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1、mcmthesis 文档类 English 摘这份模板大学生数学建模竞赛(MCM/ICM)模板。模遵循赛的要求,设置mcmthesis 文档类 English 摘这份模板大学生数学建模竞赛(MCM/ICM)模板。模遵循赛的要求,设置了页眉页脚、字体和控制页等内容。本文档对模的使用做出了说明1模板介设计,并在往年参赛者的建议下不断改进。2014 这份模板最早接手模板,用 key-value 语法重构了文档选项,并修复了一些 bug年初将模板使用DocStrip 的语法重构,并上传至CTAN2015 年年初安装说模板 你可以到项目主新,除去项目主页之外,不任何镜像h此外,文档类也已上传至 CTAN

2、,你可以在 TEX Live 。版的宏包管器这份文档是 mcmthesis v5.1.0c 的说明文档,更新日期 2015/01/2913 使用说2安SOURCE 代表cd 的源文件目录,在终端下执行以下3 使用说2安SOURCE 代表cd 的源文件目录,在终端下执行以下命令mcmthesis-你可以将生成mcmthesis.cls拷贝TEXMF/tex/latex/mcmthesis/ 目录,将mcmthesis.dtx mcmthesis.ins 拷贝TEXMF/source/latex/mcmthesis/,将 mcmthesis.pdfmcmthesis-demo.texmcmthes

3、is-demo.pdffigures/ code/ 拷贝至 TEXMF/doc/latex/mcmthesis/,然后在终端执行texhash;也可以将mcmthesis.cls生成的 mcmthesis-demo.tex 是一个示例文件,你可以参照这个文件来构建;也可以直接修改这个文件3使用说依mcmthesis 依赖于以下宏包,这些宏包在常见的 版中都已包含,安装使用之前,请确认你的 版中正确安装了这些宏包 3 使用说3如果你尚未安装这些宏包,可以3 使用说3如果你尚未安装这些宏包,可以启动你的 版的宏包管理器来安装或者上搜并安装选mcmthesis 有六个选项,用来控制模板的行为tcn

4、队伍控制号码,接受一个字符串作为值;输入的值将显示在控制页上和每一页的页眉上;默认为0000。sheet 布尔值;为真时将输出控制页,否则不输出;默认为truetitleinsheet 布尔值;为真时将在控制页输出标题,否则不输出;默认为 falsekeywordsinsheet 布尔值;为真时将在控制页输出关键字,否则不输出;默认falsetitlepage 布尔值;为真时将输出标题页,否则不输出;默认为trueabstract 布尔值;为真时将在标题页输出摘要true注意,titleinsheet keywordsinsheet 的效果受sheet 的影响false,则不论前二者的真假,均

5、不会在控制页上输出标题和/或关键字。另一方sheet true,则摘要部分总是会出现在控制页。abstract titlepage,否则不输出;默认值题模板定义了problem题号 命令,用以选择题号编译方模板支持多种编译方式 的方式3 使3 使用说4中文支由于MCM/ICM 要求以英文写作,所以模板没有内建的中文支持。如果你在 这里,Mac OS X 的用户可以使STSong 来代SimSun;Linux 用户则可以使用FandolSong。 + Mac OS X Linux 的说明同上The mcmthesis Liam 中文Zhaoli摘This template is designed

6、 for MCM/ICM. The template configured fonts,The mcmthesis Liam 中文Zhaoli摘This template is designed for MCM/ICM. The template configured fonts, header and footer and control sheet style, accroding to the desicribes the 4This template was designed by Zhaoli following the suggestions from contest and wa

7、s improved by he beginning of the year Liam Huang redesigned it, by using key-value syntax, and fixed known bugs. reimplemented tothe begining of the year 2015, by DocStrip, and uploaded 5Installation You could find the latest is template at the project homepage, well as the TEXStudio. We will not a

8、in any other Moreover, this template had been uploaded to CTAN, t it could managed by the package manager of your distribution, such as TEX corresponds to mcmthesis v5.1.0c, dated 56 6We denote SOURCE as the folder, who contains the file youve just loaded. Execute cd dhe6 6We denote SOURCE as the fo

9、lder, who contains the file youve just loaded. Execute cd dhe mcmthesis-Tofinishtheinstallation,youcouldcopymcmthesis.clstoTEXMF/tex/latex/mcmthesis/, copy mcmthesis.dtx and mcmthesis.ins to TEXMF/source/latex/mcmthesis/, copy mcmthesis.pdf, mcmthesis-demo.tex, mcmthesis-demo.pdf, figures/ and code/

10、 to TEXMF/doc/latex/mcmthesis/, and then run texhash in your terminal; you couldalso put he same folder of the master mcmthesis-demo.tex is a generated demo file, you could write the of you r by mimicing this file; you may also modify this file to build p6The mcmthesisclass depends on the following

11、pakcages. These packages has been installed in common TEX distribution. Before installation, please make t you have installed these packages 6 7If you havent install these packages, you could execute the package of your distribution and install 6 7If you havent install these packages, you could exec

12、ute the package of your distribution and install them; you could also download them from . t are designed to control the behaviour of tcn The team control number, recieves a string as value; this value will be dis- played on control sheet and every pages header. The default value is sheet Bool, true

13、 to the control sheet, default is titleinsheet Bool, true to the he control sheet, default is keywordsinsheet Bool, true to he control sheet, default titlepage Bool, true to abstract Bool, true to thetitlepage,defaultisthe abstract on the titlepage, default is t the effect of titleinsheet and keywor

14、dsinsheet are under control of the option t is, if sheet is set to false, title and/or will not be ed on the control sheet, whatever the value of these two are. On the other hand, the abstract will always be ed on the control if the sheet is set to true. The relationship n abstract and titlepage sim

15、ilar t just The template defines problemquestion to choose the 7 THE 8Compilation The template supports various kinds of compilation 7 THE 8Compilation The template supports various kinds of compilation 7The Basic 1 2 2015/01/29 v5.1.0c Thesis Template For typeoutThesis Template For Loading kvoption

16、s and etoolbox to handle key-value SetupKeyvalOptionsfamily=MCM, prefix=MCMopt, 10 Declaring 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 7 THE 9sing 23 24r, mandteamTeam7 THE 9sing 23 24r, mandteamTeam # 25 26 Loading RequirePackagefancyhdr, RequirePackagetoc, page, title, titletoc, RequirePackageamsthm, RequireP

17、ackageamsmath, RequirePackageamssymb, RequirePackagelongtable, multirow, hhline, tabularx, 39 font, RequirePackagecolortbl, RequirePackageifpdf, Loading graphicxand its relations after checking 7 THE 7 THE hyperref hypersetupdvipdfm, Page Setting 67 r size and margin r, margin = Making the footer an

18、d lheadsmall rheadsmall Page thepage of Setting Redefining 73 vskip 7 THE Mastering Floats, Figures and Setting counters. Here totalnumber 7 THE Mastering Floats, Figures and Setting counters. Here totalnumber is um number of floats on floats at top of a text text page, topnumber is the and bottomnu

19、mber is theum number um number of floats at bottom of a text Obviously, we have totalnumber= topnumber+Setting float 83 84 85 86 Setting caption Setting graphic 87 88 89 Designing Sheets and their Redefining maketitle, which is executed by maketitle. will check if the control sheet and titlepage sho


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