1、(文档含英文原文和中文翻译)Steel stacking machine is a kind of equipment used for theautomatic bundling of shaped steel.Mechanical parts by single roller,dial agencies steel, steel body, grouping mechanism, positioningmechanism, translation mechanism, an overturning mechanism and astacking platform lifting and p
2、ressing mechanism shift and 8 sub1bundle of production line.Its main advantage is to realize theautomatic control of the whole production line, so as to improve thestacking efficiency of the stacking machine, which is now the trend ofthe development of steel stacking and bundling. It not only overco
3、methe disadvantages of manual stacking of the past productionefficiency low, bundling quality is poor, high cost, dangerous workingconditions, more important is the stacking of steel bundling hasbecome the obstacles of the development of the steel rollingproduction line, in a large extent hindered t
4、he improvement of theefficiency of steel production line, thus has a great effect on the wholeproduction efficiency.To a certain extent, to achieve a certain degreeof automation, it is a good way to eliminate this obstacle, the furtherdevelopment of the steel production line to do the groundwork. Ty
5、pesteel stacking machine can realize automatic stacking bundling, toimprove the working conditions of the workers especially to reducethe workers labor intensity, improve the steel packaging quality andimprove the production efficiency of the steel rolling production line,reinforced steel market com
6、petition ability, improve economicbenefits and social benefits created good conditions.The manufacture2At present, the development of the worlds stacking machine hasbeen very mature. Has been developed to form a variety of types ofsmall workshops with the standard stacking machine there are twomain
7、categories, magnetic and non magnetic stackingmachine.Magnetic stacking machine. Workpiece by with turning armadjustable magnetic and transport trolley car stacking, and layer andlayer between face to face or back-to-back are placed alternately.Thesystem is mainly used in medium sized steel stacking
8、. All bycomputer automatic operation.Steel stack, the flat vertical rollerconveying to the bale zone, horizontal and vertical roller width isadjustable, to avoid stacking scattered.The other is a non magneticstacking machine. Rolling by two sets of hydraulic mechanicalmechanism to control the mechan
9、ical hand into layers of stacking theaction is similar to the human hand.Clamping and transferred to thesteel, will steel layer face to face or back to back stacking, mainlyapplicable to small and medium sized section steel, can avoid thematerial layer steel in stacker arm when the loss of field sca
10、ttered.The3remarkable characteristics of the formation of incorrect materialbundles into the shape of a non magnetic stacking machine, namely,pure mechanical stacking machine, is the ability to deal with thedouble deck steel without fault, so the mechanical efficiency can bedoubled.Transmission mech
11、anism is usually divided into mechanicaltransmission, electrical transmission and fluid transmission.Mechanical drive is the first drive transmission manner is the mostimportant one, it is in the power source of the motor driven by amechanical transmission mechanism (gear, belt drive and chain drive
12、,etc.) to get desired motion parameters.Fluid transmission is thetransmission of energy replacement, transmission and control of thefluid as the working medium.It consists of liquid and gas transmission,liquid transmission fluid is the working medium of fluid transmission,which includes hydraulic tr
13、ansmission and hydraulictransmission.The electromechanical transmission and hydraulictransmission are the most commonly used two types oftransmission.Motor is divided into two categories of AC motor andDC motor, AC motor is divided into two types of AC motor and DC4motor.Advantages in high voltage s
14、ystem of three-phase ACasynchronous motor has the advantages of simple structure, reliableoperation, low cost, etc., are widely used in industrial and agriculturalproduction.The basic task of motor drive is to convert electrical energy intomechanical energy which is required by the machine, so that
15、electricpower can become the main energy source in industrialenterprises.This is mainly due to the power of the production,transformation, transmission, distribution, use and control are moreconvenient and economical.It is suitable for mass production,centralized management, long distance transmissi
16、on and automaticcontrol.Therefore, motor drive has become a widely used in modernindustrial enterprises in the drive way.It has many other drivingmethods can not match the advantages, mainly: 1 motor drive thanother forms of drag (steam, water, etc.) efficiency is high, and themotor and the drag of
17、the production machinery is simple;2 types andmodels of the motor, with a wide variety of operating characteristics,can meet the requirements of different types of productionmachinery;3 motor drive has a good speed control performance, and5its starting, braking, reverse and speed control, such as si
18、mple, fast,easy to achieve perfect protection;4 motor driving device parametersof the detection, signal transformation and transmission are moreconvenient, easy to form a perfect feedback control system, easy toachieve optimal control;5 remote measurement and control can beimplemented to facilitate
19、centralized management, to facilitate therealization of local production and the whole production processautomation.Therefore, motor drive, especially the automation ofmotor drive, has become the basis and core of modern industrialproduction of electrical and automation.The main advantages of hydrau
20、lic transmission:1 hydraulictransmission of various components, according to the need tofacilitate and flexible to the layout;2 convenient operation and control,can achieve a wide range of stepless speed regulation;3 light weight,small size, small inertia, fast response;4 overload protection can bea
21、utomatically realized;5 due to the general use of mineral oil as thetransmission medium, the relative motion surface can be lubricated,long service life;6 hydraulic components are standardized, series ofproducts, can be purchased directly from the market, which is6conducive to the design, manufactur
22、e and application of hydraulicsystem;7 easy to realize the automation of the machine, when the useof electro hydraulic control, not only can achieve a higher degree ofautomatic control process, but also can achieve remote control.Taking into account the characteristics of all kinds oftransmission ch
23、aracteristics of the mechanism of the transmissionoptions are as follows:By single roller, steel dialing mechanism and shift steel bodystructure characteristics, motion characteristics and reference ofsimilar equipment, the three parts are selected for three-phase ACasynchronous motor direct drive.D
24、ue to the single roller and dial steelstaggered arrangement and the transmission distance is longer (about6m), the choice of distributed actuation, and dial steel body and shiftbetween agencies steel arranged in parallel and the driving power isnot too large, dial steel institutions need frequent st
25、arting, so chooserespectively driven focus.The motor is arranged on one end of themotor, and the moving steel mechanism is arranged on one end of thetwo output shafts.Dial steel dial catch just to overcome the singlechannel and the roller sliding friction, so small load need to be7delivered to the m
26、aximum torque is small, other structures of acomprehensive consideration of the site layout will motor is arrangedin one end of the transmission shaft.Shift steel mechanism at work,due to the transmission distance is large (about 6.4m) and the load isshifting steel is much larger, shaft is longer, t
27、he maximum torque oflarger, and therefore will motor is arranged in the middle of the twoaxes and single axis to withstand the maximum torque to muchsmaller.And grouping, localization, translation and stacking platformlifting and pressing the action is simple (linear motion), and load isnot too larg
28、e here is a selection of hydraulic drive.With the telescopichydraulic cylinder to complete the packet, positioning, flip andstacking table lifting and pressing, the hydraulic motor to achievetranslation.Various components, which can be conveniently andflexibly arranged according to the need, do not
29、require complextransmission system.8not, DC motor while low speed adjustable performance, but DCmotor expensive, also can not be selected, the distinctive feature ofhydraulic transmission is low speed adjustable, so finally we choosehydraulic transmission as the tilting mechanism of the power source
30、.1Mechanical principle (7th) Northwestern Polytechnical Universitymechanical principle and mechanical parts department. Beijing:Higher Education Publishing2Mechanical design (Eighth Edition) Mechanical Department ofNorthwestern Polytechnical University. Beijing: Higher EducationPress 20053Deng Xingz
31、hong, mechanical and electrical drive control M.Wuhan: Huazhong University of Science and Technology press, 20009型钢堆垛机是一种用于对成型钢材自动打捆的设备。机械部分由单传辊道、拨钢机构、移钢机构、分组机构、定位机构、平移机构、翻转机构和垛台升降及压紧机构等 8 个子机构,和 PLC控制部分组成的成型钢材自动打捆生产线。它的主要优点在于实现了整个生产线的自动控制,从而提高堆垛机的堆垛效率,这也是现今钢材堆垛打捆和以后发展的趋势。它不仅仅克服了过去人工堆垛的生产效率低、打捆质量差、成
33、和非磁性堆垛机。一类是磁性堆垛机。轧件由装有可调磁性的翻转臂和输送小车进行一车堆垛,并且层与层之间是面对面或背对背交替放钢材堆垛后,由平立辊道输送到打捆区,平立辊道的宽度是可调的,以避免料垛散落。另一类是非磁性堆垛机。轧制由两套液压一机械机构控制的机械手进层层堆垛其动作类似于人手。可夹持并移送钢材,将钢材层面对面或背对背的进行堆放,主要适用于中小断面型钢,可避免料层中钢材在堆垛臂失磁时散落。形成不正确的料捆成形状非磁性堆垛机即纯机械堆垛机的显著特点就是无故障的处理双层型钢的能力,故其机械效率可提高一倍。传动机构通常分为机械传动、电器传动和流体传动。机械传动是最初的传动方式也是最重要的传动方式之一,它是在电动机等动力源的驱动下通过一定的机械式传动机构(齿轮机构、带传动和链传动等)得到期望的运动参数。流体传动是以流体为工作介质进行能量替换、传递和控制的传动。它包括液体传动和气体传动,液体传动是以液体为工作介质的流体传动,它包括液力传动和液压传动。 其中机电传动和液压传动是最常用的两类传动。电动机分为交流电动机和直流电动机两大类,交流电动机又分为交流电动机和直流电动机两类。在强电系统中三相交流异步电动机结构简单,运行可靠,成本低廉等优点,广泛应用于工农业生
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