1、Global strategy for lenovoContent?Abstract?In troducti on?Lear ning skills and globalizati onStep one: research lear ning.Step two: microcosmic lear ningStep three: trail lear ningStep four: deepe n and developme nt lear ningStep five: reform en terprise DNA?In ter nati onal employee and Lenovo n ex
2、t steps developme ntSupply cha inGlobal market ing and double operati on mode?Global strategy and differe ntiati on strategy?Reform Lenovo bus in ess DNA for build new compa ny culture and globaldevelopme nt? Summary? Refere nee Table of ContentsAbstractNow days, more and more compa nies are going g
3、lobal. I n China Lenovo is a representative in that area. During I do the research about Global strategy I am very in terested in the Lenovo group. It might be the earliest one gets the mind about globalizati on. At the begi nning to run compa ny they get them target is going global. In my paper I f
4、ind some area for them strategy try to find a way to suit for this big compa ny.I will take seven parts to written this paper. There are:Learning skills and globalizationIn ter nati onal employee and Lenovo n ext steps developme ntSupply cha inGlobal market ing and double operati on modeGlobal strat
5、egy and differentiation strategyReform Lenovo bus in ess DNANew compa ny culture and global developme ntThis will be a system for a compa ny should be tak ing on the global way. I want to expla in ways to suitable Chin ese compa ny are going to global. Lenovo is a case to learn.In troductio nLenovo
6、take a goal is in ter nati onal is come up very early. Lenovo has bee n raised from the factory opened in Hong Kong to buy IBM PC department. From list to open research and developme nt base overseas.Lenovo is step by step towardsintern ati on al, to a mult in ati onal compa ny. But deep in the bloo
7、d of Lenovo compa ny culture is a good thi ng or will become hin der developme nt in the further is a point.Lenovo existi ng resources and the intern ati onal strategy Lenovo take are good eno ugh for the in ter nati onal jour ney.Through Lenovo history to find strategiesLenovo was take nInvestigate
8、 Lenovo history is not difficult to find that Lenovo development seemsget some relati on ship with China s political. Chinarn ati on alwis betehe Lenovointern ati on al. Lenovo is a n ati onal feeli ng of en terprises. 80 s ideas for the n ati onal associati on provide excelle nt developme nt opport
9、u nities. Lenovo catch hold ofpeoples n ati onal feeli ng and do the right market ing as themgen eral engin eer Niguangnan. Today, China s international are also give Lenovo provides a strong support.From Lenovo developme nt history is to view. Lenovo no mater what man ageme nt mode, operat ing mode
10、 or tech no logy mode have bee n in developme nt. Each one cha nges is aga inst every major cha nge in the marketplace. But this time for Lenovo globalizati on them mark the cha nge is not good en ough.From the first to make the con trol of the pla ne to crash was in deed bey ondimag in ati on. Leno
11、vo is from the con fide nce to headhu nt from Dell. From Hong Kong to set up pla nts to in In dia and Mexico to establish research and developme nt cen ters. Go to global is more real in the history of the Leno vo.Lear ning skills and globalizati ons like aThere are five steps enterprise should be t
12、ake during them go to globalization. They are five different level learn enterprise will be taken. First three steps are get seedtime. For Leno vo, Last two steps are more impote nt. If a compa ny is not learning before they are going tointern ati on al. It s hard to successful. Its like astude nt w
13、ill be study in a new cou ntry but he or she can not know any thi ng aboutthat new cou ntry he or she is hard to enjoy his or her study.Step one: research lear ning.Step two: microcosmic lear ningStep three: trail lear ningStep four: deepe n and developme nt lear ningStep five: reform en terprise DN
14、AResearch lear ningResearch lear ning is survey of the target cou ntrys macroec ono mic en vir onment and lear ning it. Before Wal-Mart has bee n ope n any supermarket in China. There man ageme nt must be get research for Chin ese populati on, in come and con sumpti on levels, the per capita GDP of
15、the economy and the Chin ese government s intervention in the situation of more then one investigation.This is one very important point to explain why War-Mart so successful.Similarly, Lenovo must be research the target cou ntry macro en viro nment Such aspolitics, economy, populati on, tech no logy
16、 and en vir onment.Lenovo Group on July26, 2007 in Beiji ng ann ou need that it will in vest 31 millio n US dollars in In dia andMexico for a new man ufacturi ng cen ter, i n order to meet these grow ing dema nds for computers. Before Lenovo group mark this decisi on they must be get research about
17、In dia and Mexico. For example: In rece nt years the in formati on tech no logy in dustry in In dia stress on the bull market, is expected in 2008 In dias software industry output value of 87 billion US dollars, exports reached 50 billion US dollars, Indias software industry has become an important
18、pillar for economic developme nt. The in formati on like that Lenovo group must be known before them marks this decisi on. Of course Lenovo group must research the gover nment sintervention in the situation of these two countries.Microcosmic lear ningThe sec ond phase of the study is aimed at relati
19、vely minor issues. The study focused on con sumers and the local some un spoke n rules. It contains the legal in side. If the analogy to the internationalization of a war, then only can we win the battles mutual un dersta nding. However, the key factor in winning is not the master of public informat
20、ion. Master of public information is necessary, but not completely con diti ons. And this public in formati on is that the intern ati on alizati on of the war is that the macroec ono mic en viro nment an alysis. So completely con diti ons are the local con sumer habits, la nguage, un spoke n rules,
21、logical thinking and values of the legal system and pote ntial con stra ints which hidde n in the surface. Those in the international war can be viewed as the enemy within the military.Lenovo is the same in acquisition of IBMs PC division, Lenovo if learn the American con sumer habits, lifestyle, an
22、d the legal situati on of the values America ns have to understand that it acquired in association with the issue of integration after winning exposed to greater problems. In fact, Lenovos acquisition of IBMs PC department does have a big problem.The first is IBM and Lenovo two different cultural co
23、nflicts. This situation is in evitable, but before Lenovo buy ing IBM PC departme nt if Leno vos man ageme nt was lear ning the America ns these pote ntial habits and the rules has so un derstood will be relatively less.You can imagine, if Lenovo Group and the United States in the negotiations of th
24、e use of the broke n En glish is cooked the n you can imagi ne people sitt ing in the twocountries will have to work with how great the differences and contradictions. If Lenovo executives level are not study the United States culture and the unspoken rules before they buy IBM PC department so that
25、the major acquisitions will be difficult to contin ue.TCL and Fran ces Thoms on acquisiti on is betwee n pictures of a n egative example.Before TCL buy Fra nee s compa ny Thoms on they are not con ducted a detailedan alysis and study for France s legal system .In the end TCL en cou ntered big issuei
26、n deali ng of layoffs in the financing. French law on the protecti on of layoffs far exceed TCL budget. The outcome of the restructur ing are not embarrassed.Trail lear nings notThe third step is lear ning phase of the sec ond stage of in-depth. The first two stages of lear ning are to go abroad for
27、 the door before a preparatory work. The third phase is learning test water. In this regard Wal-Mart has done quite well. Wal-Mart entered China in 1996 after five years in China did not have open one more supermarket. Is Wal- Mart hasn t enough money for more supermarket running in China? No, it It
28、 s Walart is doing the trail learning in China. In these five years, Wal-Mart needs further verificati on by the domestic market an alysis and forecasts of expected adjustme nts and the developme nt of strategic pla nning. Because of Wal-Marts goal is to open Wal-Mart stores in China each city, perh
29、aps further with the development of an opening in every town. So one trail learning is necessary for Wal-Mart.s notLenovo If you want to succeed at the in ter nati on al level, it is the first Wal-Mart to learn patience and ability to learn. Lenovo Group in the United States, Europe, India, Mexico a
30、nd other countries of the target market has sufficient patience to learn. At this stage of learning is the creation and nurturing of talents localization of man ageme nt. If you have done research shows that the McDon alds and KFC Wal-Mart man ager almost no America ns, the Un ited States except sho
31、p. Wal-Mart in the five-year period not only lear ning to do bus in ess in China, to study the habits of the Chin ese people and Chin ese people to do things the way they want to also train them in conformity with the standards of the people and in accordance with the sta ndards of the supply cha in
32、.So Lenovo in the Un ited States and other targeted cou ntries on the market to do less is to establish their base and develop their own localizati on of man ageme nt tale nt. If Lenovo n ot build a team in the target cou ntry they are hard to quite joi n the local market.Localizati on is first step
33、 and most importa nt step for theintern ati on al. If Lenovo failed localizati on so it is difficult to achieve intern ati on alizati on. Google appo in ted Kai-Fu Lee, vice preside nt for global con curre ntly preside nt of China is a good example. Google to ope n the Chin ese market to compete and
34、 Baidu, he first has to do is a localization team.Deepe n and developme nt lear ningThe fourth stage of lear ning is to deepe n and expa nd the lear ning. Foreig n bra nds to en ter an un familiar market, and in fact created a new bra nd with a same place. That is, no one knows you; no one will take
35、 the in itiative to buy. Therefore, a bra nd in a local market in order to survive it so successful marketing is essential.s time. McD on alds in Chi nas sportIn this regard Lenovo marketing done on the more successful. Firstly Lenovo market ing was successful in global. You can say this point is Le
36、novo lear ning from Samsu ng s successful experie nee. Leno vos sports market ing and eve nt marketi ng performa nee to join the TOP program and Olympic soccer star Ron ald inho sig ned.s time. McD on alds in Chi nas sportThese are reflected in the Lenovo in this regard made by the marketing efforts
37、. It may Lenovo chairma n Yang Yua nqing who is doing bus in ess on it.At this stage, enterprises in the target countries have started small-scaleoperati on s. It is a positive competiti on and competitorbega n ope ning large fast-food cha in has bee n established at the time of its raw material sup
38、ply base in China. Wal-Mart Chin as rapid ope ning of the supermarket cha in has bee n build ing his man ageme nt team and rapid reacti on supply cha in. Theoretically Lenovo in the in ter nati onal market competitors bega n whe n awake ned positive competiti on should also establish a str ong man a
39、geme nt team and the localizati on resp onse agile supply cha in. But in fact its notReform en terprise DNAThe fifth phase of the study is recomb inant DNA en terprises time. Its en terprises rooted target cou ntries, to thoroughly intern ati on al. This stage en terprises n eed to reconsider the de
40、finition and rectification. This time the companies have no points of the country. It is not only to do right for the shareholders of such a simple matter.Before Samsung go to global it just need get responsibility for them investor. Need money ear nin gs. But now Samsu ng has not only South Koreas
41、Samsu ng. It n eeds of his en terprises in the world is resp on sible for the cou ntry. Need to in tegrate global resources and the right of con sumers arou nd the world resp on sible. They n eed to con tribute to the commu nity and they n eed to foster the image. Samsu ng done so it Samsu ng was su
42、ccessfully.t establish ing anLenovo listing of the problems facing this series, the reasons for Liu to defeat summed up a word, is listed after the changes are not suited. Still in the man ageme nt of a small compa ny means a rati on ale man ageme nt listed compa nies. Now Lenovo whether there is su
43、fficie nt justificati on capacity man ageme nt a mult in ati on al? Lenovo seems to be done in this regard also not perfect. The mail incident in the United States is worrying Lenovo in the United States do the preparatory work. DELL salesman wrote in the e-mail, buy Lenovo is a disguised form of su
44、pport to the Chin ese gover nment. He hopes to use this speech to persuade Lenovo customers to DELL. This in cide nt will be take n bad in flue nee for Lenovo group in the intern ati on al. It also reflects Lenovo was n image suit for con sumer mind about mult in ati onal compa ni es.t establish ing
45、 anThe big problem exists internal of Lenovo is management model. After Lenovo acquisiti on of IBMs PC debaseme nt emerg ing the con tradicti ons in the management seem to be quite difficult. So Lenovo headhunt DELL CEO Departure to the CEO of Lenovo Group. Lenovo hopes he has come to a temporary so
46、luti on to the conflict; tripartite management of the two sides will win unanimously. More or less the Lenovo Group also did not establish applicable to international management of the approach. It is also in dicates that Lenovo determ ined to establish a new man ageme nt system.Intern ati onal empl
47、oyee and Lenovo next steps developme ntOn November 9, 2004, Lenovo group Preside nt Liu Chua nzhi speaks fran kly at the eighth sessi on of CEO ann ual meet ing, at prese nt the compa ny has en cou ntered two big difficult problems in the intern ati on alizati on adva nceme nt: Brand intern ati on a
48、lizati on difficult and the in ter nati on alizati on tale nted pers on is deficie nt. He in dicated obta ins the success after the Chin ese market, the compa ny in order to seek the achieveme nt the breakthrough, at prese nt is moving towards the internationalization and the multiplication. However
49、 meets two major problems in the in ter natio nalizatio n adva nceme nt: First is the bra nd in ter natio nalizatio n process excepti on ally is difficult, before we the bra nd superiority which form in the Chin ese market has vani shed, must form the in ter nati onal well-k nown bra nd, must make t
50、he very big effort, and n eeds to have the massive fun ds.Second is Lenovo need more high level international people to help them if companywants to successful in the intern ati on al. He thinks this is very difficult for a local company.He expressed,“ Although we have absorbed the colleague which m
51、anyhas the overseas service experie nee, but our backb one staff mainly is develops in the n ative place, raises, these years we un ceas in gly absorbed China to study to the overseas, to be some colleagues which the work came back,But requested to the internationalization talented person also to ha
52、ve the very great dista nee ”The December of 2005, Dell senior vice- preside nt con curre nt Asia an the Pacific andJapa n area preside nt William .J .Arab League Mei Liao leav ing Dell and join Lenovo group and take up the post of CEO. This is a cha nge for Lenovo group about them always like use p
53、eople who are group up in side of Leno vo. From Beiji ng, Hong Kong to Singapore, the Lou advantage (the American North Carolina state) with Paris, disperse in global each place associates in GAO Guanceng, most probably is the foreig ner. I n Lenovo has formed the in ter natio nalizatio n first step
54、 is as employee localizati on un dersta nding.In the prese nt case, the Lenovo group faces the biggest difficult problem still is to the in ter natio nalizatio n tale nted pers ons dema nd. A compa ny wants to be really intern ati onal they must be hav ing in ter nati onal employee first. Now, for L
55、enovo group the problem is they did n t get eno ugh intern ati onal employees to do thatwork. Lenovo group build up them Research and developme nt cen ter anyHeadquarters in United States of America. In America Lenovo group feel very hard for looking for the suitable employees who understand Lenovo
56、group culture.About this problem Lenovo get them own soluti on is improve them request for the new stuffs and cha nge them officer lan guage to En glish to suit for this problem. Thisalso is the Lenovo speeds up the adoption internationalization advancement a dema nd.Lenovo must be know that Stealin
57、g Managers isn wbordy get suitableemployees way. Them must be build a good system to mark them own person with ability in side. Eve n Lenovo group foun der to ask the reporter questi ons also said Lenovo like man ger who are group in side. The mai n reas on is Lenovo want to continue them company cu
58、lture. Now, Lenovo group face the new position them must be get new employees who get more str ong skills as lear ning new things and str ong inno vati on skills. They must be get good team work skills.Supply cha inIn the supply cha in, Lenovo Group of China there is a clear adva ntage. In 2000, Len
59、ovo in domestic enterprises in the first successful implementation of the ERP, and the n at that time the supply cha in man ageme nt un der the leadership of the Departme nt, took two years to complete the project SCM. At the same time, Lenovo started a supply cha in man ageme nt system.The logistic
60、s sector-lead VMIproject created with the ven dor Lenovo syn ergyvalues and customs, and re-pla nning of the procureme nt logistics n etwork layout, with the suppliers inventory visualization of collaborative management, real-time monitoring of inventory levels, according to Lenovo in the single-pro
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