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1、YOUR BRAND OR YOUR COMPANYRANDBINTRODUCTIONOF COMPANY Huawei Technologies Co. Ltd华为科技有限公司 Company Profile Enterprise Scale And Strength Milestone Market Position Major Event Organization Core Competitiveness Cultures of Huawei International Cooperation ProjectsCONTENTSCompany Profile公司简介It was found

2、ed in 1987 它成立于1987年with only 14 employees14位员工It is a private .这是一个私人独立企业inShenzhen.位于深圳市multinational company,which produce and salecommunication负责生产和销售通信的跨国公司Brief introduction to Huawei公司标志及含义Company logo and meaningFocus 聚焦Innovation 创新Steady 稳健Harmonious 和谐Unity聚焦、创新、稳健、和谐Focus, innovation, st

3、eady and harmonious 国际化、职业化,聚焦客户international and professional, focus more on customersWhat do we insist on?我们坚持什么?resisting all temptations 抵制一切诱惑;not taking shortcuts,不走捷径rejecting opportunism拒绝机会主义;Customer-centered,客户为中心persisting in self-criticism 坚持自我批判Never live up to永不辜负Enterprise Scale And

4、Strength企业规模和实力企业规模和实力Enterprise scale and strength2018年第二季度全球智能手机出货量,华为首次超过苹果排名升至第二,成为全球第二大智能手机厂商,仅次于三星。In the second quarter of 2018, Huawei surpassed Apple for the first time to become the second largest smartphone manufacturer in the world, second only to Samsung. 华为2017年财务报告HUAWEI 2017 financia

5、l report美元百万元Millions of dollars人民币百万元RMB millions销售收入Sales revenue95,549603,621营业利润Operating profit8,64556,384净利润Net profit7,27647,455运营资本Operating capital21,093137,576总资产Total assets77,462505,225所有者权益Owners equity26,926175,6162018国家知识产权局2018 State Intellectual Property Office专利授权量Patent authorizat

6、ion排名ranking华为17751行业地位及荣誉Industry status and honor华为是通信领域的领导性品牌世界三强。HUAWEI is the worlds top three leading brand in the field of communications.2018年获得世界500强72位。In 2018, it won the 72 top 500 in the world.“2014年最佳服务支付奖“Best service payment award 2014”“2017年金牌合作伙伴奖”“2017 gold medal Partner Award”Mil

7、estone里程碑里程碑Milestone2011年初,正式进军企业市场In early 2011, Huawei entered the enterprise market formally.2012年7月,华为当选OASIS董事会唯一中国公司In July 2012, Huawei was elected the sole Chinese company of the Oasis board2015年5月,华为发布全球首个敏捷物联解决方案。In May 2015, Huawei released the worlds first agile IoT solution2017年7月,华为进入

8、Gartner 2017数据中心网络魔力象限的挑战者象限。In July 2017, Huawei entered the Challenger quadrant of the Gartner 2017 Data center Network Magic Quadrant.Market Position市场地位2016年12月,IDC报告显示,2016Q3华为全球数据中心交换机收入稳居全球第三,同比飙升97%,全球增长率第一。In December 2016, IDC reported that 2016q3 Huaweis global Data center switch revenue

9、ranked third in the world, surging 97%, the first global growth rate.2017年2月,IDC报告显示,2016年全年华为数据中心交换机市场份额继续保持高速增长,全球排名第三,中国排名第一。In February 2017, IDC reported that in 2016, Huaweis data center switch market share continued to grow at a high rate, ranking third in the world and ranked first in China.

10、2017年7月,华为进入Gartner 2017数据中心网络魔力象限的挑战者象限。In July 2017, Huawei entered the Challenger quadrant of the Gartner 2017 Data center Network Magic Quadrant.2017年7月,华为进入Gartner 2017企业防火墙魔力象限的挑战者象限。In July 2017, Huawei entered the Challenger quadrant of the Gartner 2017 corporate firewall Magic QuadrantMajor

11、 Event重大事件11987年创立于深圳FoundedinShenzhenin198721995年销售额达15亿人民币In1995,salesamountedto1billion500millionyuan31997年推出无线GSM解决方案The wireless GSM solution was launched in 199742000年在瑞典首都设立研发中心In 2000, a research and development center in the Swedish capital52001年加入国际电信联盟(ITU)In 2001, join the International

12、Telecommunication Union ( ITU )62002年海外市场销售额达5.52亿美元。In 2002, sales in overseas markets reached 552 million US dollars.72004年与西门子合作成立合资公司,开发TD-SCDMA解决方案。In 2004, a joint venture was established with Siemens to develop TD - SCDMA solutions. 82005年海外合同销售额首次超过国内合同销售额For the first time in 2005, overseas

13、 contract sales exceeded domestic contract sales.9被沃达丰授予“2007杰出表现奖”In 2007, The 2007 Outstanding Performance Award awarded by Vodafone102009年无线接入市场份额跻身全球第二In 2009, wireless access market share ranked second in the world112010年加入联合国世界宽带委员会Join the UN World Broadband Commission.122013年智能手机业务进入全球TOP3In

14、 2013,Smartphone business enters global TOP3132014年智能手机发货量超过7500万台。In 2014, more than 75 million smartphones were shipped.142015年企业专利申请排名连续第二年位居榜首。In 2015, the ranking of enterprise patent applications ranked first in second consecutive years.shipped. 152016年全球市场份额居全球前三。Global market share ranks top

15、 three in the world.162017年,中国市场份额保持第一,稳居全球前三。In 2017,Chinas market share remaining the first and firmly ranking among the top three in the world.Organization组织结构领导人The President任正非RenZhengfei总裁(CEO)President孙亚芳SunYafang董事长Chairman组织结构股东会董事会人力资源委员会财经委员会发展与战略委员会审计委员会监事会Shareholders meetingShareholder

16、s meetingBoard of directorsboard of auditorsBoard of supervisorsHuman Resources CommitteeHuman Resources CommitteeFinance CommitteeYOUR BRAND OR YOUR COMPANYRANDBINTRODUCTIONOR COMPANY Core Competitiveness核心竞争力HuaweiYOUR BRAND OR YOUR COMPANY产品展示产品研发产品竞争010203YOUR BRAND OR YOUR COMPANY产品竞争01Product

17、competitionHuawei competitiveness华为竞争力2015年华为入选Brand Z全球最具价值品牌榜百强,位列科技领域品牌排名第16位。2018年第二季度全球智能手机出货量,华为首次超过苹果排名升至第二,成为全球第二大智能手机厂商,仅次于三星。In 2015, Huawei was selected as the top 100 Brand Z brand in the world, ranking 16th in the field of science and technology. In the second quarter of 2018, Huawei su

18、rpassed Apple for the first time to become the second largest smartphone manufacturer in the world, second only to Samsung.YOUR BRAND OR YOUR COMPANY华为手机研发02Huawei Mobile phone research and development华为手机 隶属于华为消费者业务,作为华为三大核心业务之一, 华为消费者业务始于2003年底,经过十余年的发展,在中国、俄罗斯、德国、瑞典、印度及美国等地设立了16个研发中心。Huaweis mobi

19、le phone business belongs to Huaweis consumer business. As one of Huaweis three core businesses, Huaweis consumer business began at the end of 2003. After more than ten years of development, Huawei has set up 16 R&D centers in China, Russia, Germany, Sweden, India and the United States.Mobile phone

20、research and development手机研发YOUR BRAND OR YOUR COMPANY最新手机产品展示The latest Mobile phone Product Show03华为P20采用了5.8英寸显示屏,分辨率达到了2240 x1080,并后置了莱卡双摄镜头,整机厚度为7.65mm。拥有宝石蓝、樱粉金、亮黑色,极光色4种配色The huawei P20 has a 5.8-inch display with a resolution of 2240 x1080 and a lycra dual-camera lens, which is 7.65mm thick.

21、 Have gem blue, ying fen gold, bright black, aurora color 4 match colorsText hereOur product产品展示Cultures of Huawei企业文化Service conceptCorporate visionThe Core Value4 points公司标志Company logoFocus 聚焦Innovation 创新Steady 稳健Harmonious 和谐Unity为客户服务是我们存在的唯一理由华为IT产品线总裁郑叶来表示,“华为坚持与客户的融合,与合作伙伴的解决方案融合,坚持行业被集成。用融

22、合的方式坚持技术创新与变革,华为坚持与客户共同成长。” The only reason for we exist is to serve customers. President of Huaweis IT product line, Zheng Yelai said, huawei adhere to the integration with customers and partners solutions. Besides,Huawei stick to being integrated by the industry. We adhere to technological innovat

23、ion and change in an integrative way and stick to growing with customers.Service Concept企业愿景Make peoples life more convenient and enrich the interpersonal communications让人们的生活更加便捷,丰富人际交往Corporate vision丰富人们的沟通和生活核心价值拼搏团结员工创新TheCoreValuePerseveranceUnityEmployeeInnovationConclusionInternational Cooperation Projects国际合作项目国际合作项目 International cooperation projects2018年 华为有力保障波兰奥波莱大学IT系统不间断运行In 2018, huaweis IT collaboration with polish university of opolai .2018年 华为为奥地利铁路运营商BB采用密集波分复用(DWDM)技术In 2018, huawei partnered with Austrian rail operator OBB.2018年 华为与Converge打造新一代ISP网络 共同推动菲律宾数字经济发


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