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1、三年级下册-Unit-4-Where-is-my-car-Part-C-Story-time省优质课课件三年级下册-Unit-4-Where-is-my-car-PPut your foot under your chair. Put your hand on your chairPut your arm in your desk.Put your hand under your desk.Lets do Put your foot under your chairLets chant !Lets chant !toy boxWhats in it?Guessing gametoy boxWh

2、ats in it?Guessing gSay it quickly!Say it quickly!恭喜你闯过第一关!恭喜你闯过第一关!火眼金睛Where is the ?Is it in the desk?火眼金睛Where is the 火眼金睛Where is the ?Is it on the chair?火眼金睛Where is the 火眼金睛 Where is the ?Is it in the toy box?火眼金睛 Where is the 火眼金睛Where is the ?Is it in the toy box?火眼金睛Where is the 恭喜你闯过第二关!恭喜

3、你闯过第二关!Uh-oh , where is my car?Is it in your toy box?No, it isnt.Is it on your desk?No, it isnt.Is it under your chair?Yes, it is. Silly me. Thanks . Uh-oh!Lets read and act together! Youre welcome. Have a good time !1.声音要大声!2.要模仿语音语调!3.配上动作哦!Uh-oh , where is my car?Is it A: XXX, where is my_?A: No,

4、 it isnt.A: Yes, it is . Silly me. Thanks. B: Is it _ your _?B: Is it _ your _?B: youre welcome. Have a good time! Bye.Make a new dialogue.bag, cap, desk, chair, toy box, ball, car, map, boat.In, on, under同桌二人合作,大胆创编新对话,做到发音清晰准确,语调自然。A: XXX, where is my_?A: No恭喜你闯过第三关!恭喜你闯过第三关!Watch and answer quest

5、ions Q1: What are they playing about ? 他们在玩什么? They are playing hide and seek .Q2: where is Zip ? Zip is behind Zoom . Watch and answer questions 恭喜你闯过第四关!恭喜你闯过第四关!三年级下册-Unit-4-Where-is-my-car-Part-C-Story-time省优质课课件三年级下册-Unit-4-Where-is-my-car-Part-C-Story-time省优质课课件三年级下册-Unit-4-Where-is-my-car-Par

6、t-C-Story-time省优质课课件三年级下册-Unit-4-Where-is-my-car-Part-C-Story-time省优质课课件三年级下册-Unit-4-Where-is-my-car-Part-C-Story-time省优质课课件三年级下册-Unit-4-Where-is-my-car-Part-C-Story-time省优质课课件恭喜你闯过第五关!恭喜你闯过第五关!Lets act Rules for act : reading (发音准确,语句流畅) action (脱稿表演,表演自然) cooperation(小组协作,准备充分) creation (能用自己的语言创编

7、故事)Lets act Rules for act : read三年级下册-Unit-4-Where-is-my-car-Part-C-Story-time省优质课课件恭喜你闯过第六关!恭喜你闯过第六关!Homework Read the text on page 45 for 3 times. (熟读45页课文3遍,家长签名。) Try to tell the story to your parents. 试着将这个故事说给父母听,不会说的部分可用中文。 After class you can make a new story and act it out . 课下编创一个新的故事并表演。Homework Read the text on Dont leave your toys all over your room and keep your things


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