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1、初中英语七年级书面作业设计样例(上学期第10-11周)单元名称Unit 5Visiting the Moon 课题Vocabulary 节次1作业类型作业内容设计意图和题目来源基础性作业(必做)1.listen to the recording and read the new words and expressions in Unit 5 on 115. Pay more attention to the following words and expressions: diary, space, nervous, leave, able, tie, ourselves, without,

2、weak, breathe, if, camera, work, return, more than, be able to, have to, so that, asas, that is, such as意图:通过听和跟读生词让学生熟悉单词的读音、词义等基本信息。来源:新编2. Complete the sentences according to the Chinese or the first letter.1)Its a good habit(习惯)for us to keep a _(日记)every day.2)People can fly to the Moon by _(宇宙

3、飞船)one day.3)His son is old enough to _(系)his own shoes.4)Yuki feels very _(紧张的)when she answers the teachers questions in class.5)We cant live _(无;没有)air or water.6) Where will you go?We will l_ Shenzhen for Shanghai tomorrow.7)My friend, Linda has a c_ and she likes to take photos.8)Our bodies wil

4、l get very w_ if we are ill.9)There is too much pollution in the air, so we can b_ less and less fresh air now.10)There is no gravity in s_, so we can float.意图:让学生关注新单词的拼写和词义,加深对生词的理解。来源:基础版3)I. Write the words in a right form according to the requirements.11) ability(形容词)_ 12) postcard(复数)_13) stro

5、ng(反义词)_ 14) with(反义词)_15) diary(复数)_ 16) breath(动词)_17) photo(复数)_ 18) float (三人称单数)_19) tie(第三人称单数)_ 20) we(反身代词)_II. Complete the sentences with the right form of words.21)We must do our homework by _ (our).22)We cant finish it on time _ (with) my parents help.23)Its too crowded in this small roo

6、m. I can hardly _ (breath).24)I keep two _ (diary) every week.25)Now ladies like taking _ (photo) by themselves with their phones.意图:根据要求写出单词的适当形式,在句中将这些形式加以运用,加深生词印象的同时拓展词汇。来源:基础版拓展性作业(选做)1.Complete the crossword and the sentences with the proper words.Across1)A _ is a spacecraft that carries peopl

7、e through space.2)Ive got enough money. I am _ to pay you now.3)I keep a _ to write down things I plan to do, or to record what happens in my life day by day.4)Hurry up! The train will _ for London in five minutes.5)Eric is so shy that he always feels _ when he speaks in public.6)Dont make the dust

8、_ in the air, please.7)If you _ the dog to the tree, it cant run away.8)Have you turned on the washing _?9)Its so airless in here. We can hardly _.10)Jimmy went to school _ having breakfast this morning.11)The boat struck a _ outside the bay and sank. Down12)The astronaut had to wear a _ when he wal

9、ked on the Moon.13)_ it is fine tomorrow, we will have a picnic.14)_ is the force which causes things to drop to the ground.15)We really enjoyed _ at the party.16)Ill send you a _ as soon as I get there.17)Are you good at taking photos with a digital _?18)My parents will _ home tonight.意图:学生根据填词表格和句

10、子里的提示,通过分析判断得出单词,以游戏的形式提升学习单词的兴趣和基本的英语词句理解、分析和判断能力。来源:提高版2. Make sentences by using some of the new words: diary, space, nervous, leave, able, tie, ourselves, without, weak, breathe, if, camera, work, return,意图:通过自主造句练习加深对重点单词的印象,养成用中学习的习惯。来源:新编3. Preview the reading part and underline the new words

11、 and expressions in the article.意图:让学生将单词带入课文,既加深和巩固生词的掌握,更能为reading学习做好铺垫。来源:新编单元名称Unit 5Visiting the Moon 课题Reading节次2作业类型作业内容设计意图和题目来源基础性作业(必做)1. Read aloud the article on Page 59 after the recording and try to imitate the speakers pronunciation and intonation.意图:通过模仿朗读有助于学生形成良好的英语语言感觉。来源:新编2. Ma

12、tch the words or phrases in Column A with the meaning in Column B. A Bl()tie()5)be ableo()6)haveto()breathe()8)at themoment()9)a large amountof()10)withoutgravityhold two or more things together with aropecome back; givebackgo awayfromthere is nogravityI.take air into and sent it out of yourbodyJ.no

13、tstrong意图:让学生复习巩固课堂学习的重点词语的词义理解,为阅读扫清障碍。来源:基础版3.意图:让学生用课文中学到的重点词词语和句型完成句子,加强语言运用。来源:基础版拓展性作业(选做)1. Please read the article and complete the following tasks.For thousands of years people looked up into the night sky and dreamed of going there. On July 20th, 1969, it finally happened. Watched by about

14、 500 million people around the world, Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin became the first men to walk on the Moon.In 1959, the former Soviet Union sent the first spacecraft to “land” on the MoonLuna 2 hit the Moons surface at high speed. Then in 1961, the former Soviet Unions Yuri Gagarin became the fir

15、st man in space. The US didnt want to be left behind. President John Kennedy announced the goal of “Landing a man on the Moon and returning him safely to the Earth”by the end of the1960s. The “space race” began.The US sent a number of spacecrafts into space over the next few years. Each flight was a

16、 small step toward their goal. Not all of these flights were successful. Sadly, Apollo never got off the ground. In January 1967, three astronauts were practicing the launch of their spacecraft, when a fire broke out. The three men were killed.With each Apollo flight, more was learned. On July 16th,

17、 1969, Apollo was launched, taking the three men on board, Neil Armstrong, Buzz Aldrin and Michael Collins, into history. In three and a half days their spacecraft traveled over 380,000 kilometers, then went into orbit around the Moon. Armstrong and Aldrin got into a smaller vehicle and flew down to

18、 the Moons surface. When they finally landed, they only had twenty seconds of fuel left! With all the world watching, Neil Armstrong slowly climbed down onto the surface of the Moon. The words he said then are now famous: Thats one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind.I.Match the heading t

19、o the correct paragraph in the passage.Paragraph 1 a. how the “space race” beganParagraph 2 b. Apollo Paragraph 3 c. effort to realize the dreamParagraph 4 d. space dreamII. Write complete sentences to answer the following questions.1)What is the main purpose of the passage? _2)How many people watch

20、ed the first step on the Moon? _3)Why did John Kennedy announce the goal of landing a man on the Moon? _4)What caused the accident in January 1967? _5)What does “a giant leap for mankind” mean in the last sentence? _意图:通过拓展阅读相关话题的文章,让学生们进一步熟悉话题语言,提升阅读能力并适当增加词汇量来源:提高版2.Translations.1) 一次太空旅行_2) 变得虚弱_

21、3) 飘走 _4) 做运动 _5) 把系到 _6) 在一个晴朗的夜晚 _7) 穿一件宇航服 _8) 在月球上行走 _9) 拍照片 _10)四处漂浮_11)明天我将是首批太空旅行的学生之一_.12)我们将不得不把自己绑在床上以便我们不会再睡梦中飘走。_.13)到达那里将花费我们大约四天左右的时间。_14) 没有重力我们的身体可能变得很虚弱,所以我们将不得不每天锻炼。_15) 我将不得不穿上太空服来帮助我呼吸,因为月球上没有空气。_意图:让学生在完成翻译练习的过程中复习巩固所学语言知识,检测对reading的掌握情况。来源:新编3. Finish the summary of the text.J

22、erry is very happy today because she is going to travel into space with other 16) _ (student) in their school tomorrow morning. They 17) _ (leave) the Earth at 9 a.m. and they will go there by spaceship. The distance between the Moon 18) _ the Earth is around 380,000 kilometers, so they will spend a

23、bout four days 19) _ (get) there. In space, there 20) _ (be) no gravity. They will float around 21) _ the spaceship. Before they sleep, they must tie 22) _ (they) to the beds, or they will float away. They have to do exercises every day, or they will get weak 23) _ there is no gravity. Jerry plans t

24、o walk on the Moon. She will wear a spacesuit so that she can 24) _ (breath). She will also take as many photos as she can if her camera is able 25) _ (work) on the Moon.意图:让学生复习重点语言的同时,完成文章的summary。来源:新编单元名称Unit 5Visiting the Moon课题Listening and speaking节次3作业类型作业内容设计意图和题目来源基础性作业(必做)1. Choose what y

25、ou hear.()1) A. My home is around two kilometers from my school.B.My home is around two kilometers from his home.C.My school is around two kilometers from my home.()2) A. It will take him four hours to go to Shanghai.B.It will take me three hours to go to Shanghai.C.It will take him three hours to g

26、o to Shanghai.()3) A. The little girl was able to dance well.B.The little girl is able to sing well.C.The little girl is able to dance well.()4) A. When we arrive there, we want to buy some nice gifts.B.When we arrive there, we will buy some nice gifts.C.When we get there, we will buy some nice gift

27、s.()5) A. We are going to have a walk on the Moon.B.We are going to take a walk on the Moon.C.We are going to have a talk on the Moon.意图:为学生提供学生听力训练的机会。来源:基础版2. Listen to the tape and complete the passage.There are no hotels on the Moon because the Moon is so cold and there is no air on it. People c

28、ant 6) there. There is also no gravity in space, so people will 7) float around on the Moon. Without gravity, our bodies may become 8), so we would have to exercise every day. If you want to9) to the Moon, you must have a lot of money, because you have to spend a lot of 10)_ on the trip.意图:为学生提供学生听说

29、训练的机会。来源:基础版3. Listen and repeat.Students in our class are going to travel into space this weekend.We will meet at the school gate at 8:30 a.m. on Saturday. And then at 10:00 we will go to space by spaceship. We will get there next Tuesday.We are going to eat in the Space Restaurant next Wednesday m

30、orning and then walk on the Moon. It must be very exciting. In the afternoon, we are going to do some shopping in the Space Shop. We will come back next Thursday afternoon意图:为学生提供学生口语训练的机会。来源:基础版 拓展性作业(选做)1. Listen to the conversation and answer the following questions.()1. What time does the man ge

31、t up?A. At 5:00 a.m. B. At 6:00 a.m.C. At 7:00 a.m.()2. What time does he get to work?A. At 7:00 a.m. B. At 8:00 a.m.C. At 9:00 a.m.()3. What does he do with his family around 6:30 p.m.?A.They read books together.B.They play games.C.They eat dinner.()4. What do the man and his wife do after the kids

32、 go to bed?A.They watch TV.B.They clean the house.C.They listen to music.()5. What is one thing the man does NOT say about his wife?A.She has to take their children to school.B.She helps the kids with their homework.C.She goes shopping for food.意图:为学生提供学生听力训练的机会。来源:提高版2. Complete the following sente

33、nces with the correct form of the words or phrases from the box.1)Mom is going to pick up some _ from the store for dinner.2)You should _ yourself so you dont get sick.3)She seldom _ before 6 p.m.4)I will clean the clothes after _.5)I almost never _ past midnight.6)Be sure to _ enough money to pay f

34、or books.7)I have to _ a bus in front of the bus station.8)The _ part about being a parent is setting aside time for both work, family, and self.意图:为学生提供学生语言训练和拓展词汇的机会。来源:提高版3. In pairs, talk about your plan for next weekend.S1:What activities are you going to do with family or friends? S2:Im going

35、to.意图:为学生提供学生听说训练的机会。来源:提高版单元名称Unit 5Visiting the Moon课题Grammar节次4作业类型作业内容设计意图和题目来源基础性作业(必做)1. I. Translate into English.1) 下周 _ 2) 一个小时之后_3) 明天早上 _4) 在将来 _5) 这周五 _ 6) 后天 _II. Complete the sentences with one word in each blank.7)Dont worry. I _ _ (leave) in a few minutes.8) _ Charlie _ (live) here n

36、ext month? Yes, he _ .9) _ you_ _ _ (be) here this Saturday? No. I _ _ _ _ (visit) my teacher.10)Cindy _ _ (not take) part in Bobs party the day after tomorrow.意图:复习巩固一般将来时的两种基本形式的时间状语和用法。来源:基础版2. Complete the sentences according to the requirements.11)We will have an English party next Sunday.(改为同义

37、句)We _ an English party next Sunday.12)He is going to play football with us.(改为否定句)He _ football with us.13)Uncle Lu will go fishing this Sunday.(改为一般疑问句)_ Uncle Lu _ fishing this Sunday?14) Will they spend their holiday in London?(作肯定和否定回答)Yes, _ . / No, _ .15)Andy is going to visit Paris(巴黎)soon.(

38、改为一般疑问句)_ Andy _ Paris soon?意图巩固一般将来时两种基本形式的句型转换。来源:基础版3.Complete the passage with right form of the words.During the coming National Day, Im going to visit Hainan with my parents. We 16)_(leave)on September 29th. We 17)_(fly)there. We 18)_(stay)there for about one week. We are going to go sightseei

39、ng and go shopping there. We will also go to the beach. We are going to fish, swim and bathe in the sunshine. And we 19)_(enjoy)the nice seafood. My father has a camera and he 20)_(take)many photos for us. I hope wewill have a good time in Hainan.意图:通过语篇中的动词形式变化练习,复习巩固一般将来时动词形式的变化。来源:基础版拓展性作业(选做)1.W

40、rite out the different forms of the following verbs, take“do”as an example.do does did done doingstudy _fly_stop_tie_write _意图:通过写出动词各种形式的变化,来帮助学生整理动词在不同用法中的形式变化。来源:提高版2. Choose from “ will” and “ be going to” to form the simple future tense of the following verbs.1)Next summer, I _ (travel) to New

41、York. My sister lives there and she bought me a plane ticket for my birthday.2)Its getting cold. I _ (take) my coat!3)Are you going to the cinema? Wait for me. I _ (go) with you!4)Jane and Tom _ (not/study) medicine next year. Jane _ (study) French and Tom _ (take) a gap year.5)Mrs Simons, those bag

42、s seem quite heavy. I _ (help) you carry them.6)Experts say the Earth _ (suffer) seriously if we continue polluting.7)Look at those black clouds. I think it _ (rain).8)Bye Bye Joe. I _ (phone) you as soon as I arrive home!9) What _ (do) tomorrow? I _ (visit) my grandparents.10) I dont have enough mo

43、ney to pay for my lunch. I _ (lend) you some.意图:更多实操性练习,让学生复习巩固一般将来时的基本用法。来源:提高版3. Fill in the blanks with the proper forms of the words in the brackets.Hi, Mike! Its Monday morning here. Now I 11)_ (sit) in the computer lab at my school, and your message has just arrived. Im happy 12)_ (hear) from

44、you again. My past weekend 13)_ (be) not as exciting as yours. I have final exams in all my courses this week, so I stayed at home and 14)_ (study) all weekend. But I am really looking forward to next weekend. My family 15)_ (travel) to the place where my parents 16)_ (grow) up. Were having a big fa

45、mily reunion on Saturday. We 17)_ (not see) them very often, so it will be a very special time. I 18)_ (tell) you about it when I 19)_ (return). Oh, here 20)_ (come) my teacher! Ive got to go! Talk to you soon.意图:综合运用本单元的语法知识。来源:提高版单元名称Unit 5Visiting the Moon课题More practice节次5作业类型作业内容设计意图和题目来源基础性作业(

46、必做)1.Read aloud the article of more practice after the recording.意图:大声朗读这篇小文章,巩固课堂学习内容。来源:新编2. 用所给单词的适当形式完成句子。1) When we know the good news, we get very _ (excite).2) This rich man will buy a new house with a big _ (swim) pool.3) Lucy wants _ (give) her Chinese teacher a nice present.4) If it doesnt

47、 rain tomorrow, I _ (go) climbing with my friend.5) My little brother is able _ (cook) meals by himself.6) We cant _ (breath) under the water for a long time.7) There _ (be) not any meat in the fridge. Lets go to the supermarket to buy some.8) Do you have enough money? The new car _ (cost) you a lot

48、 of money if you want to buy it.9) There _ (be) a large amount of air in the bottle.10) In the future, there will be more _(hotel) on the moon.意图:通过词语练习加深对这些语言的认知。来源:新编3. 根据More practice文章内容,进行综合填空。Do you want to spend your holidays on the Moon? There are no hotels on the Moon 11) _. But all this wi

49、ll change. We will be able to build hotels on the Moon in the future 13) _ we can solve some problems. Because the Moon is very cold, the hotels will 13) _ be warm. They will also need a large amount of air 14) _ people there can breathe. The hotels on the Moon will have rooms with big windows so th

50、at you can see the Earth. You can swim in the hotel swimming pool and see all the stars around you. But you should not 15) _. You have to spend a lot of money taking a trip to the Moon!意图:通过改写填空,巩固所学语言,同时复习所学新单词.来源:新编拓展性作业(选做)1.拓展阅读For most people, taking a trip to space seems like something in a fi

51、lm. However, providing people with the chance to travel to space is becoming real.In Barcelona, Spain, an engineer Xavier Claramunt thought of an idea of a space hotel. To make Claramunts dream come true, four companies have built up Galactic Suite Limited. Galactic Suite Limited has plans to open t

52、he first space hotel. The hotel will be able to house four guests (客人) and two astronauts for a three-night stay. However, the company does not plan to send guests into space unprepared.To prepare them for the conditions in space, guests will receive sixteen weeks of astronaut training on an island

53、in the Caribbean Sea. Guests will take part in activities to prepare them for their space stay. When training is completed, they will get on a Russian spaceship and go to the space hotel. Traveling at a speed of 30,000 kilometers per hour, the spaceship will take a day and a half to reach the hotel

54、from the island.The spaceship stops by the space hotel 280 miles above Earth and the guests will leave the spaceship and go inside the space hotel. Wearing special spacesuits, guests can stick (贴着) to the walls when they eat or sleep. Because watching the Earth from space will be the main reason mos

55、t guests want to travel to the space hotel, they can open and close windows and watch when the hotel moves around the Earth 15 times a day.( )1) What does the underlined word “unprepared” in Paragraph 2 mean?A. Not ready. B. Not expensive. Not safe. D. Not comfortable.( )2) Why do guests have to go

56、to the island in the Caribbean Sea before going into the space?A.To get some training.B.To relax themselves.C.To learn about the Earth.D.To help build the spaceship.( )3) How long will it take the guests to get to the hotel from the island by spaceship?A.Twelve hours.B.Twenty-four hours.C.Thirty-six

57、 hours.D.Forty-eight hours.( )4) What is Paragraph 4 mainly about?A.What the guests can do in the space hotel.B.Why the guests want to travel to the space hotel.C.What the guests will eat in the space hotel.D.When the guests will return to the Earth.( )5) What might the passage mainly want to tell u

58、s?A.Some ways for people to live in space.B.A famous hotel is being built in space.C.Space travel is not a dream any more.D.Scientists need to do more to make space travel come true.意图:同话题的拓展阅读训练阅读能力,拓展知识面。来源:新编2.Read the article aloud for your classmates or your family. Make sentences by using “If

59、we, we will have to”and “If we, we will be able to意图:大声朗读课文并模仿造句。来源:新编3.Talk with your classmates about your dream hotel on the Moon and what you are going to do there.意图:帮助学生把知识迁移到实际生活中。来源:新编单元名称Unit 5Visiting the Moon课题Writing节次6作业类型作业内容设计意图和题目来源基础性作业(必做)1.Finish the plan on Page 67 of the text, r

60、ead it yourself and pay attention to the use of future tense in your sentences.意图:完成课本基础写作,关注be going to do 在将来时中的用法。来源:新编2. Translate the following Chinese sentences into English by using the correct form of the words and phrases in brackets. 1)我和父母乘地铁去莲花山;2)莲花公园的人非常多;3)早上,爸爸带着我们一起爬山,然后在草地上放风筝;4) 当


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