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1、人教(PEP)版三年级起点六年级上册英语Unit-6-How-do-you-feel-C(一等奖课件)-(21)人教(PEP)版三年级起点六年级上册英语Unit-6-HoHow does the picture make you feel?How does the picture make you How does the picture make you feel?How does the picture make you happyangryworriedsadafraid12345read1happyangryworriedsadafraid1234What should I do?Yo

2、u should _.What should I do?You should _ ?popcornhotforpot ?popcornhotforpotoilfirecornoilfirecornPresentation 小小翻译家? 1.on soon马上开始 2. popcorn seeds爆米花种子 3 .TV show电视节目 4. cant wait 等不急了 5.a little worried 有一点担心 6.Ill go and check我将去检查一下 7.take a long time to grow用很长时间长大Presentation 小小翻译家? 1.on soon

3、马1.Zip:我最喜欢的电视节目马上开始了.让我们看电视吧.你有爆米花吗?Zoom:我去做一些.2. .Zip:我迫不及待了.我爱爆米花.我太高兴了.3. Zip:他肯定在做很多爆米花.太好了.4. Zip:他在哪儿?我现在有点担心.我将去检查一下.5 Zip:哦,Zoom,你在这儿干什么?Zoom:我在做爆米花.Zip:什么?!6.Zoom;:哦,别生气!数到十并深呼吸.嗯,我刚种了些爆米花种子.但是它们要花很长的时间长出来.我仍在等.Zip:哦不1.Zip:我最喜欢的电视节目马上开始了.让我们看电视吧.你12347:327:007:106:55ABDC12347:327:007:106:5

4、5ABDC1.What is Zoom going to do? 2.How long does Zip wait for(等待)? A: He is going to make popcorn.A: 17 minutes.B: He is going to eat popcorn.B: 32 minutes.A: He is going to make popcorn3.How does Zip feel in Picture2? 4. How does Zip feel in Picture4?She feels worried.She feels happy.Read and under

5、line the words3.How does Zip feel in PictureYard(院子)Where is Zoom?What is Zoom doing now?He is making popcorn.Yard(院子)Where is Zoom?What is How does Zip feel now?She feels angry.How does Zip feel now?She feelZip: My favourite TV show is on soon. Lets watch it. Do you have any popcorn?Zoom: Ill go an

6、d make some.Zip: I cant _. I love popcorn. I am so _!Zip: He must be making lots of popcorn. Yum!Zip: Where is he? Im a little _now. Ill_. Zip: Oh! Zoom, what are you doing here?Fill in the blankswaitgo and checkhappyworriedZip: My favourite TV show is oZoom: Im making popcornZip: What?!Zoom: Oh, do

7、nt be angry! _and_. Well, I planted(种) the_. But they take a_ to grow(生长). Im still waiting.Zip: Oooooh noooo! count to tentake a deep breathpopcorn seedslong timeFill in the blanksZoom: Im making popcorncount What do you think of Zoom?I think.What do you think of Zoom?I thLets make a new happy endi

8、ng!让我们为故事编写一个开心的结尾吧!Zoom: Dont be angry, lets buy some_ and _Zip: Wow, so cool, I like _ and _ (或其他) Lets make a new happy ending! ( ) 1. If I am ill, I should _. A. see a doctor B. count to ten C. listen to music( )2. _does Oliver feel? A. What B. How C. Where( )3.Do you have _ popcorn? Yes, I do. A. some B. a C. any( )4. 当你想表达“不要生气”时,可以说:_


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