已阅读5页,还剩3页未读 继续免费阅读




1、译林版四级英语下册三单元试卷姓名班级得分听部( 分一、听录音,选出你所听到的单词或短语 分( ) thirty B. usually( ) B. home C.go ( ) B. where C. ( ) C. in the afternoon ( ) lunch B. have C. have breakfest ( ) B. C. ( ) A. go C. home ( ) night C. ( ) play play ( ) 5:50 二、听录音,选出正确的答句 分( ) 1. At seven thirty. B. I have seven. Its seven.( ) 2. I It

2、s a big TV. She is Li.( ) 3. At six. B. Six. It six o( ) 4. Yes, it does. C. Yes, I do.( ) 5. you. B. No, it t. C. I dont know. 三、听录音,将对话补充完整 分 A: s time _ B: All right. A: I usually _ at eight. B: It too A: do go home? B: At five.笔部( 分一、英汉互译 分) 在点起床 两节游泳课九点钟觉过来吃饭踢足球二、单项选择题 分 do at night welcome hom

3、e on morning 10. have ( ) 1. I breakfast_ thirty _the morning. in at; C. at; in( ) 2. Its time . go to B. C. goes to ( ) 3. Yang Ling _this have some has some C. lessons( ) 4. dolls. What can you there B. it are ? ( ) 5. Wang Bing Mike usually at six 1 a dinner ( ) 6. thirty. -Its to_. have lunch B.

4、 have breakfast C. get up( ) 7. nice I like it How C. What( ) 8. -_do ? -I in B. When; at( ) 9. What time_ ? -Its _. it; it; a it one( ) 10. Su Hai usually _ at twelve. have B. go C. ( nice little book! I like it very much. How C. s( -Is your brothers s_bike. C. my( -Its in the morning. t . go to B.

5、 lunch bed( I in the evening. Then I . go to B. home ( -Let _four_ afternoon. -OK. at; in B. at; C. in; on( like What . Me, I like I ( -Do boys and girls every - _ . Yes, they B. No, thanks No, they t( - _ -Some lovely birds. What can you there? B. Where the C. What colour is 三、搭配题。选择相应的答句, 将号填在题前括号

6、类 分)( ) 1. What do ? Its five o( ) 2. Who is girl in dress ? pity !( ) 3. How many does Mike have .All right.( ) 4. What time it ? ( ) 5. Yang Ling a thin there. E. She ( ) 6. When Hai Yang go every day ? She likes English ( ) 7. Where cap ? G. What thin boy !( ) 8. Let library. H. We PE ( ) 9. Sorr

7、y. I a match four fifty.( ) 10. does like J. It 四、连词成句 分) seven, I, in, fifteen, school, at, usually (.) a, lesson ( 2_ swimming, for, a, it, (.) _ every, she, lessons, Thursday, has, (.) _ and, Miss, at, Hai, Yang, Li, thirty (.) _ 六、根据要求完成以下两题 , 每 )1. 将列句子排列成通顺的对话。 Its Sunday. Let go and play bask

8、etball. I hope (希望 you have nice day.C. When do you have swimming What day it today E. At in the I swimming lesson.D2、从方框中选择合适的句子完对话,将序号填在横线上 分)A: Hello, Billy. Tom.B: I m at snack bar.A:B: four.A:B: I want to watch cartoons at four thirty. A:B: OK. Six thirty?A: All right.七、根据中文,翻译句子 分每空 ) 我天放学后踢足球

9、。 When do come Would you like to C. What this you thirty.E. Where are you?I _ _ after school. 迈在下午有一节美术课。Mike _ _ in the afternoon. 他在晚上六点十分吃晚饭。 _ _ _ in the evening. 八、选用括号里适当的词填空 分每空 0.5 分1.I (in / ) six every Let play football(in / on) Hai a lesson (for / after) school. My (have / swimming match

10、Saturday.3 Do you /some) Wednesday? I t.6.We can 星星 / in) It five the afternoon. It (for / to) go 8.I like / pandas), what (after / you? Me Let do (our / we )homework seven. OK.九、阅读短文,判断句子与内容是否相符,相符用T相用“”表示 分I get at seven I a and sandwiches for I go by bus. I go at seven and I home at four clock in

11、 the At about six thirty I have dinner, and I at Its my day.( ) I get up seven.( ) I go by bike.( ) At 7:50 I ( ) I go in ( ) I watch TV 晚后.十阅读短文,然后根据题意选择 分My teacher. He teaches his job and students. And like him work from Friday. He and Sunday. day, gets up at five thirty. At six, he Then he runni

12、ng. at has at school. goes home at five in the afternoon. At six o has dinner. doesnt watch likes books with me. He to at nine thirty.( ) my B. s s( ) My father is a . farmer teacher( ) does my breakfast? At five. five thirty. C. ( ) does my father At home. At ( ) My father likes the C. a snack bar.

13、 B. C. books4四年级英下册第三单试卷听力及答听材:一、听录音,选出你所听到的单词或短语。 2. 3. who lunch bed night 9. play football 10. 5:15(five 二、听录音,根据所听到的顺序,给下列图片标号。 is timetable. me see. 2. Today is I at forty. 3. s play football. Ok. What day today It ay. up! Get s o Welcome back does Mike watches at 8. I time for home. bye. Mike

14、usually at 10. Mike is has at twelve every 三、听录音,填入所缺单词。1. It time B: All right. A: I usually at Its too late. A: you B: five.听答:一 A 3. C 4. B A 6. C B 8. B A 10.C二、4 10 8 1 6 3 三、 A 5.A四、 lunch 3.When书答:一、英汉互译。 at seven 2.做我的家庭作业 two swimming lessons 4. 在夜里看电视 at nine 欢回家二、单项选择题。e and lunch 8. 在期二早上 play 10.放学后吃晚饭 2. B B A 6. A 7. B 8. 10.C 11.B 13.C 14.A 三、搭配题。1:H E D A G I J C B F四、连词成句。 I usually at in the 2. do you It for swimmi


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