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1、英汉十大差异Differences between Chinese and English 1What are the differences between Chinese and English?2EtymologyEnglish - Indo-European FamilyChinese - Sino-Tibetan Family31.英语重形合,汉语重意合.跑得了和尚,跑不了庙.The monks may run away, but the temple cannot run away with him.一个英国人,不会说中国话,有一次在中国旅行.An Englishman who c

2、ould not speak Chinese was once traveling in China.那太阳,整天躲在云层里,现在又光芒四射了.The sun, which had hidden all day, now came out in full splendor.4英语重形合,汉语重意合.他不去我去.Id like to go if he wouldnt.他不去我也去.Id go there even if he wouldnt to with me.他不去我才去.Id go there only if he wont.人穷志短When a man is poor his ambit

3、ion is not far-reaching. (Poverty stifles ambition.)人穷志不短.Though one is poor, he has high apiration.人有脸,树有皮.The face is as important to a man as the bark to a tree.52.英语:前重心;汉语:后重心英汉句子的重心,就逻辑而言,一般均落在结论,断言,结果以及事实上,但细究之下,其”异在于重心的位置所在,即 “英前汉后”.生活中既有悲剧,文学作品就可以写悲剧.这是一个 “因果”句,汉语一般是先因后果.如此排列可见“因”轻“果”重.相应的英

4、语表达是:Tragedies can be written in literature since there is tragedy in life.(先果后因)小国人民敢于起来斗争,敢于拿起武器,掌握自己国家的命运,就一定能够战胜大国的侵略.本句所用句式为:条件-断言,即”如果怎样,结果就怎样”.前者”条件”为轻,后者”断言”为重.其相应英语表达为:The people of a small country can certainly defeat aggression by a big country, if only they dare to rise in struggle, dare

5、 to take up arms and grasp in their own hands the destiny of their own country. (先“断言”后“条件”)63.英语:静态语言;汉语:动态语言英语有少用(谓语)动词,或使用其他手段表示动作意义的自然倾向;而汉语则有动辄使用动词的固有习惯.英语静态特征的表现主要有句法方式或词汇方式两种.前者如使用非谓语或非限定动词,省略动词以及将动词名词化等;后者如使用动词的同源名词,同源形容词,介词及副词等.相对而言,汉语的动词由于无英语动词那样的形态变化,若要表达动作意义,往往别无他法,只能起用动词本身.7The isolatio

6、n of the rural world because of distance and the lack of transport facilities is compounded by the paucity of the information media.9 nouns,5 preps,1 verb英语:静态语言;汉语:动态语言8因为距离远,交通工具缺乏,使农村社会与外界隔绝。这种隔绝,又由于通讯工具不足,而变得更加严重。回译Because there is a great distance and there are not enough transport facilities,

7、the rural world is isolated. This isolation has become more serious because there are not enough information media.英语:静态语言;汉语:动态语言9英语:静态语言;汉语:动态语言我疯狂地爱上了她,她也疯狂地爱上了我.I fell madly in love with her, and she with me.(英语可省略后半句的动词,汉语却不可.)他来回晃着脑袋,欲望在膨胀,意志在萎缩.Back and forth his head swiveled, desire waxing,

8、 resolution waning.(英语用独立结构,汉语则用动词.)我担心你误解了我.I am afraid of you misunderstanding me.(英语用动名词复合结构)10英语:静态语言;汉语:动态语言That would be the confirmation that it was in general use. (confirm同根名词)除上述同源词外,还有众多的词可用来表示动作意义.如:glance, glimpse, look, mention, close等;形容词able, afraid, angry, anxious, aware, capable, g

9、ood等.在特定的语言环境中,这些词都宜译作相应的动词.如:一看见他,我就紧张.The very sight of him makes me nervous.对此我深信不疑.Im sure of it.114.英语重物称;汉语重人称.英语的物称倾向十分明显,主要见于其对主语的择定.英语常选择不能施行动作或无生命事物的词语作主语.相对而言,汉语一般则更习惯于人称化的表达,尤其是主语,能施行动作或有生命物体为主语首选.试比较:他进门时带进一缕雪茄烟雾.A wave of cigar smoke accompanied him in.“嗨! 嗨!”出租车司机嚷道,他一瞅见旅客就 “砰”地打开车门.“

10、Hi! Hi!” said the cab driver, the door of whose cab popped open at the very sight of a traveler.这位饱尝辛酸者,却让全世界的人发出笑声.Bitterness fed on the man who had made the world laugh.125.英语多被动;汉语多主动Passive voice is often available in English because of inanimate words as subjects.Correspondingly, active voice i

11、s often available in Chinese because of animate words as subjects.135.英语多被动;汉语多主动An illustration is furnished by an editorial in the Washington Post.华盛顿邮报的一篇社论提供了一个例证。It has been known for a long time that there is a first relationship between the heart and the liver.心与肝的密切关系是早为人知的了。145.英语多被动;汉语多主动在

12、什么情况下汉语的主动句转译成英语的被动句.1)强调受事,突出被动状态.地球上早期的火是大自然而不是人类引燃的.Early fires on the earth were caused by nature, not by man.2)因种种原因,不出现或无须说明施事者.这种书是给儿童写的.Such books are written for children.155.英语多被动;汉语多主动3)使句子结构匀称,文气连贯.他出现在台上,群众报以热烈的掌声.He appeared on the stage and was warmly applauded by the audience.4)汉语中的某

13、些习惯用语或泛指人称为主语的主动句.大家都认为这样做是不妥当的.It is generally considered not advisable to act that way.有人给你打电话.You are wanted on the phone.165.英语多被动;汉语多主动5)使语气委婉,措辞礼貌.今天晚上七点钟开教学会,全体教师务必参加.There will be a Teaching Symposium at 7:00p.m. today. All the faculty is expected to attend.请您不要在此抽烟.You are not supposed to s

14、moke in here.175.英语多被动;汉语多主动6)某些汉语句子可借助于英语的一些固定搭配或词组来表达.他坚持不懈地从事着科研工作.He was engaged in scientific researches perseveringly.He persevered in scientific researches.7)汉语中含有被动意义的主动句.病人正在手术中.The patient is being operated on.这个问题必须马上解决.This problem has to be solved immediately.18Grapes vs. Bamboo196.英语多复

15、合长句;汉语多简单句英语重形合以及英语各种替代词与关系词的广泛运用,导致英语较多出现 “多枝共干”式长句,复合句.而汉语正好相反,多用短句,简单句.试比较:As we lived near the road, we often had the traveler or stranger visit us to taste our gooseberry wine, for which we had great reputation, and I confess, with the veracity of an historian, that I never knew one of them to

16、find fault with it.本句的主干为:we often had the traveler or stranger visit us;其余借助于as, to, for which, and, with, that等词与主干一起构成长句.其汉语意思为:我们就住在路边.过路人或外乡人常到我们家,尝尝我们家酿的酸果酒.这种酒很有名气.我敢说,尝过的人,从没有挑剔过.我这话像历史学家的话一样靠得住.207.英语重后饰;汉语重前饰.汉语句子的语序一般以思维程序展开,而中国人的思维方式多是先考虑事物的环境和外围因素,再考虑具体事物和中心事件.反映到句式上,就是状语总放在谓语或句子主体的前边,定

17、语无论长短,都要置于中心词之前.这样就使得单句的状语部分长,主谓部分短;主语部分长,谓语部分短;修饰成分长,中心词短.整体上形成头大尾小的狮子头形状.217.英语重后饰;汉语重前饰.英语句式则相反.英语的定语成分除单词外,多数都要置于中心词之后.英语重视末端重量,凡较长的词语及累赘的成分均须后移至句末.有时必须使用形式主语来避免句子的头重脚轻.由此造成句子结构头大尾小,像一只开屏的孔雀.227.英语重后饰;汉语重前饰.他去年为完成一个项目在实验室用计算机努力地干了十个月.He worked hard with computers in the lab for ten months in ord

18、er to complete a project last year.那可能是一个地势低洼,连绵数英里,人迹罕至,荒茫贫瘠的白色干沙漠.It may be a low-lying arid stretch with miles of white sandy beach, and no sign of people, very bleached and barren.那个饥饿的,疲倦的,瞌睡的卖火柴的小女孩.that little match girl who was so hungry, tired and sleepy.238.英语重短语;汉语轻短语英语句法单位的基本主体是短语和词组.与其说

19、英语句子由词组成,不如说由各种短语组成,如名词短语,形容词短语,介词短语,分词短语,不定式短语,动词短语,独立结构等.汉语无分词短语和不定式短语.例如:玛丽正在考虑调换工作.Mary is considering changing her job.(分词短语)对敌人仁慈就是对人民残忍.To be kind to the enemy is to be cruel to the people.(不定式)你得支持你的朋友.You must stand up for you friend.(动词短语)这是迄今为止我所读到的最有趣的书.This is by far the most interestin

20、g book I have ever read.(副词)我从未遇到过像我丈夫这么难以理解的人.I have never met a person so difficult to understand as my husband.(形容词词组)249.英语重时态;汉语轻时态英语动词的时态非常丰富,从理论上讲,英语有十六个时态:1一般现在时 2现在进行时 3现在完成时 4现在完成进行时 5一般过去时 6过去进行时 7过去完成时 8过去完成进行时 9一般将来时 10将来进行时 11将来完成时 12将来完成进行时 13 一般过去将来时 14过去将来进行时 15过去将来完成时 16过去将来完成进行时汉语

21、动词除了只有 “着” “了” “过”的若干说法与英语的进行时,完成时或过去时相比之外,没有其他相对应的时态,只能加上一些时间副词.The cafes must be closing, the last guests going home. Lovers stand before house doors unable to take leave of each other.2510.英语重形态;汉语轻形态英语是一种更为形式化的语言,它注重形式的变化,也善于形式的变化.代词,名词,动词在语法上有变化.形容词,副词,名词在构词上有变化.而汉语除了有时在名词后加 “们”以示其复数意义,其他词一般很少或

22、没有形态标记.代词作为一种形态标记在英语中淋漓尽致地发挥了其固有的作用.相比之下,汉语则 “墨守”名词,慎用代词.26英语重形态;汉语轻形态汤姆.曼说得跟列宁说几句话. 当列宁朝着我们走来的时候,他就迎了上去.列宁招呼汤姆.曼时显得多么高兴啊.他满脸笑容地告诉汤姆说,他随时密切注意汤姆在世界各地的种种活动.Tom Mann said he must speak to him, and advanced as Lenin came towards us. How glad he was to greet Tom Mann. His face lit up with pleasure as he told Tom how closely he had followed his activities all over the world.因此,在翻译的时候,要把汉语中省略的代词补出来,把英语中的代词转化成汉语中的名词.健康比财富更重要,因为财富不能像健康那样带来幸福.Health is above wealth, for this cannot give so much happiness a


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