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1、2021春冀教版-四年级英语下册-期末复习课件2021春冀教版-四年级英语下册-期末复习课件提示: 点击 进入习题五一六二七三八四提示: 点击 进入习题五一六二七三八四一、将下面的字母重新排列成单词,并根据句意把正确的单词写在相应的横线上。 chaetre renidf uippl neinyt rahic1. The _ is in front of the blackboard.2. Ms Zhang is my English _. 习题源于典中点chairteacher一、将下面的字母重新排列成单词,并根据句意把正确的单词写在相 chaetre renidf uippl neinyt

2、rahic3. There are_ pens in the shop.4. This is Steven. He is my_. 5. My little brother is a _. 习题源于典中点ninetyfriendpupil chaetre renidf 二、算一算,选择正确的答案并写在方块中。1. thirtytwelve2. seventeenthirteen习题源于典中点one hundredthirtythirty-oneforty-two fiftyforty-twothirty二、算一算,选择正确的答案并写在方块中。习题源于典中点o3. twentyeleven4.

3、fortysixty5. thirty-fivefifteen习题源于典中点thirty-oneone hundredthirtythirty-oneforty-two fiftyone hundredfifty3. twentyeleven习题源于典中点thir习题源于典中点三、选择合适的词补全句子。1. _(Her/She)is my friend.2. Li Ming is_(front/in front of)Danny.3. _(How many/How much)pens are there?4. _(What/Where)is my dog?Shein front ofHow m

4、anyWhere习题源于典中点三、选择合适的词补全句子。Shei四、读一读,选一选。()1._Im fine, thanks.A. How are you? B. How old are you?C. How do you do?习题源于典中点A四、读一读,选一选。习题源于典中点A()2.Whose pen is this?_A. Its Lily. B. Its she.C. Its Lilys.()3.They are_ friends.A. me B. I C. my习题源于典中点CC点拨:whose谁的,用来询问物品的归属。()2.Whose pen is this?习题源于()4.

5、_ are rulers.A. This B. That C. These()5. _ is my mother.A. He B. She C. Her()6. Mary and Lucy are _ books.A. reading B. read C. reads习题源于典中点CBA()4. _ are rulers.习题源()7._Its under the desk.A. What is this?B. Where is my crayon?C. Whose crayon is this?习题源于典中点B()7._习题源于典中点B()8.How many_ are there in t

6、he classroom?There is one teacher.A. teacher B. teachers C. pupils习题源于典中点B点拨:how many询问可数名词的数量,后跟可数名词复数形式。()8.How many_ are th五、给下列句子选择相符的图片。()1. His name is Li Tao.A. B. 习题源于典中点A五、给下列句子选择相符的图片。习题源于典中点A()2.This is my father. He is a teacher.A. B. ()3.The students are playing a game.A. B. 习题源于典中点BB()

7、2.This is my father. He is()4.Where is Li Ming?He is in front of the tree.A. B. 习题源于典中点B()4.Where is Li Ming?习题源于典六、按要求完成下列句子。1. There are twenty-six desks in our classroom. (对画线部分提问)_ _ desks are there in _ classroom?2. This sweater is Amys. (对画线部分提问)_ sweater _ this?习题源于典中点How many yourWhose is六、按

8、要求完成下列句子。习题源于典中点How 3. Is this your pencil? (作肯定回答)_4. Where is the boy? (根据图片回答问题)He _ _ the tree.5. My father is _ _ _ in his room. (根据图片补全句子)习题源于典中点Yes, it is.is behindreading a book3. Is this your pencil? (作肯定回答七、读一读,选择正确的句子补全对话。Mary: Whats this? 1._Tom: No. Its my new pencil box.Mary: 2._Tom: M

9、y pencils.Mary: 3._Tom: Ten.习题源于典中点A. How many pencils are there?B. Thank you.C. Whats in your pencil box?D. Where is my schoolbag?E. Is this a toy panda?ECA七、读一读,选择正确的句子补全对话。习题源于典中点A. Mary: 4._Tom: Oh, its under the chair.Mary: 5._Tom: You are welcome.习题源于典中点A. How many pencils are there?B. Thank y

10、ou.C. Whats in your pencil box?D. Where is my schoolbag?E. Is this a toy panda?DBMary: 4._习题源于典中点A. Ho八、阅读短文,判断句子正(T)误(F)。 My name is Lucy. Im a girl. Im ten. I have two good friends. They are Tony and Sofia. We are in the same class. Tony is behind Sofia. Im in front of Sofia. Sofia is between Tony

11、 and me. Look! There are four books on my desk. I like to sing songs. Tony likes to play basketball. Sofia likes to draw pictures. But sometimes we play ping-pong on the playground.习题源于典中点八、阅读短文,判断句子正(T)误(F)。习题源于典中点()1.Lucy, Tony and Sofia are good friends.()2.Lucy, Tony and Sofia are in the same sc

12、hool.()3.Tony is in front of Sofia.()4.Tony likes to sing songs.()5.Sofia likes to draw pictures.习题源于典中点TTFFT()1.Lucy, Tony and Sofia areJJ 四年级下册 Unit 2复习训练重难点过关检测JJ 四年级下册 Unit 2复习训练重难点过关检测提示: 点击 进入习题五一六二七三八四提示: 点击 进入习题五一六二七三八四一、选出下列每组单词不同类的一项。()1.A.rainy B. snow C. wind()2.A.rain B. warm C. hot()3.

13、A.second B. one C. fifth()4.A.July B. March C. Tuesday()5.A.cloudy B. month C. cool习题源于典中点AABCB一、选出下列每组单词不同类的一项。习题源于典中点AABC二、用所给单词的正确形式填空。1. That is the_(sunny). 2. The_(two)month is February.3. The weather is _(rain). 4. There are twelve_(month)of a year.5. January is the_(one)month.习题源于典中点sunsecon

14、drainymonthsfirst二、用所给单词的正确形式填空。习题源于典中点sunse三、单项选择。()1.Its_ today. I can put on my sweater.A. snowy B. warm C. sunny()2.The sun is big and _. A. cool B. cold C. hot习题源于典中点AC点拨:put on 意为“穿上”。三、单项选择。习题源于典中点AC点拨:put o()3.The boy is _ third.A. a B. the C. /()4._ favourite month is June.A. I B. My C. Me(

15、)5.Look_ the cloud.A. at B. in C. /习题源于典中点BBA点拨:序数词前要加the。点拨:look at 意为“看”,后跟名词。 ()3.The boy is _ thir习题源于典中点()6.What day is it?_A. Sunday. B. January. C. First.()7.When is _ birthday?A. you B. your C. IAB习题源于典中点()6.What day is it()8.May is the_ month of the year.A. fifth B. five C. fiveth()9._ birt

16、hday is in October?A. When B. Who C. Whose习题源于典中点AC()8.May is the_ month四、给下列句子选择合适的图片。A. B. C. D. E. ()1.I like the clouds.()2.Its hot and sunny.习题源于典中点EC四、给下列句子选择合适的图片。习题源于典中点ECA. B. C. D. E. ()3.National Day is October the first.()4.Its the sixth month of the year.()5.In December, its cold and sn

17、owy.习题源于典中点BDA习题源于典中点BDA五、按要求完成句子。1. Its Monday. (对画线部分提问)_2. January is the one month.(改错)将_ 改为 _习题源于典中点What day is it?one first五、按要求完成句子。习题源于典中点What day is3. Its cool and rainy today. (对画线部分提问)_4. Do you see the cloud and the rain? (改为陈述句)_5. Whats your favourite month? (根据实际情况回答问题)_习题源于典中点Hows th

18、e weather today?I see the cloud and the rain.My favourite month is January.(答案不唯一)3. Its cool and rainy today. 六、根据图片及例子,仿写句子。例: New Years Day When is New Years Day?New Years Day is January the first.习题源于典中点六、根据图片及例子,仿写句子。习题源于典中点1. 2. National Day Teachers Day1. _2. _习题源于典中点When is National Day? Nat

19、ional Day is October the first.When is Teachers Day?Teachers Day is September the tenth.1. 3. Childrens Day3. _习题源于典中点When is Childrens Day? Childrens Day is June the first.3.习题源于典中点When is Childrens 七、选择正确的选项补全对话。Mary: 1._Linda: Its Sunday.Mary: Hows the weather today?Linda: 2._习题源于典中点A. Whats your

20、 favourite month?B. What day is it?C. Its cold and snowy.D. Its warm and cloudy.E. When is your birthday?BD七、选择正确的选项补全对话。习题源于典中点A. WhatMary: 3._Linda: My favourite month is August.Mary: 4._Linda: Its December the first.Mary: Hows the weather in December?Linda: 5._ I can play in the snow.习题源于典中点A. Wh

21、ats your favourite month?B. What day is it?C. Its cold and snowy.D. Its warm and cloudy.E. When is your birthday?AECMary: 3._习题源于典中点A. Wh八、阅读短文,选择正确的选项。 Hello! My name is Lucy. Im eleven years old. My favourite month is September. September is the ninth month of the year. The weather is cool and sun

22、ny. In this month, I can eat lots of fruit. Teachers Day is in September. My birthday is September the twelfth. On my birthday, I can invite some friends to my home. And I can eat some birthday cake, too.习题源于典中点八、阅读短文,选择正确的选项。习题源于典中点()1.Lucy is _ years old.A. 11 B. 12()2.Hows the weather in Septembe

23、r?A. B. 习题源于典中点AB()1.Lucy is _ years o()3.Which festival is in September?A. B. ()4.When is Lucys birthday?A. B. 习题源于典中点BA()3.Which festival is in Sep()5.What can Lucy eat on her birthday?A. B. 习题源于典中点A()5.What can Lucy eat on herJJ 四年级下册 Unit 3复习训练重难点过关检测JJ 四年级下册 Unit 3复习训练重难点过关检测提示: 点击 进入习题五一六二七三四提

24、示: 点击 进入习题五一六二七三四一、将下面的字母重新排列成单词,并根据句意把正确的单词写在相应的横线上。 altl tofo eivl hdirtyab1. I go to the park on _. 2. Where do you _?3. Today is my _. 4. He is 1.3 metres _. 习题源于典中点footlivebirthdaytall一、将下面的字母重新排列成单词,并根据句意把正确的单词写在相二、选择合适的单词填空,完成句子。 from by or to do on1. Lilys birthday is _ October 6.2. Danny go

25、es to school _ bus.习题源于典中点onby点拨:具体的某一天前用介词on。二、选择合适的单词填空,完成句子。习题源于典中点on from by or to do on3. I like _ play with my toys.4. Are you tall _ short?5. My house is far _ the park.习题源于典中点to点拨:far from离远。orfrom 习题源于典中点to点拨:fa三、选择合适的疑问词(组)填空,完成对话。1. _ is your mother?She is 38 years old.2. _ is your sister

26、?She is 1.45 metres tall.习题源于典中点HowHow oldHow tallWhat Where WhenHow oldHow tall三、选择合适的疑问词(组)填空,完成对话。习题源于典中点3. _ do you like to do?I like to read books.4. _ is your birthday?It is in December.习题源于典中点HowHow oldHow tallWhat Where WhenWhatWhen3. _ do you like to do习题源于典中点5. _ do you live?I live in Shan

27、ghai.6. _ do you go to school?By bus.HowHow oldHow tallWhat Where WhenWhereHow 习题源于典中点5. _ do you l四、读一读,选一选。()1.How do_ go to school?A. you B. your C. he()2._ do you like to do?Fly kites.A. How B. Where C. What习题源于典中点AC四、读一读,选一选。习题源于典中点AC()3.Is your home_ the park?A. far B. near C. to()4.She is one

28、_. A. year old B. years old C. old year习题源于典中点BA点拨:一岁是one year old, year用单数。 ()3.Is your home_ the()5.Does she_ school?A. go B. walk C. walk to()6.Is your father tall or short?_A. Yes, he is. B. No, he isnt.C. He is tall.习题源于典中点CC点拨:动词词组walk to 意为“步行去”。 点拨:本句为选择疑问句,答语要选择两个选项中的一个。()5.Does she_ school

29、?()7.When is your _ birthday?Today is his birthday.A. brothers B. sistersC. brother()8.I _ to school. What about you?A. by bike B. ride a bikeC. by car习题源于典中点AB()7.When is your _ b()9.My sister_ dance.A. like B. like to C. likes to()10.My father often _ me to school.A. drives B. rides C. walks习题源于典中

30、点CA点拨:主语My sister是第三人称单数,动词用单三形式。()9.My sister_ dance.五、选择与图片相符的句子。()1. A. The boy goes to school on foot.B. The boy goes to school by bike.习题源于典中点A五、选择与图片相符的句子。习题源于典中点A()2. A. Bob is far from Lily.B. Bob is near Lily.()3. A. He is 1.4 metres tall.B. He is 14 years old.习题源于典中点BA()2. 习题源于典中点BA()4. A.

31、 My birthday is July 25.B. My birthday is June 25.()5. A. I like to play ping-pong with my friend.B. I like to fly kites with my friend.习题源于典中点BB()4. 习题源于典中点BB六、根据图片写句子,完成对话。1. Who is taller?_ 2. How do you go to school?_ 习题源于典中点The girl is taller.I go to school by bus.六、根据图片写句子,完成对话。习题源于典中点The gi3.

32、 _I live in a house. 4. _I am 1.45 metres tall. 5. What do you like to do?_习题源于典中点Where do you live?How tall are you?I like to read a book.3. _习七、阅读短文,判断句子正(T)误(F)。习题源于典中点七、阅读短文,判断句子正(T)误(F)。习题源于典中点()1.Linda is shorter than Steven.()2.Linda is older than Steven.()3.Linda goes to school on foot.()4.S

33、tevens birthday is in October.()5.Steven likes to play ping-pong.习题源于典中点TFFTT()1.Linda is shorter than StJJ 四年级下册 Unit 4复习训练重难点过关检测JJ 四年级下册 Unit 4复习训练重难点过关检测提示: 点击 进入习题五一六二七三四八九提示: 点击 进入习题五一六二七三四八九一、读一读,选出与画线单词同类的一项。()1.I like brown. A. colour B. blue C. clothes()2.Their favourite colour is red.A. w

34、e B. they C. our习题源于典中点BC一、读一读,选出与画线单词同类的一项。习题源于典中点B()3.I like to listen to music.A. music B. play C. song()4.My favourite subject is art. A. science B. picture C. draw()5.I like chicken for lunch.A. red B. dinner C. noodles习题源于典中点BAC()3.I like to listen to musi二、选词填空。(注意大小写,每词限用一次)1. _ like to play

35、 ping-pong.2. We are friends._ favourite colour is yellow.3. Its hot. _ wants to drink.4. _ dress is very beautiful.5. _ like to eat fish. Fish is _ favourite food.习题源于典中点theirourhertheyheIIOurHeHerThey their 二、选词填空。(注意大小写,每词限用一次)习题源于典中点三、读一读,选一选。()1.My favourite food is rice, but she _ vegetables.A

36、. like B. favourite C. likes()2.Whats your favourite food _ dinner?A. for B. to C. from习题源于典中点CA三、读一读,选一选。习题源于典中点CA()3._Its 7: 00.A. Whats this? B. What do you like?C. Whats the time?()4.What are your favourite _?They are skirts.A. subjects B. colours C. clothes习题源于典中点CC()3._Its 7: 00.习题习题源于典中点()5.I

37、 like English, _ I dont like math.A. for B. but C. or()6.My favourite school work is_ books.A. read B. to read C. readsBB点拨:but表示转折关系。习题源于典中点()5.I like English,四、用所给单词的正确形式填空。1. The dog _(like) meat for lunch.2. Does Lily like _(draw) pictures?3. She is _(read) a book.4. Kim and Lucy _(love) music.5

38、. Whats _(you) favourite colour?习题源于典中点点拨:The dog是第三人称单数,like用单三形式likes。likesto drawreadingloveyour四、用所给单词的正确形式填空。习题源于典中点点拨:The五、给下列句子选择相应的图片。A. B. C. D. E.()1.Shoes are my favourite clothes.()2.I like to draw. Art is my favourite subject.习题源于典中点CB五、给下列句子选择相应的图片。习题源于典中点CA. B. C. D. E.()3.We like to

39、play ping-pong.()4.She likes to wear a cap.()5.I love Chinese. 习题源于典中点DEA习题源于典中点DEA六、给下列答语选择合适的问句。()1.Yes, I am.()2.Sure.I also like science.习题源于典中点A. Do you like Chinese?B. Are you hungry?C. Whats your favourite colour?D. What are your favourite clothes?E. Whats your favourite food for lunch?BA六、给下

40、列答语选择合适的问句。习题源于典中点A. Do ()3.I like rice and vegetables for lunch.()4.I like yellow best.()5.My favourite clothes are shirts.习题源于典中点A. Do you like Chinese?B. Are you hungry?C. Whats your favourite colour?D. What are your favourite clothes?E. Whats your favourite food for lunch?ECD()3.I like rice and vegetabl七、根据图片内容判断对话内容是否合理。合理写“Yes.”, 不合理写“No.”并改正。1. Kim: Whats your favourite food?Steven: My favourite food is


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