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1、How plastic waste is affecting wildlife and fisheriesThe main waste in the ocean is the Plastic debris.About 80 percent of marine debris is plastic.Every year, a huge number of seabirds, turtles, and fisheries died of eating plastic debris by mistake.1Human actions that polluted the pacific ocean?Me

2、rchant ships expel cargo,sewage, used medical equipment, and other types of waste that contain plasticinto the ocean. ?Naval and research vessels eject waste and military equipmentthat are deemed unnecessary. ?Pleasure craftsrelease fishing gear and other types of waste, either accidentally or throu

3、gh negligent handling. ?The largest ocean-based source of plastic pollution is discarded fishing gear (including traps and nets), estimated to be up to 90% of plastic debris in some areas.(Hammer, J; Kraak, MH; Parsons&JR ,2012 )2The organism that is being affected?Seabirds ?Whales ?Fisheries?Seals?

4、Sea lions?Sea turtle?Dolphins3Aquatic wildlife can be threatened by .Obviously, this sea turtle was scarred. After this picture was taken, maybe it would die soon. As we can imagine, there are still thousands of sea turtles under the threaten of plastic debris. If no one helps them, they are just dy

5、ing lonely, scared, and desperated.4This picture tells us a sad story about this turtle: it was trapped accidentally when it was young. As it grew bigger and bigger, the rubber band limited it. As a result, its body was deformed. 5Convincing data(on Pacific Ocean)?In a 2008 Pacific Gyre voyage, Alga

6、lita Marine Research Foundation researchersbegan finding that fish are eating plastic fragments and waste. Of the 672 fish caught during that voyage, 35% had ate plastic pieces.Click to see more details?TheNorth Pacific Gyre, for example, has collected the so-called “Great Pacific Garbage Patch”, wh

7、ich is now estimated to be one to twenty times the size of Texas (approximately from 700,000 to 15,000,000 square kilometers). In samples taken in 1999, the mass of plastic exceeded that of zooplankton (the dominant animal life in the area) by a factor of six. (Weisman&Alan,2007).Click to see more d

8、etails6Effects on wildlife & fisheries(how have the plastic debris affected them)1. Entanglement?Entanglement is responsible for many different kinds of wildlife. Such as seals, fish, turtles, and birds.?These animals get caught in the debris and end upsuffocatingordrowning.?They dont have hands lik

9、e us to untangle themselves, as a result, (Hammer, J; Kraak, MH; Parsons&JRthey die from their inability to escape their predators.2012). 8Effects on wildlife & fisheries(how have the plastic debris affected them)2.IngestionSea animals ?Turtlessometimes mistake plastic bags for jellyfish. ?“This pla

10、stic debris can kill the sea turtle by obstructing theesophagus.”(Gregory & M. R. 14 June 2009)?So too arewhales; large amounts of plastics have been found in the stomachs ofbeached whales.?Truth: In June 2018, more than 80 plastic bags were found inside a dyingpilot whalethat washed up on the shore

11、s of Thailand.(Whale dies from eating more than 80 plastic bags.The Guardian. June 2, 2018. RetrievedJune 17,2018.)9A heart-broken photo 10An exhibit at theMote Marine Laboratorythat displays plastic bags in the ocean that look similar tojellyfish.11Effects on wildlife & fisheries(how have the plast

12、ic debris affected them)2.IngestionBirds?Seabirds often mistake trash floating on the oceans surface as prey.?Even worse, marine plastic pollution can reach birds that have never been at the sea. Parents may accidentally feed their nestlings plastic, mistaking it for food.(Rodrguez, A; et al.)?Seabi

13、rd chicks are the most vulnerable to plastic ingestion since they cant vomit up their food like the adult seabirds.(Derraik, J. G. B. ,2002)12Thebiodiversity of the “GreatPacificGarbage Patch” is decreasing14Reasons:1.Fauna & Flora International(FFI) has already confirmed that plastic debris will po

14、se a growing threat to Marine biodiversity and marine food chain in 2010.2.There will be moreplasticthan fish in the oceanby 2050, warned theEllen MacArthur Foundationin areportpublished Tuesday. (There Will Be More Plastic Than Fish in the Ocean by 2050, January 19, 2016)3.Scientists said that whal

15、es such as whale sharks are endangered. Currently, the whale shark has been listed on the world union for conservation of nature (IUCN) red list of endangered species ver3.1 vulnerable (VU)in 2005, and is also listed in CITES level protection of animals under the Washington convention.15Efforts that

16、 human made to help those organisms?Every year, June 5is observed as World Environment Day to raise awareness and increase government action on the pressing issue. In 2018, India is the host to this years World Environment Day and the theme is Beat Plastic Pollution with focus on single-use or dispo

17、sable plastic.?On 11 April 2013 in order to create awareness, artistMaria Cristina Finuccifounded TheGarbage Patch StateatUNESCOParis in front of Director GeneralIrina Bokova. (The garbage patch territory turns into a new state -United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization. .)First of a series of events under the patronage ofUNESCOand of Italian Ministry of the Environment.8016Although we made some effort


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