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1、情态动词语法填空第1页1. Jean have kept his promise. I wonder why he changed his idea.2. Jane have come to the party, but she not find the exact time.3. So many mistakes in your homework! You (be) more careful.4Her brother be at home now, because he was seen playing basketball in the stadium just now.5-I cant

2、understand why our boss is late. -He (miss)the early bus.shouldcouldcouldshould have beencantmay have missed第2页6. She didnt answer the phone, she _ asleep.7The little girls eyes were red. She _crying. 8He_ (have) his supper now, for the dining hall is still closed.9I parked my bike behind the buildi

3、ng, but now it is gone. It _ _ (steal) . 10. _ Mr. Black _(use)go to work by ferry before the bridge was built?must have beenmust have been cant be having must have been stolen Diduse to第3页11. The hotel is only a stones throw away, you _ take a bus.12. I am busy now, _ my brother do it for you ?13.

4、-You neednt do it right now, need you?-Yes I am afraid I _ .14.My English-Chinese dictionary has disappeared . Who _ have taken it? 15. -The room is so dirty._ we clean it? -Of course. need notshallmustcouldShall第4页16. If you have something important to do, you _ waste any time.17. If you want to bo

5、rrow a football after school, your student card_ (leave) here.18. “ Did you scold him for his carelessness?” “Yes, but Id rather _ (do) it”19. “ Dont get near to it . It is too dangerous!” “_” .A. Yes, I wont B. No, I dont C. No, I cant D. No, I wont 20. He must be in the classroom, _ he?mustnthas t

6、o be leftnot have doneDisnt第5页21. He_ be in the garden. He must be in the room.22. “Do you have to leave now?”“I am very sorry, but I really_.”23. “Lets go to the library, shall we?”“_?”A. No, I cantB. Yes, I willC. Yes , thank youD. No, wed better not24. “Can I take it away?”“ You _ better not.”25.

7、 You _ have brought your camera. They all had theirs with them.cantmustDhadneednt第6页26. See who is there !_ it be May?27. John_ be a basketball player. He is much too short.28. The Chinese teacher looks so pale. She _ be ill.29. Something _ (do) to save our earth. Do you think so?30. Look at what yo

8、u have done! You _ be more careful.Cancantmustmust be doneshould第7页31. Has Li Lin started? He said he would join in the party. He _ (leave). He is a man of keeping his word.32. May I park my car here? No, you _ . No car is allowed to park here.33. Excuse me, could you tell me where the Yajia Superma

9、rket is? Its two blocks straight ahead. You _ miss it.34. I saw Mr. Sun at Tongyu Station this morning. You _ (do). Hes still on holiday in Hawaii.35. How about paying a visit to Dr. Wang, our former Chinese teacher? Good idea. I will e-mail him today so that he _ know _ to expect us.must have left

10、mustntcantcouldnt have (done)couldwhen第8页36. Everything has two sides. Beautiful songs, sometimes, _ be just noise to others. 37. Someone _ (use) my umbrella. I found it wet yesterday.38. How dangerous it was! Yes, but for the passer-bys quick action, the girl _ (drown).39. You _ scold such a pupil

11、who always keeps silent so seriously that you _ hurt him.40. Why does Alice know so much about Angkor Wat? She _ have been there, or .maymust have usedcould have been drowned mustntmaymay第9页41. You may laugh, but Ive been thinking of becoming a vegetarian. Oh, you _ be crazy. You will be hungry all

12、the time.42. Whats the matter with you? Oh, Im not feeling well in the stomach. I _(eat) so much fried fish just now.43. _ he have been chosen as captain of the football team? Yes, he _.44. Mr. Zhang _ (arrive)in Shanghai tomorrow morning.45. Miss Wang started at 8 oclock, and she _ be there now.mus

13、tshouldnt have eatenCanmustwill have arrivedp s : will + have done,表示对未来必定进程猜测。should第10页46. It must be Mr. Li who did it. No, it _ be Mr. Li.47. You _ finish reading the book as soon as possible.48. Need you go to work now? Yes, I _.49. Your trousers are dirty. _ them for you?A. Shall I wash B. Wil

14、l I washC. Am I going to wash D. Am I washing50. You are late for school today. You _ (come) to school earlier.cantshouldmustAshould have come第11页51. We must learn from Lei Feng , _ we?52. She must be hungry, _ she?53. He ought to come here early, _ he?54. You used to smoke, _ you?55. You ought _ (p

15、unish) for what you havent done.needntisntshouldntoughtntdidntnot to be punished第12页56. _ you please tell me the way to the post office?57. Im sure he _ have the computer sooner or later.58. It is important that we _ learn how to drive.59. It has been announced that candidates _ remain in their seat

16、s until all the papers have been collected.60. How _ you say that you really understand the whole story if you have covered only a part of the article? Wouldmustshouldshallcan第13页61. I didnt see her in the meeting room this morning. She _ (speak)at the meeting.62. One ought _ (punish)for what one ha

17、snt done.63. If you really want yourself to be in good health, you must _ always _ (smoke)so much.64. With so much work on hand, you _ (go) to see the game last night.65. Most of the students felt rather disappointed at the English party. They say that it _ better organized.could have spokennot to b

18、e punishednotbe smokingmust not always be doing sth . 表示“不要老是做谋事”,含有埋怨、指责、反感等感情色彩。shouldnt have gonecould have been第14页66. Im surprised that he _(竟然)_ (fail) in the exam.67. The little girl _ (dare go)there alone.68. “Must we do it now?” “No, you _ .”69. He said he would rather not _(do) it right no

19、w.70. You _ (come) to the meeting this afternoon if you have something important to do.should have faileddare not goneedntdowould rather通常也视为情态动词(组),后接动词原形,其否定形式为would rather notneednt come第15页71. Put on more clothes. You _ be feeling cold with only a shirt on.72. I _ play football than baseball.73.

20、 I thought you _ like something to read, so I have brought you some books.74. There was plenty of times. She _ (hurry).75. The plant is dead. I _ (give)it more water.mustwould rathermightneednt have hurriedshould have given第16页76. You _ return the book now. You can keep it till next week if you like

21、.77. Its still early, you _.A. mustnt hurry B. wouldnt hurry C. may not hurry D. dont have to hurry78. Please open the window, _ ?79. We _ (wait) for her because she never came.80. May I stop here? No, you _.needntDdont have to = needntwill youshouldnt have waitedmustnt第17页81. Its a fine day. Lets go fishing, _ ?82. I didnt see


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