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1、译林版小六年级下册语语法填空识点专项练班级:_姓名:1. 根据句,写出文单词。1 season not cold and hot. the go to farm to pick pull season 2 thing has colour smell. When cook, need it; you thirsty, you need it. What is it? 3We go the USA by We t go to USA by train, car, bike, or foot. But we can by 4If(如果) go ,you must 带) with you. If y

2、ou money and want to buy a dog, you _ some money from your 5 is a When we put this colour and colour in bottle, the colour 灰色). colour _.2. 语法填。1What I can see two _ 2He _ 3How many of milk do 4 mother _ (dance).5It _ (sell) different things.3. 用所给的适当式填空。1The giraffe _ in zoo.2He _ (hurt) foot 3Come

3、 my _ 4How It OK.5 you do _ (something) else?4. 用所给的适当式填空。1We_(catch) a mouse week.2 the man on bus first 3The girl is 4How can from 5All the very_. talking_.(excited) 6The girl sings very_(good).7The the door evening.8Bill_(wake) sister up morning.9 the 10How_your mother_(help) She 5. 按要求单词。1 / 1 (

4、反身代词)3反义词)2three(序数词)4laugh(反义词5write(同音词)6. 根据句,首字或所给词提填入所单词。1Christmas, E_, H_, and are all western 2What is Its T_.3She _ _ at 9: 30 4The is the Renmin Park.5The children often _ TV in 6 (buy) a beautiful for my Mum 7I will bring box of _ (cake).7. 把下列容词改副词。13loud57easy911fast2quietangryheavycare

5、ful2 / 8. 填空题1The _ (have) got four 2 are two on the desk. The blue _ (my).3 yellow _ (you).4Tom is old.5 cousin _ (speak) 9. 用所给的适当式填空。1What do want (be) in I want to be a teacher. 2 boy is a football _ 3 _ (have) 4 a _. _ (write) stories children.5 likes _ (play) wants to a _ (piano) in the future

6、.6He to take of _ 7 _ (make) me 8Dancing makes people 10. 用所词的适形式填空或据首字填空。1 teacher me 2I English b_ I dont like 3 do like I it is 4 favourite s is English.11. 根据意,选适当的内容空。1 like _ Bund in Shanghai.2 _ plastic is for Earth. shouldnt usetoo _ (many) plastic or 3 comes before _ (Monday Wednesday).4 ar

7、e _ (cloudy / in the sky. to 5Look at boy! _ (wear) a funny cap.6_ s Mothers) Day on _ / third) of June.12. 根据示完成词或词组。1Where did you go _(上周日)?2I _(去钓鱼)with last 3Come _(看)my photos.4 _(骑马)5Mike _从跌落)his his 13. 用所词的适形式填空。1He _ (be) in yesterday. But is at now. 2 I have _ (any) fish for breakfast?3T

8、he boy _ kite the yesterday.4The film usually _ (begin) at in 5 are two _ in hole.14. 用所词的适形式填空。1People in different _ (country) different habits.3 / 2 parents and I _ (visit) my month.3Xiamen is a good for _ We _ (go) holiday.4 Li _ us Tower Bridge 5Liu Tao _ me photos.6 you _ (play) the piano? Im

9、not.7 are some _ (visit) in our city.8 Ling _ (know) Australia.15. 读句,选出确的选项写横线上1_ (How often/How many) day do you exercise? About fifty 2Li Ming up_ (at/in) 6:30 3I to (tomatoes/tomatos). I eat them eggs. 4_ is exercise. It good for body. 5 he could hit he hit 16. 单词拼写(词运用)1 for green light. 抄写句子)2

10、 are _ apples.3 mother a_because I didnt do homework.4What is it? It is a 5 go (操场).6 mother _ tall thin. / is / are)17. 填空。1I (fly) 2What you _ tomorrow, Ill _ a film in Ill _ (play) football in the afternoon.3Ill _ (shop) afternoon. Will you 4Will play ping-pong with _ (I) after 5Simon going to me

11、 at 18. 想一,写出可能多的答。1You want to , you go the _.4 / 2The baby , is in _.3Daming wants to he go the _.4I to I can go the _.19. 根据意,首母或所给词示填入缺单词。1O_ Saturday I help my mother 2 (a, i, a, n).3The children are coming to garden _ a hole.4 Day in M_.5 I want _ (eat) some dont eat too 6 _ (tell) a for yeste

12、rday.7 is _ 20. 按要写单词1twelve(序数词) 2完全形式)_ 3she(名词性物主代词)_ 4write(同音词_ 5run(现在分词)21. 用所词的适形式填空。1 _ for 2I (hit) the dog 3 to classroom _ (quick).4I _ the 5Wang Bing _ (write) an to now.6 _ (real) good English.7I (go) to shopping centre last 8We couldnt _ (find) our 22. 用所词的适形式填空。1Wang Bing wants _ car

13、toons.2Listen! Who (sing) in next room?3The baby (cry) just now, but _ 4Mr Brown _ (teach) _ (we) 5We should _ (safe) the road.6 Hai and _ a wonderful film this evening. 7 him _ us.5 / 8A big _ the So is in hospital.9_ (eat) too _ _ (be good 10 It _ heavily. There a lot of here in summer. (rain)23. 填空。1 _ (be) some words.2I had a lot of _ 3 _ sentence.4I _ in English.24. 根据求写词1 (反义词)2end


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