已阅读5页,还剩7页未读 继续免费阅读




1、书、笔、纸、墨水。大家看看上面的句子, 句中用的是什么标点呢?相信谁都会说是:顿号和句号啦。在英文句子里,也有顿号(、)和小圈儿句号 (。)吗?上面的句子以英文来写的话,就应该是Book, pen, paper, ink.可见在英文里是不用顿号和中文式句号的。 标点符号在中、 英文里的写法和用法有好多差别。 下面就让我们从一个中文里所没有的标点开始吧。一般单数名词 (有生命的 !),所有格只在结尾加 s第( 1-3 句)如果单数名词尾是 s, 或 ce,所有格只加 或 s第( 4 句)如果单数名词尾是 s, 而跟着是以 S开头的词,所有格只加 第( 5句)D. 如果单数名词尾音有重复的s或 z

2、音,或是 eez音,所有格只加第(句)E. 如果 B 项的名词只有一个音节 (syllable),所有格只能加s (第 4句)F. 如果 B 项的名词有二个以上音节,所有格则只加 (第 7 句)复合词类处理法同 A。(第 8-9 句)1.2二人 (或其他动物 )以上的所有格表示法The boys shoes(在.复数 boys 尾加上 而不是 s喔)The women s bags. (woman的复数是 women, 所有格是 s)The children s caps的.(child复数是 children,和 women 同类型,所有格加 s)4. The actresses h(act

3、ressts. 的复数是actresses,因为结尾是es,因此所有格只加便可 )The babies toys(baby. 的复数是 babies,结尾有 es,因此所有格只加 )Ms. Joneses house. (Joneses 是 Jones 的复数 )7. My mothers-in-law s house注.意(是 motherS 喔,所有格还是加 s)A.简单复数名词 (同样是有生命的喔 )的所有格写法是:先将原来单数名词结尾加 s 变成复数,然后在结尾处再加上即成。 (第 1 句)如果复数名词是由改变其内的韵母形成的,所有格同单数名词一样,结尾加上 s(第 2-3 句)C.如

4、果复数名词尾是es, 所有格只加第( 4-6 句)D.如果是复数复合名词,则先将主要单数名词转成复数,然后在复合名词尾加上 s(第7句)如果是几个名词并列的 ,所有格 s加在最后一个名词尾Joe and Linda s house is being乔sold和琳.达的房子已卖了。 (这里表示房子是 Joe 和 Linda所共有 )如果几个名词是个别表示所有格时,每个名词尾都须加上 s :Mike ands Molly grades have improved. 迈克和莫莉的成绩已有进步。 (这里表示迈克和莫莉各别的成绩都有进步 )不定式名词的所有格是在词尾加 sI need someone s

5、 help with my homework(someone. 指某人 ,所有格 someones某人的 )代名词的所有格不可加上或 sShella, whose eyes are blue? (whose 哪个人的,已有所有格的意思 )This book is hers, not yours. (hers 她的, yours 你的 )It hurt its paw. (its 它的 )It s a nice day.是(it it is 的意s思 ,不属于所有格 )That is your right. (your 你的 )1.2缩写式 (Contractions):在字词、日期中一部份字母

6、或数字被省略,以代之 。1. She wouldn t work for the gov(wouldntint=would93. not,gov t=government, 93=1993)名字、头衔的缩写格式可省略1. Lt. Wm.Jones visitedus.(Lt.=Lieutenant, 不 可 写 成L,tWm=William,不可写成Wm)1.3复数形式(Plurals):当一个词在句子里能清楚反映其复数意义时,不可再加1.Don t give me any ifs, ands, or buts.(不可写成if s , and s , but s)在句子里,当一个词仅仅作为一个

7、词时, 其复数形式可加 s使其含意更清晰He used twenty- five andins one paragraph. 他在一段里用了 25个 and 字。日期、数目字、只取首字母的缩写词(acronyms)这类以大写字母结尾时,复数形式只需加上s ,不必再加上 :不可写成Ph.D. s,1970s 也不可写成1970 s)当一个大写字母的复数形式可能会被误解时,可加上 s以表示复数The Roman Numerals for the number eight is a V followed by threeI s.罗马数字八的写法是V后加上三个I 。(这时如果I 只s写成 Is ,就可

8、能引起误解 )逗号 / 逗点在中文或英文里是再普通不过的一个标点符号;可是,它的用法在中文和英文里可就不一定相同了。二、 Comma (,) 逗号、逗点在英文里,逗号的用途有:连接句子里不同的成份分开句子里不同的成份突出句子里的某个成份替代句子里的某个成份成份指:词、短语 (phrase)、子句 (clause)等。2.1连接句子里不同的成份逗号用在以and, but, for, nor, or, so, yet等连接词的两个主要子句之间:My father is fond of fishing, but my mother prefers hiking. (以 ,but 连接两个子句 )He

9、 painted the exterior of the house, and she painted the interior. (以,and 连接两个子句 )=2.2分开句子里不同的成份用逗号分开两个以上的并列形容词:(如果并列的形容词之间可加上 and,but 等,那就加上逗号;否则不可)That tall, distinguished, good looking fellow. (可写成 He is a tall and distinguished fellow.)2.She is a little and old lady. 不(可写成She is a little, old lad

10、y.)-在两个修饰主语的短语之间加上逗号(句短可不加 ):1. While waiting for the bus on that cold rainy night, she startedsneezing. (主语 she)2.At 10 oclock the bus arrived.(不必写成At 10 oclock, the busarrived.)-在等名称之前及后都要加上逗号 (除了所有格的名称 ):They identified him as Howard R. Williams, Jr., chairman of their board. (,Jr.,)2.That is How

11、ard R. Williams, Jr.s company. (,Jr.s后面不可再加逗号)-在追问句之前加逗号:Do it, wont you? (Do it 是命令语气, wont you? 是追问 )You know the answer, dont you?It is warm today, isnt it?-一个以副词或副词短语开头的句子,如果它和前面的句子有关联的话,必须在有关副词或副词短语后加上逗号:She believed he had the talent to succeed. Unfortunately, he was lazy.(后一个句子以副词unfortunatel

12、y 开头,同时这个句子和前一个句子有直接的关联 )-在句子里有超过三个并列词或短语等,在最后一个, and,or, nor 等之前加逗号:He promised to supply the pencils, pens, and notebooks for the class.(简单说就是pencils, pens, notebooks 要写成pencils, pens, andnotebooks)2.Her mothersells tomatoes, potatoes, apples, and peaches.(.apples,and.)3.She ran up the stairs, acr

13、oss the porch, and into the house.(upthestaris, across the porch, into the house 是三个短语,在最后一个加 ,and)4.We all agreed that she was beautiful,that she was intelligent,and that she was ambitious.(三个 that she was.都是子句)-在句子中加上逗号,以免引起误解:That she knew where the money was, was news to me. (如果 was,was 之间不加逗号,是

14、不是会引起误解呢?)Outside, the lawn was cluttered with hundreds of broken branches.外面的草坪上到处是断枝。(如果 outside 后去掉逗号 , 那意思就变成 “在草坪的外面到处是断枝。 ”)-用逗号分开引用句:“ You are beautiful,” he(这个said逗.号要放在引号内 )2.Our teacher said,“ Freedom is not licen(.seaid,).”3.“ No, ” she said,“ I was just testing your patience.” (No, /.sai

15、d,)4.“ Perhaps, ” Tom responded, “ I will try anyway.” (Perhaps, /responded,)-逗号用以分开星期、月日、年份:On Monday, May 5,2000, her first child was born. (Monday, May5,2000, )On March 8, 2003, he bought a new car. (March 8, 2003, )June 2000 is one of the most meaningful of my life. (只有月和年,就不必加逗号 )-逗号用以分开地名、省名、国

16、名、街道名、巷弄名等:-逗号用在such as 和 especially 的前面:They enjoy outdoor sports, such as hiking and riding.He likes all extracurricular activities, especially basketball playing.=2.3突出句子中某个插入成份(Parenthetical elements):所谓插入成份, 是指在句子中去掉它也可成立的成份。插入成份一般是感叹词、状语、副词子句等。句子里插入的词、短语、子句等,加上逗号以示插入成份:He knew, however, that n

17、o one would listen to his warning. ( 插入however)No, you may not come with us. (插入 No)-用逗号分开 “乃此非彼 ”的结构:Jane, not Shirley, will attend the meeting. (是 Jane,不是 Shirley)He wanted to see Mr. Wu, not Mr. Hu. 是(吴先生,不是胡先生 )Some say the world will end in ice, not fire. (是冰,不是火 )It was her money, not her char

18、m or personality, that first attracted him. (为的是她的财富,不是为了她的妩媚或个性 )-句中有非限制性的词或短语之类,以逗号标出以示插入成份:Her husband, Bill, is a scientist. (Bill 为插入成份 )2.Kent Howard, my English teacher, is from America. (插入成份Englishteacher)my3.Her father, who is a famous scholar, teaches English插.(入成份whois afamous scholar)El

19、eanor, his wife of thirty years, suddenly decided to open her ownbusiness. (试将插入成份his wife of thirty years去掉,句子是否也能成立? )-句中的城市名如果和它的省、州、国名并列,省、州、国名前后须加逗号:We visited Hartford, Connecticut, last summer. (Connecticut 为插入成份 )Paris, France, is sometimes called The City of Lights. (France为插入成份 )Hartford, Connecticuts investment in the insurance industry is well known.(Connecticuts 为所有格式,后面不可加逗号喔 )-句中带着连接词 (but, and, or.)的插入成份的前面不可加上逗号:The Red Sox were leading the league at


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