



1、四川省广安市酉溪中学高二英语下学期期末试题含解析一、 选择题1. As the research shows, the eyes of some fish are to light than we humans do.A. positiveB. sensibleC. flexibleD. sensitive参考答案:D24. _more attention, the trees would have grown better. A. Given B. Being given C. Having given D. Give 参考答案:A略3. 35What he wants is _ his m

2、other as quickly as he can; and what he must do is _ to the hospital at once Ato see; going Bto see; go Csee; to go Dsee; go参考答案:B略4. In recent years _ global warming is becoming _ concern of people all over the world. A. the, the B. /, / C. /, a D. the, /参考答案:C略5. As he _ the dull Movie, Michael _

3、asleep.A. watched; was falling B. was watching; fellC. was watching; was falling D. watched; fell参考答案:B6. Stewardesses on planes should be employed for their ability,not for their _.Alooks BsightCtemper Dtalent参考答案:答案:Alooks“相貌,容貌”;sight“视力,视觉”;temper“性情,脾气”;talent“才干,才能”。句意:应该根据能力而不是容貌来录用飞机上的女服务员。7

4、. Its said that the Olympic Games _ in Beijing in 2008 will cover more events than any other Olympics did.A. holding B. to be held C. held D. to be holding参考答案:B解析:hold与the Olympic Games之间是被动关系,且2008奥运会尚未举办,应用不定式表将来。8. .I have searched _ for the book but couldnt find it. A. thoroughly B. deeply C. a

5、t ease D. comfortably参考答案:A略9. He felt his pocket only _ the money nowhere.A. foundB. findingC. having foundD. to find参考答案:D10. The reason _ he was late for class was _ he was _ in a terrible traffic jam.A. why; what; catch B. because; that; caught C. what; why; catching D. why; that; caught参考答案:D11

6、. According to the school rule, he _ be punished if he is late for school again. A. canB. willC. may D. shall 参考答案:D12. Doctors recommended that a modern hospital _.A. being built B. be built C. should build D. build参考答案:B13. delighted me most was my son was admitted to Beijing University.A. That, w

7、hat B. That, that C. What, that D. What, what参考答案:C14. In my opinion, every chance should be fully taken advantage the environment.A. of protecting B. of to protect C. to protect D. protecting参考答案:B15. Pity you missed the lecture on nuclear pollution.I would have attended it, but I _ busy preparing

8、for a job interview.A. was B. am C. had been D. will be 参考答案:A二、 填空16. Making decisions can be very hard. Its easy to get 61._(lose) in what should or should not be done rather than actually making the decision. When you have something important 62._(decide), try this.Okay, you have a decision to ma

9、ke. Get out a piece of paper. On one side of the paper, write down the positive outcomes 63._ will follow this decision. On 64._ other side of the paper, write down the negative ones. Look at everything you have written down, weighing it, and give 65. _(you) some time to make your choices. Its a sim

10、ple decision-making process, 66._ that does not mean your choice is going to be easy.To gain new ideas, ask other people you respect 67._ their advice and opinions, after describing the decision you are facing. Speak openly with your family and trusted 68._(friend). This can be 69._(help) because an

11、other person can make the situation clear by 70._(offer) an unexpected opinion.参考答案:61. lost 62. to decide 63. that/which 64. the 65.yourself 66. but 67.for 68. friends 69.helpful 70. offering三、 阅读理解17. The United States is the country we most associate with “road culture”. The US, after all, is a v

12、ast land with a network of roads built for travel and communications.One road in particular, Route 66, stands for the importance of road travel in the US. This east-west highway takes travelers between Chicago in the east and California in the west. The experience of doing this long drive is the stu

13、ff of American mythology(神话). Indeed, many films and novels have been produced about it.But now, it seems the US has a competitor in road-culture: Scotland. This country is far smaller than the US, but its still big enough to have a 500-mile scenic route - and, potentially, a 1,500-mile road trip.Th

14、e name of the route is North Coast 500 (NC500). Its a young route, only introduced in 2015. It takes travelers who wish to drive the whole route around the coast of the north of Scotland and across the country.But whats so special about NC500? Its the scenery, which is best viewed in spring, accordi

15、ng to Travel magazine. During that time, travelers can enjoy “sparkling(波光粼粼的)lakes, valleys filled with blossoming(开花的)trees, and views of the mineral-blue ocean and strawberry-blonde beaches”.The introduction of the route has done wonders for the regions economy. The number of drivers it has attra

16、cted has meant hotels and restaurants along the route are often fully booked. In fact, its believed that the north of Scotland is now 9 million richer a year because of it.And hopefully someday soon, people will be making movies and writing novels about NC500, just as they do about its US cousin.8.

17、Whats the main purpose of the first two paragraphs?A. To recommend that readers go on a trip along Route 66.B. To explain why road travel is popular in the US.C. To introduce the topic of road culture in Scotland.D. To compare road travel in the US with that in Scotland.9. What can we learn about NC

18、500 from the article?A. It covers a distance of about 500 kilometers.B. Its a new road that opened this year.C. Its much longer than Route 66 in the US.D. Its a coastal route around northern Scotland.10. What makes NC500 attractive to people?A. Its the longest road in the UK.B. It offers striking sc

19、enery to travelers.C. It has appeared in many movies.D. It connects all the lakes in Scotland.11. What benefit has NC500 brought to northern Scotland?A. It has reduced traffic pressure in the region.B. It has helped to improve its economy.C. It has attracted more people to live in Scotland.D. It has created more job opportunities than ever before.参考答案:8. C 9. D 10. B 11. B【分析】本文属于说明文,介绍了一条贯穿整个苏格兰地区的景色非常漂亮的公路North Coast 500,同


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