1、胶带跑偏缘由及订正措施一、导致皮带跑偏的主要因素1胶带的构造、类型和工作条件机架地基消灭不均匀沉降、风霜雨雪的影响2345二、各种跑偏缘由及对策措施1One or more idlers immediately preceding trouble point not at right angles to the direction of belt travel. 一个或多个拖辊在前述故障点上延胶带运动方向角度不正Advance, in the direction of belt travel, the end of the idler to which the belt has shifted
2、. Square idlers.首先延着胶带运动方向,对胶带跑偏的哪一侧托辊进展方形校正Conveyor frame or structure crooked. 皮带机架弯曲Stretch string along edge to determine extent and make correction.进展校正。One or more idler stands not centered under belt.一个或多个拖辊不正Center them.Same as above.校正拖辊Sticking idlers. 拖辊粘滞Cleanandlubricate.清理和润滑拖辊Belt run
3、s off terminal pulley.Checkterminalpulleyassignment.Check alignments ofidlers approaching terminal pulley.Build up of material on idlers. 物料粘结在拖辊外表Clean them.Install cleaning device.清洗掉物料装清理设备Structure not level and belt tends to shift to low side. 机架不平导致皮带向较低一侧偏移Level structure.调平机架2Belt not joined
4、 squarely. 皮带接头不正Bowedbelt. 皮带弯卷Tension it or replace.张紧皮带或更换3Load being placed on belt off-center. 落料点偏离皮带中心Adjustchuteandloadingconditionssoastoplaceloadinthe center of belt.调整溜槽或落料点使物料落在皮带中心Conveyorframeorstructurecrooked. 皮带机架弯曲Straighten it.调直机架4Belt too stiff to train. 皮带太硬无法调整Use self-alignin
5、g idlers. Increase tension/conforms to crowns.Use more flexible belt on replacement.承受自调偏拖辊 增大牵引力 用柔韧性好的皮带替换Tilt troughing idlers forward, but not over 2 degrees. Use moretroughable belt. 2 度 需用更多的槽形拖辊Combination of causes listed under Paragraphs 2 and 3.Correct loading first.Othercausescanthenbeide
6、ntifiedandcorrected. 首先调整落料点,然后再考虑其它方法三、整机纠偏挨次The basic, and primary rule of tracking a conveyor belt is simply “THEBELT MOVESTOWARDTHATENDOFTHEROLLITCONTACTSFIRST.“是“胶带朝与托辊最先接触的一端运动”查胶带首要的、根本的原则The NORMAL SEQUENCE of training is to start with the return run, working toward the tailpulley;following
7、with toprunin the directionof belttravel.Start with the beltempty.After tracking is completed, run the belt with a full load and re-check tracking.检查胶带的正常挨次是先从下皮带开头,向机尾处检查;随后延皮带运行方向检查上皮带。先空载检查,之后再带载检查。TRACKING ADJUSTMENT is done while the belt is running and should be spread over some length of the
8、conveyor preceding the region of trouble.Permit the belt to run for several minutes and at least three full belt revolutions after idler has been adjusted to determine if additional adjustment is required.If the belt has over-corrected, it should be restoredbymovingbackthesameidler,andnotbeshiftinga
9、dditionalidlersorrollers.应在 Conveyor troughing idlers are offered in a widevariety of styles. Troughing angles include 20, 35,&45.Thestandsareprimarilytwo(2)typesand vary with each manufacturer.皮带槽形托辊有多种203545制造商不同而变化enlarge#1enlarge#2Thisstandhasnotilt,andis designed for the conveyor belts to run i
10、n both directions. It has no real assist in belt tracking前倾,适用于双向运行皮带。在皮带调整方面没有多大作用.“Tilted“ (2) In the direction of belt travel.runinthisdirectiononly. The2 tilt offers good results in conveyor belt tracking.2Straightstandscanbetilted2forwardbyplacingunderthebacksideofidlerstandindicated by arrows.
11、 Remember, this conveyor only runs in one direction.如图中箭头所示:通过在托辊后1/8“2。留意,这种皮带只能向一个方向运行conveyors,thebeltrunsgreatin one direction, only to run off when reversed.Question?Whatareyouusing? Ifyouareusingtiltedstands, they are good for one direction only状况下,配置这种托辊的皮带在单一方向上运行的很好,只是在皮带反转时才消灭问题。有什么问题吗?你们用
12、的是什么托辊?假设你们正在使用倾斜托辊架,它们只会在一个方向运行。On reversing conveyors where tilted stands are already in service and giving problems, you can neutralize the tilt by placing a 1/8“ thick washerunder the front side of the idler stand opposite thesideindicatedbyarrows.Nowwiththetiltedstandsneutralized, you can run y
13、our conveyor belt eitherdirection.在双向运转皮带上假设安装了这种倾斜托辊并且消灭问题,如下图,可在托辊架倾斜的反方向上安置皮带可以进展双向运行了。The only part of the troughing idler that hs any training effect on the conveyor belt is the center Re-readthisstatement.enlarge#3enlarge#4enlarge#5的唯一局部就是中心托辊。认真阅读这一局部内容The rollers indicated by the arrows form
14、 the troughintheconveyorbelteither20,35,or45.Theyoffer load support, but do not have any training effect on the conveyor belt.、3545。它们起支撑作用,但对皮带运行无实质影响。Thisexampleaccountsforthelargestsinglecauseofconveyor belt tracking problems. You will note thattheconveyorbeltdoesnotcontactthe centerrollofthe tro
15、ughing idler which is the only part of the trouging idler that has any training effect on the conveyorbelt.Youcanturnthistroughingidleruntilyouareblueinthefaceandyouwillsee noresults.有任何结果,即使调到你脸色发蓝也是如此。How many times have you heard this saying? “My emptybutwhenIputaloadonit,thebeltgoescrazy.“Well,l
16、et”slookatourexampleindicated by the arrow. There is no cneter roll contactuntilyouputaloadontheconveyorbelt.Atthis time the weight of the load makes the conveyorbeltcontactthecenterrollswhichareturnedinalldirections. Now the training effect takes place andthe conveyor belt does what it is told to d
17、o by thecenter roll of the troughing idler.一旦带载后,就会消灭很多问题”。是的,如图中箭头所示,让我们看看例子。在皮带未带载之前,中心的托辊没有与皮带接触。一旦带载后物料的重量使皮带与中心托辊接触,在此之前,中心托辊可以任意旋转。现在实质性的影响发生了,皮带会延着中心托辊设定的路线运行。 Thisexampleshowsthecorrectconveyorbeltcontactwith the center roll of the troughing idler. the conveyorbeltshouldnotjustbarelytouchthe
18、centerrolls but should touch hard enough to flatten the conveyor belt over the whole rolls face.enlarge#6enlarge#7展,几乎与中心托辊紧紧贴在一起。It may be necessary to shim roller frames several inches to contact center rolls. Concave curves in thetendencytolifttheconveyorbeltsthetroughingidlers,resultingin Big Pr
19、oblems.或许将中心托辊垫高几英寸来使皮带与中心接触是必需机架形成的轨迹,结果造成大问题。Whichwaydoweturnoradjustidlerstomoveconveyor belts to a corrective position? The easiest way to remember is to think of the troughing idler or flatrolls as being the handlebard on a bicycle. Look attheconveyorbeltinthedirectionofbelttravelandsteertheidl
20、ersinthesamewayasbicyclehandlebars until you move the conveyor belt to the desired position.Thetrainingefortiscausedbythefrictionforceofthescruffingactionoftheconveyorbeltasit passes over the cocked idler.调整托辊或皮带应承受哪种方法呢?最简洁的方法就是整,这时可无视托辊的存在。Thisexampleshowsatroughingidlerwiththeconveyorbeltrunningt
21、othefarright.The correctadjustmentwould be driving the side of the troughing idler bythearrow.Smalladjustmentsshouldbemadeandtheconveyorbeltshouldmaketwo(2) revolutions before more adjustments are made.enlarge#8将托辊架向图中箭头所指方向移动。调整时幅度要小,此时在更多调整之前皮带可能会产生两种结果。Thisexampleshowsatroughingidlerwiththeconvey
22、orbeltrunningtotheleft.Thecorrectadjustmentwouldthetroughingidlerforwardasindicated by the arrow.将托辊架向图中箭头所指方向移动。enlarge#9enlarge#10enlarge#11This example shows two (2) flat return rolls with conveyor belt running far right (top roll) and conveyor belt running far left (bottom roll). The correct adj
23、ustments would be driving the end of theflat return roll forward as indicated.机头机尾This example shows a tail pulley with the conveyorbeltrunningtothefarleft.Thecorrectadjustmentindicatedbythearrow.Fortraining purposes, the tail pulley belongs to the return side or bottom side of the conveyor.目的,将机尾滚筒
24、看作皮带的回程局部或皮带下部。Note:Thetailpulleyshouldneverbeusedinaneffortbelt.thetailpulleyshouldbeleftsquare.Thelastreturnrollcomingtothetailtroughingidleronthetopsideoftheconveyordeterminehowtheconveyorbeltrunsor centers on the tail pulley.筒是用来保持机架成方形的。靠近机尾滚筒的第一个回程托辊和靠近机头滚筒的第一个上托辊打算皮带的运行及机尾滚筒的中心。This example s
25、hows a tail pulley with the conveyorfarright.Thecorrectadjustmentwould be to move the side indicated by the arrow.enlarge#12enlarge#13enlarge方法是按图中箭头所示进展调整。This example shows head pulley with conveyor belt runningtofarright.Thecorrectadjustmentwouldbebythearrow.Fortrainingpulleybelongstothetopsideor
26、carrying side of the conveyor.方法是按图中箭头所示进展调整。机头滚筒属于皮带顶部或带载侧。This example shows a head pulley with the conveyorleft.Thecorrectadjustmentwould be to move the side indicated by the arrow.方法是按图中箭头所示进展调整。#14enlarge#15The centering of the conveyor belt as it passes overthe tail pulley and the centering of
27、 the load on theconveyor belt as it passes under the loading point, are the two most important factors in assuring a straight running conveyor belt.打算皮带运行平直的两个最重要的因素是:当皮带通过机尾滚筒时的中心以及当皮带带载时带载点的中心位置。This example shows conveyor belt running centered onthe conveyor troughing idlers, but the loading chut
28、eis off center to the right of the conveyor belt. Theresult is the conveyor belt will start moving to theleft.enlarge#16enlarge#17enlarge#18心时情形。这种情形的结果是皮带将向左跑偏。theconveyorbeltfinallytrackingoff to the left side of the conveyor, spilling material the entire length of the conveyor.洒落。betorelocatethec
29、hutetothebeltorbaffleanddiverttheflow to the center.的中心。This example shows the approximate amount of sag onreturn rollers required for good tracking. Sag is regulated by the amount of weight placed on a counterweighttakeuportheamountofforceappliedto a screw take up. The take up serves four needs:Tak
30、e up maintains slack side tension on conveyorbelt to prevent slipping on drive pulley.Compensates for variations in the belt lengthresulting from belt stretch or shrinkage.sagbetweentroughingandreturnrollers.Take up provides live storage for extra beltingwhich can be used for resplicing.本例显示了保持皮带良好运
31、行状态在回程皮带上所需要到四种作用:1、保持皮带在机头滚筒上张紧力;2、补偿皮带由于伸长或收缩产生的变化;3、削减上下托辊之间产生的额外悬垂度;4、供给皮带在安装时所需要的额外有效储存。enlarge#19enlarge#20Concave conveyors will head your list of problem conveyors.Thisisduetothefactthattheconveyorbelt will lift off the troughing idlers and returnthedottedlines.Therewillbelong distances of n
32、o roller contact ad lack of training.较长的距离内没有托辊。The best start on solving this problem will be reducing the counter weight (if possible). You mayalso alternate return rolls over and under the returnsidetoassuregoodrollercontact and tracking. (see next example)假设可能的话。也可以将回程皮带侧的前后托辊进展替换以确保皮带与托辊保持良好的接触
33、。见下例Exampleshowsreturnrollsalternatedoverandunderconveyorbelttoassuregoodbeltcontact.Techniquecan be use concave curves where conveyor belt will lift off return rollers on return side (see next example). This technique may also be used on bowed conveyorbeltswhichonlycontactreturnrollsontheveryedgeso
34、ftheconveyorbelt.Thistypeofcontactmakes the conveyor belt impossible to train, but byneutralizing the bow. the conveyor belt can be trained.本例显示将回程皮带上下托辊替换以保持皮带与托辊的参看下例。这种技术在弓形皮带上也有应种类型的接触使皮带有可能通过下压弓形局部来进展调 节。conveyorbeltthatisundertheinfluence of excessive counter weight. Excessive edgesoftheconveo
35、rbelttocurlup on the troughing idlers on the top side of the onthereturnrolsonthebottomside of the conveyor.enlarge#21enlarge#22曲。weightwillrelaxthebowing,butimplementthetechniqueshownin prior example to return side.实行这种技术是必需的。Whenreducingcounterweighttorelaxconveyorbeltsin concave curves or just to
36、 get the proper sag on rollersfortracking,itisimperativethatthedrivepulleysontheconveyorbelaggedwitha60durometerrubber material to prevent slip of the conveyorbelt on the drive pulley. Water and dust act as lubricants on the drive pulley and cause tracking problems. Chevron grooves in the lagging co
37、ver willassist with their removal. The chevron grooved pulleyabove is a one directional pulley. If it is installedwith the chevrons running in the wrong direction oris used on a reversing conveyor, tracking problems will most likely occur. Water and dust will be channeled to the center of the drive
38、pulley. On reversing conveyors, a diamond pattern of grooves mustbeusedtoshedmaterialineitherdirectionofrunning.当在凹弧曲线段皮带上减小配重或使皮带在运行时保持 60的橡胶以阻挡皮带悬垂的影响。机头滚筒上的水、灰尘以及润滑剂会导致皮带消灭问题。滚筒包胶上的凹槽能避开皮带的相对移动。机头滚筒上的包胶延单向布置。假设机头滚筒上的水或灰尘会进入机头滚筒上的橡胶凹槽内。在双向皮带上要应用菱形花纹的驱动滚筒,这样可使皮带向任意方向运送物料。Ifyouhavereducedcounterweight,andconveyorbelt sliptakesplac
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