编码过程。除了这种自我意识和编码意识外,发送者必须选择正确的渠道来传达信息。使任错误的渠道可能会 导致沟通不畅。与发送者一样,接收者也受到内部因素的影响:他们的个性,他们对信息的接受程度或 他们与发送者的关系。此外,他们当前的感受、情绪或精神状态会影响信息。一旦信息通过渠道,接收 者就会对其进行解码。接收者使用他的或她自己的经验和信息的上下

26、文来解释其含义。反馈是接收者返回给发送者的信息,是让发送者知道信息是否接收成功的反馈,因此对于沟通过程 至关重要。这个过程虽然很常见,但处处都充满了潜在的故障。口语或书面语言本质上很容易被误解。总之, 有效和成功的沟通发生在消息被成功接收并且接收者向发送者提供理想的反馈时。发送者的性别也会影响信息。答案F编码是将信息转换为符号的过程,这些符号作为稍后将要发送的消息的想法或概念。答案T这些符号通常是书面形式的单词和句子。答案F渠道对于传达信息并不重要。答案F反馈让发送者知道接收者是否成功接收到消息。答案T四、写作(共计20分)根据要求完成作文。以“The Importance of Effect

27、ive Communicationw (有效交流的重要性)为题写一篇短文,字数 不少于100词。具体要求如下;什么是有效的交流;有效交流为什么重要;如何提高有效交流。参考答案:The Importance of Effective CommunicationEffective Communication refers to the effective process of conveying ideas, expressing attitudes, exchanging emotions, and exchanging intelligence as well as information b

28、etween people.Along with the increasing development of the economy and complexity of interpersonal relation, effective communication plays a progressively crucial role in our daily life. Firstly, effective communication serves as a powerful engine promoting mutual understanding between people, thus

29、efficiently resolving the contradictions. Whats more, considering that more and more work needs to be completed, effective communication can close the distance among people, which tends to make people work together. Moreover, effective communication is also an important manifestation of buiIding a h

30、armonious modern society.So crucial is effective communication that its high time that we learnt to communicate effectively with others in this competitive society. First, peoples awareness of effective communication must be heightened through education and publicity.Then, for us citizens, we should

31、 take an active part in social activities rather than waste time on mobile phones. Only through the efforts of everyone, can we avoid ineffective communication and embrace a harmonious modern society.附:有效沟通的重要性有效沟通是指人与人之间传递思想、表达态度、交换情感、交换智力和信息的有效过程。随着经济的日益发展和人际关系的复杂化,有效的沟通在我们的日常生活中发挥着越来越重要的作 用。首先,有效

32、的沟通是促进人与人之间相互了解、有效化解矛盾的强大引擎。更重要的是,考虑到需 要完成的工作越来越多,有效的沟通可以拉近人与人之间的距离,从而使人们一起工作。而且,有效的 沟通也是构建和谐现代社会的重要体现。有效沟通至关重要,在这个竞争激烈的社会中,我们是时候学会与他人进行有效沟通了。首先,必 须通过教育和宣传来提高人们的有效沟通意识。然后,作为我们公民,我们应该积极参与社交活动,而 不是把时间浪费在手机上。只有通过大家的努力,才能避免无效的沟通,拥抱和谐的现代社会。2021年1月试题及答案一、交际用语(共计10分,每小题2分)1-5题:阅读下面的小对话,选择恰当的答语,并将正确答案选项填写在答

33、题纸上。Thanks for your tips.No, thanks.Its my pleasure.Yes please.答案BHi, Molly, are you free this afternoon?Yeah, no plans yet.Let* s see something special.That* s a good idea.答案AWhere have you been these days?Yes I have.Actually, I have moved to the country.You are wanted on the telephone.答案BMolly, lo

34、ok at this. The newspaper says we should sort trash.That would be great!No problem.It is obvious.答案A I* ve got a bad cold today.It isnt serious.Thank you for tel1ing me.Oh, dear!I hope you get better soon.答案C附:一感谢您的提示。不,谢谢。这是我的荣幸。是的,请。答案B一嗨,莫莉,你今天下午有空吗?是的,还没有计划。让我们看看一些特别的东西。这是个好主意。答案A这几天你去哪儿了?是的,我有。

35、实际上,我已经搬到乡下。电话通缉你。答案B莫莉,看这个。报纸上说我们应该分类垃圾。 那太好了 !没问题。很明显。答案A我今天得了重感冒。 不严重。谢谢你告诉我。哦,亲爱的!我希望你快点好起来。答案C二、词汇与结构(共计30分,每小题2分)6-20题,阅读下面的句子,从三个选项中选出一个能填入空白处的最佳选项,并将正确答案选项填写 在答题纸上。Did you notice the guy head looked like a big potato?whowhichwhose答案C the War of Independence, the United States was an English

36、colony.BeforeAtIn答案ANo matter , the little sisters managed to round the sheep up and drive them back home safely.it was snowinghard it was snowinghow hard it was snowing答案C,I dont know the park, but it* s to be quite beautiful.saidtoldspoken答案AAlthough he did not know London well he made his way to

37、the airport.easy enoughenough easyeasily enough答案CNeither John his father was able to wake up early enough to catch the morning train.nororbut答案AThe new order means overtime.worksto workworking答案CA police officer claimed that the young man had attempted to aying his fare.avoidrejectrefuse答案AFiremen

38、put their lives each and everyday.in the 1 ineon the lineon the 1ine of答案BThe wildflowers looked like as of to range blanket_ _the desert.coveringcoveredto cover答案A ,Theres lots of fruit the tree.Our little cat is also in the tree.inaton答案CThe film brought the hours back to me T was taken good care

39、of in that remote vi 1 lage.whenwherethat答案ATn , the northerners have a particular liking for dump! ings whi le the southerners are fond of montotalgeneral答案CHe would be studying at the university now if he the entrance examination.passedhave passedhad passed答案CHe has got a remarkable from his injur

40、y.remarkrecoveryrest答案B三、阅读理解(共计40分,每小题2分)21-25题:阅读下列短文,从A、B、C三个选项中选出一个正确答案,并将正确答案选项填写在答题纸 oPassage 1People say that money can not buy happiness. This was true for Howard Hughes. He was one of the richest and most powerful men of his time. He had everything: good look, success, power, and a lot of m

41、oney. But he didnt have love or friendship because he couldn* t buy them. All his life he used his money to control everything and everyone around him. Tn the end, he lost control of everything, even himself.Howard Hughes was born inl905 in Houston, Texas. His father started the Hughes Tool Company.

42、 He was a workaholic(工作狂)and made a lot of money. He bought everything he wanted. He even gave money to schools so Howard could get into them. From his father, Howard learned to be a successful but merci less businessman. Hughess mother, Al leno al so had a big influence on his 1 ife. Howard washer

43、only child. She protected him and gave him everything. Unfortunately Allene had mental problems. She was afraid of germs and diseases. She was obsessed wi th Howards health, and he became obsessed with it too.Allene died when Howard was 16 years old. Two years later his father died. Hughes inherited

44、 the Hughes Tool Company. Then he married Ella Rice. He and El la moved to Los Angeles California. It was there that Howard Hughes began to become a legend (传奇人物).Hughes began to invest his money in movies. He became an important producer soon after he moved to California. He worked hard, but he als

45、o played hard. He became obsessed with power and control When he couldn* t get something legally, he gave money politicians and businessmen so they would help him. He owned a lot of businesses, including airplane companies, a movie studio(制片厂),Las Vegas hotels, gold and silver mines, and radio and t

46、elevision stations. Once he bought a Lelevision studio so he could watch movies all night. He also bought a hotel because he wanted to stay in his favorite room for one weekend.According to the passage Howard Hughes was not .good-lookingwealthyfriendly 答案CWhich of the following about Hughes father i

47、s NOT TRUE?He started the Hughes Tool Company.He drank alcohol a lot.He worked hard.答案BHoward Hughes* parents died .when he was 16 years oldbefore he was 19 years oldafter he got married答案BThe word obsessed in Paragraph 2 probably means .troubledreducedrelated答案AFrom the passage, we learn what Mr. H

48、ughes lacked in his life was .educationlovemoney答案B附:人们说金钱买不来幸福。这对霍华德休斯来说是正确的。他是他那个时代最富有和最有权势的人之 一。他拥有一切:漂亮的外表、成功、权力和很多钱。但他没有没有爱情和友情,因为他买不到。他一 生都用钱来控制周围的一切和每个人。到最后,他失去了对一切的控制,甚至是他自己。霍华德休斯1905年出生于德克萨斯州的休斯敦。他的父亲创办了休斯工具公司。他是一个工作 狂(工作狂),赚了很多钱。他买了他想要的一切。他甚至给学校捐钱让霍华德上学从父亲那里,霍华德 学会了成为一个成功但无情的商人。休斯的母亲,艾伦也对他

49、的生活产生了很大的影响。霍华德沃什 唯一的孩子。她保护了他,给了他一切。不幸的是,艾伦有精神问题。她是害怕细菌和疾病。她痴迷于 霍华德的健康,他也变得痴迷。艾伦在霍华德16岁时去世。两年后他的父亲去世。休斯继承了休斯工具公司。然后他嫁给了艾 拉赖斯。他和艾拉搬到了加利福尼亚州的洛杉矶。霍华德休斯就是在那里开始戒为传奇的(人物传 奇),休斯开始把钱投资在电影上。搬到加利福尼亚后不久,他成为了重要的制片人。他努力工作,但他 也很努力。当他无法得到什么时,他变得痴迷于权力和控制从法律上讲,他为政客和企业提供帮助。他 给了企业、电影制片厂(包括维加斯的飞机厂)、金银矿以及广播和电视台的很多钱。曾经他买

50、了 一个电 视演播室,这样他就可以整晚看电影。他还买了一家旅馆,因为他想在他最喜欢的房间里住一个周末。根据文章,霍华德休斯不是 。好看有钱人友好的答案C下列关于休斯父亲的说法不正确的是?他创办了休斯工具公司。他喝了很多酒。他很努力。答案BHoward Hughes 的父母去世了 。他16岁的时候19岁之前结婚后答案B第2段中的“痴迷这个词可能意味着 0困扰减少相关答案A从这篇文章中,我们了解到休斯先生一生中缺乏的是 O教育爱钱答案B26-30题:请根据短文内容判断给出的语句是否正确,正确的写“T” ,错误的写“F”,并将正确答案 选项填写在答题纸上。Passage 2All communica

51、tion begins with the sender and ends with the receiver. The sender is responsible for successful conveyance. The sender* s personality , beliefs , cultural and educational background all influence the message and it is important for the sender to be awareof this as he or she is encoding the message.

52、 Simply put encoding is translating information into symbols that represent the ideas or concepts of the message that needs sending.These symbols are usually words in written or spoken form. To ensure successful communication, the sender should know as much about his or her audience-the receiver-as

53、possible in order to focus and support the encoding process.In addition to this awareness of self and encoding, the sender must choose the proper channel for conveying the message. Using the wrong channel may result in miscommunication. Like the sender, receivers are influenced by internal factors:

54、theirpersonality , their receptivity to the message or their relationship to the sender. Additional ly, their current feelings, mood, or state of mind can affect a message. Once the message moves through the channel, the receiver then decodes it. The receiver uses his or her own experience and the c

55、ontext of the message to interpret its meaning.Feedback is the return message from the receiver to the sender. It is feedback that enables the sender to know whether the message was received successfully or not. Therefore it is essential to the communication process.This process though very common,

56、is fraught with potential breakdown at every turn. Spoken or written language is inherently easy to misinterpret. In conclusion, effective and successful Communication takes place when the message is successfully received and the receiver provides the sender with desirable feedback.The sender* s gen

57、der also influences the message.答案FEncoding is a process that translating information into symbols which serve as the ideas or concepts of the message that will be sent later.答案TThese symbols are usually words and sentences in written form.答案FChannel is not crucial for conveying the message.答案FFeedb

58、acks enable the sender to know whether the receiver has received the message successfully or not.答案T附:所有的沟通都始于发送者,结束于接收者。发送者负责成功传达。发送者的个性、信仰、文化和教 育背景都会影响信息,发送者必须意识到这一点,因为他或她就是对信息进行编码。简单地说,编码就 是将信息翻译成代表需要发送的信息的思想或概念的符号。这些符号通常是书面或匚头形式的文字。为 了确保成功的沟通,发送者应该尽可能多地了解他或她的听众一一接收者一一尽可能集中注意力并支持 编码过程。除了这种自我意识和编码

59、意识外,发送者必须选择正确的渠道来传达信息。使压错误的渠道可能会 导致沟通不畅。与发送者一样,接收者也受到内部因素的影响:他们的个性,他们对信息的接受程度或 他们与发送者的关系。此外,他们当前的感受、情绪或精神状态会影响信息。一旦信息通过渠道,接收 者就会对其进行解码。接收者使用他的或她自己的经验和信息的上下文来解释其含义。反馈是接收者返回给发送者的信息,是让发送者知道信息是否接收成功的反馈,因此对于沟通过程 至关重要。这个过程虽然很常见,但处处都充满了潜在的故障。口语或书面语言本质上很容易被误解。总之, 有效和成功的沟通发生在消息被成功接收并且接收者向发送者提供理想的反馈时。发送者的性别也会

60、影响信息。答案F编码是将信息转换为符号的过程,这些符号作为稍后将要发送的消息的想法或概念。答案T这些符号通常是书面形式的单词和句子。答案F渠道对于传达信息并不重要。答案F反馈让发送者知道接收者是否成功接收到消息。答案T四、写作(共计20分)根据要求完成作文。以The Importance of Effective Communication”(有效交流的重要性)为题写一篇短文,字数 不少于120词。参考答案:In our daily life, we have to come into contact with people in every walk of life. Therefore,


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