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1、English Rhetorics 第1页是比喻一个,是对两种含有共同特征事物或现象进行对比,表明本体和喻体相同关系,二者都在对比中出现,且常带有比喻词,如: Like/ seem / be something of / as /resemble/ comparable to /similar to / akin to/ be analogous to My love is like a red, red rose. (Robert Burns)Simile明喻第2页对两种含有共同特征事物或现象进行对比;所不一样是在形式上,暗喻中本体和喻体之间多经过Be 动词来联络。省掉比喻词。明喻:Life

2、 is like an unexplored river, full of twists and turns, great beauty and dangerous surprises . 暗喻: Life is an unexplored river, full of twists and turns, great beauty, and dangerous surprises. Metaphor 暗喻 第3页本质上是一个暗喻,其特点是赋予非人类范围东西一些人特征。The forest held its breath, and the trees seemed to listern inte

3、ntly. The sun kissed the green fields。 The thirsty desert drank up the water. 拟人:personification 第4页 是经过借用与某种事物亲密相关东西来表示该事物。比如用单词word 来表示话语或者消息news, 用硬币penny来表示钱 money. Word comes that the Chinese government will send a pair of giant pandas to the United States. This computer will cost you a pretty

4、penny. Metonymy 借代又称换喻 第5页是借代一个,所不一样是英语换称中所用专有名词通常源于西方宗教、历史以及文学作品中专有名词或者形象。如: Solomon 所罗门-a wise man 聪明人, 出自圣经 Judas 犹大- a traitor 叛徒,出自圣经 Helen 海伦-红颜祸水,美女海伦为斯巴达王王后,因她被帕里斯拐去而引发特洛伊战争。 Venus 维纳斯-Beauty 美化身,出自古希腊神话。Reform is a Pandoras box; opening up the system can lead to a loss of economic and polit

5、ical control. 换称 antonomasia 第6页是比喻一个,主要特点是以局部代表全体,或以全体喻指部分,或以抽象代表详细,或以详细代抽象。与换喻(借代)相比,提喻本体和喻体之间关系较单纯。He has many mouths to feed in his family mouth -people They counted fifty sails in the harbour sails -ships He is a valiant heart heart -man 提喻本体与喻体之间关系是局部全体,详细抽象之间关系,而换喻本体与喻体之间关系更为复杂。 提喻 synecdoche

6、 第7页 将两类本质上不一样事物之间共同点加以比较,在形式上很像比喻,也用比喻词。惯用来阐释复杂概念。类比最常见句型为 A is to B as C is to D Food is to the body as fuel is to the engine. Shoe is to foot as tire is to wheel Followers are to a leader as planets are to a sun 当要解释一个比较抽象概念时,类比能够很好地帮助你将概念形象化,详细化。Dont worry about the future,; or worry-but know th

7、at worrying is as effective as trying to solve an algebra equation by chewing bubble gum. 类比 analogy 第8页 是一个经过人们熟知某个谚语、格言、名剧乃至文章体裁适当地改头换面而组成一个颇为新奇表示方式。它既仿照又改变。 Hatred begets hatred . 怨怨相报。- Tragedy begets tragedy . Lie begets lie. No pains, no gains. - Not root, no fruit 仿拟 parody 第9页 仿拟是学习英文格言美句好方法

8、,在仿拟过程中, 还能够对固有词组和谚语进行创新和改动,以到达修辞效果。Lady hermits who are down but not out (down and out 穷困潦倒)穷困而不潦倒女隐士们。第10页 是重复(repetition)一个变形,即在后一句开头重复前句末尾词语。They call for you: the general who became a slave; the slave who became a gladiator; the gladiator who defied an Emperor They have promised to finish the w

9、ork and finish it they will. 蝉联(anadiplosis)第11页 回环(regression)也是一个重复,它在一个句子或短文中以相反次序重复前面出现过词语。回环是组成名言警句常见伎俩,有很强生命力。It is better to make friends fast than to make fast friends. 交友要真挚,而不是轻率地交朋友。Flowers are lovely; lovely is flower like. 花儿可爱,可人儿如花。Better to know everything of something than something

10、 of everything. 精通有限领域,胜过万事都只知道点皮毛。(培根)回环(regression) 第12页 又称为讽刺,经过使用与本义相反词表示本意,来到达一个嘲弄、赞扬、幽默效果。当然,词汇伎俩只是反语表示一个。When the doctor came, they said she had died of heart disease-of joy that kills. It must be delightful to find oneself in a foreign country without a penny in ones pocket. 言语上反语往往需要配合上下文来了

11、解,它不尽然表示批评或讽刺,有些时候也能表示赞扬和幽默。反语 (irony)第13页又称逆论或者是似是而非隽语,即乍听似乎荒谬而实际上却有道理某种说法。More haste, less speed. What is improbable is extremely probable. From disaster fortune comes, in fortune lurks disaster. Extremes meet 物极必反A friend to everybody is a friend to nobody 人人友,非真友。Everybodys business is nobodys b

12、usiness. 反论 (paradox)第14页小提醒: 反论经常包含有趣哲学思辨,是组成俗语主要伎俩。圣经中就有许多内涵丰富反论。Behold, I send you forth as sheep in the midst of wolves: be you therefore wise as serpents, and harmless as doves 我差你们去,如同羊进入狼群;所以你们要灵巧像蛇,驯良如鸽。 第15页用两种不调和、甚至截然相反特征来形容一项事物,在矛盾中寻求哲理,以到达修辞效果。它是反论一个浓缩形式。 Can enemies become mortal friend

13、s ?敌人能成为不共戴天朋友吗? England Harrison worte a book with the title A savage Civilization The parental discipline can be described as cruel kindness. 矛盾修辞法 oxymoron第16页小提醒: 从结构上,能够把矛盾修辞法两个相反词义关系分位反义关系和准反义关系。其中准反义关系为多。反义关系: Idiotic wisdom 愚蠢智慧Victorious defeat 胜利失败Crowded solitude 拥挤独处Bitterly happy 苦涩愉快准反

14、义关系Cold fire 严寒火焰Sweet sorrow 甜蜜悲伤Absolutely right 绝正确正确A woman of devastating beauty 倾国倾城美女第17页 同源修辞格是一个特殊重复,即经过使用同一词源不一样词性或不一样含义几个词,取得重复强调或反衬对照效果。It will destroy the wisdom of the wise 这会损智者智慧。He has died a glorious death.他光荣就义。Home is home though never so homely.华丽乎,简陋乎,家总是家。Money often unmakes t

15、he men who make it.金钱经常能瓦解那些创造它人。Man must change in a changing world. 人必须在改变着世界里不停改变。同源格(paregmenon)第18页小提醒: 英语词形特殊组成(词根、前缀、后缀)使其富于同源词,许多英文名人隽语都是用同源格组成。Love sought is good, but given unsought is better. (Shakespeare)千寻百觅得来爱情当然好,佳偶天成则更美妙。双关双关(pun)是英语修辞一个常见形式。它巧妙地利用同音异义或者同形异义现象使一个词语或句子含有两种不一样含义。We mus

16、t all hang together, or we shall all hang separately. (Benjamin Franklin) (团结、绞死)The friendly gardner had a lot of thyme(time) for the woman. 那位和善园丁留了许多百里香(与“时间”谐音)给那个女人。第19页 是在对照基础上形成一个并列结构,经过并列两组内涵反差强大词,强调其差异,有力地解释它们是一个整体两个相反组成侧面。(在了解时,能够把平行对照看作对照(contrast)和平行(parallelism叠加。))I have a dream that m

17、y four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character. Thats one small step for man; one giant leap for mankind. 平行对照(antithesis)第20页简单地说,就是把通惯用来修饰甲类名词形容词用来修饰乙类词。而其转移修饰理由往往是因为乙类词引发了感官或者情感上对甲类词共鸣。 There was

18、an amazed silence. Slowly Alexander turned away.那时鸦雀无声。然后亚历山大迟缓地转身离开。 The big man crashed down on a protesting chair. 那个肥胖男人坐在椅子上,椅子不住地发出吱吱呀呀响声。He had some cheerful wine at the party. 聚会时他喝了些使人满身来劲儿酒。移就(Transferred epithet)第21页IBM has a quite handsome increase of productivity this year. IBM企业今年生产率有了

19、大幅度提升。The new tendency has raised many a conservative eyebrow. 这种新趋势引发了许多保守派人士非难。小提醒:移就又能够被细分为通感(synesthesia) 、移情(empathy)和转类(transferred epithet)。第22页夸大(hyperbole)经过丰富想象,在数量、形状或程度上加以渲染以增强表示效果。Thanks a million. They almost died laughing. Belinda smiled, and all the world was gay. Im starving.From his mouth flowed speech sweeter than money. 第23页用文雅、温和、含混话语替换直接、生硬、直露话语。它是一个惯用语言变通形式。Th


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