高中英语 高三2022届术科生语法基础课名词 名词学案_第1页
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高中英语 高三2022届术科生语法基础课名词 名词学案_第4页




1、名词学案教学目标学完本课:正确掌握可数名词和不可数名词的区别,名词单数变复数的规则变化和不规则变化、派生名词的特点。运用名词的基本规则解决学习难题。自行总结名词的运用规则。教学过程第一步:导入新冠病毒是单数名词还是复数名词?Virus_Viruses_第二步:选择正确的句子(深圳抗击新冠疫情的现场)下面四个场景中,哪句话是对的?Scene1: In front of me, man and woman are waiting in line. In front of me, a man and a woman are waiting in line.总结:_.例句:一个老师_ 我的妈妈_ 一个

2、学生_ Scene2: In an universtiy, we have waited for an hour.In a universtiy, we have waited for a hour.In a universtiy, we have waited for an hour.总结:_.Exercise 1一个苹果_ apple 一个耳朵_ ear一英尺土地_ inch of land 一个海洋_ ocean一把伞_ umbrella mbrel一个独特的花瓶_ unique junik vase 一个有用的电脑_ useful jusfl computer一个丈夫_ husband

3、 hzbnd 一个英雄_ herohro 一个小时_ hour ar 一个诚实的女孩_ honest nst girl总结:_.例句:一个电脑 _ 一件制服_ 一个橘子_ 一个小时_ Scene3: A bottles of disinfectants is placed in a desk.A bottle of disinfectant is placed in a desk.A bottle of disinfectants is placed in a desk.总结:_.例句:eg:一条建议/信息 _ 两条建议_ 一些建议/信息_ 取得一些进步_ 多么令人惊奇的一件事啊。_ Scen

4、e4: Some volunteers are checking the health QR code.Some volunteer are checking the health QR code.第三步:思考和总结Three_(doctor) wear_(mask).总结:_.Their _(watch) are in three _(box).总结:_.例句:灌木 bush 大众mass 狐狸fox 英寸inch特例:monarch(君主) stomach(胃) A doctor hold two_(knife) in the operation room.总结:_.改错:It was a

5、utumn and the leaf were yellow. 特例:roof_屋顶 belief_信仰 chef_厨师 proof_证据With all kinds of appropriate _(policy), _(boy) and girls are saved from death.总结:_.例句:fly(苍蝇) country(国家) guy(家伙,人们)They are grateful for the three _ _(man doctor) and several _ _(woman nurse).总结:_.例句:男生志愿者们_ _ 对比:_ _ 女生舞者 _ _ 对比:

6、_ _These _(son-in-law) rise to applaud their_(father-in-law) for what they do. We _(grown-up) are moved by the music the nurse played.总结:_.一些常考的合成词: 过路者passer-by 旁观者 stander-by looker-on 成年人 grown-upDuring the outbreak of COVID-19, We Chinese/Chineses are protected well by a group of lovely people/p

7、eoples.总结:_.常用的复数名词还有:_.常见的单复数同行的名词还有:_.Q: Why are they called the lovely people? A: Because of their _(devote) and _(selfless) to work. 总结:_.例句:exist第四步:公民意识我们高中生能为疫情做些什么?1. 戴口罩 wear_(mask)2. 勤洗手 wash your_(hand)3. 常通风 open your_(window)4. 勤消毒 Frequent _(disinfection)5. 不聚集 Dont go to crowded_(plac

8、e)6. 多喝水 drink much_(water)第五步:巩固和操练 1Cows have four _.What about _ and _? Astomaches;mosquitos;monkeys Bstomachs;mosquitoes;monkeiesCstomachs;mosquitos;monkeys Dstomaches;mosquitoes;monkeies2He found a lot of _ were_.Apassersby; grownups Bpasserbys; grownsupCpasserbys; grownups Dpassersby; grownsup

9、3Two _teachers and four _students were praised at the meeting yesterdayAwomen; girl Bwoman; girlCwoman; girlsDwomen; girls4The students at colleges or universities are making _ for the coming new yearAmany preparations Bmuch preparationCpreparationDpreparations5I want some _ and _ in my roomAshelves

10、; sofas Bshelfes; plantsCphotoes; shelvesDfurnitures; shelves6There were three _ eggs in the basketAdozenBdozensCdozens ofDdozened of7Were glad that the party turns out _ASuccess Ba successCto be succeedDsuccessful one8Hey, you cant enter Ladys Room. You two are _ .Aman workersBman worker Cmen worke

11、rsDmen worker9It is that the industrial cities of the nineteenth century in England do not attract visitors.Aa pityBthe pityCpity Dpities10. (2021年新高考I卷)The rolling sea of clouds you see once you are at the top will remind you how tiny we _57_ (human) are.11. (2021年全国甲卷)Supposedly you can do it in t

12、wo hours, but we stopped at the different gates and _49_ (watchtower) to fake pictures or just to watch the local people going about their daily routines.12. (2021年全国乙卷)It often provides money for conservation and benefits the _62_(develop)of the local areas. 13. (2021年6月浙江卷) Charles Dresser performed their _38_ (marry)ceremony in 1842.14. (2020年,新高考全国卷) Historical 19. _(accurate) is


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