



1、英文版的求职信范本在写求职信的过程中,必须使求职信的内容尽可能与招聘单位的要求相吻合N4 下面就让带大家看看一系列的英文版的求职信。望大家采纳。英文版的求职信范文篇一Dear Ms. / Mr.Hello!Thankyouforyourbusyscheduletoputthemselves forward more of my material.I am a financial department of Nanjing Audit University, a00 graduates.In order to become a competition of contemporary social

2、needsofpersonnel,four-yearuniversitiesinthelearningprocess, I hard work, academic excellence, scholarships havebeenawardedand has a one-timeEnglishthroughnationalCET (CET-6) and Jiangsu Province Computer three-tier (VFP5.0)examination.Learning,Ialsoactivelyparticipatedinvarioussocialactivities,asstu

3、dentleaders,andmadeanumberofoutstanding achievements. Four years of social work practice,let me outof one day livingin an ivorytowerimageof thetraditionalcollegestudents,notonlyexercisemyabilityto1organize and coordinate, but also made me understand that you want to do a first of all must love the .

4、 In addition, I alsoactively participated in physical exercise, and I have created the capacity to bear any responsibility physique.I love my profession, and I will be doing the of a cavity filled with warm and dry out the determination of a cause. Allyou need to pay a little confidence, I will retu

5、rn you unlimited!Look forward to working with your interviews!Sincerely,Salute英文版的求职信范文篇二 Dear Sir:I wish to apply for the position of Chief engineer assistantadvertisedin today? s DalianDaily.IfeelIamcompetenttomeet the requirement which you have specified.I amtwenty-fiveyearsofage.Aftergraduationf

6、romZhengzhouUniversity,I wasenrolledinDalianUniversityofTechnology inthefall20 xx.Thesuddenchagesoflivingandstudyingdidn?tgivemetoomuchtrouble.IfinishmyMaster? s degree in one year with satisfactory grades.I belive I am intelligent and quick to learn. Although I lackof formalworkingexperiences,Iamsh

7、arptograspthekeypoints, also I am very dedicated to what I do.I am ready for the2challenges.(I have permission to refer you toProf. Ji Zhou, for statements as to my character and ability.)I hope you will give me a chance to talk to you personallyand to answer any questions you may have about my suit

8、ability for the post. Salary consideration is seondary to mein view of the opportunity this position offers.I am sure we can arrive at a satisfactory arrangement during the interview.(I should welcome a personal interview at your convenient.)Yours sincerely英文版的求职信范文篇三Dear Sir/Madam:Thank you very mu

9、ch for skimming my letter in your busy time. And I am very appreciate than your esteemed company would give me an opportunity.First please allow me to introduce myself. My English name is Cathy. I am the graduate student in Foreign College of Jingsu University of Science and Technology. I learn that

10、 your company is recruiting now. I am confident that four years of university study and the social practice can help me to apply for the position in your company.I have had a solid theoretical foundation because of the3four years of English learning.Theannualinternshipexperience make me from theory

11、to practice, although I haveno formal work experience. However I am sure that I have acertaindegreeofunderstandingoftheforeigntradepostsand thetranslationwork.AndI believethatI have a stronglearning ability, and Ican completely adapt to the new work ina short time.Under the teachers strict teaching

12、and my personalefforts,Ihaveformedasolidfoundationofprofessionalknowledge, mastered the business English knowledge. At thethe spare time I also actively read the professional knowledgeof therelevantnewspapersandmagazines,understingthenew economic situation, and initially have a good command ofw.jian

13、li- English basic communication and translation ability. Inaddition, I also actively participate in community activities andvolunteerserviceactivities,takepartintheEnglishspeechcontest,translationcontest,EnglishtonguetwistersandEnglish about the game, also involve in the strawberry MusicFestival,betterXijinferryandotherlargeactivitiesofthevolunteeractivities.Thesepractice allow metochecemyknowledge,andalso makemetohavethestrongabilityofanalysis and solving problems, and make me more confident4and mature.Self-confidenceandperseveranceismyprinciple,an


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