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1、.Creating a culture of customer careH1F0 34Outcome1-2Agricultural Bank.I. IntroductionInternal and external customer needs Internal customerExternal customerIII. Customer relationship building IV. Customer services training VI. The key factors of after careVII. Introduction and evaluation of custome

2、r care strategy1. Knowledge of the product and customers characteristicsContact the service product and customer:With the product update service:VIII. Customer satisfaction and loyaltyIX. Introduction and evaluation of customer care standardPropose Appendix: Appendix (1) Appendix (2) Appendix (3)App

3、endix (4)Appendix (5).、IntroductionAgricultural Bank of China is the states five major banks, 2009 implementation ofstock system reform, To become the five largest bank in the last listed banks.This article aims to analyze the Agricultural Bank of China Customer Service. Theanalysis includes: custom

4、errelationshipbuilding,customerservice training,customerfeedbackqualitativeandquantitativeanalysis, introductionandevaluation of internal and external customer needs, after-sales service, customerservicestrategy,customersatisfactionandloyalty,andcustomerservicestandards Introductionand evaluation. F

5、inally, by the above, the companyscustomer service rationalization proposals. Three suggestion will be shown in theconclusion.、Internal and external customer needsInternalcustomer : It refers to internal acceptance of the enterprises of otherindividuals or units of services to individuals and depart

6、ments.Internal staff of the AgriculturalBank of China Bank of AgriculturalBank ofChinas internal customers, they can enjoy the internal business and promotions,Agricultural bank of China arrangementsfor staff welfare policy.(SeeAppendixone)External customer : It refers to the purchase of the product

7、s or services providedin the enterprise external to the individual or institution.Agricultural Bank of Chinas external customers is usually to ABC for a variety customers, they enjoy the treatmentand services are the same.(SeeAppendix two)Internal Customer Need:Reward :Agricultural bank

8、of China salary level is based on the performance ofthe employee performance to determine, at the same time according to differentcompany status, salary level is also different.The nature of supervision :Agricultural bank of China in the management isdivided into four classes, respectively E, D, M,

9、P.Quality of working life:Agricultural Bank of China employees are state workers,enjoy the formal wages, living by state subsidies and welfare. In the qualityofwork is on the hierarchy.External Customer Need:A Faster Speed Of Service :Agricultural bank of Chinas on-call service: is a banklaunched ca

10、n help customers anywhere at any time with any communicationmeans, can and bank exchange ofinformationsystem, and thetraditionaltelephonebanking is different,the call center service is two-way,interactive,customers can not only simple business consultationand query, but also cansuch as transfer, rep

11、ort the loss of STH, foreign exchange trading and substantialbank business, able to offer our customers convenient for banking services.Less break service commitment:Agricultural Bank of China is the country withthe services of banks, credit degree is high, the high quality of service, forcustomers

12、commitmentwill be adhered to, respect the rights of clients ention, is the Agricultural Bank of China services.More productinformation: AgriculturalBank of China to provide customerswitha perfectinformationsystem, whenevera customerhas a needtounderstand the product information, will have the

13、 relevant customer service staffto provide customer solutions, providing detailed information service.III 、 Customer Relationship BuildingCRM theory:Is a customer-centricbusiness strategy,regroupredesign ofbusiness processes and workflow information technology as a means to improvethe customer servi

14、ce and in-depth customer analysis to meet customer need toimprove customer satisfaction and loyalty, thereby ensuring customer lifetimevalue and corporate profits win-win strategy to achieve.Accordingtothetheory,includingthebenefitsofcustomerrelationshipmarketing;maintain growth in revenue, the sale

15、s meters if bone branding and more stablesales team with a low cost.Establish a strategic alliance to address the commercial channel conflict; buildand improve online marketing channels; control channels, enhance the game fornew channels.(Baidu , 2012 )AgriculturalBank ofChina marketingproductis var

16、ious fund managementproducts,stockandinsurance business, take themarketingmeans is eration of the company to do marketing, and the Agricultural Bank has agood credit reputation.Nationalsecurity, it is also an importantfactor in thesuccess of bank marketing.FMP:Bond and cross sales、 Club memb

17、er-shipprograms 、 Society bond 、 Customer&Company 、Customer & Customer、 Database marketing 、 Structural bond.Finance bond :Agricultural specialty products is the Agricultural Bank of China, the uniquefinancial services.For example, urbanization of rural credit, rural infrastructure construction loan

18、s and so on the characteristic product, is the Agricultural Bank of China for 3 farming policy puts forward financial preferential policies.Agricultural Bank of China and the major insurance companies launched a bankcounter for personal insurance, insurance and payment services, which is theAgricult

19、ural Bank and insurance company business bundled sales.VIP: Golden Harvest card is the AgriculturalBank of China, specifically forhigh-end customers to provide bank card brand, aimed at the card for the media,forthemajorityofthecardholdertoprovidefinancial,business,life,entertainmentandotherintimate

20、,distinguishedservice, constructionof anexclusive service space and exchange platform.Golden Harvest card is theAgricultural Bank of China VIP customer status symbol, can use this to enjoy thecorresponding preferential, preferential and value-added, exclusive service.Societybond: Databasemarketing :

21、 AgriculturalBankofChinaservicecustomization services, banking services to customers, deposit, remittance andsettlement, the average bank card, on behalf of retail business can be defined asthe standard bank service.In commercialbank managementstage, the is theagriculturalbank busine

22、ss focus.Alongwiththeelectronictechnology in financial services in a wide range of applications, retail business willgreatly enhance the degree of automation.IV、Customer services trainingThe general training process includes: training needs analysis, training design,training delivery and training ev

23、aluation (Lv 2012).Customerservice trainingincludes: develop a customer service strategy /customer / client needs analysis / after-salesservice and service recovery /effective customer communication .The general training process includes: training needs analysis, training design,training delivery an

24、d training evaluation (Lv 2012).Time:5,15,2013-6,15,2013Training(1)Customer service strategy;(2) customer service standard; (3)contentcustomer form; (4) analysis of customer demand; (5)customerfeedback management; aftersale service and service recovery;effective customer service communication; custo

25、mer relationshipmanagement.Trainers siteShanghai financial centerTrainingThe SOHO Chinas president has richjob experienceandtheresourceSOHO China has a unique marketingconcept it canhelptheemployee has much more.Accordingto Kirkpatrick model,this is companys customer servi

26、ce belong toLevel 3.Kirkpatrick model include( Lv 2012):Level 1: Reactions of trainees to the content and methods of training, to thetrainer, etc.Level 2: Learning attained during the training periodLevel 3: Transfer to learning to job behaviour in the work environmentLevel 4: Effect on the trainee

27、s department.Level 5: Has the training affected the ultimate well-being of the organization.V、The qualitative and quantitative customer feedbackQualitative analysis of the definition of:he qualitative research focuses on words and observations to find out reality, andattempts to describe people in n

28、atural situations (Lv 2012);Quantitative analysis of the definition of:The quantitativeresearch grows out of a solid academic traditionthat placesconsiderable trust in numbers that represent opinions or concepts (Lv 2012).Quantitative analysis method of choice questionnaire for customer feedback: Th

29、ereanalysis datamethodusingSPSS restructuringwillgreatlyimprovetheefficiency of data analysis and reduce anthropogenicmiscalculation. MultipleResponse SPSS database use multiplesets of data are combinedand thendefined a new field group, which will be defined for each single multiple-choicequestions

30、in the new field group variable interval defined, and then for the newfield group frequency analysis. When after the completion of a single field is set,you can use the block to the other multiple-choicequestions, re-use analysis,which can greatly improve the efficiency of the multiple-choice data a

31、nalysis.Observed Feedback qualitative analysis method: Mainly to establish a model forthe sale of goods, the various factors that affect the sales price is mutualinfluence and mutual restriction,they form a system, and thus to customersatisfaction as the main indicator to analyze the impact of the s

32、ales price, the keyvariable is the customer satisfaction. Afterexpert advice, can determinetheimpact of theprice factor set of variables including environmental satisfaction,the property satisfaction and price satisfaction.Summary :According to the investigation of Agricultural Bank, found that bank

33、consumer group more popular, because the bank for agriculture policy businessmore consistent with the mass, especially the attention, compared to other stateof the major banks, ABCs outlets set up is more, a wide range of customer.groups.Access summary: The agricultural bank outlets set up more pers

34、onnel, widedistribution,geographicalspan is big, also resulted in ABCs service attitudedifference,includingservice qualityarealso different,so atthetimeofinvestigation for the Agricultural Bank of China, there are many different opinions,mixed.Thebankneedstoimprovetheplacealot.Asoneofthelargestate-o

35、wned enterprises, reputation is the most important.VI. The key factors of after careAgricultural Bank of China, the service is very attentive.The one-stopservice: it means to improve efficiency, in some places at thesame time need morethan one location in the past, and many times, a lot ofchoreograp

36、hy completed service.Attentive service:It is also called butler service. attentive service also known ashousekeepingservices. As thecoreoftheconceptofhumaneestablishpeople-orientedset ofpre-sales,sales, after-salesservice as oneofthethree-dimensional, throughout the entire process of product flow.Ca

37、ll center: call center is a complete system of integrated informationservicesusing various advanced means of communicationto providecustomers withhigh-quality, high-efficiency, full range of services.Self-service:Theself-service(selfservice)istheindustrythroughthe.deploymentofself-servicesupportplat

38、form,allowingusers toaccess toservices throughself-serviceplatformorterminal.Includefaultdiagnosticproducts, product training, product sales, trading service-shaped.It refers to thedeploymentin the manufacturing,allows users toaccess services throughself-service supportplatform,self-service platform

39、or terminal. The place ofbusiness of the Agricultural Bank of China allhave ATM self-service machines,the use of customer-friendly.Agricultural Bank of China is a state-owned bank, is also a long history of creditbank products and services, has a good reputation, ABC should be a lot of effortsto enh

40、ance the developmentof new products,the bankingsystem is morediversified, so that the customer groups more vast.VII、Introduction and evaluation of customer care strategyAgriculturalBank of China customer service strategy is people-oriented,andimplementing the the three agricultural policy, the custo

41、mer base is not limited,the state-ownedfive largest banks in the most extensive customer base, thegreatest impact of the bank.As the theory , customer service strategy and the design flow includes:Development and evaluation of business strategyKey determinations of customer care strategy.Creation of

42、 creativitiesEvaluation and development of creativitiesFeability and Profit AssessmentClear roles and responsibilitiesImplementation TestCommercializationEvaluation and Double-loop learning.The company designs the steps customer strategy is including:1.Knowledge of the product and customers characte

43、ristics :Agricultural Bank of China asked the customers to come to do business in theviews of the Agricultural Bank of China, including the requesting client to help fillin the the various investigationstable like are the AgriculturalBank of Chinacontinuetoprogress. ABC can understandcustomerdemandf

44、orbankingproducts, in order to respond in a timely fashion.2. Contact the service product and customer:AgriculturalBank ofChina has always beentostrengthenexchanges withcustomers. Enjoy the companys products and the information fed back by thecustomer, the AgriculturalBank of China has also been pro

45、gress, ABC has acomprehensive customer information system,which is the Agricultural Bank ofChina can now state-owned groups of five bank customers reasons.3. With the product update service:Agricultural Bank of China continued research and development of new financialproducts, for example sub tripar

46、tite hosting wealth management business of theAgricultural Bank of China, since its introduction,has been acclaimed financialproducts, it also attracts a lot of customers to transact business and use theproduct in ABC.VIII 、Customer satisfaction and loyaltyInthetheory,loyalcustomerswillhavethefollow

47、ingseveralkindsofperformance:Frequently purchase products or services.Dependence on products or services.Purchase relevant products or services.Recommend products or services to potential customer.Agricultural Bank of China has many loyal customers, such as deposits of largestate-owned enterprises a

48、nd foreign companies, this company is a major sourceof fundingforthe AgriculturalBank of China, the state-ownedenterprisesthroughthe AgriculturalBank of China obtained throughthese loans interestloans to the Agricultural Bank of China to operateto make a profit, this is thecooperativerelationshipbet

49、weenthem,the AgriculturalBank ofChina, asstate-ownedbanks with goodcredit and capital flows, so popularwith the.state-owned companys support.IX、Introduction and evaluation of customer care standardFive customer service standards:Customer classification: The enterprise must decide which one is more i

50、mportant principle, and provide the corresponding services according to the customers grade.Client Experience: To provide service for customers with continuous, reliable, high standards of service.Internal collaboration: Company should make no exception to internal and external.Reference point: The

51、team performance should link up with the quality of customer service.Process integration: Integration for company business process, and take it customer-centric.According to the theory and the design of the customer service standard, theneed to consider the following factors( Lv 2012):Recognise exis

52、ting and expected contacting points from service mapTransfer expectation to actionChoose appropriate action for standardSet soft or hard standardDesign reflection system for both soft and hard standard.Set hard indication and soft objectiveEvaluate standard by indication and objectiveOffer outcome o

53、f appraisal for staffEvolve indication and objectiveAgricultural Bank of China has basically reached the five customer servicestandards, the Agricultural Bank of China has dedicated customer sales andservice system, the team trained, they can accurately analyze customer type,and give the correspondi

54、ngservice. AgriculturalBank of China has manyawards, outstandingteam, you can geta wealthof year-endbonuses.Internal cooperation of the Agricultural Bank of China is very good, becausethecooperationwas also higherwelfare,so wearemorewillingtoco-operateto customer service, the AgriculturalBank of Chi

55、na has beenwidely acclaimed.X. ProposeAgricultural Bank of China, although around them state-owned one of the fourmajor banks, outlets many have set up outlets at home and abroad, but aftervisited place of business, the attitude of staff is not very uniform, the AgriculturalBank of China should be m

56、ore training Aug work, a service uniform provisions.On the other hand, in 2009, the Agricultural Bank of China shares reform, ABCsproducts are more abundant, but rarely for the introduction of the product aswell as information, which lost a lot of clients, many customers we offer in our.survey the p

57、art of the Agricultural Bank of China products have never heard of,or just a little understanding for the ABC to promote the companys products,this is no good, the company needs to make more efforts in product promotion.And new productinnovationabove shouldbe a lotof strengthening,newproducts to attract new customer groups. This is the need to strengthen theplace of the Agricultural Bank of China.Appendix:Appendix 1 :Appendix 2 :.Appendix 3 :Quant


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