



1、6 年 全 区 技 能 大 赛 ( 中职组 )职业英语技能赛项(服务类专业组)职场应用环节样题题目For Contestant B Only选手 B:假设你是美国某信息服务公司的工作人员,手上有三家汽车租赁公司的信息。你的队友现居美国,他(她)的一位朋友将来美国旅游,希望队友帮助租车。队友手上有朋友对租车的相关需求。你需与队友沟通并共同选出一家满足朋友所有需求的最佳汽车租赁公司。在比赛第一阶段( 30 分钟内),你需完成:认真阅读三家汽车租赁公司的相关信息,提取相关信息;2.与队友沟通,向其提供所需信息,协助其完成任务单中的Section 2;与队友讨论,选出一家满足朋友所有需求的最佳汽车租赁

2、公司,协助其完成任务单中的 Section 3;准备第二阶段的答问内容。备注:任务单仅由选手A 填写。在比赛第二阶段( 2 分钟内),你需回答评委现场提出的3 个问题。回答需与实际任务相结合、观点鲜明、有理有据、有逻辑性。以下是评委可能问到的部分问题,供你参考:What do you think of your task completion?What do you think of the cooperation between you and your partner?3) What is your group s advantage for doing the task?6 年 全 区

3、技 能 大 赛 ( 中职组 )职业英语技能赛项(服务类专业组)职场应用环节样题For Contestant B OnlyPlease read the following information about the three companies and help Contestant A complete the worksheet.Company ACompany BCompany COur company is one of the most important car rental companies in the country. We provide a variety of ca

4、rs including trucks, vans and economy cars.The cars of our company can carry 4-6 people with 2-10 suitcases. All cars for June 6-10 are available except that economy cars have been fully booked. The price of the car is quite cheap. It usually costs 74-78 per day. Drivers with three years experience

5、are provided. They are patient and warm-hearted with a strong sense of responsibility. Driver guides are provided as well.Our company is famous for high quality and good service. The most popular cars in our company are mini cars. Besides, economy cars and sports cars are also very welcomed. Custome

6、rs are usually satisfied with our cars.The cars can supply 2-4 people for long travelling. All cars are available from June 6 to June 11, but sports cars are not available until June 13. The price of the cars is 82- 88 per day. Drivers with five years experience are available. In addition, our compa

7、ny provides driver guides for your convenience.Our company focuses on high-end cars, including sports cars, luxury cars and SUV. They are very suitable for long-distance travel across the country. There are also many Return Centres over the nation and it is very convenient for customers to return ca

8、rs.The cars usually provide seats for 4-5 people. The cars are decorated in a modern way and will make customers comfortable. All kinds of cars are available from June6 to 9 except SUV. The cost is 91-108 per day according to the typeof the car. Lots of drivers with five years experience are available in our company. GPS are also provided for directions.2016 年 全 区 技 能 大 赛 ( 中职组 )职业英语技能赛项(服务类专业组)职场应用环节样题、征服畏惧、建立自信的最快最确实的方法,就是去做你害怕的事,直到你


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