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1、重庆市灵龙电子CHONGQINGLINGLONGELECTRONIC.承认书SPECIFICATION FOR APPROVAL客户项目名称规格型号PartY0408B-400160072-Add重庆市灵龙电子CHONGQINGLINGLONGELECTRONIC.承认书SPECIFICATION FOR APPROVAL客户项目名称规格型号PartY0408B-400160072-Add:Linglong Industrial Zone,Northern Area of CETZ, Chongqing P.R.China.:86-23-:存货编码拟制审核批准客 户 确 认/Customer

2、料 号/Part 签 章产品规格书LL-3-J-版本存货编码/Stock code.: 1 of 日期2011-12-规格书目Specification 制/修订履日期版本制/修订内容制/修订11-12-新制规格书内容/Specification 0目录、制/修订履历Table of 11适用范围22使用条件/Operating 23测量条件/Measuring 24机械要求/Mechanical产品规格书LL-3-J-版本存货编码/Stock code.: 1 of 日期2011-12-规格书目Specification 制/修订履日期版本制/修订内容制/修订11-12-新制规格书内容/Sp

3、ecification 0目录、制/修订履历Table of 11适用范围22使用条件/Operating 23测量条件/Measuring 24机械要求/Mechanical 25性能特征/Performance and 36可靠性47环境管理物质/Environmental management 68电机外形图/Motor outline 79建议尺寸安装图ed installing 8包装图/Packing 9使用注意事项说明/Matters to be paid attention to when using 产品规格书LL-3-J-版本存货编码/Stock code.: 2 of 日

4、期2011-12-适用范围The specification is applicable to lnlons产品规格书LL-3-J-版本存货编码/Stock code.: 2 of 日期2011-12-适用范围The specification is applicable to lnlons part: Y0408B-400160072-使用条件/Operating 测量条件/Measuring 一般情况下,马达可以在535,相对温度4585%(RH)进行Normally,it should be tested under 535,4585%(RH).To ensure the coheren

5、ce,it must be tested according to the below chart.机械要求/Mechanical 项目规格测定条件/备Measuring 4-外No evidence of machanical damage,rust corrirubber sets and so on.目视检Visual 4-轴向间Shaft end 0.3mm 轴沿着轴向可以移动的距Distance of axial play on 项目规格3-温3-湿3-位马达水平放置/lay motor 项目规格2-额定电Rated 3.0 V 2-使用电压范Operating 2.03.6 V 2

6、-旋转方iono CW(clockwise) or CCW(contrary 2-马达位全方2-额定负Rated 摆锤重(按外型图规定Vibratino Weight(as specified in outline 2-使用环Operating -无水气凝No coagulation of 2-保存环Storage -无水气凝No coagulation of 产品规格书LL-3-J-版本存货编码/Stock code.: 3 of 日期2011-12-项目规格测定条件/备Measuring 4-尺见外形As specified in outline 使用游标卡尺或千分尺测Test with

7、vernier caliper or 4-振子产品规格书LL-3-J-版本存货编码/Stock code.: 3 of 日期2011-12-项目规格测定条件/备Measuring 4-尺见外形As specified in outline 使用游标卡尺或千分尺测Test with vernier caliper or 4-振子重0.217 精密天平4-电机质0.668 精密天平4-Pulling force along vibration shafting test,bring pushing force to the Bracket along the horizontal 5.性能特征/P

8、erformance and 项目规格测定条件/备Measuring 5-额定转Rated 在额定电压和额定负载下At rated voltage and rated load 5-额定电Rated 60mA 5-启动电Starting 2V DC 在额定负载下转子的任意位置At rated load ition of 5-堵转电Stall 90mA 在额定电压下锁定振动轮,测电机电Measure currenlocked counterweight in rated voltage5-端子阻40在两接触脚之间测Test n the two touch 5-绝缘电10M 在100V 直流电压下

9、,弹片和机壳间进Test betn lead wire and case at DC 5-机械噪Mechanical 小于50分贝.A计50db(A)Max 见下图:See 额定电压下,背景噪声28 dB(A),电机轴向oto振动电平固定在测试夹具上(100g),拾音器沿轴向对电机平面,距离At rated voltage and scene noise Testjig28dB(A)Max,the shaft is horizontally fastened to the test jig(100g).The Microphone fathe plane of motor along the

10、shaft.The distance is 10cm.LL-3-J-产品规格书版本4 of 存货编码code.: 日期2011-12-振动见下1G 测试夹test 额定电压下,电机固定在50*18的铝制板夹具100g)的左边,夹具垂直悬空或放在海棉垫上.将加加速度感应acceleration 度感应LL-3-J-产品规格书版本4 of 存货编码code.: 日期2011-12-振动见下1G 测试夹test 额定电压下,电机固定在50*18的铝制板夹具100g)的左边,夹具垂直悬空或放在海棉垫上.将加加速度感应acceleration 度感应面胶粘在电机所对应的夹具的右边(电图所示).使用VM-

11、83加速度(m/s2): 30探测方式:EQ(P-P)-Max At rated voltage,fasten the motor upto the left of aluminium-board jigu (size:50*18),which is upright and hangedhe air or upon the sponge.Adhibit 5-the jig with parameter inductor to the right double-faced t the apparatus as below:(as 振子摆头方向:轴Vibration shaking directi

12、on: along shaftVM-Acceleration(m/s2): 30 Detection mode:EQ(P-P)-6可靠性项目测试条件判定标准6-常温常湿下共循环200000次Cycle 200000timeshe ordinary temperature and humidity.额定电流:指标在初始值30%以内起动电压:2V DC Max直流电压After 4h exhe ordinary temperature and humidity,the motors houd accord with below Rated speed:Data-30% Initial Data+5

13、0% Initial Rated current:Data30% Max. 3)Starting voltage:2V DC Max6- Low temperature storage test温度Temperature402时间Time: 96h额定转速:指标在初始值30%以内额定电流:指标在初始值30%以内起动电压:2V DC Max直流电压After 4h exhe ordinary temperature and humidity,the motors houd accord with below 1)Rated speed:Data30% Max 2)Rated current:Da

14、ta30% Max. 3)Starting voltage:2V DC Max6- High temperature storage test温度Temperature:802时间Time:96h6-ex 温度Temperature: 602湿度Humidity: 9095%RH放置时间ure time: LL-3-J-产品规格书版本5 of 存货编码/Stock code.: 日期2011-12-项目测试条件判定标准全振幅Full swing:1.5mm (p-在常温常湿下放置4h后,电机性能应符合条5:性能特征要求振After 4h ex he 6-and humidity,the mot

15、ors hould accord with itemLL-3-J-产品规格书版本5 of 存货编码/Stock code.: 日期2011-12-项目测试条件判定标准全振幅Full swing:1.5mm (p-在常温常湿下放置4h后,电机性能应符合条5:性能特征要求振After 4h ex he 6-and humidity,the motors hould accord with item ion:x、y、5:Performance 额定转速:指标在初始值30%以内额定电流:指标在初始值30%以内起动电压:2V DC Max直流电压热冲Heat stock After 4h ex he 6

16、-and humidity,the motors houd accord with below1)Rated speed:Data30% Max 2)Rated current:Data30% Max. 3)Starting voltage:2V DC Max周期Period :50 次数:每个方向2在常温常湿下放置4h后,电机性能应符合条5:性能特征要求自然跌Free After 4h ex he Test the 6-and humidity,the motors hould accord with itema object(100g) and then let fall down to

17、the ground.5:Performance Times:2times per 额定转速:指标在初始值30%以内额定电流:指标在初始值30%以内起动电压:2V DC Max直流电压滚筒高度:1.0M,滚筒次数300率131次/分钟滚筒试Barrel roll After 4h ex he 6-and humidity,the motors houd accord with below1)Rated speed:Data30% Max 2)Rated current:Data30% Max. 3)Starting voltage:2V DC Max产品规格书LL-3-J-版本存货编码/Sto

18、ck code.: 6 of 日期2011-12-环境管理物质/Environmental management 本产产品规格书LL-3-J-版本存货编码/Stock code.: 6 of 日期2011-12-环境管理物质/Environmental management 本产品应符合RoHS指令要求和无卤素要求The product should be in compliance with RoHS Cadmium and Compound:100PPM Lead and Compound:1000PPM Max* 及其化合物最大允许含量为1000PPM Hydrargyrum and C

19、ompound:1000PPM 六价铬及其化合物最大允许含量为+6 Chromium and Compound:1000PPM PBB and Compound:1000PPM MaxPBDE and Compound:1000PPM Max氯溴两种和最大允许含量为The allowed content of Cl,Br is 1500PPM Max for 氯卤素最大允许含量为The allowed content of Cl is 900PPM 溴卤素最大允许含量为The allowed content of Br is 900PPM Max. The product contains b

20、elow materials,which are released from 品Part 材最大允许含Max 部品重Parts 1含油轴Bearing with 铜合Copper 铅2轴承Bearing 钢合Steel 铅3弹铜合Copper 铅LL-3-J-产品规格书版本7 of 存货编码/Stock code.: 日期2011-12-8.电机外形图/Motor outline .(- 所有尺寸为K向压紧后的尺寸(不包括轴向间隙)规格 懲哵 pu煓.CHONGQINGLINGLONGELECTRONIC1额定电压 Rated 3.0V 2额定转速 Rated 3额定电流 Rated 60 m

21、A outline 4启动电压 Starting 2.0V DC 5堵转电流 Stall 90 mA Stock 6端子阻抗 LL-3-J-产品规格书版本7 of 存货编码/Stock code.: 日期2011-12-8.电机外形图/Motor outline .(- 所有尺寸为K向压紧后的尺寸(不包括轴向间隙)规格 懲哵 pu煓.CHONGQINGLINGLONGELECTRONIC1额定电压 Rated 3.0V 2额定转速 Rated 3额定电流 Rated 60 mA outline 4启动电压 Starting 2.0V DC 5堵转电流 Stall 90 mA Stock 6端子

22、阻抗 产品规格书LL-3-J-版本存货编码/Stock code.: 8 of 日期2011-12-9.建议尺寸安装图ed installing 日修订内抑审重庆灵龙电建议尺寸安装版未注线性公未注角度公比存货编产品规格书LL-3-J-版本存货编码/Stock code.: 8 of 日期2011-12-9.建议尺寸安装图ed installing 日修订内抑审重庆灵龙电建议尺寸安装版未注线性公未注角度公比存货编产品规格书LL-3-J-版本存货编码/Stock code.: 9 of 日期2011-12-包装要求/Packing 100pcs/pallet,pallet size:231mm*1

23、59mm*15mm:每20个包装盒用胶带捆成一捆,数量为 1bundles/inner box,Qty:2000pcs.box size:240*170*145:每二个内箱放入一个外箱里,数量为:4000PCS,外箱尺寸为2 inner-box/outer-box,Qty:4000pcs.box size:360*260*170 产品规格书LL-3-J-版本存货编码/Stock code.: 9 of 日期2011-12-包装要求/Packing 100pcs/pallet,pallet size:231mm*159mm*15mm:每20个包装盒用胶带捆成一捆,数量为 1bundles/inn

24、er box,Qty:2000pcs.box size:240*170*145:每二个内箱放入一个外箱里,数量为:4000PCS,外箱尺寸为2 inner-box/outer-box,Qty:4000pcs.box size:360*260*170 Seal the outer box and indicate ty,Lot No. on 10-6包装试验要求/Packing test 标准:整箱重量9,跌落高度设定为75;整箱重量9但23,跌落高度设定为60Standard:Gross weight9 Fall height is oss 9kgweight23 Fall height is 试验方法:A、每面跌落1次,共6次;B、任选三条同一角的棱,各跌落一次,共3次Test method: A、Fall one time per faix timesotal;B、Chose eight arris and fall one time each,three times判定基准:经过跌落试验后,产品外观、性能无不良Judgement:After the fall test,the a


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