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1、U6 Reading最新初中英语精品课件设计north-east1. Zhalong nature reserveIts in North-east China.Its in the north-east of Chinasouth-west最新初中英语精品课件设计Zhalong is in North-east China.Zhalong is in the north-east of China.Wolong Reserve is in South-west China.Wolong Reserve is in the south-west of China.Zhalong is to t

2、he north-east of Wolong reserve. 最新初中英语精品课件设计2. It is one of the worlds most important wetlands.= It is one of the most important wetlands in the world.one of + superlative + n.(pl) Zhalong is one of the _ (big) nature _ (reserve) in China.This is one of the _ (funny) _ (story) I have ever read. big

3、gestreservesfunnieststories最新初中英语精品课件设计3. It provides food and cover for wildlife. provide sth. for sb. = provide sb. with sth. = offer sb. sth. = offer sth. to sb. Nature_water and air _ us. e.g. Nature gives water and air to us.(同义句)providesfor offersto wildlife (u)n.野生生物对我们人类很重要._ _ _ _ _.Wildlif

4、e is important to humans最新初中英语精品课件设计4. Its a perfect place for wildlife. (同义句) Its an excellent/the best place for wildlife. 最新初中英语精品课件设计5. Many birds live in Zhalong all year round, while some go there only for a short stay n.Different uses of “while”She likes to lie down for a while after lunch.Wh

5、ile dad was watching TV, he fell asleep.Boys like basketball while girls like badminton.She should have helped me, but she didnt. While作并列连词用,意思为“而,然而”,表对比。而but表转折。The whole yearstay v. for a short while最新初中英语精品课件设计6. Forty per cent of them live in Zhalong.这块蛋糕的70%都被你吃了!_ _ _ of the cake _ eaten by

6、you!75%的地球表面都覆盖着水。_ _ _ of the surface of the earth _ _ _ water.只有20%左右的学生来自南京。Only _ _ _ of the students _ _ Nanjing.Seventy per centwasSeventy-five per cent is covered with twenty per cent are/come from最新初中英语精品课件设计7. This will lead to less and less space for wildlife. lead- led-led这起事故导致了近60人的死亡。T

7、he accident _ _ the _ of nearly 60 people.你的粗心将导致你的失败。Your _ will _ _ your failure.led to death carelessness lead to space: (u)n.Could you please _ _ _ _ (为腾点位置)the old man? make some space for最新初中英语精品课件设计8. Now, the Chinese government has made laws to prevent all these things. prevent sth. prevent

8、sb. (from) doing sth. =stop sb. (from) doing sth. = keep sb. from doing 湿地可以有助于防洪。Wetlands can _ _ flood.我们应该立法阻止人们砍树。We should make laws _ _ people _ _ _ the trees. help (to) prevent to prevent/stop/keep from cutting down 最新初中英语精品课件设计9. We record their types and changes in their numbers. record v.

9、/ n. change v. / n.We should record the events of the past.She recorded the beautiful song just now.Its difficult to break the record.Nanjing has changed a lot over the years.Great changes have taken place here. v. 记录v. 录音 n. 纪录 v.改变 n. 变化最新初中英语精品课件设计10. We hope this information will help people und

10、erstand the importance of the wetlands. important -importance different -differenceIt is _ for us to protect the wild animals.Dont you know the _ of study?This meeting will be of great _. Make sure everyone will attend it on time!Do you know the _ between these two words? They are quite _.importanti

11、mportanceimportanceDifference(s)differentadj.-n.最新初中英语精品课件设计Exercises Many animals are a_ in the daytime and they move around in the forest.I want you to come here and have a long s_.Leave a s_ between the two words.Every year, a lot of t_ come to visit my home town.Its so beautiful that I really do

12、nt know how to d_ it.ctivetaypaceouristsescriben.tour n.空格.最新初中英语精品课件设计This is a _ (very good, excellent) place for people to relax themselves. The heavy snow _ (keep) us coming on time yesterday. His parents _ (offer) food and clothes for him in the university._ (people who are visiting sp. ) are w

13、elcome here.I dont _ (know) what you said to us.英文释义写单词perfectprevented/stopped providedTourists/Travellers/Visitors understand最新初中英语精品课件设计11. Birds can _ (easy) find food in the nature reserve.12. We want to make the pollution _ and _ (little).13. Its a pity that there are not many red-crowned cran

14、es _ (leave) in the world.14. _ (fisherman) like fishing here.15. 40 per cent of the birds_ (be) now living in Zhalong Nature Reserve.16. Fifty per cent of water _(be) polluted. easilylesslessleftFishermen areis最新初中英语精品课件设计GrammarA. 动词不定式做宾语agree to doprepare to dobegin to dohope to dodecide to dole

15、arn to dotry to do remember/forget to do记得/忘记要做某事remember/forget doing记得/忘记做过的事情 stop to do 停下来去做另一件事stop doing停下来正在做的事最新初中英语精品课件设计1. 记得明天把作业带来。Remember to bring your homework tomorrow. 2. 我记得/忘记读完这本书了。 I remember/forget finishing reading the book. 3. 别讲话了! Stop talking! 4. 让我们停下来去锻炼一下吧。 Lets stop t

16、o do some exercise. 5. 别忘了吃药。Dont forget to take the medicine. 最新初中英语精品课件设计C. 动词不定式做宾补加带to 的不定式做宾语补足语的动词 _sb (not) to do sth. ask, tell, invite, want, wish, teach, advise, allow, encourage, order, need 他希望他的儿子可以上大学。He wishes his son to go to college. 老师总是鼓励我不要害怕说英语。The teacher always encourages me n

17、ot to be afraid of speaking English. ?最新初中英语精品课件设计2. 加不带to的动词不定式做宾补的动词 _sb (not) do sth.a. 使役动词 make, let b. 感官动词 see, hear, watch, notice You made her_ (cry) again. She let me _(not go) outside today. We often hear her_ (play) the violin upstairs. I saw them _basketball on the playground the whole

18、afternoon. ?cryplayplaynot go最新初中英语精品课件设计3. 感官动词+sb do 表示看到或听到动作的全过程或经常性 感官动词+sb doing 表示看到或听到动作正在进行的片断。 I saw him _(chat) with his classmates when I entered the classroom.I noticed her_ (read) a book just now.4. 可加to或不加to的不定式做宾补的动词。 _sb (not) (to) do sth. Can you help me _(send) the letter?chatting

19、reading?(to) sendhelp最新初中英语精品课件设计ExercisesHis mother plans to let him _(study) in America. Peter invited me _(go) on a trip to Yunnan. We shouldnt be allowed _(drive) after drinking. He made a candle _(give) light. The teacher did what she could _(help) me with my lessons. I am tired. Lets stop _(ha

20、ve) a meal. I know a good restaurant near here. studyto goto driveto giveto helpto have最新初中英语精品课件设计7. Colors can change our moods and make us_ (feel) happy or sad. 8. I often hear her _(sing) after class.9. Its a good habit _(have) breakfast every day. 10. He always encourages me_ (not give) up. 11.

21、 I noticed her _(read) when I entered the room. 12. We work hard _(fail) the exam. 13. I remember _(turn) off the lights when I left. I dont know why it is still on. feelsingto havenot to givereadingnot to failturning最新初中英语精品课件设计14. Dont forget _(bring) your homework to school tomorrow and remember

22、_(bring) your workbook. 15. He stopped _(do) the housework and began_ (play) computer games. 16. She taught me _(play) the piano when I was 5. 17. Teachers always advise me _(finish) homework carelessly. to bringto bringdoingto playto playnot to finish最新初中英语精品课件设计1. 有的面积cover an area of.超过10平方公里more

23、 than / over 10 square kilometres少于10平方公里less than / under 10 square kilometres2. 世界湿地日World Wetlands DayMy university is over 80 hectares in area. (同义句)My university _ _ _ _ _ _ 80 hectares.covers an area of more thanIntegrated skillsLanguage points:最新初中英语精品课件设计3. 是 的栖息地/家园be home to.四川是大熊猫的家园,并且我们

24、应该保护它们的家园。Sichuan is home to the giant pandas,and we should protect the home of giant pandas. 4. 一个观鸟的好地方a perfect place to go birdwatching育英二外是个学习的好地方。The Second Yuying Foreign Languages Schoolis a good place to study.最新初中英语精品课件设计In 2002, Yancheng _ (自然保护区) _ (become) one of the _ (world) _ (import

25、ant) _ (wetland).2. The reserve has an area of more than 210,000 hectares.(同义句)_ the reserve _ more than 210,000 hectares.Nature Reserve becameworldsmost importantwetlandsThe area ofisConsolidation: I.按要求完成下列句子.最新初中英语精品课件设计3. _ (世界湿地日) is on 2nd February.4. Yancheng Nature Reserve is _ (许多动植物的家园), _ (包括) different kinds of rare birds.5. Its a very good place _ (go) _ (bird


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