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1、牛津译版年级英下 Unit4 重点知识点总Unit 4 A good 1.使学生掌握本单元掌握 Comic stripTask 要的短语搭与重点词汇的意思与运用;2.对单元重点句型能够细致的理,并能模仿句型进行写作;3.能够将每个知识点灵活地运用单项选择和词汇运用等基础题型当中。 stripWelcome 教知详1. Have you decided what to do with these books, Hobo?霍,决怎处这书吗decide 此作及物动词,意决,跟名词、代词、不定式或从句等 名词形式是 ,决定make a decision (to do 为做决定(某)。 decided

2、live in London.定住在伦敦。do with 意理;处置;对”等,常与疑问词 what 连如:What did you with those newspapers?你那些报纸怎么处理了?do with 同义词组是 deal with 常问词 连 What will you withthose books?= How will deal those books?怎样处理那些书?2. I have to use them to reach the box on fridge.我须它来电箱的子reach 用作及物动词,意接触,拿。reach 物动词,还意“到达,抵后 面跟表示地点的名词。

3、如:Im too I can the 我了,够不着那个苹果。They reached London last 他天晚上到达了伦敦。3. Im interested history 我历书籍兴。be interested in 意“趣,后接跟名词或动名词作宾语。如 boy is interestedin science.个男孩对科学感兴趣。They are interested in playing 他对玩电脑游戏感兴趣。 They my knowledge of the past.它增我历知。knowledge 不名词,意“学识,知识;理解,认。如:Knowledge 识就是力量。5. The

4、 Hunchback of Notre by the French writer Victor Hugo is great.法作维多雨果的巴黎母棒French 此作容词,意为 “ 法,国人的 ” French 作可数名词意为 ” Frenchman 可词,意“国人,法国男,数形式为 Frenchwoman 可, 意为法国女;复数形式 。Do you like French 你欢国包?My uncle speak French.我叔会讲法语。6. The story of the ugly Quasimodo really touched me.丑人西多故确触了。touched 是词 touch

5、 的去touch 用作及物动词,意触动,感,在语气上比 move 要些。如:The brave touched 那勇敢的母亲感动了每人。Reading 教材识详解1. After our ship crashed against the rocks, I swam as far as I could.当我们船撞到岩石坏之后我奋力前游crashed 是词 crash 的过去crash 用作不及物动意为“碰倒坠落, (飞机)坠毁”如:The plane crashed in the mountains.架飞机在山中坠毁了。as. as one can/could 表示 “尽某人所能,相当于 as.

6、 possible。Pleasecome as early as you can.=Please come early as possible.请尽量早点儿来。2. By the time, finally felt the land under feet, I was tired out.等到我于感觉到脚的陆地,我已筋疲尽。(1) by the time 为“到 时为止”引导时间状语从句。如:By the time came in, had written his name on the blackboard.当我进来时,汤姆已经把他的名字写在黑板上了。(2) be tired out 为“

7、疲力尽的 ”be tired of 意为“对感到厌烦,厌倦”I was tired out when we got back from the long climb.我们长途爬山回来时,我感到筋疲力尽。Kitty was tired of eggs.蒂厌倦了吃鸡蛋。3. I woke up as the sun was rising.当太升起时醒了过来as 词,意为“当 的候,随着”引导时间状语从句。如:As time goes on, he knows his students. 着时间的推移,他了解了他的学生rising 动词 rise 的现在分词。 rise 及物动词,意为“升起,上升”

8、如:The sun rises in the east and sets in the west.太阳东升西落。4. My legs and hair were tied to the ground!我的胳、腿和头发被拴在地上!tied 是动词 tie 的过去分词were tied 构成被动语态。tie 此处用作及物动词,意为“ tie. to. 为“系/拴到 还可用作可数名词意为 “领带, 带子”。如:Please the tree to the stick to keep it straight.请把树绑到木棍上,使树直立。5. It moved up over my and neck u

9、ntil it standing near my face.它向上过我的腹部脖子,到站在我的附近。until 此处用作连词,意 “到 为止,在 一特定的时 ) 之 ”主要用 法有:(1)与续性动词连用时,表“到,动词用肯定形式,指主句的动作一直持续到 until 后的动作发生为止。如:We walked until got 我们一直走到天黑才停下来。(2) not.until.为“到才,主句动词通常为短暂性动词,指主句的动作一直 到 until 后的动作发生时才发生。如:The little girl didnt stop crying until she saw her mother.那个小

10、女孩直到看到她妈妈才不哭了。6. I looked down and saw a very small 我低头了看,看见个非常小的男人。look down 息为“向下头看 up 与 look down 思相“上看, 抬头看”。如:The girl was very shy. She looked down at her feet.那个女孩很害羞,她低下头看着自己的脚。7. He was the same size as my little finger!不过我小手那么点!the same as.为“一样尺寸,与一样大小”。如:My mothers shoes are the same size

11、 as mine.我妈妈的鞋和我的鞋号码相同。 the same 意为“和 一样”如:My uniform is same Simon的校服与西蒙的(校服)相同。8. There were around 40 of them.有大约 40 个。around 既作介词,又可作副词。具体用法如下:(1)介,意为“大约”相当于 about。My uncle and arrived at 10 oclock. 我叔叔和婶婶大约是 10 点钟到的。 (2)介 词,意为“遍及,在四周。There are many trees around the house.子四周有许多树。(3)副,意为“在周围,到处,

12、四周 ”I looked around, saw nothing.我四下巡视,但什么也没有看见。9. I shouted at themthe loud noise made them all fall 我朝他吼叫 很的声音得他们都倒下去。make sb. do sth. 为“某人做某事”省略 to 的动词不定式在 make 后作宾语补足语。除省略 to 的动词不定式外,形容词、名词等也可在 make 作宾语补足语。如: Who made the little boy cry?谁这个小男孩弄哭了?Light music makes me 轻音乐使我很高兴。The teacher tried h

13、is best to make himself a good friend his pupils.那位老师尽最大努力使自己成为自己学生的好朋友。10. However, they soon got up again and continued moving across my body.然而,们很快又爬起来,续在我的身上走过continued 动词 continue 的去式continue 此用作及物动词,意为“续 ”。continue doing 表示“继做某事”continue 后也可跟动词不定式,continue to do sth. 也表示“继续做某事”如:Mike continued

14、 reading the book.克继续读那本书。They continued to have the 他们继续举行聚会。11. one of these small men began talking to me.其中一小矮人开始我交谈one of.意为“之一 ”of 后可数名词复数或宾格代词的复数one of +数名词/代词作主语时,谓语动词用单数形式。 of.后的名词前经常用形容词最高级修 饰,即 one of+the+形词最高级 +复数名词,意为“最的之一”如:One of my hobbies playing basketball. 的兴趣之一是打篮球。Tianjin one of

15、 the biggest cities in China.天是中国最大的城市之一。12. I tried to pull hand free and finally managed to break the ropes.我尽力开一只手,后设法断了绳索。try to do sth.为“试图做某事,努力做某事 。如:We tried to stop him smoking he would do it.我们尽力阻止他吸烟,但他就是不听。managed 是动词 manage 的过去 处用作及物动为勉强完成 manage to sth.意为“法做成某事”。The box was very heavy

16、he managed carry it.这个箱子很重,但是他设法搬动了。13. When I lifted my left hand into the air.当我把的左手举到中时 lifted 是动词 lift 的过去式。 lift 此处用作及物动词,意为“起,抬高;提高”。lift 作可数名词意为“梯”。如:Can you help me lift the bike onto the truck? 能帮我把自行车抬到卡车上去吗?Well take a to go up and down.我们将乘电梯上下楼。Grammar 教材知识解1. Sandy is wondering where t

17、o ask for help桑迪想道去哪儿寻帮助。wonder 处用作及物动词,意为 “知道,对感到怀疑”。如:She is wondering what the child is 她想知道那个孩子正在做什么。作不及物动词意为“感到惊讶”如:What are you wondering about? 你对什么感到疑惑?wonder 不可数名词,意为 “奇,惊异,惊讶”。如:a look of wonder 惊异的表情 be filled with wonder 非常惊奇wonder 可数名词,意为 “观”。如:The Great Wall is of the wonders in the wo

18、rld. 长城是世界奇观之一。ask for 为“求 ”ask sb. for. 意为“某人请求 ”如: If we have any trouble in learning English, well ask Mr Wang for help.在英语学习中如果我们有什么困难,我们会请求王老师帮忙。2. Mr Wu advised us which to choose as after-school activities.吴老师议我们选择些作为外活动。advised 是动词 advise 的过去式。advise 及物动词,意为 建议,劝告”,后面常跟名词、代词、动名词或宾语从句等。advise

19、 sb. to do sth.意“建议某人做某事”。 如:The doctor advised (taking) weeks 生建议休息一周。She advised to wait.建议我们等一等。3. Daniel taught himself how to use a computer draw.丹尼尔学怎样用电绘画。teach oneself 意为自学 相当于 learn.by oneself sb. (how) to do sth.为 “某人(如)做某事”如:The girl taught herself English. =The girl learned English by he

20、rself.那个女孩自学了英语。Would you please teach me (how) to paint Chinese paintings? 你教我(如何)画中国画好吗?4. You must return books on time.你必按时归图书。ontime 意“按时,准时”。如:We students get to school on 我们学生应当按时到校。in time 为“及时。如:She usually gets home in time to bath the children.她通常会及时赶回家里给孩子们洗澡。Integrated skillsStudy skill

21、s 教材知识解1. all the British publishing houses refused publish it所有的国出版社拒出版它refused 是动词 refuse 的过去式refuse 及物动词,意“拒 ,其常用搭配有:refuse+名词/代词,意为 “拒绝。refuse to do sth. 意为“绝做某事”。refuse sb. sth. 意为“拒绝某人某物”如:He refused my help. 他拒绝了我的帮助。He refused to accept my 拒绝接受我的邀请。She cant refuse him anything.不能拒绝他任何事情。2. s

22、o far 到目前为止so far 为“目前为止 ,指从过去某一时刻开始一直到现在这一段时间 far 常用于现在完成时态,多位于句首或句末。如:So far weve planted more than 2,000 trees.到前为止,我们已栽了 2000 棵树。3. a great success 巨大成success 此处用作可数名词,意为 “功的人或事”,success 也可作不可数名词, 意为“成功”其反义词为 failure失败 ”如:The meeting is a success. 会议开得很成功。Failure is the mother of success.失败是成功之母

23、。succeed 词,意为 “成”如:He succeeded a 作为一名医生,他很成功。successful 形容词,意为 “成功的”。如:My uncle is successful businessman. 我叔叔是一位成功的商人。successfully 词,意为 “功地”如:If you work hard, you will get it successfully.如努力工作你将会取得成功。4. I told myself to calm since I was still alive.我吿诉己镇静,因我仍然着。tell sb do sth. 意为“告诉某人做某事否定式为 tel

24、l sb. not to 意“ 诉某人不要做某事”。如:Tell him to go to bed early 天叫他早点儿上床睡觉。Tell him not to be late again.告诉他不要再迟到了。since 此用作连词,意为 “为,由于;既然”。如:Since he was busy, he didnt 他因为忙,所以没有来。alive 形容词,意为“着的;在世的”。如:His grandfather no longer alive.的爷爷不在人世了。5. His story gave me a lot of confidence.他的故给予我多自信。confidence 不

25、可数名词意为 “信心 confidence in 意为对有信心 : Dont be nervous. You should have confidence in yourself.别紧张,你应该对自己有信心。confident 形容词意为“ 自的,有信心的,有把握的”,常用作定语或表语。be confident 意为 “对 充满信心”。:There is a confident smile on his face.的脸上露出了自信的微笑。6. I also want to travel and have exciting experiences in the future.在将来也想去旅行有令

26、人奋的经历。experiences 是词 experience 的数形 在此用作可数名“经 历”如:He has a lot unusual experiences. 他很多不平凡的经历。experience 用作名词,还可表“经验,是不可数名词。表示做某事的经验 时,其后常接 in/of doing 。如:Mr Wang has so much experience 王老师在教学方面有如此多的经验。experience 还作及物动词,意为 “验;经历。如:The girl has never experienced sadness.这个女孩从未体验过悲伤。 单元测题一、单项填1. He is

27、 认真的 is often _. I hope he will have more _ at his business.A. success; successful B. successful; successC. successfully; successfulD. successful; successful2. He always angry if he is kept _ for five minutes.A. waiting B. wait C. to wait D. waitting 3. They decided _ after dinner.A. have a broke B.

28、 have breakC. to have a broke D. to have a 4. The sun was shining brightly, _ everything there _ more beautiful. A. making; look B. to make; lookedC. and made; looking D. and making; be looked5.Dad, can go to the movies tonight?Sure, but you _ come back home before 9 oclock.A. can B. must C. may D.

29、might6. We dont know _ next. Lets and ask Mr. Li.A. what to do B. to do what C. whether do D. to do whether 7. We can work out the physics problem. Can you tell us_?A. how to doC. how to do B. what to do D. what should do8. Can you come have dinner with me this evening?Im afraid not. I _ take care o

30、f my grandmother. She is ill. A. cant B. have to C. may D. could9. Dont give up, my children. Keep _ and you will be successful. Thank you, Mr. Wang. ll try our best.A. working onC. for workingB. working offD. to work10. Lucy, let help you your computer. _. I can manage it myself.A. Thats OKC. Perha

31、ps not 二、完填空B. No, thanksD. Not at allSelf reflection means stopping the mad rush of activity and calming yourself andyour mind so your brain can evaluate ( 评 ) the input it has already received. Somepeople prefer to do 11 self reflections mentally, while others keep a diary or written notes of some

32、 kind. Whether written or purely mental the 12 is the same.School textbooks are often divided into units of study. This can make it 13 forsomeone who wants to begin the process of self reflection to get started. Watch the timeswhen you complete unit of study any of the 14 you are learning: math, sci

33、ence, art,or any other topic. Sometimes you are reminded the unit is over 15 there is kind of test. Use these natural breaks as chances stop and reflect.16 a quiet place. This can even be sitting at desk at school when you finishsomething early and the other students are 17 working. If you are going

34、 take notes,take out paper or your reflection diary. Write down some 18 on things that youlearned this unit that you did not know before began. Let your mind ( 思 ) onthe notes you have written and make some connections. Next, think about the things thatyou still wonder about. 19 , maybe you learned

35、a new way to solve a math problem, butyoure not sure when to use it. Writing down your questions will help you remember to 20 seeking answers the next you are exposed( 接 ) to the same topic.Self reflection is an essential skill for a successful student. you have never taken the time to reflect, try

36、now.11. A. our B. yourC. their D. its12. A. promise13. A. easier14. A. questions15. A. instead 16. A. Pass17. A. still18. A. evidenceB. profileB. slowerB. subjectsB. becauseB. LoseB. seldomB. answersC. programC. busierC. certificatesC. because C. FindC. almostC. mistakesD. processD. tougherD. activi

37、tiesD. thanD. RefuseD. neverD. notes19. A. On time20. A. stop三、阅理解B. For example C. Right nowB. decide C. forgetAD. In allD. continueMr. Green once in a big company. He was quite busy so that he couldnt do anyreading. So gave up job and opened a bookshop in the center of the town. It wasnt bigbut al

38、l the books were nice and most people liked to buy some there. When the shop wasclosed, he could read at home. He knew a lot and many learned people were glad to make friends with him.It was Sunday it was outside. Green was very busy. nine in the eveningall the buyers left but a woman was still ther

39、e. She was dressed up and seemed to be waitingfor somebody there. Standing the shelves, looked the books one after another, andmade them in a terrible mess. Mr. Green came up to her and asked, “Excuse me, madam. What can I do for you?”“Your books are not interesting at ” said the woman, “I want a de

40、licious one.”“Thats easy, Mr. Green smiled. brought out a cookbook said, “Here you are, madam.”21. Why did Mr. Green change his job? _.A. He didnt like readingB. He was busy to read booksC. He liked the life the center of the townD. He wanted to write a cookbook himself22. Most people liked to buy b

41、ooks in the shop because _.A. the bookshop was in center the townB. all the books were nice cookbooksC. it was largeD. the books there were all good people23. Which is WRONG?A. Mr. Green liked to lend his books to the learned persons.B. When Mr. Green came back home from the bookshop, he often did s

42、ome reading.C. Many learned people liked to make friends with Mr. Green.D. At nine on that Sunday evening all the buyers left the bookshop except woman.24. From the story we know that “learned people” means _.A. people who are freeB. people are studying hardC. people have much knowledgeD. people who

43、 have much money25. Whats the most suitable ending the story?A. Mr. Green would make friends with the woman.B. Mr. Green would teach the woman how to cook delicious C. The woman left bookshop without buying books.D. The woman bought many books in order to be a learned person.BPresents For Childrens

44、DayOn sale!Charles Schulz born in 1922 in Minneapolis, the only child of a housewife and abarber. His interest in comics was encouraged by his father, who loved the funny pages.Charles Schulz seventeen cartoons the Saturday Evening Post from 1948 to 1950and Lil Folks to the St. Paul Pioneer Press. P

45、eanuts 次露面) on October 2, 1950,and ran without interruption(止) for the next fifty years. Charles Schulz died in It a Dog Life. Snoopy brings all your familiar friends together for great times and Charlie Brown faces some of lifes little challenges with thehelp of Snoopy, Lucy, Peppermint Patty, Linu

46、s, and the rest ofthe gang 一伙) in It a Big World, Brown.The last one is the special edition Peanuts 2000, whichincludes all the last years Peanuts comic strip and Charles Schulzs famous farewell strip.Come and visit our website at or come Ballantine youll have a big surprise.26. Why did young Charle

47、s become interested in comics?A. He wanted to sell cartoons.B. His mother encouraged him.C. Cartoons him great times and fun.D. His fathers for the funny pages influenced him.27. When did Peanuts appear public?A. In 1922. B. In 1948. C. In 1950. D. In 2000. 28. Who doesnt belong the Peanuts gang?A.

48、Snoopy. B. Lucy.C. Charles Schulz. D. Peppermint Patty.29. Which of the following appeared last?A. Peanuts B. l Folks.C. It a Dog Life, Snoopy.30. What do think the passage is? A. A novel.C. A diary.D. It a Big World, Charlie Brown.B. A menu.D. An advertisement.四、填空A.根据句意及汉语意思完成单词。31. In _德国) there

49、are different kinds of high schools.32. With _(知识)we have conquered nature and invented steamers, trains and airplanes.33. We decided to (还)blow for blow.34. Did you _触动) my plate just now?35. Their (成功) is no accident.B.所给词的适当形式填空。36. He made a _(decide) not to to Beijing this summer.37. Each _(wri

50、te) has a view.38. His _(confident) me became stronger.39. The citys hospitals _ (able) to cope with growing numbers of patients. 40. I sat _ (oppose) to him during the meal.五、句转换41. He has no money.(改为同义句)He_ _ _money.42. How will he deal with those (改为同义句)_ will he _ _ those desks?43. Must I learn

51、 all these words by heart? 作否定回答)No, you _ _ _.44. Worry about (为否定句)_ _ about him.45. Jack keeps phoning me, and really dont want to talk him. (改为同义句) Jack _ _ phoning me, I really dont want to talk to him.六、根汉语意思完句子46. 我只对她们的头发感兴趣。I _ only _ _ their hair.47. 你说什么?站起来吧。What do say? _ _.48. 在老师进来前,我

52、们都已经开始讲英语了。_ _ _ our teacher came in, we had started speaking English. 49. 我几乎朝他们大喊,要他们闭嘴。I almost turned to _ _ them to shut up.50. 全世界的男女老少都喜爱运动。_ _ _ _ men and women , boys girls enjoy sports.七、书表达要想获取知识,那么我们就离不开阅读。我们应该从小就培养良好的阅读习惯,把阅读 作为终身的爱好。请以 a Good Hobby 为题目,写一篇英语短文。要求:1. 表达清楚,语法正确;2. 80 词左右

53、。_参考答及解析 一、1. B2. A3. D4.A5. B6. C7. C8. B9. A10.B考查词性和词义successful容词,意成功的”success名词,意“功” 为不可数名词。考查动词用法keep doing是强调重复做某个相同的动作。句意:他如果等上 五分钟的话,很快就会生气的。故选A。考查动词decide的法和固定短语decide后要接动词不定式have a break 一个固定短语,意为“休息,故答案为D。考查动词短语。句意:阳光灿烂地照耀着,使那里的一切都更美了。动词ing形式表示伴随着的动作。“make sth.+do(动词原形) 为固定结构,故选A。考查情态动词。

54、在这四个词中, must语气最强烈,其次为can,maymight句意:“爸,今晚我能去看电影吗?当然可以,但是你必须在9点钟之前回 家。”选B考查“问词+不式”结构。“问词 +不式”结构作动词know宾语,故排除BD两项;what to 后不跟宾语,排除A项,由句意我们不知道下一步是否 要做这件事。让我们去问问李老师吧。”知C正确。考查“问词+不式 ”构句意为“我们做不出这道物理题你能告诉我们怎样 做吗?”how to do sth.“ 怎做某事”,do后的宾语不能省略。故选。考查情态动词。因为奶奶病了, “”得不照顾她,故选have to。考查动词keep 的用法。keep doing主观

55、决心)继续做某事。考查交际用语语境“I can manage it myself.” 可知此处应该表示拒绝英语 里,“No, thanks.”常用来委婉地拒绝别人的好意,故答案为 B。二、11. C考查形容词性物主代词的辨析 our“我们 ” your你(们) , their“他们的”its的”。主语是ome people,因C符合题意。句意为有些人更喜 欢在他们的内心里自我评价 ”。12. D promise“承诺 ”profile面 ”program“ 目 ;process“ 过 ”。句意为 “管 是书面的还是纯心理的,反思的过程是相同的”。13. A学校教材通常分成学习单元,这可以使想开始自我反思过程的人起步更容易。14. B question“题 ” 科目 ”“书”活动 ”文的math,science,art,or any other topic知subjects正。15. B句意为“时会提醒你本单元结束了为有某种测试 because引原因状 语从句。16. C pass“传递”; lose丢失”find找到 ”refuse拒绝”由下文可知此处意为 “ 一个安静的地方”。17. A still“ 仍”seldom“ 很少”almost“ 几乎


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