



1、 PETS5 写作备考策略(一)知彼“敌人”是什么 构思表达知彼“敌人”是什么 构思不偏题不一段 如何审题 As the development of modern science and technology, some aspects of traditional culture are being lost, so some people think that the traditional culture and technology will be replaced by the modern science and technology such as computer or in

2、ternet, what is your opinion?知彼“敌人”是什么 表达书面 字迹 整洁 字数 100-150,二档 100, 一档 功底 第五档 开头得体,结尾有力 内容完整,层次分明,具有说服力 使用了丰富的语法结构与词汇, 采用了多种衔接与转折手法 极少语言错误知己我们做什么 三点一线内容点踩分点语法点扣分点亮 点加分点知己我们做什么 三点一线内容点 全 知己我们做什么 各段首句 头尾两句 主谓一致 时态问题 名词单复数 语法点对 不要在关键的地方 犯 恶心的错误 三点一线 写作语法七宗罪1. Employee can get more benefits from muting

3、(远程上班) than employer.可数名词不能“裸用” 2. Work at home using modern technology can greatly enhance our efficiency.非谓语动词 3. The problems that are created by environmental pollution is very hard to solve.主谓不一致4. Cultures around the world were ing increasingly similar today.时态和时间矛盾5. Countries should pay atte

4、ntion on the disadvantages of globalization.介词搭配6. Some parents dont obey traffic rules himself.名词单复数7. There are many parents think that the main purpose of education is to provide children with knowledge.There be 句型写作语法七宗罪语法题1、Nothing but cars_in the shop.Ais sold Bare sold Cwere sold Dare going t

5、o sell2、No one except Jack and Tom _the answer.Aknow Bknows Cis knowing Dare known3、Seventy percent of the students in our school _from the countryside.Ais Bare Ccomes Dare coming4、_ of the money _used up.AThree-five, are BThree-fifths, have beenCThree-fifths, has been DThird-fifths, is5、The number

6、of the people who _ cars _ increasing.Aowns, are Bowns, is Cown, is Down, are6、One of Marxs works _ written in English in the 1860s.A. was B. were C. would be D. are7、The sheets for your bed _ washing.A. needs B. are needing C. want D. are wanting8、On each side of the street _ a lot of trees.A. stan

7、ds B. grow C. is standing D. are grown9、Some person _ calling for you at the gate.A. are B. is C. is being D. will be10、All that can be eaten _ eaten up.A. are being Bhas been C. had been D. have been知己我们做什么 三点一线亮点多 词 句 有效连词 名人名言、谚语 知己我们做什么 三点一线 亮点多 名人名言、谚语 Where there is a will, there is a way.I su

8、cceeded because I will it; I never hesitated.- Bonaparte Napoleon Knowledgeispower.(Bacon)Knowledgeispower.(Bacon)Knowledge is power.- Francis Bacon知己我们做什么 亮点 词高级 名词中心 importantof importance poorof poverty beautifulof beautyThey are of poverty.They are of starvation.1.发展经济2. 人口增长3. 环境污染4. 碳排放5. 清理垃圾

9、Translation知己我们做什么亮点 句难 中无英有 There be结构 it 做形式主语、宾语 1. It is believed that China will e one of the strongest countries in the world. 2. It appears that Tom might change his mind. 3. I leave it to your own judgment whether you should do it. 知己我们做什么 亮点句难 倒装强调从句非谓语虚拟语气 中有英高知己我们做什么 审题不知道主题在哪里 观点正反对立(观点)

10、、陈述利弊(讨论)词句简单词、简单句 文章连贯性、统一性、逻辑性 知己我们做什么 复习计划1(基础薄弱)改错练习翻译练习范文部分(关键词、常用句)复习计划2(一定基础)范文部分 (布局、结构)翻译练习知己我们做什么 如何审题 重要信息?次要信息? 陈述句1背景 陈述句2主题 (问句)模式正反对立陈述利弊知己我们做什么 如何审题 Eg1. Schools should teach children the academic subjects which will be beneficial for their future career, so other subjects like music

11、 and sports are not important. To what extent do you agree or disagree with these opinions? 背景 Schools should teach future career, 陈述句2 so other subjects like music and sports are not important. 问句To what ?知己我们做什么 如何审题 Eg2. Housing shortage in big cities could cause severeconsequence, and only gover

12、nment action can solvethis problem. To what extent do you agree ordisagree? 背景 Housing shortage severe consequence, 陈述句2and only government action can solve this problem. 问句To what ?知己我们做什么 如何审题 练习1 As the development of modern science and technology, some aspects of traditional culture are being lo

13、st, so some people think that the traditional culture and technology will be replaced by the modern science and technology such as computer or internet, what is your opinion? 背景 陈述句2 问句?知己我们做什么 如何审题 练习206年 Some argue that keeping dogs as pets can disturb the neighbors and dog shits make unsightly sc

14、enes. While others argue that keeping dogs as pets is healthy to the elderly. Write an article for the newspaper expressing your own opinion about this issue. You should use your own ideas, knowledge or experience to generate support for your argument. 背景 陈述句2 问句?知己我们做什么 如何审题 练习306年 In order to impr

15、ove education in your area, your local government has opened a debate on teenage education in the local newspaper: the discussion on whether to set up more senior high schools or more technical or vocational schools for teenagers after their junior high school. Write an article for the newspaper exp

16、ressing your own opinion about this issue. You should use your own ideas, knowledge or experience to generate support for your argument. 背景 陈述句2 问句?知己我们做什么 如何确定结构、模式 正反对立 陈述利弊知己我们做什么 如何确定结构、模式 练习1 As the development of modern science andtechnology, some aspects of traditional culture arebeing lost,

17、so some people think that the traditionalculture and technology will be replaced by the modernscience and technology such as computer or internet, What is your opinion?陈述利弊 知己我们做什么 如何确定结构、模式 练习206年 Some argue that keeping dogs as pets can disturb the neighbors and dog shits make unsightly scenes. Wh

18、ile others argue that keeping dogs as pets is healthy to the elderly. Write an article for the newspaper expressing your own opinion about this issue. You should use your own ideas, knowledge or experience to generate support for your argument.正反对立知己我们做什么 如何确定结构、模式 练习306年 In order to improve educati

19、on in your area, your local government has opened a debate on teenage education in the local newspaper. The discussion on whether to set up more senior high schools or more technical or vocational schools for teenagers after their junior high school. Write an article for the newspaper expressing you

20、r own opinion about this issue. You should use your own ideas, knowledge or experience to generate support for your argument.陈述利弊知己我们做什么 开头段判断中间段理由结尾段总结 如何布局文章 结构布局第一段:3-4句1、介绍社会背景 (可省,可结合)2、交待文章辩论的话题3、用自己的话转述一下原题的观点4、给出自己的观点第二段:1+6句 (主体段落)1、主题句:概括本段的观点2、支持这种观点的第一个分论点3、一句话支撑第一个分论点4、支持这种观点的第二个分论点5、一句

21、话支撑第二个分论点6、支持这种观点的第三个分论点7、一句话支撑第三个分论点第三段:1+4句 (让步段)1、概括本段的观点2、支持这种观点的理由3、一句话支撑4、这种观点的不妥之处5、一句话支撑第四段:3句话1、概括第三段自己不太倾向的观点2、概括自己更倾向的观点3、提出我们应该怎么做或是一句话总结知己我们做什么 如何布局文章开头段 1stbackground (general statement) 2ndrephrase the topic 3rdpersonal opinion3句话知己我们做什么 如何布局文章 开头段 1stbackground (general statement)Eg1

22、. The advertising is discouraging people from beingdifferent individuals and makes people to be or seem to be the same. Do you agree or disagree?1. The importance of the influence of advertising tohuman beings is a matter for debate.2. In recent years, much more attention than ever beforehas been pa

23、id to the influence of advertising on ourhuman beings.知己我们做什么 如何布局文章 开头段 1stbackground (general statement)Eg2. Some aspects of traditional culture are being lost, sosome people think that the traditional culture andtechnology will be replaced by the modern science andtechnology such as computer or i

24、nternet, 1. The influence of the _to _ is a matter for debate.2. In recent years, much more attention than ever beforehas been paid to the _on _.知己我们做什么 如何布局文章 开头段 1stbackground (general statement)Eg3. The western China, with its rich natural researchesand huge potential for development, is very lik

25、ely to e a power house for chinas economic growth in the new century, in the process of development, the region has a great demand for talents as well as financial input. Which do you think should be given first priority?1. The importance of the _to _ is a matter for debate.2. In recent years, much

26、more attention than ever before has been paid to the_ on _.知己我们做什么 如何布局文章 开头段 2ndrephrase the topicEg1. Do you think it is better to send criminals to jail or letthem receive education or job training?1stIn recent years, much more attention than ever before has been paid to the treatment on criminal

27、s. 1. 加上常用句型There is a perception that they should be send to jail, while a counterargument is that they had better receive education or job training instead.知己我们做什么如何布局文章 开头段 2ndrephrase the topicEg2. The advertising is discouraging people from beingdifferent individuals and makes people to be or s

28、eem to be the same. Do you agree or disagree?1stIn recent years, much more attention than ever before has been paid to the influence of advertising .1. 加上常用句型There is a perception that _, while others hold a counterargument.知己我们做什么如何布局文章 开头段 2ndrephrase the topicEg3. Some argue that keeping dogs as

29、pets can disturbthe neighbors and dog shits make unsightly scenes. While others argue that keeping dogs as pets is healthy to the elderly.1stThe influence of keeping pets to our lives is a matterof debate. 加上常用句型There is a perception that _,while a counterargument is that _.知己我们做什么如何布局文章 开头段 2ndreph

30、rase the topicEg1. Do you think it is better to send criminals to jail or let them receive education or job training?1stIn recent years, much more attention than ever before has been paid to the treatment on criminals.1. Some people think that to send criminals to jail is better than to let them rec

31、eive education or job training.2. Some people think that they should be sent to jail, while others suggest that they should receive education or job training.2.观点对立经典句 知己我们做什么如何布局文章 开头段 2ndrephrase the topicEg2. The advertising is discouraging people from beingdifferent individuals and makes people

32、to be or seem to be the same. Do you agree or disagree?1stIn recent years, much more attention than ever before has been paid to the influence of advertising . Some people think that _,while others dont think so.2.观点对立经典句 知己我们做什么如何布局文章 开头段 2ndrephrase the topicEg3. Some argue that keeping dogs as pe

33、ts can disturbthe neighbors and dog shits make unsightly scenes. While others argue that keeping dogs as pets is healthy to the elderly.1stThe influence of keeping pets to our lives is a matter of debate.1.2.Some people think that _is better than _.Some people think that _,while others suggest that_

34、.2.观点对立经典句 如何布局文章 开头段 3rdpersonal opinionEg1. Children in secondary school study international news as a subject, but some think thats a waste of time. Discuss both views and give your opinion.The importance of international news in secondary schools education is a matter for debate. Theres a percep

35、tion that they should be taught in the secondary schools, while a counterargument is that they are a waste of time.1 1. 阐明自己的立场支持:My personal view is that studying internationalnews is of benefits to the students.反对:I am not convinced that it is necessary.如何布局文章 开头段 3rdpersonal opinionEg1. Children

36、in secondary school study international news as a subject, but some think thats a waste of time. Discuss both views and give your opinion.The importance of international news in secondary schools education is a matter for debate. Theres a perception that they should be taught in the secondary school

37、s, while a counterargument is that they are a waste of time.2. 不明确表明立场,而是指明文章会讨论两个方面Just as an old saying goes, “ A knife has two blades.” There are some points in both sides.如何布局文章 开头段 3rdpersonal opinionEg2. Some people believe that air travel should be restricted because it causes serious polluti

38、on and uses up the worlds resources. Do you agree or disagree?In recent years, much more attention than ever before has been paid to the air travel in our life. Some people think that it causes serious pollution and uses up the worlds resources, while others hold a counterargument.1. 阐明自己的立场支持:As fa

39、r as I know, its benefits are far more over than its downsides.反对:My personal view is that its benefits cannot justify its harmful effects.如何布局文章 开头段 3rdpersonal opinionEg2. Some people believe that air travel should be restricted because it causes serious pollution and uses up the worlds resources.

40、 Do you agree or disagree?In recent years, much more attention than ever before has been paid to the air travel in our life. Some people think that it causes serious pollution and uses up the worlds resources, while others hold a counterargument.2. 不明确表明立场,而是指明文章会讨论两个方面Just as an old saying goes, “

41、A knife has two blades.” This essay will compare and contrast its benefits and downsides.如何布局文章 开头段 3rdpersonal opinion练习1. Some argue that keeping dogs as pets can disturb the neighbors and dog shits make unsightly scenes. While others argue that keeping dogs as pets is healthy to the elderly._.1.

42、阐明自己的立场支持:My personal view is that _ is of benefits. As far as I know, its benefits are far more over than its downsides.如何布局文章 开头段 3rdpersonal opinion练习1. Some argue that keeping dogs as pets can disturb the neighbors and dog shits make unsightly scenes. While others argue that keeping dogs as pets is healthy to the elderly._.1. 阐明自己的立场反对: I am not convinced that it is _. My personal view is that


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