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1、过程确认及方法概述第1页,共72页,2022年,5月20日,18点38分,星期三Agenda/Topics日程 / 主题What is Process Validation? 什么是过程确认?Brief history of validation 确认的简要历史Who concerns about validation?谁关心确认?Expectations 期望Definitions/Compliance 定义 / 符合性Validation Economics 确认的经济意义Examples of Warning Letters 警告信的案例Elements of Process Valid

2、ation过程确认的要素When to Validate 何时确认Validation Master Plans 确认主计划What is Required to Be Outstanding in Process Validation? 确认中需要强调什么?Steps to Validation of a Process 过程确认的步骤Protocol development 方案编制 IQ 安装鉴定OQ 操作鉴定PQ 性能鉴定The Final Report 最终报告Revalidation再确认Monitoring监控第2页,共72页,2022年,5月20日,18点38分,星期三Why

3、Are we discuss this? 为什么我们要讨论?Validation may be new 也许确认对你来说是一个全新的概念You need a refresher 你需要更新知识You have specific questions你有一些具体的问题You may be under a 483 (or worse, a warning letter!) 也许你已经收到了483(或更糟,警告信!)第3页,共72页,2022年,5月20日,18点38分,星期三What is Process Validation (FDA)?什么是过程确认(FDA)?Process validatio

4、n is establishing documented evidence which provides a high degree of assurance that a specific process will consistently produce a product meeting its predetermined specifications and quality characteristics 过程确认就是建立一套能证明特定的过程可以以高度的信心持续地生产出满足预定规格和质量特性的产品的书面证据。Guidelines on General Principle of Proc

5、ess Validation, GMP Manual, May 1987过程确认总原则指导, 1987年5月,GMP手册,第4页,共72页,2022年,5月20日,18点38分,星期三What is Process Validation (GHTF)?什么是过程确认(GHTF)? Process validation: establishing by objective evidence that a process consistently produces a result or product meeting its predetermined requirements.过程确认:有客观

6、证据支持,即过程将连续地产出符合预定要求的结果或产品。 2004 GHTF 第5页,共72页,2022年,5月20日,18点38分,星期三History of Validation确认的简要历史 Before 1978.no FDA regulations 1978年之前.没有FDA法规Current GMP became law in 1978目前的GMP是在1978年成为法规的1987Global Harmonization Task Force released: Quality Management SystemsProcess Validation Guidance1987年医疗器械

7、全球协调行动组织发布:质量管理体系-过程确认指导1987FDA release: Guideline on General Principles of Process Validation1987年发布FDA:过程确认总原则指导1999Global Harmonization Task Force update: Quality Management SystemsProcess Validation Guidance 1999年医疗器械全球协调行动组织更新了:质量管理体系-过程确认指导2004Global Harmonization Task Force update: Quality Ma

8、nagement SystemsProcess Validation Guidance2004年医疗器械全球协调行动组织更新了:质量管理体系-过程确认指导第6页,共72页,2022年,5月20日,18点38分,星期三Who concerns about validation?谁关心确认?Medical device manufacturing and quality management regulatory 医疗器械生产质量管理规范FDA Preamble FDA导言ISO13485:2003;YY0287:200321 CFR 820FDA Regulation 21 CFR 820FDA

9、法规Global Harmonization Task Force 全球医疗器械协调行动组织Company who hopes to consistently produce a product meeting its predetermined specifications and quality characteristics 希望能持续地生产出满足预定规格和质量特性的产品的公司 第7页,共72页,2022年,5月20日,18点38分,星期三The Expectation 期望One of the principles on which the quality systems regula

10、tion is based is that all processes require some degree of qualification, verification, or validation, and manufacturers should not rely solely on inspection and testing to ensure processes are adequate for their intended use.质量体系法规建立的基本原则之一是:所有的过程都要求进行一定程度的认证、验证、或确认,制造商不应该仅仅依靠检验和测试来确保其过程能充分地满足其预期要求

11、。Preamble #41, pg. 52612 第8页,共72页,2022年,5月20日,18点38分,星期三Does Your Company Need to Do Process Validation? 你们公司需要做过程确认吗?Yes, if you are producing a medical device (it is the law!) 是的,如果你们生产医疗器械,需要做过程确认(这是法规要求!)What are classes of medical devices?医疗器械的类别 Class I 一类Class II 二类Class III 三类第9页,共72页,2022年,

12、5月20日,18点38分,星期三Does Your Company Need to Do Process Validation?你们公司需要做过程确认吗? Are any classes of medical devices exempt? 哪个类别的医疗器械不需要做过程确认?No! Unless specifically stated in Medical Device Exemptions 510(k) and GMP Requirements没有!除非医疗器械豁免510(k) 和GMP要求中有特别声明。第10页,共72页,2022年,5月20日,18点38分,星期三Definitions

13、定义Understanding definitions is important in making sure we all are on the same page especially when it comes to talking with the FDA.理解定义对于确保我们有相同的理解是非常重要,尤其当我们与FDA讨论时。Your definition of how a term is interpreted is not as important as knowing how the FDA interprets it!对于一个条款的解释,你个人的解释没有了解FDA的解释重要。第

14、11页,共72页,2022年,5月20日,18点38分,星期三Objective Evidence客观证据Objective evidence is information that can be proved true, based on facts through observation, measurement, test or other means.客观证据是可以通过观察、测量、测试或其他方法被证实为真实的信息。ISO 8402 2.19As the old saying goes, “If you didnt document it, you didnt do it!”正如老话所说

15、“如果你没有做记录,就等于你什么也没做”。第12页,共72页,2022年,5月20日,18点38分,星期三Verification验证Confirmation by examination and provision of objective evidence that specified requirements have been fulfilled.通过检查并提供客观证据来证实已经满足特定的要求。 820.3 (aa)第13页,共72页,2022年,5月20日,18点38分,星期三Process Validation Protocol过程确认方案A document stating ho

16、w validation will be conducted, including test parameters, product characteristics, manufacturing equipment, and decision points on what constitutes acceptable test results. 说明如何实施确认的文件,包含了测试参数、产品特性、生产设备和由什么构成可接受测试结果的判断要点。 2004 GHTFSometimes validation requires you start with the acceptance criteria

17、 and work backwards.有时候,过程确认要求你首先从确定接受标准开始,逆向实施确认。 第14页,共72页,2022年,5月20日,18点38分,星期三Installation qualification (IQ)安装鉴定(IQ) Establishing by objective evidence that all key aspects of the process equipment and ancillary system installation adhere to the manufacturers approved specification and that th

18、e recommendations of the supplier of the equipment are suitably considered.用客观证据来支持证明,所安装的过程设备和辅助系统的关键安装方面,能满足制造商已批准的技术规范,且供应商的建议也被恰当的考虑了。 2004 GHTF第15页,共72页,2022年,5月20日,18点38分,星期三Operational qualification (OQ)操作鉴定(OQ)Establishing by objective evidence process control limits and action levels which

19、result in product that meets all predetermined requirements 用客观证据确定能够生产出满足所有预定要求的产品的过程控制极限和行动标准。2004 GHTF 第16页,共72页,2022年,5月20日,18点38分,星期三Performance qualification (PQ)性能鉴定(PQ)establishing by objective evidence that the process, under anticipated conditions, consistently produces a product which mee

20、ts all predetermined requirements.用客观证据确定,在预期条件下,过程能连续地产出符合所有预定要求的产品。 2004 GHTF第17页,共72页,2022年,5月20日,18点38分,星期三Validation Economics确认的经济意义What is the cost of validating a process?进行过程确认所付出的成本是什么?What is the cost of not validating a process?不进行过程确认所付出的成本是什么?第18页,共72页,2022年,5月20日,18点38分,星期三Validation

21、Economics确认的经济意义 Increased output (process velocity) 产量提升(过程速度)Fewer product nonconformances 更少的不合格产品Less scrap and rework 更少量的报废和重新加工Fewer complaints 更少的投诉The process becomes characterized 过程变得特征化Process becomes more predictable 过程变得更可预测Less chance of recalls 更少召回的可能性Regulatory compliance 符合法规要求第19

22、页,共72页,2022年,5月20日,18点38分,星期三Examples from Warning Letters来自警告信中的案例This lot was not produced using the manufacturing process discussed in the validation study protocol.这批产品没有按照确认方案中讨论的制造过程生产。The molding operation was changed to improve the visibility of the biohazard symbol on the cap; the interlock

23、 of the cap into the tube was changed to improve the pull strength testing; and short caps were added to accommodate different size syringes. Verifications and/or validations, design reviews, design releases, and design approvals were not performed for any of these changes. .对于这些变更没有实施确认和/或确认,设计评审,设

24、计发布,以及设计批准。Specifically, records were not available to show that the burst test on lot 31255 was performed at the maximum sterilization dose. 特别是,没有记录可以表明批号为31255的产品按照最大灭菌剂量进行了爆裂测试。Your firm failed to verify/validate several process deviations as required by 21 CFR 820.75.你们没有按照21 CFR 820.75的要求进行验证/

25、确认过程偏差。第20页,共72页,2022年,5月20日,18点38分,星期三Some FDA Compliance Officer CommentsFDA符合官员的一些评论 “Specifications need to be developed before you get to the validation stage.”“进行确认之前,需要制订技术规范。”“Manufacturers sometimes miss the step of completing adequate protocols before proceeding with validation activities.

26、” “制造商有时会忘记在开始确认之前完成充分的方案。”“Manufacturers sometimes fail to revisit the validation process when modifications are made in products or processes.” “当发生产品或过程变更时,制造商有时没有重新进行过程确认。”第21页,共72页,2022年,5月20日,18点38分,星期三So Why Dont Companies Just Do It?为什么我们不能马上进行过程确认呢? Misunderstanding of the regulation对法规的误解L

27、ack of knowledge in execution 缺乏实施的知识Lack of resources to execute 缺乏实施的资源Fear of failure 害怕失败Lack of management support 缺乏管理层支持Fear of delay to market 担心延误了上市Inhibits process change 隐藏了过程变化第22页,共72页,2022年,5月20日,18点38分,星期三过程确认的要素确认安装鉴定操作鉴定性能鉴定开发第23页,共72页,2022年,5月20日,18点38分,星期三何时确认A过程输出可验证吗?B验证是充分及成本可

28、接受吗?C验证并控制过程D确认E重新设计产品和/或过程第24页,共72页,2022年,5月20日,18点38分,星期三Processes Which Should Be Validated需要确认的过程 Sterilization灭菌 Clean room ambient conditions净化室周围的环境Aseptic filling processes 无菌填充过程 Sterile packaging sealing processes无菌包装密封过程Lyophilization process (低压)冻干过程 Heat treating processes热处理过程Plastic i

29、njection molding process 注塑成型过程 2004 GHTF 第25页,共72页,2022年,5月20日,18点38分,星期三Processes That May Be Verified可以验证的过程 Manual cutting processes手动切割过程Testing for color, turbidity, total pH for solutions测试溶液的颜色,混浊度,总的pH值Visual inspection of printed circuit boards印制电路板的目视检验Manufacturing and testing of wiring

30、harnesses 电缆线束的制造和测试 2004 GHTF 第26页,共72页,2022年,5月20日,18点38分,星期三What is a Validation Master Plan?什么是确认主计划(VMP) A master validation plan identifies those processes to be validated, the schedule for validations, interrelationships between processes requiring validation and timing for revalidations. Onc

31、e these have been established, and the purpose and scope for validations are clearly stated and known, protocol development can commence 确认主计划用以明确哪些过程要确认,确认(过程)的进度表,要求确认的过程和再确认(过程)时间选定上的相互关系。一旦确定了上述内容、清楚地规定确认的目的和范围并对外告知,方案的编制便可以着手进行了。 It documents specifically the validation of equipment, processes,

32、 software, facilities, etc . 它记录了要被确认的设备、过程、软件、设施等。Its a map of the process validation process for the team to follow. 它是团队要遵守的过程确认主线图。A VMP is an index that FDA can follow in understanding your validations. 确认主计划是FDA 用来理解你的确认的索引 第27页,共72页,2022年,5月20日,18点38分,星期三Why Use a Validation Master Plan?为什么要用

33、确认主计划Although these are not required by the FDA regulations it is one of the first things that an auditor may ask for during an inspection. 尽管这不是FDA法规所要求的,但是它是审核员在检查过程中所要求的首要东西之一。If a company holds true to its VMP and its documented evidence, credibility is established and FDA will have more confide

34、nce in ones outcomes. 如果公司能够按照VMP做并且记录了证据,信任就建立起来了,FDA对其结果就会更有信心。第28页,共72页,2022年,5月20日,18点38分,星期三Why Use a Validation Master Plan?为什么要用确认主计划Allows one to be proactive rather than reactive. 考虑前瞻性而不是事后反应Provides definition, scope creep, and commitment to responsibilities. 提供了定义、范围以及对职责的承诺It provides a

35、 map or guide to the auditor defining how the company is tying their concept to reality in order to successfully achieve user requirements. 它为审核员提供了公司为了成功的满足用户的要求而如何将公司的观念和实际联系在一起的路线图或指导方向第29页,共72页,2022年,5月20日,18点38分,星期三Components of a Validation Master Plan?确认主计划的组成Definition of the project 项目定义Str

36、ategy or approach to the project 项目的策略或方法Scope of the project 项目的范围What processes will be validated? 将被确认的过程What processes will be verified? 将被验证的过程Responsibilities 职责第30页,共72页,2022年,5月20日,18点38分,星期三Components of a Validation Master Plan?确认主计划的组成Are there any special considerations? 是否有任何特殊的考虑?Key m

37、ilestones 关键的里程碑Validation protocol numbers确认方案的编号A VMP, per se, is not the same as a project plan!第31页,共72页,2022年,5月20日,18点38分,星期三What is in a Validation Master Plan?确认主计划是什么确认方案编号.编号EVAPVA 计划开始日期计划完成日期实际完成日期EN是否完成了?责任人备注IQOQPOOQPQ设备过程第32页,共72页,2022年,5月20日,18点38分,星期三What is Required to Be Outstandi

38、ng in Process Validation?过程确认中需要强调什么? Planning 计划Cross functional team THAT CAN WORK TOGETHER! 相关职能部门,一起合作Profound process knowledge 渊博的过程知识Having a long term commitment 长期的承诺Roadmap reflecting regulatory guidelines能反映法规指导的路标图Metrics to map progress 进展的指标Passion for excellence追求卓越的激情第33页,共72页,2022年,

39、5月20日,18点38分,星期三Steps to Validation of a Process过程确认的步骤Form a multi-disciplinary team 组建一个多功能小组Plan the approach and define requirements 制定步骤并定义要求 Identify and describe the process 识别和描述过程 Specify process parameters and desired output 规定过程参数和希望的输出 Decide on verification and or validation 就验证和(或)确认做出

40、决定 Create a Validation Master Plan 制定一个主要确认方案 第34页,共72页,2022年,5月20日,18点38分,星期三Steps to Validation of a ProcessSelect methods and tools for validations 选择确认的方法和工具 Create validation protocols 编制确认方案 Perform IQ, OQ, PQ and document results 执行IQ、OQ、PQ并将结果形成文件 Determine continuous process controls 确定连续的过

41、程控制 Control the process continuously 连续地控制过程 第35页,共72页,2022年,5月20日,18点38分,星期三Protocol development方案编制 Process validation protocols should include the following elements:过程确认方案应该包括如下元素: Complete description of the process 过程的完整描述 Identification of the process to be validated 要确认的过程标识 Select the worst

42、 case 选择最差条件(产品) Identification of device(s) to be manufactured using this process 在这个过程下产出的器械的标识 Objective and measurable criteria for a successful validation 一个成功确认的目标和可测量的标准 Length and duration of the validation 确认的用时和有效期限 Shifts, operators, equipment to be used in the process 过程中采用的轮班制、操作人员和设备 I

43、dentification of utilities for the process equipment and quality of the utilities 过程设备中使用器具(utilities)的标识和质量 Identification of operators and required operator qualification 操作员识别和要求的操作员资格(证) 第36页,共72页,2022年,5月20日,18点38分,星期三Protocol development方案编制 、 Relevant specifications that relate to the product

44、, components, manufacturing materials, etc 产品、元件、生产材料等的相关规格 Any special controls or conditions to be placed on preceding processes during the validation 在(过程)确认中,对先发生的过程所设置的任何特殊控制或条件 Process parameters to be monitored, and methods for controlling and monitoring 要监控的过程参数和监控方法 Product characteristics

45、to be monitored and method for monitoring 监视的产品特性和方法 Any subjective criteria used to evaluate the product 用来评估产品的主观标准 Definition of what constitutes non-conformance for both measurable and subjective criteria 对于可测量标准和主观标准,定义什么是不合格 Statistical methods for data collection and analysis 数据收集和分析的统计方法 Con

46、sideration of maintenance and repairs of manufacturing equipment 生产设备保养和修理方面的考虑 IQ、OQ & PQ Criteria for revalidation 再确认标准 第37页,共72页,2022年,5月20日,18点38分,星期三Protocol development方案编制 For all three phases, IQ, OQ, and PQ, based on product/process requirements:对于三个阶段,IQ、OQ和PQ都要基于产品或过程的要求: Determine what

47、to verify/measure 决定验证或测量什么 Determine how to verify/measure 决定如何验证或测量 Determine how many to verify/measure, i.e. statistical significance 决定验证或测量多少,如统计量 Determine when to verify/measure 决定何时验证或测量 Define acceptance/rejection criteria 规定接受或拒绝的标准 Define required documentation 规定要求的文件 Remember: protocol

48、 must be reviewed and approved before execution 记住,在实施前,方案必须被评审和批准。第38页,共72页,2022年,5月20日,18点38分,星期三Protocol development方案编制 Generally, protocol includes 4 sections:一般来讲,方案可分为四大部分:The 1st section: validation overview, including validation scope, process description, background, worst cases, length an

49、d duration of the validation, objective etc.第一部分:确认概述部分,包含确认范围,过程描述,背景介绍,最差条件挑选,确认的用时和有效期限,目标 等等;The 2nd section: qualification readiness, including the requirements for man, machine, material, method, environment, test and label & traceability,PFMEA etc. 第二部分:鉴定准备阶段,包含所有的人、机、料、法、环、测及标志和追溯,PFMEA等要求和

50、准备;The 3rd section: qualification (IQ,OQ&PQ), including qualification plan and deviation disposal etc. 第三部分:鉴定阶段(IQ,OQ&PQ),包含鉴定计划及偏差处理等;The 4th section: document requirements,including the input and output documents required by this protocol.第四部分:文件要求,包含本方案所需的文件及输出文件要求。第39页,共72页,2022年,5月20日,18点38分,星

51、期三Qualification Types鉴定的类型How do requirements apply?怎样应用这些要求Qualification Type鉴定类型Application应用IQ Gage calibration量具校准 Verification of installation items (EIQ,EOQ& EPQ) 安装项目验证 (EIQ,EOQ & EPQ)OQ Gage R&R DOE Sampling plans 抽样计划 Other statistical techniques 其他的统计技术PQ Control Charts控制图 Cp/Cpk studies S

52、ampling plans抽样计划第40页,共72页,2022年,5月20日,18点38分,星期三The Importance of Gaging量具的重要性Your measurement method is most important in determining your process parameters. 在确定你的过程参数的过程中,你的测量方法是最重要的。Gages measure variation and provide signals for changes in variation. 量具用来测量变差并提供变差变化的信号。Gages are the compass to

53、 help navigate through the validation process. 量具是整个确认过程中帮助我们导航的罗盘。第41页,共72页,2022年,5月20日,18点38分,星期三Installation Qualification (IQ)安装鉴定(IQ) Establishing by objective evidence that all key aspects of the process equipment and ancillary system installation adhere to the manufacturers approved specifica

54、tion and that the recommendations of the supplier of the equipment are suitably considered. 用客观证据来支持证明,所安装的过程设备和辅助系统的关键安装方面,能满足制造商已批准的技术规范,且供应商的建议也被恰当的考虑了。2004 GHTF第42页,共72页,2022年,5月20日,18点38分,星期三Installation Qualification (IQ)安装鉴定(IQ) “Is the equipment installed correctly?”设备已经正确的安装了吗?IQ Goal:IQ目的V

55、erify and prove all key aspects of the process equipment and ancillary system installation adhere to the manufacturers approved specification and that the recommendations of the supplier of the equipment are suitably considered. 验证并证明所安装的过程设备和辅助系统的关键安装方面,能满足制造商已批准的技术规范,且供应商的建议也被恰当的考虑了。The IQ reduces

56、 risk by reducing the number of root causes suspected when trouble occurs in the OQ and PQ. IQ通过消减在OQ和PQ过程中出现的麻烦的可疑原因数量来减少风险Make sure equipments to meet intended use . 确保设备满足预期用途 第43页,共72页,2022年,5月20日,18点38分,星期三Installation Qualification (IQ)安装鉴定(IQ) Review intended use & Manufacture requirements评审预

57、期用途及制造商的要求Define the acceptance criteria 定义接受标准Define IQ items定义IQ项目Develop IQ protocol开发IQ方案Execute IQ protocol执行方案Evaluate IQ评估IQ 第44页,共72页,2022年,5月20日,18点38分,星期三Installation Qualification (IQ)安装鉴定(IQ) Important considerations are:IQ考虑事项:Equipment design features (construction materials, cleanabil

58、ity) 设备设计特点(如清洁装置的结构材料等) Installation conditions (wiring, utilities) 安装条件(布线、实用性、功能性等) Calibration, Preventive Maintenance, cleaning schedules 校准、预防性保养、清洁计划 Safety 安全特性 Supplier documentation 供应商文件Software documentation 软件文件 Spare parts list 零部件清单 Environmental conditions (temperature, humidity) 环境条

59、件(如清洁室的要求、温度和湿度) 2004 GHTF第45页,共72页,2022年,5月20日,18点38分,星期三Acceptance Criteria接受标准Considerations考虑点:Make them clear and objective 清晰、客观Be descriptive 可描述的Attributes should reference a standard when possible. 可能时,定性参数应该作为参考标准Specifications can be a tolerance, maximum or minimum 规格应该有公差,最大或最小They must

60、make sense, 必须能讲的清楚They must keep the OQ and PQ in mind 必须一直把OQ和PQ记在心里Acceptance criteria are created before the protocol is approved not afterward接受标准要在方案批准之前制定出来而不是之后制定出来第46页,共72页,2022年,5月20日,18点38分,星期三Installation Qualification (IQ)安装鉴定(IQ) Protocol components:方案构成Purpose 目的Equipment description


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