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1、蔬果商品知识t ( Fruit and vegetable commodity knowledge tVegetable & Fruit commodity knowledge t.txtThe varieties and characteristics of vegetables and fruitsA fruit, warm cold propertyHot fruit: for cold constitution: Durian, dateplum persimmonThe temperature of the fruit: for cold constitution: mango, l

2、itchi, longan, rambutan, peach, peach, chestnut, custard apple, coconut meat, kumquat, plum, cherry, plum, red datesThe tepid flat fruit: for a variety of physical passion fruit, lemon, guava, avocado, pineapple, grapes, apples, oranges, sugarcane, papaya, olives, Mei Zi, India jujubeCool fruit: sui

3、table for hot body pitaya, apple, pear, carambola, mangosteen, grapefruit, strawberry, loquatCold fruit: suitable for hot body tomato (cold), watermelon, banana, kiwi, grapefruit, orange, persimmon, muskmelon, coconut water, mulberryTwo, edible fruits on the benefits ofAn apple a day, keep the docto

4、r away. In many fruits, appleis one of the most common and most gentle, but its nutritional value should not be underestimated. Apple pectin belong to the soluble fiber, not only can promote cholesterol metabolism, reduce cholesterol, can promote fat excreted. Apple containstrace elements of potassi

5、um can dilate blood vessels, beneficial to patients with hypertension, while zinc is also necessary for the human body, the lack of time will lead to glucose metabolism disorder and decreased sexual function. Eating apples, in addition to get more benefits, but also because of its gastrointestinal c

6、onditioning, fiber rich, help excretion. Apple is rich in nutrition, heat is not high, very welcome by dieter.Eat papaya papaya is beneficial to help digestion, but some people think it doesnt taste good, so to eat. Known as the longevity fruit papaya in Chinese said, as the name implies, eat can pr

7、olong life. It is reported that Papaya contains enzymes similar to human growth hormone, eat can keep youth.The heat Jiapin pear has been honored as mince the cases, can Runfei cough. Unfortunately, we only know its effect, and ignore its properties are suitable for their own physical. Good pears ca

8、n Qingxin Runfei, but its properties with cold, physical deficiency, cold cough should not be eaten raw, must be steam, or put soup, or can also be fried with herbs. When it comes to pear cold this problem of deeper, cold degree of different kinds of pears that are also different. For example, we of

9、ten eat pear cold days, with pear pear and sub properties of large little and dainty almost, the skin coarse sand and imported pears, more cold.Mango Mango also has medicinal value, is a protein rich fruit, more easy to eat. Traditionally, it can benefit the eye moist skin, is estimated to contain c

10、arotene reasons. It can also be used as nuclear medicine, detoxification Xiaozhi, buck.According to the analysis of the flavor of the Chinese diet, mango is a sweet natured, thirst Sheng Jin fruit. Raw food can antiemetic, cure seasick, utility like sour plum. When unripe mango, pedicel parts will h

11、ave white SAP exudation, estimated that it could be allergies. In any case, cold cough (itchy throat sputum) should avoid eating, lest the throat itch. While asthma patients should also follow the doctor ordered to quit eating.Durian and mangosteen fruit, respectively after the king said. However, t

12、he attribute is just the opposite, one is hot, it is a. The so-called cold heat, heat cold, physique have partial cold, if ignoring the Constitution and excessive eating cold things. In fact, mangosteen cold, physical deficiency who can still eat, eat not. No more beer, watermelon, and Soybean Milk,

13、 Chinese cabbage, mustard, bitter gourd, wax gourd lotus soup and other cold food to eat, if accidentally eat too much, can be made of brown sugar and ginger tea solution.Eat durian cold tonic what is good? Off to join love unique charm, aversion is far from its smell will avoid. In fact, on nutriti

14、on, the fruit of the king must be one of the most comprehensive, but it is the nature of the heat and stagnation, not everyone should eat. Cancer patients or patients there must be careful, lest incur deterioration of greed is delicious. If you eat durian excessive, so that the heat phlegm trapped i

15、nside, dyspnea, flushing, bloating, should immediately eat a few mangosteen resolve, because mangosteen is a thing to the cold,The heat can be restrained DurianPineapple can produce saliva and stomach the pineapple flesh is soft, sweet and sour, can increase appetite, and rich in protein, glucose, f

16、ructose, citric acid, vitamins and other nutrients, very popular even ordinary people have to peel the pineapple dipped in salt water, so that part of the decomposition of organic acids, reducing the poison to the flesh more delicious. If you feel throat discomfort after eating pineapple, is allergi

17、c symptoms, should immediately stop eating, and drink a glass of dilute brine diluted allergen.The varieties and characteristics of vegetables and fruitsThe fruit is also called fruit, customers buy high frequency goods. Fruit tree nuts, berries, drupes, citrus, melon five categories. The following

18、describes the main varieties and their characteristics.The main types and characteristics of the namekernelfruitclassApples are more than 400 varieties, according to the apple harvest season is different,can be divided into V, in the fallof autumn apple apple, apple storage quality is best. The main

19、 varieties of apple yellow Quebec, Fu Kui, Zhu Guang red. The main varieties of autumn apple red ruby, green banana, banana, Huang Xiangqiao, Fuji, red lightAccording to the types of pear fruit shape can be divided into system, column series, pear pear pear, pear series seriesHawthorn is also called

20、 shanligong, the main producing areas in Henan, Hebei, Shandong, Shanxi, harvested in late September, is Chinas unique fruit. It not only has a high nutritional value, medicinal value is also high, the content of iron and calcium rich, the calcium content in the first place in all kinds of fruits, i

21、ts vitamin C content is 17 times more than the apple, the main varieties are: hawthorn hawthorn, hawthorn, large water Venus etc.Loquat loquat also called Lu orange, producing Chinas Zhejiang, Jiangsu, Anhui, Jiangxi, Hunan, Guangdonga nd other provinces, generally in the 5-6 month listing, with a h

22、igh nutritional ingredients. The main types of loquat loquat, loquat and other white grassnucleusfruitPeach peach varieties are 800 kinds, such as peach, peach, nectarine, peach and so hard. Peach are generally thin and difficult to peel and flesh, flesh or soft and juicy, but not suitable for stora

23、ge and transportation.Protein, calcium and phosphorus of apricot apricot contains more carotene content, take the first place in the nucleus in ke. Common varieties are: Lanzhou apricot, Huaxian apricot,apricot, apricot, Sha Jinhong Yangshao etc.There are 40 kinds of plum plum varieties.The commonv

24、arietiesof Qiao Li, Zhu Shahong Li, Li, Li, Huang Xian rhubarb Jiyuan Huang Gan Li, Suide Hong Li rotorslurryfruitGrape grape origin mainly in Xinjiang, Hebei, Shandong, Shanxi, Liaoning, Anhui, Henan. Commonva rietiesare: Rose, horse milk,Saba pearl, Kyoho, round white grapes, longan, grape, seedle

25、ss purple milk, round queen. The thick and rich varieties of wax layer and storageBanana production in Guangdong, Taiwan, Fujian, Guangxi,Yunnan, Sichuan, Guizhou and other places. Commonva rietiesare:banana, plantain, banana, Xigong banana aab. Fruit clusters, eight mature green pericarp, flesh sti

26、ff, not immediately eat, but storage; mature skin is yellow, flesh is soft and tender and smooth, sweet and fragrant flavor, rich in starch and sugarLitchi Litchi origin mainly in Guangdong, Fujian, Guangxi, Sichuan, Taiwan and Yunnan also have a small amount of cultivation. Common varieties are: Ma

27、rch red, glutinous rice shoots, Heiye, red and blue Guiwei, bamboo, Feizixiao, Shang Shuhuai, mature fruit color bright red or purple flesh, translucent, crisp and tender. Fresh and juicyLongan longan origin mainly in Fujian, Guangdong, Guangxi,Taiwan, Sichuan, Yunnan, Guizhou. Commonv arieties are:

28、 early white, in Aberdeen, Aberdeen, wulongling etc.Persimmon originated in China, in addition to extremely cold area, the country have cultivation. There are about 800 kinds of persimmon varieties, from the botanical characteristics, can be divided into North and south two type cultivar group.Commo

29、n varieties are: persimmon, persimmon, lotus persimmon, persimmon, persimmon, heart-shaped tall persimmon, persimmon flat flower etc.Also known as kiwi kiwi kiwi, Mao pear, pear monkeys. The product is characterized with high content of vitamin C, so in the world known as the king of fruits in the w

30、ild kiwifruit is still in the state of our country, the origin is not fixedOrangeOrangeThe class of Citrus commonv arieties:orange, orange, tangerineearly milk, tangerine, waxy leaves etc. Citrus fruit size, oblate, pericarp of orange, orange, Zhu Hong, thin skin and loose skin, easy to peel, in les

31、s complex.The common varieties of Citrus in Fujian Xiamen Guangdong Huzhou Zhaogan, citrus, Xinhui, Zhejiang WenzhouX inhui Citrus Satsuma etc. Citrus fruit shape is spherical, a kind of large fruit than orange. Orange peel, oil cell protrusions, white layer thickness, skin tight, such as orange pee

32、l easilyOrange major common varieties are: Guangdong Xinhui perfume orange, orange, orange orange, Zhangzhou Xinhui, Sichuan Jincheng orange snow, asbestos, orange, orange, ruby blood leaves Hubei Hunan orange etc. Orange fruits than citrus and citrus than small, nearly spherical or oval. Peel bag t

33、ight, smooth, difficult to peel, pale yellow or orange yellow when mature. The flesh is white or pink, and seed, extremely resistant to TibetPomelo commonv arietiesare: Fujian, Guangxi, Pingshan pomelopomelo pomelo, Sichuan, Liangshan, Zhejiang, Taiwan Siji pomelo grapefruit. Huge fruit, up to 1 cm

34、thick, oil cell, difficult to peel, pale yellow or orange yellow when mature.The flesh is white or pink, and seed, extremely resistant to TibetmelonThe main varieties are: class watermelon in Yu six, Jin Lu, black bars, black beauty and collapseMuskmelon main origin of Xinjiang, Gansu, Shandong, Sha

35、nghai and other regions. Muskmelon rich aroma, sweet juicy, rich in vitamins, phosphorus, and vitamin C. Muskmelon varieties are: Ten ribs, snow, sea holly, Tinglin melon melon.Xinjiang is the main origin of Hami melon. According to the listing of the season can be divided into summer squash and mel

36、on, summer squash 7-8 month September melon mature market listing. Melon flesh juice abundant, high sugar content, richnutrition, perfume, unique flavor, melon variety, finevarieties are common Naxi Gan, odd, crisp and delicious green textured pearThe quality standard of fruit, 1) grape fruit with f

37、resh fruit, fruit abundance, uniform bead as well. Specific identification criteria are shown in the following table:Project standardThe concept of color to fresh fruit stem, fruit powder, skinscar free is goodThe grain in full fruit, uniform size, moderate maturity as wellCarry the ear gently ear m

38、ain stem, quivered, and fruit firmness, less the Lazi, more fresh fruitTaste the flavor of fruit pulp and succulent crisp, thick, sweet, sour, with roses or strawberry flavor for the top grade2), apple specific identification standard as shown in the following table:Project standardThe apparent colo

39、r of the same variety skin smooth, no injury, no pests, bright colorThe smell of dense meat, taste is crisp, with the taste, aroma is preferredThe grain maturity is mainly by hand no fruit, with moderate hardness as well; the appearance of large should weigh weight, and weight proportion 3), the qua

40、lity of banana varieties, origin, because theresults of seasonal origin vary. Different varieties of banana buds with fragrant buds of dragon best, banana, plantain column. With the varieties of fruit with a big fat, thin, moderatelymature, fresh color, no pests, no bad injury, color and taste.Speci

41、fic identification criteria are shown in the following table:Project standardView color skin color Huang Guangliang, with two green mature fruit is moderateHand with two fingers Qingnie fruit body, elastic moderate mature fruitPeeling skin easy to peel, flesh, flesh white or slightlyyellowish transp

42、arent for moderate fruit maturityTaste like soft slippery waxy, sweet with all the mature fruit of moderate4), different citrus varieties, depending on their unique color aroma and taste. Where the bright color, thick aroma, sweet, juicy, sweet and sour moderate foot or slag, should belong tothe fin

43、e varieties. From the same variety of fruit shape, fruitcolor, fruit, fruit stem, fruit juice, flavor and other aspects of observation and analysis. Details are shown in the table below:Project standardFruit shape correct, no crooked shoulders, crooked, crooked, half the size of the umbilical pedicl

44、e, abnormal protuberance or depression deformityFruit color to yellow or orange red color should be basic, local red, green patchThe fruit surface clean and bright, no obvious diseases, pests, wounds or defects; no puffiness, edema phenomenonFresh fruit stalk, green living, do not fall off, cut flat

45、Keep the fruit juice rate, no dry phenomenonThis product reflects the flavor flavor characteristics, should be more than 10% varieties of sugar, acid content in about 1%, there is no bitter aroma.5), the quality of peach peach identification, firstly, according to variety, origin, time to market, an

46、d then on the basis of the following specific criteria.Reminder: peach quality mainly depends on the variety and maturity of picking. With a variety of peach, with more than eight mature flavor is the bestProject standardIn order to observe the shape of large fruit, fresh color correct, pretty good.

47、 Hard spots, broken skin, moth eaten more timeThin skin peeling easy to peel, flesh white, crude fiber, soft flesh is preferredTo taste sweet, juicy, fragrant, and waited for the less acid6), fresh longan longan requires fresh, ripe fruit flesh, moderate, thin nuclear small, juicy fruit fragrance, f

48、ull color, not less. Specific identification criteria are shown in the following table:Project standardWhere the Yellow shell color view, with a touch of green, moderate matureHand with three fingers, if the feeling is soft and elastic, is matureSee the stone stripped shell, if white meat, easily fr

49、om nuclear, black stone, that proper maturityVegetable retail enterprise managemento f vegetable are common root vegetables, leafy vegetables, fruit vegetables, mushrooms and other categories.The main types and characteristics of the name rhizomeThe main kind of radish radish, green radish and white

50、 radish. Radish, easy storage and transportation, is one of the main vegetables in winter and springCarrot market more red and yellow carrot carrot two types. Easy storage and transportation, is one of the main vegetables in winter and spring. The sugar content higher than ordinary vegetables, it al

51、so contains a variety of minerals, especially carotene containing specialAlso according to maturity sooner or later into the early potato, potato, potato late three types. It is widely cultivated inHunan, also in Guangdong, Taiwan Province, in Guizhou Province, the most famous pachyrhizusrhizomeThe

52、class according to the shape and color of leaf lettuce lettuce can be divided into round leaf leaf and purple bamboo shoots and bamboos hoots three. With lettuce in fat, carotene, vitamin B 1, B 2 and calcium, phosphorus and iron, vegetables are relatively high.Moss mainly purpuraria, moss and Guang

53、dong moss and rape. The north is listed in late winter and early spring, the south in general throughout the year can be cultivatedAccording to the pregnant period of Zizania latifolia isdifferent, can be divided into two harvest and harvest two. Two harvest, namely one time harvest two crops, culti

54、vated in. A harvest, in the spring or summerC ommittee cultivation,annualautumn harvest time HYPERLINK http:/Wkohlrabikohlrabi Wkohlrabikohlrabi is also called kohlrabi, mast stem for food. The meat is close, crisp, for fresh food, fried and salted, Beijing and Yunnan were moreBamboos hoots are gene

55、rally divided into the shoot of Maob amboo, bamboo shoots and bamboo shoots. Bamboo shoots are bamboo shoots in many southern China provinces yieldRhizome of Welsh onion onion with fresh and tender leaves andstems as edible parts. Spicy taste, is a kind of important seasoning vegetables cultivation

56、in northern china.Onion onion and onion, onion, edible sheath to hypertrophy,In the south of China and the City suburb cultivated widely.Garlic is a kind of important spicy vegetables, the edible part of garlic, garlic with special spicy flavor, for seasoning or pickled.Leafy cabbage cabbage also ca

57、lled Chinese cabbage. The heart of Ye Jiebai fresh, fine quality beauty, is the edible part.Chinese cabbage resistant storage and transportation, is theautumn, winter and spring is one of the most importantvegetables. According to the degree of maturity of Chinese cabbage is different, can be divide

58、d into early, mediuma nd late maturing three types.Cabbage cabbage cabbage, also called cabbage, cabbage, white lotus. Cabbage leaves can be divided according to the shape of the ball shaped flat cabbage, cabbage, cabbage rounded tip type three types.Spinach spinach is also known as the red root veg

59、etables. The leaves and stems green color, tender and soft, raw food and cooked food, suitable for filling. Has planted all over the country. According to the spinach leaf divided into sharp leaf, round leaf and leaf spinach three types.Is one of the main vegetable amaranth amaranth in summer, with

60、seedlings and tender stems for food, there are also special feeding stems of MCi n the Zhejiang, Jiangsu province. Amaranth can be fried, salad or soup, pickled old stems can also be skinned.Chrysanthemum chrysanthemum also called basil and wormwoodb ar, the edible part of seedlings or sprouts. It c


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