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1、ProjectPlanFor ocument Revision #1.3 ate of Issue: 2021-10-13 Project Manager:SweeperApproveby:Business ProjectLeaerSweeperPrepareby:Business ProjectManager JaneApproveby:IM/IT ProjectLeaerPrepareby:IM/IT ProjectManager EmmaRevieweby:Quality AssuranceManagerTable of Contents HYPERLINK l _TOC_250051

2、ocumentChangeControl3 HYPERLINK l _TOC_250050 ProjectOverview HYPERLINK l _TOC_250049 Purpose, Scope,anObjectives4 HYPERLINK l _TOC_250048 Assumptions, ConstraintsanRisks4 HYPERLINK l _TOC_250047 Assumptions4 HYPERLINK l _TOC_250046 Constraints4 HYPERLINK l _TOC_250045 Risk Assessment5 HYPERLINK l _

3、TOC_250044 Projecteliverables5 HYPERLINK l _TOC_250043 Scheule anBugetSummary6 HYPERLINK l _TOC_250042 ScheuleanMilestone6Buget7 HYPERLINK l _TOC_250041 EvolutionofthePlan8 HYPERLINK l _TOC_250040 References8 HYPERLINK l _TOC_250039 efinitionsanAcronyms8 HYPERLINK l _TOC_250038 ProjectOrganization H

4、YPERLINK l _TOC_250037 ExternalInterfaces9 HYPERLINK l _TOC_250036 InternalStructure9 HYPERLINK l _TOC_250035 RolesanResponsibilities9 HYPERLINK l _TOC_250034 Managerial Process Plans HYPERLINK l _TOC_250033 Start-upPlan HYPERLINK l _TOC_250032 Estimates10 HYPERLINK l _TOC_250031 Staffing10 HYPERLIN

5、K l _TOC_250030 ResourceAcquisition11 HYPERLINK l _TOC_250029 ProjectStaffTraining11 HYPERLINK l _TOC_250028 WorkPlan11 HYPERLINK l _TOC_250027 WorkBreakownStructure12 HYPERLINK l _TOC_250026 ScheuleAllocation12 HYPERLINK l _TOC_250025 ResourceAllocation13 HYPERLINK l _TOC_250024 BugetAllocation13 H

6、YPERLINK l _TOC_250023 ProjectTrackingPlan13 HYPERLINK l _TOC_250022 IssuesManagement13 HYPERLINK l _TOC_250021 ScheuleControl14 HYPERLINK l _TOC_250020 BugetControl14 HYPERLINK l _TOC_250019 QualityControl14 HYPERLINK l _TOC_250018 Reporting14 HYPERLINK l _TOC_250017 ProjectMetrics14 HYPERLINK l _T

7、OC_250016 RiskManagementPlan HYPERLINK l _TOC_250015 ProjectCloseoutPlan HYPERLINK l _TOC_250014 Project ReviewMeetingPlan HYPERLINK l _TOC_250013 Technical Process Plans HYPERLINK l _TOC_250012 ProcessMoel HYPERLINK l _TOC_250011 Infrastructure. HYPERLINK l _TOC_250010 ProuctAcceptance HYPERLINK l

8、_TOC_250009 SupportingProcessPlans HYPERLINK l _TOC_250008 ConfigurationManagement HYPERLINK l _TOC_250007 VerificationanValiation HYPERLINK l _TOC_250006 ocumentation. HYPERLINK l _TOC_250005 QualityAssurance HYPERLINK l _TOC_250004 ReviewsanAuits HYPERLINK l _TOC_250003 ProblemResolution HYPERLINK

9、 l _TOC_250002 SubcontractorManagement HYPERLINK l _TOC_250001 ProcessImprovement HYPERLINK l _TOC_250000 Aitional Plans19Annex A - Bi-weeklyprogressreport20AnnexB-ProjectRiskChecklist21ocument Change ControlThis section provies control for the evelopment an istribution of revisions to the Project C

10、harter up to the point of approval. The Project Charter oes not change throughout the project life cycle, but rather is evelope at the beginning of the project (immeiately following project initiation approval, an in the earliest stages of project planning). The Project Charter provies an ongoing re

11、ference for all project stakeholers. The table below inclues the revision number (efine within your ocumentation Plan Outline), the ate of upate/issue, the author responsible for the changes, an a brief escription of the context an/or scope of the changes in that revision.Revision Numberate of Issue

12、Author(s)Brief escription of Change2008-09-09SweeperBuil oc2008-09-19JaneRevision2008-09-20JaneRevision2008-09-23SweeperRevision2008-09-23JaneRevision0.72008-09-25Emma LiliRevision an ReviewJack2021-09-26JaneCheck English2021-09-27SweeperRevision2008-09-26Project TeamRelease One2021-10-06SweeperA Re

13、view Meetings Plan2021-10-10JaneRelease Two2021-10-12SweeperUpate Plan Sync Upate1ProjectOverviewThe project plan for Content Management System (CMS) of Manufacturing Trae Association (MTA) is written by Final Fantasy Company accoring to the original requirements of the project. It will provie a efi

14、nition of the project, incluing the projects goals an objectives, etc. Aitionally, the Plan will serve as an agreement between the following parties: Project Sponsor, Steering Committee, Project Manager, Project Team, an other personnel associate with an/or affecte by the project.Purpose, Scope, anO

15、bjectivesThe project is evelope for a large Manufacturing Trae Association (MTA) with over 2000 members. The purpose for this project is that MTA works closely with enterprises of all sizes to help them unlock the value of their unstructure content.The objective of eploying the CMS is to facilitate

16、the creation an manipulation of content on a website an to enhance collaboration by making it possible to collect information generate within the organization an facilitate its istribution.The preliminary scope of the CMS efine by MTA inclues:Tools for managing users an workflow. The separation of c

17、ontent an the visual isplay makes it easier to maintain a consistent look-an-feel across the entirewebsite.Support collaboration tools such as iscussion forums an ocumentmanagement.Support customize information retrieval - sophisticate search tools can allow users to locate just the information they

18、 are lookingfor.Web-base interfaces to selecte information in the atabases can facilitate ata sharingbetweenthe organization an itsstakeholers.Make it easier for non-technical staff to a an eit content, thus streamline the process of maintaining awebsite.eveloping the CMS will be about 4 months. It

19、will complete the requirement research, analysis, esign, evelopment, test, eploy an finally eliverable.Assumptions, Constraints anRisksAssumptionsThe stakeholers of MTA inclue:Executive Council of MTA, consisting of 15 executive members who mae ecision on running MTAOffice staffs of MTA who carry ou

20、t the ay-to-ay operation of MTA, uner the irection oftheExecutive CouncilMTA Members who receive newsletters an eventannouncementsUniversities which support some of MTAseventsOther trae associations which support some of MTAseventsGovernment an IT venors who sometimes sponsor events organize byMTAGe

21、neral public who receive announcement on important events ofMTA.ConstraintsMTA has requeste that open source software be use whenever possible. In particular, they suggest using Linux operating system; Apache web server, MySQL atabase, etc.The CMS must be eploye by ec. 31 this year, about 4 months f

22、rom the project start ate of September 1.RiskAssessmentRisk AreaCommunicatio n an CollaborationAssessmentHighImpactThis is a temporary team. It will be lack of practices of cooperating an communicating between team members.MitigationHave a weekly meeting an a bi weekly report. Use GOOGLE Coe Manager

23、 to control Coe vision an issuesStaffing ResourcesMeiumSuccess of projectepenson1. Share technical issues, ability to memberswithcreibleexperience an information experience in each member in orertoResource conflictsorshortagesimprove personal ability. will cause that the project

24、costan2. Create an alternate scheule (primarilyscheule)coulresource plan for critical overruntasks.Potential requirementchangecostevelop a total life cycle anmaintenancecost.cost estimateuringCostMeiumScheuleMeiumconcept valiation as part of the milestone ecision. An establish a change control proce

25、ss.This project will beevelopeaboutStrictly, each member must 4 months. ue to thespare timespen not less than7each member spent, it isifficulttohours in each week. An managescheule.each member mustensurethe timely eliverable.Scope QualityLow UnknownSuccessful completion of concept valiation will res

26、ult in a client-wie implementation.This risk factor will epenon theStrictly SQA process results ofconceptvaliation.control.ProjecteliverablesLocationeliverableueateQuantitiesRequireeliveryLocationProjectplanWeek SystemrequirementsWeek specificationProject planning inclues evelopment of the overall p

27、roject team structure, the various activities, effort an work plan that will form the basis of the projectmanagement throughout theprojectlifecycle.It will provie an integrate planning for CMSproject,such as timeline an milestone, staffing resource istribute, risk estimation an mitigation.The system

28、 requirement specification shoul escribe thefunctional requirements of the system inpreciseetail.When possible, it ientifies the entities(components,sections, an areas of functionality) that make uptheSQAplanWeek system an characterizes the properties, states, functions, an interrelationships of eac

29、h entity. Accoring to the requirement of MTA an inustry information, the ocument will escribe a business case stuy an scope, functional an nonfunctional requirement.The Software Quality Assurance Plan (SQAP) efines the techniques, proceures, an methoologies that will be use to assure timely elivery

30、of the software that meetsspecifie requirements within projectresources.TheSQAP escribes the SQA activities to be performeanefines a set of stanarize techniques for performing those activities.It forms the interface between the requirementsesign TestplanMi-term progress review an presentationWeekWee

31、kWeekocument an the coe itself an escribeshowthesoftware will be constructe. It will inclue systemuseTestercase, atabase structure, an user interface an so on. A Test Plan is a ocument that escribes the objectives, scope, approach, an focus of a software testing effort.TesterReview the complete eliv

32、erables, sum up issues, anshareexperience.PMSource coeTest results reportWeek 9Week 11eliver the compile source coe for the first time, incluing wholly or partly function.A Test Result Report is a ocument that formally summarizes the results of all testing.The efect Log recors all efects/issues repo

33、rte by team members an customers an gives a clearProgramm erTesterTesterefectlogWeek inication of the quality of the software application. Various statistics can be generate from the efect log, such as the number of Open efect, number of Fixe efect, etc.The Post Project Review consists of activities

34、 performeProgramm erPost project reportPresentation on the project CMSWeekWeekWeekby a project team at the en of the projects life cycle (orat the en of significant phases of work)togatherinformation on what worke well an what i not, so that future projects can benefit from thatlearning.Show overall

35、 project for client, incluing issues,experience,evaluation,etc.PMeploy a real environment to ensurenormalrunning.PMScheule an BugetSummary1.4.1.Scheule anMilestoneThis project will be ivie into three phases to complete, an total time is about 4 months. The following represent key project milestones,

36、 with estimate completion ates:A1Initial TeamFormationMeetingPM09/01/0809/01/08A2Team formation noticePM09/02/0809/07/08A3Buil Project PlanPM09/08/0809/27/08A4Finish Requirement Analysisesigner09/08/0809/27/08B1Buil SQA PlanSQA09/28/0810/12/08B2Finish esignesigner09/28/0810/12/08Change Plan Sync Upa

37、te1PM10/13/0810/13/08Change SRS Sync Upate1esigner10/14/0810/14/08Change esign oc Sync Upate1esigner10/15/0810/15/08B3Buil Test PlanTester10/13/0810/19/08B4Finish CoingCoer10/13/0811/02/08B5Mi-term progress review an presentationPM10/20/0810/26/08C1Test an Fix efectCoer/Tester11/03/0811/16/08C2Finis

38、h TestTester/PM11/17/0812/01/08C3Finish eployPM12/02/0812/17/08C3project reportPM12/02/0812/19/081.4.2.BugetProject Cost & Time Estimatesesign PhaseKickoff meeting; requirements an preferencesesign PhaseKickoff meeting; requirements an preferencesevelop esign alternatives (2) - home an seconary page

39、s Present esign alternativesBasic esign chosen, alterations ientifie Incorporate alternatives, evelop further page esigns Post esign upates for review anfeebackReceive client feebackIncorporate final alterations an post Sign-off on esignesign phase project managementesign phase totalestimate costs1a

40、ys 3ays 3ays 2ays 5ays 3ays 2ays 5ays 1ays 5ays 30aysesign Phase Cost-Reuction Option:Buil phase esigner time Programmer time Project management ocumentation Training sessionsBuil phase esigner time Programmer time Project management ocumentation Training sessionsQuality Assurance testingQA fixes an

41、 launch preparation Post-launch monitoring an support Factor of safety10%Buil phase totalhoursestimate costs30ays 30ays 15ays 10ays 10ays 15ays 30ays 2ays 1ays 143aysProject Role%TimeProject Role%Timeates Neee( Range)Name of ManagerProject Manager15Week1-week15Sweeperesigner15Week2-week4JackProgramm

42、er30Week6-week15LiliTester15Week10-week15JaneQA30Week5-week15Emmaocumentation5Week1-week15SweeperSystems support5Week10-week15SweeperEvolution of thePlanThe structure of this Project Plan is in compliance with the IEEE ST1058-1998.After project members review the plan, the release version will be pl

43、ace uner configuration management.ReferencesWebCT - COMP5231 Project Practice an Case Stuies, HaretonLeungonewsBlog - eveloping the Project Plan 2006/03/03/750787.aspx,JuvenProject ManagerUnionCapability Maturity Moel* Integration (CMMI), Version1.1 CMMI for Software Engineering(CMMI-SW, VI. 1) Stag

44、e Representation CMU/SEI-2002-TR-029 ESC-TR-2002-029 August 2002A Business case for CMMI base Process Improvement, ave Walen, General ynamics Avance Information Systems, an PSM Conference July2002.Simplifying evelopment through activity-base change management, Allan Tate & Karen Wae, IBM Software Gr

45、oup, October2004.Capability Maturity Moel) Integration (CMMI), Version 1.lCMMI for Software Engineering (CMMI- SW, VI. 1) Continuous Representation CMU/SEI-2002-TR-028ESC-TR-2002-028 August2002.A spiral moel of software evelopment an enhancement, Boehm, B. W. (1988), IEEE Computer, 21(5),61-72.The s

46、ix sigma project planner, Tomas Pyzek(2003)efinitions anAcronymsMTA CMS SQA PMMTA CMS SQA PMRUPManufacturing Trae Association Content Management System Software Quality Assurance Project ManagerRational Unifie ProcessProjectOrganizationExternalInterfacesPM will be responsibility for the communicatio

47、n brige between the project an external entities. Customer - A large Manufacturing Trae Association (MTA) with over 2000 members.The stakeholers of MTA inclue:Executive Council of MTA, consisting of 15 executive members who mae ecisiononrunning MTAOfficestaffsofMTAwhocarryouttheay-to-ayoperationofMT

48、A,unertheirectionof the ExecutiveCouncilMTA Members who receive newsletters an eventannouncementsUniversities which support some of MTAseventsOther trae associations which support some of MTAseventsGovernment an IT venors who sometimes sponsor events organize byMTAGeneral public who receive announce

49、ment on important events ofMTA.InternalStructureProject ManagerProject ManagerSQAesignersProgrammersTestersProject Team Organizational StructureRoles anResponsibilitiesRoleResponsibilitiesParticipant(s)Project SponsorProject ManagerUltimate ecision-maker an tie-breaker Provie project oversight an gu

50、iance Review/approve some project elements Coorinate the activities of team members Organize team meetingsPrepare Team Formation NoticeWrites project plansWrites system requirements ocument Upate the project plan if neee Prepare Post Project reportPrepare progress reports to client an senior managem

51、ent Prepare mi-term progress review an presentation Prepare final project presentationeliver all presentationsHareton LeungSweeperRoleProject SponsoresignerProgrammerTesterQA AnalystResponsibilities Ultimate ecision-maker an tie-breaker Provie project oversight an guiance Review/approve some project

52、 elementsContribute to the system requirements ocument Prepare esign ocumentWrite rafts of the user manual an installation guie Provie User TrainingReport progress to PM on a weekly basisAssist PM to prepare mi-term progress review an presentation Assist PM to prepare final project presentationCoe a

53、ll software features Perform unit testingReport progress to PM on a weekly basisAssist PM to prepare mi-term progress review an presentation Assist PM to prepare final project presentationPrepare test plan Perform system testingPrepare Test Result report Log all efects founAssist esigner to write ra

54、fts of the user manual an installation guieReport progress to PM on a weekly basisAssist PM to prepare mi-term progress review an presentation- Assist PM to prepare final project presentation Prepare SQA planMonitor QA activitiesReport progress to PM on a weekly basisAssist PM to prepare mi-term pro

55、gress review an presentationParticipant(s)Hareton LeungSweeper LiliJackLili Jack JaneEmma JaneEmmaManagerial ProcessPlansThis section of the Project Management Plan specifies the project management processes for the project. This section efines the plans for project start-up, risk management, projec

56、t work, project tracking an project close-out.Start-upPlanEstimatesThis project is a timer plan, so it must be complete in the official hour. MTA has requeste that open source software be use whenever possible. In particular, they suggest using Linux operating system, Apache web serve, MySQL atabase

57、, etc.So accoring to the above factors, we will aopt JAVA an MySQL to evelop CMS project. There is not purchase cost because of free open source tools. We will use GOOGLE free coe manger service to manage coe an Issues, an we will post wiki on it.StaffingThis project team has only five members. Each

58、 member will try their best an unleashe potential to evelop this project. The following is the simple introuction of members.Sweeper: There is evelopment experience more than ten years an rich management experience. So he will unertake PM role in the team.Lili: There is rich evelopment experience an

59、 strong coing ability. So she will unertake primary programmer role in the team. At the same time, she will analyze requirement as an assistant of primary analyst.Jack: Because of rich experience of requirement analysis, he will unertake primary analyst role. At the same time, he will also be respon

60、sibility for coing.Jane: There is rich experience of software evelopment an comprehensive ability in the phase of software life cycle. So she will take part in each phase, such as project plan, testing, etc.Emma: there is rich experience of SQA. SQA an tester role will suit her best.ResourceAcquisit


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