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1、仪表设备管路脱脂方案Degreasing Plan Of Conduits of I.E1、编制说明:脱脂是一项施工工艺简单,施工环境、工艺纪律、施工质量要求严格的工序,它的工作质量将直接影响生产安全和产品质量。为了确保脱脂的工作质量,特编制本方案。2、编制依据:、工程施工承包合同或协议。、设计施工图及其它设计文件。、施工组织设计及公司质量体系文件。、国家现行工业自动化仪表工程施工及验收标准及其验评标准。、国家现行脱脂工程施工及验收标准和验评标准。、现行工业“三废”排放标准3、工程概况:工程概况应包括:工程名称、地点、范围、规模特点、主要实物工程量、工期要求及投资等方面的内容。附:脱脂实物工程

2、量表。序号脱脂项目单位数量备注1仪表设备台/件2管子m3管件件4阀门个4、一般规定:General Regulations:、仪表设备、管子、阀门、管件等,凡设计文件要求脱脂或具以下状况之一时, 必需进展脱脂。When design requires grease removal or they have one of the following conditions,instrument equipments pipes valves, and pipecomponents shall be degreased.a、输送、贮存的物料遇油脂等有机物可能发生燃烧或爆炸者。Probably exi

3、sting combustion or explosion when conveying or storage materials meetgrease.b、油脂等有机物能与输送、贮存的物料相混合并能转变物料的使用特性者。Organism such as grease may mix with conveying and storing material and change usageactivity of material.c、油脂等有机物对触媒的活性有影响者。Organism such as grease affects the activity of accelerant.d、油脂等有

4、机物对产品纯度有影响者Organism such as grease affects product purity.e、由于酸洗,需进展脱脂处理者。 Need degreasing due to acidwashing.、已由制造厂脱脂合格并密封的设备,安装时可不再脱脂,但在安装前应经质检人员检查确认,假设觉察污物或被油脂污染,则应重进展脱脂。To equipments degreased and sealed by manufacture, need not to be degreasedduring installation, however, they shall be checked

5、and approved by quality checker.If find pollution material or grease pollution, degreasing once again.、仪表设备、管子、管件、阀门等的脱脂应在安装前完成。Finishing degreasing of in. E, pipes, pipe components and valve, prior to installation.、承受碱性脱脂液脱脂时,脱脂温度在 6090之间进展,对于一般钢制件,浸入脱脂的温度不能低于 80,喷洗脱脂的温度不宜低于 60。对于有色金属一般在7080之间脱脂,并要

6、求常加搅拌。Temperature of grease removal is 6090 if adopting soda degreasing washing .For general steel pieces, temp of dipped degreasing is no lower than 80 , spraying washing degreasing temperature is no lower than 60 . To nonferrous metal, degreasing temp is 7080,and mixing.、承受二氯乙烷、四氯化碳、三氯乙烯脱脂时,脱脂件应枯燥

7、、无水分。Degreasing pieces are dry when applying C2H4Cl2, CCl4, and C2HCl3.、脱脂、检验及安装所用的工具、量具、仪表等必需按脱脂件的要求预先脱脂。未经脱脂者,不得使用。经脱脂的工具、量具、仪表等应由专用柜存放,专人保管。工作服、鞋、手套等劳保用品必需干净无油。Tools, measuring apparatus, and instruments, of grease removal, inspection, andinstallationshallbepre degreasedaccordingtodegreasingpiece

8、s.Otherwise,notuse. There are special box and worker to store and take care of degreased tools and instruments. Labor implements as working clothes, shoes, and gloves shall be cleanand nongrease.、脱脂合格后的仪表设备、管子在压力试验及仪表调校时,必需使用不含油脂的介质。Usingnongreasemediumwhentestingpressureorregulating,degreased instr

9、uments equipments and pipes.、脱脂剂必需妥当保管。脱脂后的废液应妥当处理。Looking after degreasing solvent properly drain. Disposing with degreased wastedrain properly.、仪表设备、管子、管件、阀门在脱脂后,必需经专职检查人员检查和施工单位、承包单位代表确认合格后,方可进展下道工序。For degreased equipments, pipes, pipepieces, valves. Special inspector and agencyof construction a

10、nd contract shall verify and approve. And then, executing next process.、脱脂件经检验合格,应由专人负责封闭,妥当存放,并加标识以防脏物和杂物Special worker properly seals and stores checked degreasing pieces. Marking marker to prevent dust and rubbish sticking or invading. Separating degreased components from undegreasedones.、脱脂合格后,应

11、认真填写脱脂记录。即:仪表管线管缆试压、试漏、脱脂记录。Filling degreasing recorder carefully after grease removal. Including: pressuretest, leakage test, and grease removal recorder of instrument pipelines5、脱脂剂的选用:Selection of degreasing solvent:、脱脂剂应按设计要求选用。当设计无规定时,应依据脱脂件的材质、构造、污染程度、现场条件、生产介质及其因沾染油脂而造成的危急或危害程度,选择相应的脱 脂剂和脱脂方法

12、。Choosing solvent according to design. If there is no design regulation, selectingcorresponding solvent and method on the base of material and structure of degreasing pieces, pollution degree, field condition, producing medium and its danger degree due to stick grease.、脱脂剂可按表二、表三参考选用。Degreasingsolve

13、nt refer to table, table.常用脱脂剂推举表脱脂剂名称工业二氯乙烷脱脂剂名称工业二氯乙烷C H CI242适用范围附注金属件能水解生成微量盐酸工业四氯化碳CCI4黑色金属、铜和非金属件CHCI23产品必需含稳定剂工业酒精CHOH2 595.6%金 属 件在水和金属共同存在时能发生水解生成分解反响,甚至爆炸含稳定剂的纯三氯乙烯对一般金属无腐蚀脱脂要求不高的设备和零部件浓硝酸装置的耐酸管件和瓷环脱脂力量较弱98%的浓硝酸强氧化剂,能溶解或腐蚀某些金属Selection table of common degreasing solvent:by hydrolyzationtab

14、le二by hydrolyzationNameApplying scopeRemarkOf SolventC2H4CL2Metallic piecesProducingalittleHCl,CCLCCL4Black metal, copperandnonmetallicpiecesProducingby ArousingalittleHCl,hydrolyzation.strongdecomposition,evenexplosionwithsomeflaming light metalsC2HCL3(Includingsteady-solvent)PureMetallic piecescon

15、taining steady-solventcan not corrode ordinarymetal.C2HCL3C2H5OH HNO3 (98%)Equipments and components withinferior degrease requirementResist acid pipe-piece and chinaringofthick HNO3 device.Degreasingpoor.abilityisStrongoxidant,candissolve or corrode somemetals.碱性脱脂剂的配方及使用条件序号氢氧化钠序号氢氧化钠12碳酸钠硅酸钠水氢氧化钠

16、磷酸钠 硅酸钠 水氢氧化钠磷酸钠 碳酸钠 硅酸钠 水磷酸钠配方重量%0.5151034 余量125834余量0.51.5372.512余量58适用范围适用于一般钢铁件适用于一般钢铁件3适用于一般铜及铜合金件磷酸二氢钠4硅酸钠烷基苯磺酸钠水23560.51余量低,适用于钢铁件和铝合金件Composition and application terms of alkali degrease solventNo.Composition (weight percentage)No.Composition (weight percentage)Application scope1NaOHNa2CO30.

17、51510Common steel-iron pieces.22Na2SiO3H2O NaOHNaPO3 Na2SiO3H2ONaOHNa2CO3 Na2SiO3H2O NaPO3NaSiO3H2O34other125834 other 0.51.5372.512 other5823560.51otherCommon steel-iron pieces.3Common copper andcopper alloy pieces.Pooralkalescence,butcan4remove oil. Poor causticity tometal. Applying to steel-iron

18、pieces and aluminum alloy.、脱脂剂或者用于配制脱脂剂的化学制品必需具有合格证。Degreasing solvent or chemical product composed of solvent shall have certificate.、脱脂溶剂不得混合使用,且不得与浓酸浓碱接触。Degreasing solvent cannot use together. No contact with thick acid thick soda.、用于净脱脂的有机溶剂内的油含量不应大于50mL/L,含油量 50500mL/L 的溶500mL/LOil content in

19、organic solvent used to pure degreasing is no more than 50mL/L,solvent with 50500mL/L oil content can used to degrease coarsely. As to solvent ofits oil content more than 500mL/L, using it until pass the regeneration process.6、脱脂操作方法:Operating method of degreasing:、仪表设备脱脂:Grease removal of instrumen

20、t equipment:、易拆卸的仪表设备进展脱脂时,应将需脱脂的部件、附件及填料拆下,一并12Takingapartcomponent,accessories,andfillingofinstrumentequipment to be degreased. Putting them in degreasing solvent anddipping for 12hours.、不易拆卸的仪表进展脱脂时,可承受灌注脱脂溶剂的方法,灌注后浸泡时间2When degreasing instrument, taken apart difficultly, the way of pouring solve

21、nt shallbe applied. Two hours is the least period of dipping. If cannot pass test, pouringagain.、温度仪表、流量仪表节流孔板宜承受浸泡方法进展脱脂,浸12Dipping shall be applied to degrease temp, instrument, flow-meter (flowing orifice).Time is 12hours.、仪表管子、管件、阀门的脱脂:Degreasing of pipes, pieces, and valve:再进展脱脂。For pipes, piec

22、es, valve with clear oil-stain or rusty, removing oil and rust, and thendoing greasing removal.、管子外表的脱脂可用擦拭法擦洗。Brushing and washing shall be adopted to degrease pipe appearance. (the externalface of pipe)、管子内外表脱脂时,可承受浸泡的方法,浸泡时间为11.5也可承受在管内注入溶剂,管端用木塞或其它方法封闭。将管子放平浸泡洗涤,直到脱脂合格为止。The way of soaking to de

23、grease pipe internal surface shall be used and time is11.5hour, Or, adding solvent into pipe which ends shall be sealed by wood-plug or something leveling the pipe and soaking for 11.5hours, rolling it once a quarter to the soaked section gradually. Make pipe rolling several whole round when rotatin

24、g.The whole inner surface of pipe shall be smoothly soaked and washed many timesuntil degreasing eligibility.、仪表阀门脱脂前应研磨试压合格,然后拆成零件去除铁锈等杂物,门壳体,可用擦拭方法进展。Prior to degreasing, valve pass rubbing pressuretest, then taken apart and removeiron-rust, and dipping into solvent for 11.5 hour. The same method

25、to bolt andmetallic gasket. Applying scrubbing to degrease shell of valve when it not easy to dip.1.52味为止。Choosing CCL4 solvent to degrease non-metallic gasket. Placing gasket into solvent for 1.52hours.Thenfetch, hang dry, inairfree orventilatingplantnon-existence of solvent smell.、脱脂后脱脂剂的去除:Remova

26、l of degreasing solvent after degreasing:为止。其去除方法是:Blowing and removing survival solvent from degreasing pieces completely untilcannot smell the smell of solvent. Following is removal method:a、可用清洁无油、枯燥的空气或氮气吹净。Blowing and drying with clean, dried air or nitrogen.b、当用二氯乙烷或酒精等易燃溶剂脱脂时,只许用纯度等于或大于 95%按容

27、积计的氮气吹净或在空气流通处晾干。When applying tinder solvent to degrease such as C2H2Cl or alcohol, only nitrogenwith purity no lower than 95% can be used to blow or dry naturally in air free.c24For degreasing pieces with non-complicated structure, and small-sized, ventilatingnaturally for more than 24hours in the

28、 air5060的空气或氮气进展吹除。To shorten blowing time, using air or nitrogen preheated to 5060 to blowing orremoving.、用碱液脱脂时,必需用无油清水冲洗干净至中性,然后枯燥。 If choosing alkali liquid as degreasing solvent, using oil less clean water to wash toneutral and then dry.、当用蒸汽吹除者,应准时将脱脂件枯燥。Degreased pieces shall be dried in time

29、 except for blowing by steam.7、检验:Test、仪表设备、阀门和管子脱脂后,必需经检验合格。After degreasing, instrument,equipment,valve, and pipeshallbe testedqualified.、当承受直接法检验时,符合以下规定之一的应视为合格。Degreased pieces complying with one of the following regulations shall be qualifiedwhen test by direct method.a、用清洁枯燥的白滤纸擦拭脱脂外表时,纸上应无油迹

30、。If using clean and dried, white filter paper to scrub surface of degreased pieces, thereis no oil trace on paper.b、用紫外线灯照耀脱脂件外表时,应无紫兰荧光。Lighting the surface of degreased pieces by ultravoilent ray light, nonappearance ofpurple-blue light.Iftestbyindirectway, complying with one of the following regulations shall be passable.a、当用蒸汽吹洗脱脂件时,盛少量蒸汽冷凝液于器皿内,放入数颗粒度小于1毫米的纯樟脑,樟脑应不停旋转。Whenusingsteamtoblowandwashdegreasedpieces,fetchingalittlevapor-condensation liquid into pot and putting several pure napha


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