1、PART3 刷题!Part3 解决A 八名词/动名词:whatkindsarePART3 刷题!Part3 解决A 八名词/动名词:whatkindsare罗?Whydopeople 罗:whatarethefactors解决方式:whatarethesolutions 家长怎么做:howcanparentsdo怎么做:howernmentsdo个 人 意 见al六边吗?Doyou C 五个Whatarethe男女老少比走两WhatisthemostinyourHow are men different from womenerms of Whatdopeopleinyourcountry古今
2、对比分上下HowchangedourComparedwiththepast,how问题类回答方原 因 / 好 原因有几问题类回答方原 因 / 好 原因有几个方面首先我认为其次这也是相关还有一点,还有一种可能是个人观点 al重要吗证明法ifWhatare the advantagesand mobile phone for children?Surely,Itcanbeagoodthing,incentive ly,itoffersachancetodo;TheycanbefreeoftediousAdditionally,itisrewardingfortohave缺点:downsi缺乏sup
3、ervi,management,controlling,censorshipofthe content, information is likely to be onversely/on the contrary/alternatively, when it comes to drawbacks, I have to say probably it lacks and ., promised; there is a lack of reply/depend toomuch on , they are less likely to do any housework, 所以,结论Itvariesf
4、romcasetoauthorities should be consideratecautiousthoughtful;strict; Thereshouldbeahisscenario场景Do you thinkt men learn science fastern women?But as long as the following requirements can be met, they will ly, it is indispensable for them to have a solid finan foundation, or they might be Additional
5、ly/meanwhile/likewise/similarly, probably the is also relevant, includingLast butnotleast,itisfundamentalforthemtoreachthelegalage of marriage.TospendtherestoflifewitheachBeedto/bemeant这样一t pohat case, I consider the ideal age might be aroundIt will be awesome/terrific if theymon grounds/stable muni
6、cation is likely to happen; it is challenging for them to survive and thrive;Aboveall,itisalsolikelyIt will be awesome/terrific if theymon grounds/stable munication is likely to happen; it is challenging for them to survive and thrive;Aboveall,itisalsolikely hatcase/accordingly/to tpo ,Iguess.go首先,这
7、是相关其次这个也扮演重要角这样一来就可以做ThescenarioscanbeSinceitisbeyondmyknowledge/liferange/understanding s never occurred to me before; I ethereasonsarenonthefollowing延伸题目 考虑哪些因素? factors to put o What factors will people consider when they buy 有一系列top 首先是首要考虑还有一点也是必要相关可能,人们也会纳入考虑范Aseriesctorswillbeconcernedwhenofa
8、ll,isratherrelevant,afterall,everyonehasgotabudget Plus, always comes as well, more specifically,More importantly, s should be another factor/elementt is ed be related,Tonamebutafew;Icangoonand列举题 有很多种, 比如解决方案 solutions; How can people do to get 可以做不同的尝AseriesofactionscanbetakentoForle,itisworthtryi
9、ngforthemIn addition,ngis alsomendable, espelly during critical moment.On top oftitcanbealsowise/advisable/awesome/terrific 明智的 if they canAll combined together can make their very smoo harmonious; harmony;teachers have?第一, 他们需要其次,如果没有,可能teachers have?第一, 他们需要其次,如果没有,可能会发生什最 重 要的 ,的 作 为 一 个的基础In ord
10、er to be a qualified leader, they are meant tosessthefollowingtraitsItwillbeawesome/terrificiftheycanbe place, they are suped to be能力, afterall, their role is to./provide products and servitootherst, .are desired/required as well,erms of Aboveall,itwill beawesomeiftheyarecharitable,thentheycan set a
11、 good exle for the public;hatt/accordingly,Ibe ve theywillbepreferred/favoredbytheirteam家长应该做什么How canparentsdotochildrens家长能做很多,比如 育,reasonthemaboutprosandcons分析好坏处/鼓励 encourage / 惩罚/做好的榜样 set a good ex le/show them how to do/demonstrate to them/陪伴孩子/make an investment; be their company to read boo
12、ks ; send them .AseriesofactionscanbetakentoItis For le, it is worth trying for them to educate about sity/meaningofIn addition, demonstrating to children about how tois On top oft, it can be also wise/advisable if they can show mutual respect and understanding to each other;hatWhat kinds of things
13、should 能做的事情有:教育educate the importance of ., raise the awareness of/宣传/政策支持make a policy to guarantee food safety; support /legislate /punish those people who violate it;/投资/建设基础设施 erest-free loan; tax deductionmake an investment on infrastructure/做出榜样/keep their promise It is indispensable for them
14、 to do provideerest-freeloantoget is also required and desired, otherwise, noillobey these rules; reduce tax for themAboveisalsoworth trying,andthen canbe总结一is to l总结一is to lisalsorequiredandngsthisalsoworthtryingBeedto/bemeanttodoI wish to make a differencey life, ande somehoI am meant to be;Itwill
15、beawesome/terrificiftheyItiswise/advisableiftheycanThefactorofshouldalsobeoRegardas/topis比较类 Comparison的流行度取决于不同段例如年轻人喜欢做的或者流行的,类似, 然而老年人中意舒缓的或者传统的,包括古今不同/改变的方式发生了很大以前的时候,人们做传统的,比如, 这种趋势还会持续Pastdecades; What are the differen of furniture in office and at 他们两个区别是挺明显有这个方面,A不如还有,和A相比,BA不一样,B 在 这个方面很 A
16、is quite distinctive from B any aspects; ComparedisnotasA is , whi isIncontrasttoA,ofBis臆想类 以后的会怎么发如真的发生了,我猜想会产生一系列肯定会发生;总结(在part2和part3承 :转:counter 合 : concluding 总结(在part2和part3承 :转:counter 合 : concluding AsIsee opinion tEven if it is beyond myknowledge, Istill treasonsarenothing more nthefollowin
17、g mindItis needlesstoItisbe ved Oneof the Icantakeitor enjoys , and I am no Thereasonscanbe manifold, andthe one coming up omymind is additiontoApartfrom rxWhatsTheotherrelevant po Istillwanttomention is tTheoth o I stillwanttoaddis tJustas anoldItis alsotrueitcomeshesay leastargumentis t while peop
18、le have the opinion tB In thisInspite ofButwhen it comes downsides,Ihaveto case under all sorts of But for everything, do, it is alsone saryto do .In,is po can be made factorsmentioned AlssAsaThereisdoubt Thepo Iam tryingtomakeis t concluded t BTheanswerSince it is foreigners who know their own cult
19、ure the best; by talking with them, a understanding about them can be erms of their life value, way of BTheanswerSince it is foreigners who know their own culture the best; by talking with them, a understanding about them can be erms of their life value, way of thinking If/without: conversely, we wi
20、ll have to rely on reading books or watching movies, which -handexperiencelly: lly when it comes to those less-known foreign countries, communicationwiththemfacetofaceisthemoststraightforwardwaytoachievesuchatswhyweareedSurelyitcanbeagoodly, if offers us a chance to by working in multinationalBeside
22、avelingorlivinginforeignForle,cultureshockisquiteinevitabletohappenonthem,llywhenitcomestoinsufficientknowledgeaboutthisforeignmunicationandmisunderstandingarealsolikelytohappenfortravelerswhodospeakthelocalforeign country? What kinds of problems will people have when they travel or live in ernation
23、al company? What are the advantages and disadvantages of working for aboutforeignDo you think communicating with foreigners is a good way to Aboveall,in lightofinsecurity insomeregions,travelersshouldbetterhaveenoughI cangoonand Yes I Aboveall,in lightofinsecurity insomeregions,travelersshouldbetter
24、haveenoughI cangoonand Yes I do, as long as there are opportunities, I will make contacts with people from all over world, since it helps me broaden horizons to know more about their culture, tradition lifestyle; besides, it also allows me to practice my language skills; studyabroad,itisrewardingfor
25、metofitininlly t I plan Generally, there is a series of t are y country, including mallsandsoforth;businesseslikebarbershop,tore,restaurants,them,wechat/microbusinessisincreasinglyprevalentThisquestioncaneresting,likewhatImentionedabove,Iwouldlovetorunawechatlizing in selling sneakers or luxury good
26、s, since it can be operated with lower cost rofit;afterall,theappetiteforimportedproductsisyItreallyvariesfromcasetocase,andIhavenoideaabouttheexactageofretirement;butIfor people who reach their age of pullout, they will choose to focus on family life; or in cases,peoplewillchoosetosaygoodbyetotheir
27、jobsoncetheyrealizethelI am quite affirmative about this question, young people would love to start up their businessoncethere are opportunities; sinceitoffers them flexibilities and freedomto liveup their own life goal or ion; ts why micro business or online business is edbyyoungertofindajob?Wouldy
28、oungpeopleinyourcountryliketoopenuptheirownWhatagedopeoplewanttoretireinyourcountry?Ifyouhadtheopportunity,whatkindsofbusinesswouldyoudo?Whatkindsofbusinessarepopularinyourcountry?Doyouliketomakefriendswithpeoplefromothercountries?Aruleatyourtyouagreeory, if there is rule in anization, there will be
29、 messy and chaotic; more Aruleatyourtyouagreeory, if there is rule in anization, there will be messy and chaotic; more Bofall, just as what I mentioned just now, having rules in anizationisimperative; for students, if they are restricted too strictly, their creativity and willingness to innovate lik
30、elytobecompromised;forle,wearingiformforeveryday classisschoolscouldhaveallowedthemtohaveadayforcasualclothing,otherwiseitwillbetediousIamsupportiveforsuchaal,sincedemocracyisalsokeyinschools;rulesareed be made and implemented in accordance with students reality andwillingness; without involvedbystu
31、dents,thoserulesarelikelytobeoffthetrackroduceDid the he ve better n the ones Idontthinkso, sinceunlikethepast,peoplenowhavestricter qualitycontrol andonproducts,afterall,businesscompetitionisincreasinglyfierce;businesswithinferioreobsoleteandnow?Shouldstudentsinvolveinrule-making?Doyouthinkstrictru
32、lesaresaryinShouldcompanieshaverules?AWould people want to do online business or run a company in Effects can be multiple; to illustrate, local souvenirs and traditional products revenueforlocalpeople, sincetheyare uniqueandindigenous; besides,thedissimilationofproductscanEffects can be multiple; to
33、 illustrate, local souvenirs and traditional products revenueforlocalpeople, sincetheyare uniqueandindigenous; besides,thedissimilationofproductscanberegardedasawayofpublicityandadvertisement, moretouristscanbeattracted Isitsarytoprotecttradition?There is no t tradition and local culture deserve pro
34、tection and attention; they e gradually redundant and disappearing, which can be a huge shame for y,learningtraditioncanbeaportalforteenagersandnextgenerationtotehistoryandtradition,includinglocalopera,handicraft,culturalheritagesandrituals,ortheylosetheidentityasSurely yes, science subjects are piv
35、otal in terms of fostering students abilities problem-solving, spatial thinking, logical thinking and spatial thinking; besides, it allows students to acquire knowledge about our world, by studying subjects like chemistry and physics, they know how laws of nature apply in our life; similarly, after
36、studying biology, we have better AMany ways can be adopted to study science, the commonest way is to read books and stostudy;ngexperimentsofferusto-handexperience,puttingopractice,adeeperunderstandingcanbeleftinourInwhatwayscanpeoplelearnaboutIsscienceanimportantsubjectinyourschool?traditionsarepopu
37、larinyourcountry?Do you think teenagers should learn about tradition? /What kinds Whateffectsdotraditionalproductshaveontourism?Idontthinkthespeedoflearningissomethingtodowithgender,aslongastheyarecuriouserestedinlearningscience,everyonecanlearnfast,regardlessoftheirageorIdontthinkthespeedoflearning
38、issomethingtodowithgender,aslongastheyarecuriouserestedinlearningscience,everyonecanlearnfast,regardlessoftheirageorI think so, there is a trend of learning y country; lly for STEM courses, science, technology, engineering and mathematics, since those related jobs are demanded;besides,itisortechnolo
39、gycantbetdrivesinnovation;withoutstudyingscience,theApieceofy country, it is common for people to buy furniture from a range of malloronlinefor AAseriesctorswillbeermsofbuyingfurniture;amongthem,priceisquiteafter all, todays furniture tends to be pricey; besides, practicality and function are also e
40、veryone is looking for the t fits the best; one more to mention, furniture edtobefreeofpollutionandchemicalmaterial,orourhealthwillbeReasons can be multiple, for le, people would like to show al taste decorating their home in an artistic way. Plus, they tend to t the higherthe price, betterthe quali
41、ty, andcheap stuffis likely to be inferior;one more to mention, ifthe furniture dirtcheap,materialscontainedsibletobecontaminatedbychemicalIf there is no consideration about style of furniture, the holistic look of a home can be Doyouthinkthestyleisimportant?Whydosomepeopleliketobuyexpensivefurnitur
42、e?WhatfactorsdopeopleneedtoconsiderwhenhavingfurnitureforInyourcountry,wheredouythefurniturefortheirhomes?Issciencepopularinyourcountry?Wouldmenlearnsciencenwomen?andtswhypeoplewillputfactorslikestyle,patternand theybuyWhats the difference n he office and furniture Unlikefurnitureathome,therearemore
43、practicalonesinoffice,likedesks,bookshelf,andtswhypeoplewillputfactorslikestyle,patternand theybuyWhats the difference n he office and furniture Unlikefurnitureathome,therearemorepracticalonesinoffice,likedesks,bookshelf,chairssofa;apartt,thestyleforoffice usewillbemorelandformal,whileitcanhomeyandc
44、ozyforhomee;andsomethingThere are teaching skills of all kinds, for le, it is sary for teachers to instruct inspire students to think and to innovate; besides, demonstration is also imperative teachers, t students can follow their lead; moreover, other skills are needed too, communication,leadership
45、andproblem-ASo for old people, I guess they are still young who have been living for a long time, communication is still the key, and they might need more encouragement and instruction understand,llyonnewThere are two kinds of t I find particularly helpless; one is teaching, tudentsdontgetthe hangof
46、 studying; besides,learningwithoutopracticeisalsomeaningless,sinceknowledgewontleaveanheirThe answer itive, since the rewards ng so are huge; more specifically, it students to study without a rush and wasting sary time on traffic; plus, by Dopeopleinyourcountryliketotakeonlinecourses?Whatkindsofteac
47、hingmethodsarenotuseful?helpoldpeopleWhat kinds of teaching methods are suitable for old people? /How Whatkindsofteachingskillsareimportant?home?online,studentscanhaveaflexibletimetable,whichismeaningfulforthosewhoneedtoworkAn you ppy to Iam itive aboutthis question,since many thingscan beonline,stu
48、dentscanhaveaflexibletimetable,whichismeaningfulforthosewhoneedtoworkAn you ppy to Iam itive aboutthis question,since many thingscan be solvedwith ourmobilelikepayingbill,up,scanningnews,orcontactingwithfriends.Besides,unlikethemobilephonesarequitespeedyandaffordable,whichincreasestheWilltheuse caus
49、eanyproblemstoothers?Itisnottwillcausetroublestoothers,italldependsonhowpeopleusemore specifically, ringtones can be disturbing/annoying in the middle of class or is prevented from using on flights now, or it might lead to erferenceI dont think it is a good idea for children to use mobile phones; si
50、nce their study tends to erferedwithouttime,theyarelikelyuidance; similarly, ifchildren keep staring on screen fora eshortsighted,Ithinkthebetterideaistogivethemregardingtousingmobileplace, people are inclined to be annoyed when facing such a scenario, lly crowdedprivacylikesubwayorelevator; additio
51、nally,itisquiteunpleasanttooverhearalmobilephonesinapublicplace?What are the effects when someone is making a lot of noise by Arechildrenallowedtousemobilephonesinyourcountry?phone?s for?/ What are the advantages of having a Domost people have mobile phone in your country? /What do AdreamDomostlivei
52、nanapartmentorhouse?Normally speaking, a majority of tends to live in an apartment, since it plantouseourlandmoreefficiently;llyAdreamDomostliveinanapartmentorhouse?Normally speaking, a majority of tends to live in an apartment, since it plantouseourlandmoreefficiently;llyinbigcities,housewillbealux
53、uryteralpublictoIguesstheirpreferenceonaseriesctors,forle,duetothereasonsoforflexibility,theywillchoosetolivethemselves,nlivingwithparents;otherwise,Ithink living with family is a bad idea, after all, many young people cannot make their ends giventheimbalanceeandDopeopleliketorentaplacetolive?As for
54、 those who want to find jobs in big cities from small , it is more feasible to rentingaplacewhentheysettledowninanewcity;whileforthosewhoarecapabletoaffordhouse,buyingoneistheirpreference,tabilityisquiteacorevalueinourIsbeen changing dramatically fromthe past; forle, we used to value more about basi
55、c needsof a house, since a big family had to live under the same roof; but now, people to focus more on the comfortability and quality of living, in terms of home design and decor, selectionoffurniture andstyle;besides,asforoutsideappearance,itiswesternizedandcomparedwithhey country, a range of type
56、s of homes do people choose to live, like apartment, house,villaandInyourcountry,whattypesofhomesdomostpeoplelivein?yourcountrydifferenttofthepast?How is modern home design (both inside and outside appearance) themselves? Do young people in your country like to live with their parents or Formostpeop
57、le,I ttheirpreferencewillbeodernstylehomes, nliving in a t is as old as 50 Formostpeople,I ttheirpreferencewillbeodernstylehomes, nliving in a t is as old as 50 years, mainly due to the t modern housing will them more advanced and broadbandandcablesible facilities, like central air-conditioner syste
58、m, What do you imagine peoples houses will be he future? 更快更I must say this question is really beyond my imagination, but I am hat futurewillbemoreeco-elligentandenergy-saving;mostofall,itisournaturetomore greenery at our home, I still t we will save a lot of energy in the future convertingsolaroele
59、ctricityandsoThe scenarios can be manifold; to begin with, people tend to move to where future Whydopeoplesometimesmovetoliveinadifferenthome?(e.g.,from50yearsago)?Do people prefer to odern homes or the older-style morepromising,anditisinevitable forthemtofindanewplacetoreside; t, a numberof ycountr
60、ymorepromising,anditisinevitable forthemtofindanewplacetoreside; t, a numberof ycountrywillchoosetomovetoa districtwheretheeducationis premium; one more to mention, as their salary increases, it is understandable for them movetoa lacemodatingthewholeAplaceyouknowwherepeoplegototoTheanswer isyes, sin
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