1、修辞语言举例simile“cute as a kitte n,” compari ng the way some one looks to the way a kitte n looks“as busy as a bee” compari ng some one s level of en ergy to a fast-fly ing beeas snug as a bug in a rug compar ing some one who is very cozy to how comfortable a bug can be in a rugas happy as a clam compar
2、i ng some on es happ in ess to the conten tme nt of a clamLife is like a box of chocolates, you n ever know what youre going to get. compari ng the un certa inty of life to the un certa inty of choos ing a chocolate from a box.as agile as a mon key impl ying some one can move as well as a mon key do
3、esas black as coal compar ing the color of someth ing dark to the very-dark coal coloras bli nd as a bat in dicat ing that the pers on cannot see any better tha n a bat canYou were as brave as a lion.They fought like cats and dogs.He is as funny as a barrel of mon keys.This house is as clea n as a w
4、histle.He is as str ong as an ox.Your expla nati on is as clear as mud.Watch ing the show was like watch ing grass grow.That is as easy as shooti ng fish in a barrel.This con tract is as solid as the gro und we sta nd on.That guy is as nu tty as a fruitcake.Don t just sit there like a bump on a log.
5、That went over like a lead ballo on.They are as differe nt as ni ght and day.She is as thin as a toothpick.Last ni ght, I slept like a log.This dress is perfect because it fits like a glove.They wore jea ns, which made me sta nd out like a sore thumb.My love for you is as deep as the ocea n.I am so
6、thirsty, that my throat is as dry as a bone.As bold as brassAs bright as a butt onAs shiny as a new pinAs cold as iceAs comm on as dirtAs cool as a cucumberAs hard as n ailsAs hot as hellAs innocent as a lampA large as lifeA light as a featherAs tall as a giraffeAs tough as n ailsAs white as a ghost
7、As sweet as sugarAs sure as death and taxesMetaphorHe s a diam ond in the rough. This means he is better tha n he appears and maybe n eeds more experie nces or tra ining to show his true n ature.She is such an airhead. Airhead implies she is not smart or does t think well.Time is a thief. There is n
8、ot eno ugh time to do what you want.The world is my oyster. This can mean the speaker is positive about his experie nces and is going to do well in life.You are a couch potato. This refers to some one who sits and does nothingSimile 和 Metaphor 的比较Simile: Your eyes are like sunshine.Metaphor: You are
9、 my sunshine.Simile: He eats like a pig.Metaphor: He is a pig.Simile: You are like a rock.Metaphor: You are a rock.Simile: You are as happy as a clow n.Metaphor: You are a clow n.Simile: He is as stubbor n as a mule.Metaphor: He is a mule.Simile: The world is like a stage. Metaphor: The world is a s
10、tage.Simile: The no ise is like music to my ears. Metaphor: The no ise is music to my earsSimile: Her heart is like gold. Metaphor: Her heart is gold.Simile: Your thoughts are like a storm. Metaphor: Your thoughts are a stormPers on ificati onThe stars danced playfully in the moonlit sky.2The run do
11、wn house appeared depressed The first rays of morning tiptoed through the meadow She did not realize that opportunity was knocking at her door.He did not realize that his last chance was walking out the door.The bees played hide and seek with the flowers as they buzzed from one to another.The wind h
12、owled its mighty objection.The snow swaddled the earth like a mother would her infant child.The river swallowed the earth as the water continued to rise higher and higher.Time flew and before we knew it, it was time for me to go home.The ocean waves lashed out at the boat and the storm continued to
13、brew.My computer throws a fit every time I try to use it.The thunder grumbled like an old man.The flowers waltzed in the gentle breeze.15Her life passed her by.16.The sun glared down at me from the sky.17The moon winked at me through the clouds above The wind sang through the meadow The car was suff
14、ering and was in need of some TLC.20 At precisely 6:30 am my alarm clock sprang to life.The window panes were talking as the wind blew through them.The ocean danced in the moonlight.The words leapt off of the paper as she read the story.The phone awakened with a mighty ring.The funeral raced by me i
15、n a blur.26While making my way to my car, it smiled at me mischievously.Thecar, painted lime green, raced by screaming for attention.The butterflies in the meadowseemed to two-step with one another.The waffle jumped up out of the toaster.The popcorn leapt out of the bowl.When the DVD went on sale, i
16、t flew off the shelves.I tripped because the curb jumped out in front of me.Time creeps up on you.The news took me by surprise.The fire ran wild.The thunder clapped angrily in the distance.The tornado ran through town without a care.The door protested as it opened slowl y.The evil tree was lurking i
17、n the shadows.The tree branch moaned as I swung from it.Time marches to the beat of its own drum.The storm attacked the town with great rage.43My life came screeching to a halt.44The baseball screamed all the way into the outfield.The blizzard swallowed the town.The tsunami raced towards the coastli
18、ne.The avalanche devoured everything in its path.The pistol glared at me from its holster.The car beckoned me from across the showroom.50I could hear Hawaii calling my name.Meto nymyIn Stockholm, Sweden, where Obama was traveling on Wednesday, the White Housepraised the vote and said that it would c
19、ontinue to seek support for a military response(David Espo, Obama Wins Backing From Senate Panel on Syria Strike.Associated Press, September 5, 2013)Whitehall prepares for a hung parliament.(The Guardian, January 1, 2009)Whitehall is a road in the City of Westminster, in central London, which forms
20、the first part of the A3212 road from Trafalgar Square to Chelsea. It is the main thoroughfare running south from the site of the original Charing Cross at the southern end of Trafalgar Square towards Parliament Square. Recognised as the centre of Her Majestys Government, the street is lined with go
21、vernment departments and ministries; the name Whitehall is thus also frequently used as a metonym for overall British governmental administration, as well as being a geographic name for the surrounding area.He used the events to show the Silicon Valley crowd that he was just like them-and that he un
22、derstood their financial needs better than the suits on Wall Street. (Businessweek, 2003)Metonymy 和 metaphor 的区别Metonymy and metaphor also have fundamentally different functions. Metonymy is about referring: a method of naming or identifying something by mentioning something else which is a componen
23、t part or symbolically linked. In contrast, metaphor is about understanding and interpretation: it is a means to understand or explain one phenomenon by describing it in terms of another. SynecdochePart of something used to represent the whole sentence:The ship was lost with all hands. (sailors)His
24、parents bought him a new set of wheels. (new car)He has many mouths to feed. (to look after many)White hair. (elderly people)9/11 tragedy.White-collar criminals.Friends, Romans, countrymen: lend me your ears.(Taken from Julius Caesar written by William Shakespeare; the most famous example of synecdo
25、che).All hands on deckThere sits my animal guarding the door to the hen house.Give us our daily bread.He hurled the barbed weapon at the whale. (Harpoon)The little lady in Cleveland couldnt pay her heating bill.It is sure hard to earn a dollar these days.Whole sentence used to deliver a part of some
26、th ing:Duri ng 2010, in the Win ter Olympics, Can ada added glory by winning 14 gold medals for the coun try.(The whole sentence is used to sig nify the part Ca nada won 14 gold medals.)The youth with broomy stumps bega n to trace.(This is ano ther example of a syn ecdoche take n from A Descripti on
27、 of the Morning writte n by Jon atha n Swift (1667 - 1745), where the broomy stumps refer to the broom as a whole.)His eye met hers as she sat there paler and whiter tha n anyone in the vast ocea n of an xious faces about her.(Face represe nts the whole pers on; a part used to refer to the whole. Th
28、is is take nfrom The Lady or the Tiger? By Fra nk R. Stockt on).AntonomasiaExcuse me Tarza n, could you please come dow n from that tree.Popular Anton omasiaTarza n - wildSolom on - a wise manCasa nova - a phila ndererThe Bard of Avon - William ShakespeareBeowulf - a mythThe Dark Kn ight - BatmanThe
29、 Fuhrer - Adolf HitlerJudas - BetrayerThe Philosopher - AristotleThe Iron Duke - Duke of Welli ngt onSchwarze negger - Arn ie, the Austria n Oak, The Gover nator - toughCicero - oratorGan dhi - non-viole neeLa Divi na - Maria CallasSilic on Valley - where all the geeks go, high-tech hubBeckham - footballer
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