1、 陕西瑞森建设工程有限公司室外道路施工方案及仓库地坪施工方案 1 、厂区道路及仓库内地坪1.1 Construction Conditions1.1 施工条件1. Construction conditions(1) Road construction drawingarrives on the site, which can be used as basisfor construction after drawing triage.(1)道路施工设计图纸到达现场,并经过图纸会审,可作为施工根据。(2) Relevant materials have been prepared.(2)相关材料
2、已准备完善。1.2 Construction Arrangement1.2 施工布署as1.2.1 厂区道路、仓库地坪区域主要管理人员职能for supervision, control and disclosure of all construction technologies, control on safety quality schedule and filling of construction materials including and technical disclosure.安全质量进度的控制,施工日记等施工资料的填写;负责现场安全、技术交底工作。2. Quality i
3、nspectors: be responsible for quality inspection of each item in their own working part, connecting with main-contractor and supervisor, accepting works in their own working part operated by other relevant units, and various materials collecting and filing them to the data room.2、质检员:负责该部位各分项的质量检查、联
4、系总包及监理及其他相关单位对该部位 的验收工作,还有各种资料的收集、交资料室归档等工作。3. Safety supervisors: be responsible for safety works in the project, be materials with attentions paid to process control, and finding and eliminating safety risks timely for preventions.3、安全员:负责项目的安全工作,安全员在安全主任指导下负责本部位的安全监督及 隐患,做到防患于未然。 retest the site
5、elevation and axis coordinate.4、测量组:严格按照施工专项方案、规范及设计图纸要求,对现场进行水平控制、轴线 控制、对现场高程及轴线坐标进行复测。1.2.2 Main Construction Process1.2.2 主要施工流程Specific construction process of outdoor roads: staking out in surveytrenchexcavation pipe laying handling of foundation trench roadbedconstruction pavement concrete pou
6、ring curb construction roadside backfill 室外道路具体施工顺序:测量放样 沟槽开挖 管道敷设 基槽处理 路基施工 路面混凝土浇筑 路侧石施工 路边回填土 to old soil layer if any cultivated soil rammed earth indoor backfill and tamping stable layer of lime-fly ash stabilized aggregate polyethylene waterproof laying C30 concrete (with steel fiber in it) su
7、rface treatment(polishing, dust-collecting, spreading carborundum evenly on the surface, and surface hardening).实 二灰碎石稳定层 聚乙烯防水膜铺设 C30 砼(内掺钢纤维) 表层处理(打磨、吸尘、面层均匀铺洒金刚砂、表面硬化)。1.2.3 Labor Organization1.2.3 劳动力组织 ct before operating and organize technical disclosure in a serious manner. The as soon as ent
8、ering the site in time.科学合理的劳动力组织,是保证本工程顺利进行的重要因素之一。根据工程实际进度、 Major Labor Force Schedules主要劳动力计划表NoNo.序号Work TypeUnit位Quantity量Working Scope工作范围Mason 工person人Curb bricklaying路侧石砌筑Concreteworker 砼工Welder 焊工person 人person 人Concrete pouring砼浇筑Embedded iron预埋铁件ElectricianElectric for siteBack man工person
9、 人person 人construction现场施工用电Site maintenance,cleaning, etc.现场维护、清理等1.2.4 Main Machinery Equipment Plan for Construction Site1.2.4 施工现场主要机设备计划Main Machinery Equipment Plan for Construction Site施工现场主要机械设备计划Machine (equipment)/NameNo.and Specification序号机械(设备) /称名规格Unit位Quantity量Gross PowerPowerWWRemark
10、sRoad roller 20t1 压路机 20t 台 1Excavator 4002 挖土机 400 台 2Electric welder BX700台2MarkedPlate vibrator4平板振动器2台et5 插入式振动棒 75 型 台 3 4 16Concrete carrier/10m3 Set6砼运输车/10m3台/Diving pump/Q507 潜水泵/Q50台352 for reservation Qualified in forcedLevel instrument/AL3328 水准仪/AL332台1/inspection, withinvalid period强检合
11、格,在有效期限内Total stationinstrument/BTS-6082CL9 台全站仪/BTS-6082CL1/Qualified in forcedinspection, withinvalid period强检合格,在有效期限内Theodolite10 经纬仪台1/Qualified in forcedinspection, withinvalid period强检合格,在有效期限强检合格,在有效期限内 parking space and goods handling area. The bicycle shed should be constructed alternative
12、ly in accordance with site situation. 工重型道路、货车停车位及装卸货区域。自行车棚根据现场实际情况穿插进行。1.3 Main Project Construction Methods1.3 主要项目施工方法1.3.1 Construction Preparation1.3.1 施工准备1. Site preparation(1) Adopt warning belts for temporary enclosure on both sides of theconstruction road according to section construction
13、 sequence on the site.(1)按照现场分段施工的顺序,对施工道路两边采用警戒带进行临时围蔽。(2) Axis and elevation testing has been completed.(2)轴线及高程复核工作已完成。2. Technical preparation2、技术准备(1) Drawing triage has been completed.(1)图纸会审已完成。(2) Give dual attention to construction scheme compiling, and pay attentionto key points focused, w
14、ith construction drawings, construction rules, quality standards and operating regulations as guidance documents for construction organization.(2)编制施工方案要兼顾全面,突出重点。以施工图、施工规范、质量标准、操作规 程作为组织施工的指导文件。(3) Organize and arrange labor force and technical power, and establish amount of sub-project.(3)根据分项工程的工
15、程量,组织、安排劳动力和技术力量,建立施工技术,机械管 1.3.2 Engineering Survey Control1.3.2 工程测量控制1. Surveying and lining and conduct staking out in survey after there is no error in the recheck.道路施工前,必须进行道路轴线以及高程的复核,复核无误后方可进行测量放样。 closure according to the coordinate points offered by the proprietor, with the er traverse and
16、 elevation control deviation complying with precision requirements of third-order level, which are controlling points in construction measuring.复核方法为采用全站仪根据业主给出的坐标点进行导线闭合,平面坐标控制符合二等导 线精度要求,高程控制误差符合三等水准精度要求,作为施工测量控制点。Adopt level instrument to introduce the site level elevation to the existing buildin
17、gs, which is the basis of measuring channel elevation. The elevation controlling line should be introduced to the several existing buildings from one point to the surrounding according to construction demands. Test each elevation line. 2. Axis testing and laying:In the axis testing and laying in thi
18、s project, total station instrument or theodolite are adopted, trying to reduce introduced controlling points to reduce deviations.本工程轴线的测设采用全站仪或是经纬仪,尽量减少引出控制点,从而减少误差累加。 lining, and prepare controlling piles ofall main axises which are thestandard of location inspection and embedded parts adjustment
19、 in road construction. 定位检查及预埋件调整的基准。3. Technology quality requirements:The plan controlling pile should comply with precision requirements of second-order traverse; and the elevation controlling pile should comply with precision requirements of third-order level.平面控制桩应符合二级导线精度要求;高程控制桩应符合三等水准精度要求。 b
20、e in a perfect using status; professional personnel in measuring should choose ll pile positions, avoiding influences from construction machines and personnel; regularly recheck all measuring points every month to ensure accuracy.所用测量仪器须经过年检,处于完好使用状态;测量由专业人员,选择合适天气条件 进行,所有桩位应通视良好,避开施工机械和人员的扰动影响;所有测点
21、应每月定期进行复 准确性。1.3.3 Construction Methods1.3.3 施工方法1. Main technical requirements in road design1、道路设计主要技术要求(1) Set longitudinal seam and pull rods when the road width exceeds 4500mm,and 14 twisted steel are adopted in pull rod in the longitudinal seam, with the spacing no more than 1000mm, and the di
22、stance between the outermost pull and the seam or free edge no more than 350mm.(1)道路宽度大于 4500mm 时,设置纵向缝,并且设置拉杆,纵缝拉杆采用 14 螺纹 大于 1000mm,最外拉杆距接缝或自由边不大于 350mm.。(2) Fill the expansion seam with mixture material of pitch and rubber, and steel in the expansion seam, and thecover end should be in staggereda
23、rrangement, 150mm.(2)胀缝均采用油膏混合料填缝,按照 20mm 宽施工。胀缝传力杆采用 25 圆钢筋, 套子端应在相邻板中交错布置,间距 300mm,距接缝或自由边不小于 150mm.(3) The compaction parameter of gutter bases is 0.93; and the compaction parameter of warehouse terrace is 0.94.(3)路槽基底压实系数0.93;仓库地坪基底压实系数0.94。(4) Road lines should be pressed on road surface.(4)路面须
24、压路纹。2. Road construction2、道路施工(1) Foundation trench excavation(1)基坑开挖根据设计图纸要求进行测量放样,开挖边线按照设计图纸要求按路面边线外600mm。 During site excavation, construction workers should conduct whole-precess control according to the excavating border-line.现场开挖时,施工员应根据开挖边线进行全程控制。 Reserve 50mm-100mm when excavating, and lamin
25、ate with road roller (for noless than 6 times) to avoid over-excavating which will influences the foundation trench bases.开挖时预留 50mm100mm,压路机碾压(碾压遍数不少6 遍),以免出现超挖现象,影 by supervisors and relevant units.基槽必须经监理及相关单位验收合格后方可进行下一道工序施工。 Transport all the excavated earth to the assigned spoil ground.开挖土方全部外
26、运至指定弃土场。(2) Road construction methods and steps(2)道路施工方法、步骤 Construction of trench-connecting stone of road base路基连槽石施工wood block or foam plate on the opened seam and marking with apparent marks (seam stretching seam according to the 4.5m; set a seam every 100m-300m according as required in specific
27、ations).a、根据设计图纸要求,进行道路分缝,在分缝处采用木板或是泡沫板隔离,并且做出 明显的标记(分缝要求: 6m 宽设置一道纵向缝;横向缩缝按照6m 设置一道;按照规范要求 b. Choose 20t heavy typed laminating for road roller, and start vibrating and laminating at the same time during laminating.bt过程中,打开振动同时启动碾压。c. Choose 50-120mm diameter rubbles, and use excavator for pavement
28、 after the rubbles are transported to the site. People cooperate for trimming, with the predicted height of rubble filling elevation being 30-50mm, which avoids settling elevation being excessively long and not meeting the design elevation after road roller laminating.c 50120mm 块石,块石运至现场后,使用挖机摊铺,人工配
29、合修整, 块石填筑标高预高 3050mm,以免压路机碾压后,沉降标高过大,而不满足设计标高。 Graded gravel construction级配碎石施工a. The graded gravel is in 200mm thickness.b. The largest diameter of the graded gravel should not exceed that required in technical specifications, with graded gravel composition and plasticity index meeting the regulati
30、ons in technical specifications requirements.b、级配碎石最大粒径应不大于技术规范要求,级配碎石颗粒组成和塑性指数应满足技 范要求的规定。c. Before formal construction, select testing section for gravel laminating, testing grading composition of mixture, best water content, uniformity, degree of compaction and bearing ratio of the gravel bedding
31、, to gain the mixture best compaction parameter, compaction times, compaction procedures and construction technologies.c、正式施工前,选取碎石碾压试验段,测定混合料的级配组成、碎石垫层的最佳含水 量、均匀性、压实度、承载比,使混合料达到最佳的压实系数、压实遍数、压实程序和施工 y long and not meeting the design elevation after road roller laminating.d、级配碎石采用挖机摊铺,摊铺标高预高 30mm,以免压
32、路机碾压后,沉降标高过大, 不满足设计标高。 compaction times not less than 2 times.f. Conservation by water pouring for 3 days 12 hours after construction completion.(3) Installation of pavement formworka. The plate is shored by using 22 channel steel, reinforcements are weldedat intervals of 1,500mm along the channel s
33、teel to be connected with a flange for reinforcing. (Seeing in the figure as below).(见下图)。 channel steelSteelSteel bar of 20b. Pass line hanging operation is performed according to the side line of the pavement, and back of the channel steel is leveled and straight along a pass line.b、按照路面边线进行通线,槽钢背
34、面沿着通线持平顺直。c. The channel steel is reinforced on the outer side of the roadside in a form of piling a ground anchor, and a wood beam or a steel pipe is used as the ground anchor, shown as below:c、槽钢加固采用在路边外侧打地锚形式加固,地锚采用木方或钢管,加固见下详图:ortofwoodbeamd. The longitidinal splicing of the channel steel is sho
35、wn as the fighre: 10# iron wire is strapped firmlyTriangular wood tip passes through steel bars on twosides at splicing seam and iTreatment of splicing seam of elsteelfilled firmly to be used as stopper 三角形木尖穿拼缝处两侧钢筋、塞固为止塞e. After the mounted plate is reinforced temporarily, the straightness of the
36、side line in the plate is checked by using a theodolite.e、模板安装临时加固完成后,采用经纬仪检查模板内边线是否顺直。(4) Embedding of pull rod and draw bara. Arrangement of a dowel bar at an expansion seam: a hard polyvinyl chloridepipe sleeve of30 and the dowel bar of28 (which is wrapped by using a plastic gSeeing the figure as
37、 below.a、胀缝处传力杆的设置:在先浇筑完成段的伸缩缝处预埋间距 300mm、30 硬聚氯乙烯管套筒及 28 传力杆(传力杆用塑料薄膜包裹)。见下图。Asphalt and oil coated polyvinylchloride film which is 270mm in lengthMixture of asphalt and rubber 油膏混合料Dowel bar of 25 at the expansionFlexible seam filling Flexible seam filling slab软质填缝板pipe sleeve of30b. The polyvinyl
38、chloride pipe sleeve anchored on a stably layer directly by using reinforcements and is welded firmly.b、聚氯乙烯管套筒加固采用钢筋直接锚固于稳定层,焊接牢固。c. The mounting of a longitudinal seam pull rod: the pull rod is arranged in a141000 form and is anchored on the stable layer directly by using the reinforcements and is
39、 welded firmly.c、纵缝拉杆安装:按 141000 设置,拉杆加固采用钢筋直接锚固于稳定层,焊接牢 (5) Concrete construction:a. C30 concrete is used for pavement to the design requirement.b、严格按照设计要求进行路面砼进行试配。c. Before casting, the final finished surface is calculated according to the e are set at intervals of 3m; during the casting of the p
40、avement which is 9,000mm in the pavement in the designed drawing.c、浇筑前,应根据设计路面放坡要求计算出最终完成面,然后在边模、中间起拱处测 纵缝模板安装时必须严格按照设计图纸路面放坡要求进行安装。 along the casting direction, and a flat plate vibrator and a vibration rod should be tracked in place to ensure that the rod and the materials are synchronous, so that
41、 the phenomena of bubbles and slurrying occur; and the pavement is compacted initially and ground along the top of the plate by using 8# channel steel which is 5,000mm in length, a roller oraluminum alloy bars, the grinding elevation of the ent of design elevation.d、路面砼浇筑时,沿着浇筑顺序方向进行卸料摊铺,平板振动器及振动棒跟踪
42、到位, 保证料到棒到,以出现气泡及起浆为主;采用5000mm 长 8#槽钢、滚筒或是铝合金条沿着模 板顶初压实、磨平,路面磨平标高应预高58mm,以保证路面砼闭水、压光后满足设计标高 e. The press polish of the concrete pavement should be divided into three processes, namely initial grinding after casting, secondary press polish within 3 discs of the polishing machine should be avoided, th
43、e grinding is performed from one end at which the concrete is cast to the other end, the intersection lengths of the abrasive discs every two times are not less than 20cm, and grinding miss positions do notoccur. The polishing isperformed by two operators, one personis and the other person moves a p
44、ower cord.e、砼路面压光应分三道工艺,浇筑完成后第一道初磨平;浇筑完成后 3 小时第二道压 象,磨光时由先 浇筑砼一端开始磨向另一端,每两次磨片相交不少于 20cm,且无漏磨处。磨光时,由二个 作业员同时进行,一人撑机,保证磨光机的稳定性,一人同时移动电源线。终凝前最后一道 收光(以手指触试控制时间)。f. Galling of pavementf、路面拉毛The galling of the pavement is planned by using a roller or is constructed by using a special cutting machine.路面拉毛拟
45、采用滚筒拉毛,或者采用专用切割机进行施工。During the galling of the roller, analuminum alloy bar or a steel pipe (which cannot slide) is positioned on the pavement in the transverse direction according to the length of the roller to avoid the influence on a galling effect due to the inclination of the roller, the gallin
46、g should be performed from one side of the pavement to the other side before the final setting of the concrete and should be formed at one time, and if the roller inclines, press polish should be performed lines is about 2cm. 滑动),以免滚筒倾斜,影响拉毛效果,拉毛应在砼终凝前从道路一侧拉向另一侧,且一次 成型,如有倾斜应立即进行压光后,重新拉毛,拉毛线间距约为2cm。
47、setting of the concrete, lines are snapped on the pavement for mesh division according to the total width of a group of cutting discs. The width of a group of cutting lines is about 35cm, the width of the position without the cutting lines of the pavement, shown in the figure as below, the depth of
48、the seam is about 5mm. Before cutting, the depths of cut of the cutting discs should be adjusted, andthe cutting directions of the cutting discs should be adjusted at any time during discs are lifted to the concrete pavement, and running is stopped.开始切割前,应调整刀片的进刀深度,切割时应随时调整刀片切割方向。停止切割时, 应先关闭旋钮开关、将刀片
49、提至砼路面,停止运转。 cutting for partitioning is completed, slurry in the seam should be washed immediately by using pressure water. 缝内的浆水进行冲洗干净。Center line of pavement 路中心线Schematic diagram of cutting seam切缝示意图 pav(6) Maintenance of concrete plateMaintenance can be performed within 12 hours after the constr
50、uction of the es around one day and night is adopted, and the moist time is kept for over 7 days. The maintenance of the concrete plate should be guarded by specially-assigned 4 to 7 days), people can pass through; after the concrete is poured for 12 days, and the strength is 70%, trolley and ligh-d
51、uty traffic vehicles can pass through; and after concrete is poured for 28 days, and the strength is 100%, the concrete ers corners of the concrete is not allowed to be damaged, the integrity of the plate should be kept as far as possible, and particularly the seam should be removed by the specially
52、-assigned person.混凝土板面施工完成后 12 小时内即可进行养护,采用塑料薄膜养护方法,上面浇水, 一昼夜浇水 23 次,保持湿润时间不小于 7 天。在混凝土板养护期间,设专人进行监护, 禁止通行;当混凝土达到40%强度时(约47 天)允许人行;在混凝土浇灌12 天、强度达 到 70%允许小车、轻型交通车通行;在混凝土浇灌28 天、强度达到 100%后正常使用。养护 期满后将覆盖物清除,板面不留痕迹。拆模应由木工进行,不得损坏混凝土的边角,尽量保持模板的完整,特别是接缝位置,要由专人进行拆除。(7) Seam sawing and seam filling of pavemen
53、tseam is sawn in a 4,500mm form according to the design requirement, the width of the seam is 8mm, and the seam is filled by using a mixture of asphalt and rubber; actual on-site construction condition. 际施工情况留置在施工缝处。b. A chalk line for sawing the seam is ejected on the conventional pavement,and oper
54、ators perform straight seam sawing operation according to the chalk line.b、在现有路面上弹出锯缝的墨线,作业人员根据进行平直锯缝。 of 40mm of the expansion seam surface course, and the pull rod is arranged in the middle;(8) Construction of kerbto the requirement of the design drawing;a、严格按照设计图纸要求先进行路侧石测量放样;b. C25 precast road
55、teeth are used as the kerbs, and the specific sizes are320120990mm; ing is paved at the bottom of the kerbs. The kerbs are spliced and arranged according of after the kerbs are built. After the strength meets the requirement, soil can be backfilled.c、路缘石砌筑前应按照外侧边线进行通线,根据外边通线进行砌筑。路缘石底部铺30 厚 C20 细石砼。路
56、缘石按照路缘石模数拼排,砌筑完后采用 1:3 水泥砂浆填缝,间缝隙为 2mm。待强度满足后,方可回填土。d. The kerb mold is 320120495(485) mm at the position of a small arc of cornering.d、在转弯小弧位位置,路缘石模数采用 320120495(485) mm。3. Main technical requirements of indoor terracedesign of warehouses3、仓库室内地坪设计主要技术要求 s(1)仓库室内回填如有耕土应先清除耕土至老土层并夯实,夯实系数0.94。(2) A c
57、onstruction scheme of light compaction and multiple times is adopted during compaction to ensure the compaction quality.(2)夯实采用轻夯多遍施工方案,以保证夯实质量。4. Construction of indoor terraces of warehouses4、仓库室内地坪施工(1) Excavation of foundation pits(1)基坑开挖1) Foundation pits are excavated according to the requirem
58、ent of the designdrawing, and cultivated soil is removed to the original soil layer. 根据设计图纸要求进行基坑开挖,清除耕土至老土层。2) The original soil is compacted, and the coefficient of compaction is 0.94.老土夯实,夯实系数不小于 0.94。relevant units, the construction of the next process can be performed.基槽必须经监理及相关单位验收合格后方可进行下一道工序
59、施工。4) Excavated earthwork is transported outwards to the assigned spoil ground.开挖土方全部外运至指定弃土场。(2) Construction method and steps for terraces(2)地坪施工方法、步骤1) Backfilling of plain soil素土回填by using the 20t road roller, the layering thickness is 200 to 300mm, and the compaction coefficient is not less tha
60、n 0.94.a、素土回填必须分层回填,并采用 20t 压路机碾压密实,分层厚度为 200300mm,压 b. The content of organic matters in the backfilling soil does not exceed 5%,and the backfill soil does not contain frozen soil; and when broken stones occur,the grain diameters are not suitable to be greater than 50mm.b、回填土料内的有机物含量不得超过 5%,也不得含有冻土
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