4、反义词练习说话,先在小组内说,再全班交流,说评结合,加深理解。五.拓展延伸,实践迁移1.看图说反义词2.交流课前找到的反义词,并选择几个写在课后的田字格里。初中一年级英语下册第十一单元教案Unit 11 What do you think of game shows教案Language goalsto this unit students learn to state their opinions and talk about likes and dislikes.New languageWhat do you think of soap operas? I dont like soap op
5、eras.What does he think of sports shows? He loves sports shows.What does she think of Maria? She likes Maria.What do they think of Tommy? They cant stand Tommy.Section AAdditional materials to bring to class:a local television listinglist the names of several foods on the board.For example: pizza, b
6、roccoli, ice cream, mushrooms.Next to that list, write the sentence, What do you think of _ ? and leave a blank at the end. Ask a student the question, substituting the word pizza: What do you think of pizza? Help him or her answer / like pizza ot I dont like pizza,Point to the other foods one by on
7、e. Ask a student the question and help him or her answer J like.or I dont likeThen point to the sentence. What do you think of _ ? Point to a food name on the board and choose a student to ask the question: What do you think of (mushrooms)? Then point to a student to answer.Repeat the activity sever
8、al times, giving several students chances to ask and answer the question.1 a This activity introduces the key vocabulary.Talk about the other kinds of shows and ask students what they see. Tell the name of each kind of show as you discuss the picture. Ask students to repeat the names of the shows.Po
9、int out the numbered list of shows. Say each one again and ask students to repeat it.1 b This activity gives students practice in understanding the target language in spoken conversation.Point to the smiley faces and the frowny faces and the words next to them. Read the words to the class or have a
10、student do this. Say, These faces show you what the words mean. If you dont mind something, you dont either like it or dislike it. If you cant stand something, you dislike it very strongly. Your least favorite food is something you cant stand. If you love something, you like it very, very much. Your
11、 favorite food is something you love.Play the recording the first time. Students only listen.Correct the answers.1 c This activity provides guided oral practice using the target language.Say a dialogue with a student. Have the student ask ou a question. Then answer it truthfully. Point to the ppropr
12、iate picture as you answer.Say, Now work with a partner. Ask and answer the qstions.Have students work in pairs. As they talk, move round the room monitoring their work. Offer anguage or pronunciation support as needed.2a This activity provides listening practice using the target language.Call atten
13、tion to the list of five words and expressions.Point out the blank in front of each one. Ask a student to read the list to the class.Play the recording the first time. Students only listen.Point out the sample answer 1 in front of the word love. Say, The first word on the recording is love in the se
14、ntence I love it. So the answer in front o/love is number 1.Play the recording again. Ask students to write a number from 1 to 5 in front of each of the words and phrases.Check the answers.2b This activity provides more listening practice using the target language.Say, Listen to the recording again.
15、 This time/ill in each blank with a word or phrase from the list in 2a.Play the recording. Students write words in the blanks.Check the answers.2c This activity provides guided oral practice using the target language.Help students find partners. Have the students practicethe dialogue several times.A
16、sk some pairs of students to present their dialogue!to the class.3a This activity provides pral and writing practice using the target language.Ask students to work in pairs. Ask student A in each pair to look at the chart on page 67. Ask student B to look at the chart on page 86. Remind students not
17、 to look at their partners pages.Say the first question and answer with a student. Pretend you are student A and work with a student partner.Say What does Stuart think of Sports News? Have student B look at the answer on his or her chart on page 86.Student B answers, Stuart loves Sports News. Show s
18、tudents that you are writing in the word loves after Stuarts name on the chart on page 67.Then say to your partner, Ask me about Stuart Student B asks, What does Stuart think of Sports News? You answer, Stuart likes Sports News. Have the student write the word likes after Stuarts name on the chart o
19、n page 86.Ask the pairs to continue on their own. Move around the room monitoring the progress of the pairs.Go over the answers.3b This activity provides guided reading practice using the target language.Read the dialogue with a student. Every time one of you conies to a blank, say blank.4 This acti
20、vity provides listening, speaking, and writing practice using the target language.Point out the dialogue in the speech bubbles. Have two students read it to the class.After five minutes ask students to sit down. Then ask some students to read the information from their charts to the class. Ask stude
21、nts to make statements such as I dont like The Crime Files. Carlos doesnt like The Crime Files, too.Alternative: If you do not want students to get up and move around the class, you can ask them to do this activity in groups of four.教科版一年级下册语文美丽的丹顶鹤教案教学目标:1、认识14个生字,会写9个生字,认识页字旁(页)。2、能正确、流利、有感情地朗读课文,
24、正确,读通顺好吗?一个小朋友在读的时候,其他小朋友也别闲着,我们要学会倾听。别人比你读得好,你向他学。别人不如你,呆会你和他比一比,开始吧!(第一自然段):哪位同学大胆地告诉大家“我想读”评:万事开头难,第一段读正确,读通顺了,老师相信小朋友一定能把下面的自然段读正确,读通顺的。(第二自然段):请你的好朋友来接着读好吗?(第三自然段):老师也想读,不过这几天老师感冒了,谁能帮老师 读一读呢?(第四自然段):大家都急着读了,这样吧,喜欢最后一自然段的同学就请你主动站起来读一读吧。三、互动识字,巩固字形1.课文中还藏着许多字宝宝呢,快把它们请出来吧。(出示生字、生词卡片)师:请同学们当小教官,点点
27、那些没见过丹顶鹤的人也能感受到丹顶鹤的美丽呢?自由读,我们比一比谁读的美!5.欣赏:让我们一起欣赏同学们富有感情的朗读吧!(抽读,小组读,挑战读)6.感受:欣赏了丹顶鹤的美,分享了小朋友们声情并茂的 朗读,教师的心情和同学们的一样是美滋滋的,这就是阅读给我们带来的快乐。(二)学习第三自然段过渡:丹顶鹤不光颜色漂亮,引人注目,还有许多逗人喜爱的地方呢!1.小组合作学习师:书上第三自然段为我们做了介绍,自己读一读,找一找,再在你的学习小组里说一说,丹顶鹤还有哪些地方美丽。2.学生分四人小组边读边想边体会。3.交流体会(1)脖子长,腿长,嘴长师:从这可以看出丹顶鹤的什么美?(板书:体形美)(出示图片观赏)师:你们知道丹顶鹤这三长与它的生活方式有什么关系吗?师:因为它生活在水边,要涉水,要吃水中的食物所以形成了这样的特点,并且这种特点也使得丹顶鹤自有一种独特的美感,让人喜爱。师:凡顶鹤的身材多像芭蕾舞演员,你能把它的美读出来吗?(2)汇报第二句师:指图(引吭高歌)你们看这只丹顶鹤在
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