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1、人才流失吸引和留住人才中英文对照外文翻译文献(文档含英文原文和中文翻译)人才流失吸引和留住人才中英文对照外文翻译文献吸引和留住人才摘 要吸引和留住人才来保持竞争力,以及如何打造持续繁荣发展的企业环境。关键词: 吸引,留住,人才,环境,竞争力1十多年前,美国一些先进的公司就预言将会出现严重的人力资源短缺问题。境。知道。大卫格洛斯是Power & Control Automation公司的客户代表。该公司是西门子公司在美国佛罗里达州和佐治亚州的主要分销商。他提出以下的观点:人才流失吸引和留住人才中英文对照外文翻译文献较有自我管理的风格。我们允许雇员处理个人事情但在过后补上该工作的时间,我们提供的整


3、流失吸引和留住人才中英文对照外文翻译文献作岗位上有高效率的表现。“员工是雇来完成具体工作任务的,而一个好的雇员清楚知道自己所在的位置以及想要达到的位置。”美国大型的管理层人员招聘机构的客户代表达斯位空缺的人才。他早前在Motion Industries 就职,已经有5 年的人才招聘工作经验。德里克布察儿与其姐姐米歇儿分别是其家族企业 IBS 公司的业务经理和市员提供一切,雇员自己还是会希望有时间有空间与自己的家人共处。”1.2招聘面试甄别人才则是有一定趋势的。成功有效的面试要领包括以下几方面:1、做好准备工作,准备好要提问的问题。2、针对所招聘的职位,理清应聘者需要具备的素质条件。如果面试官不


5、和约翰曾在其雇员中进行关于员工工作满意度、喜好等方面的调查。调查表明其公司雇员的工作满意度来自于该公司的良好财政形势(66.7%员工的41.7%员工的意见)以及薪酬(33.3%提到的满意原因还包括制度灵活性、工作安全感、同事关系、公司规模、与管理 58%的员工表示他们最满意的就是目前的工作本身,25%的员工认为工作满意度的原因中薪水只是其中排在最后的一个原到重视的价值,也很满意灵活的工作环境。对于雇员将薪水作为满意原因的排在最后的一个原因,我们觉得这一点很有意人才流失吸引和留住人才中英文对照外文翻译文献雇员好象还觉得自己获得的薪酬还不够高。”2 员工,以及创造更好的工作环境。采取行动。然而许多

6、公司招聘者在员工离职的时候却没有按这样的思路正确处公司工作?赏、支持或适当的监督指点。甚至有一些人员流动的原因完全与雇佣方无关的,例如是想在离家更近的地方工作。2.1 应对人才流失的经济措施雇佣方可通过以下几个途径鼓舞和挽留员工:1、支付符合市场水平的薪酬。关于薪资水平的调查可以从有关机构、招聘己所得的薪资是否符合市场行情。2、持股制度能鼓舞员工增加对企业的忠诚度。最忠诚的雇员,值得拥有企业的一部分股份。专家认为这种制度能将人才流失率降低一半。3、奖金和其他一些按表现奖励的措施能稳固员工对企业的忠诚度。多年来员工上。利益能吸引和留住员工,但恰到好处的鼓励和赞扬则不需要花费大量的钱财,也可向员工

7、传达出积极的信息,增加其忠诚度,降低流失率。其他常用的激人才流失吸引和留住人才中英文对照外文翻译文献辆租赁,优惠办理专业机构的会员卡,配备台式或笔记本电脑,配备手机,额外有薪假,赠送礼品,赠送健康健身中心会员卡等。企业在这方面可以发挥创意,只需确保员工认识到这些优惠福利中的价值所在。4、改善工作环境有助于维系雇员队伍不流失。许多人与同事相处的时间甚力营造和谐友好的工作环境。功降低人员流失率,相信随着广泛的传播,这种途径会被更加多的企业所采用。良好员工向优秀员工看齐。”企业利润可多出 20%。5、为雇员规划职业生涯。这样做的好处是帮助雇员了解自己的努力目标,使其工作有实际的方向和积极的意义。6、



10、达到的工作上的目标当经理试图挽留员工而没有成功时怎么办?如果一个经理没有成功地挽留人才流失吸引和留住人才中英文对照外文翻译文献才去辞退他们。企业雇佣怎么样的员工,留用怎么样的人才。原文:Attract and keep good employeesby Frederick HornbergerPublished in the March 2005 issue of Contractor Tools and Suppliesmagazine.AbstractAttracting and retaining great staff is the key for business success.T

11、alented people who continue to develop skills and increase their value totheir organization and to their customers are a companys most importanresource. The essay is on how to attract and retain these people and createan environment in which they remain competitive and continue to thrive. Attracting

12、, retaining, good employees, environment, competitive人才流失吸引和留住人才中英文对照外文翻译文献A.Importance of attracting and keeping goodemployeesReasons for attracting and keeping good employeesMore than a decade ago, leading trade associations in the UnitedStates began warning of an impending labor shortage. That pr

13、ediction hasturned out to apply to almost all parts of the more and more intensivelycompetitive business world nowadays. This labor shortage affects almostevery industry and employers must begin to look outside of traditionallabor pool sources. As “greener” workers take their places on jobsites,acci

14、dents are sure to follow. Thats why attracting and retaining goodemployees is key. Company owners and management have to take theresponsibility and efforts to create an environment where good employeesare willing to work in and stay.Definition of good employeesA productive employee is a satisfied em

15、ployee. Productive, satisfiedemployees create successful businesses. Its managements job to createthe environment that enables employees to feel satisfied on a consistentbasis.See how some employers define and describe good employeesEmployees are brought on to do a specific task, and a goodemployee

16、knows where theyre at, and where theyre going, says DustinFord, an account executive at Management Recruiters, one of the largest人才流失吸引和留住人才中英文对照外文翻译文献search firms in the country. Employers, of course, are looking at, howcan this employee either make money or save money?Ford specializes in finding a

17、nd placing people in the industrial salessector. He worked for Motion Industries prior to this position, and hasbeen recruiting for five years.Good employees are attracted by advantageous aspects other thanstrictly compensation, something more than a number, he says. Today,theyre looking for a caree

18、r package, including a comfortable companyculture, career path, diversity of responsibilities, and a work/life balance.That balance is becoming increasingly more popular. A company can giveit all to an employee, but they still want to have a life to spend time withtheir spouses and kids.David Groce

19、is an account manager at Power & ControlsAutomation, an automation products distributor in Norcross, Ga. Thecompany is the master distributor for Siemens Energy and Automation inFlorida and Georgia.A good employee features loyalty, commitment, creativity, and attentionto detail, a trait that is very

20、 important and quite rare, says Groce.Beyond benefits and a salary package, an employee needs to haveconfidence in the company. They need to know that the products you areselling are no risk, and that the company itself will be staying in theindustry, and is reliable.人才流失吸引和留住人才中英文对照外文翻译文献According

21、to Groce, security is the differentiation between a goodcompany and a bad company.Derek Butcher and his sister, Michelle St. John, are the operationsmanager and vice president of marketing, respectively, for their familybusiness, IBS, Inc., a general-line distributor in Auburn, Wash. IBS sellscuttin

22、g tools, abrasives, electrical components and fittings, among otherproducts, to MRO customers in several industries.A good employee has a positive attitude, is trainable, has areputable track record, and works well with others, says St. John. As asmall company, we are able to be more flexible, and b

23、oast afamily-friendly environment with a more self-management style. Weallow employees to take time for what they need and make it up later, andhave a benefit package that competes.Improving quality of employeesThe primary elements of any plan to improve the quality of the staffyou employ include im

24、proving the quality of new hires, identifying andretaining superior employees, and developing employees (especiallythose with high potential for growth).At the same time, you need to take a look at underperforming staff.Ask whether each individual is in the wrong job. Determine whether thecompany ha

25、s provided specific and clear requirements so the individualknows what you expect from him. Make sure you have provided feedback人才流失吸引和留住人才中英文对照外文翻译文献against goals and objectives so the person knows he is not meetingexpectations.A good employees expectations from a companyAn employee in any business

26、 wants the following - in descendingorder of importance or weight.1. Pleasure - Job pleasure includes looking forward to going to workand feeling satisfied when the day is done. What that means will bedifferent for each employee. It may come from being creative,successfully carrying out an assignmen

27、t or task, seeing a positive resultfrom their actions, knowing theyve contributed to someone elses good orreceiving respect and recognition from others.A creative person will be most productive being creative. Adetail-oriented person will enjoy digging into the minutia. Moving atechnical genius into

28、 an administrative position probably isnt going to beproductive - anywhere. Job duties and individual personal qualities needto come together in order to maximize productivity.2. Money - For most employees, money is only important when itfeels like the pay does not match perceived value. Money can a

29、dd to jobpleasure, but does not replace it. Those who are driven by money alonemay have trouble aligning with the rest of the team.3. Comfort/Time-Off - Everyone has a different definition ofcomfort. For some people working close to home is a comfort because of人才流失吸引和留住人才中英文对照外文翻译文献family needs. Fle

30、xible time or extra time off may be needed for a varietyof reasons. Willingness to negotiate is the key to success here.4. Security/Benefits - No one wants to feel like they may be the nextto go or that the company is in dire circumstances out of their control.Benefits are more important to some tha

31、n to others. Benefits that fit theneeds of each individual are ideal and may be negotiable. Make sure theemployee understands their benefits and their responsibility in order toreceive them.These are the prerequisites needed to experience job satisfaction.Any time an employee spends thinking about,

32、talking about or pursuingany of these is unproductive time.The guy who goes home at the end ofthe day feeling satisfied will look forward to coming to work tomorrow.He will not only stay on board, he will be highly productive while hesthere.Interviewing the possibilitiesInterviewing is almost an ess

33、ential part for all companies to recruitnew staff. For some companies, its a definitive avenue into figuring out apotential hire; for others, its a preliminary step into deciding if thisperson would be good for the company.Interviewing is the pivotal part of this whole process, because how elsecan y

34、ou know if the potential employee is good, unless you ask questions,put them in situations, and test them for their ability to think on their feet?人才流失吸引和留住人才中英文对照外文翻译文献The ultimate importance of the interview is always up for debate, but howit is approached seems to be trending.Conducting a Success

35、ful Interview1.Be prepared; know what questions youre going to .Research the position, identify skills a qualified candidate shouldpossess; if there is more than one person doing the interview, worktogether and be ready.2.Be courteous; be on time; put YOUR best foot forward.Show potential employees

36、that your company is a great place towork.3.Conduct the interview in a comfortable place; eliminateinterruptions.Your office is not a good place to conduct an interview. Use aconference room, private break area or other room where you wont beinterrupted.4.Listen attentively; make eye contact; get to

37、 know the applicant.You can learn a great deal about a person by simply listening to whatthey say and how they say it. Do they communicate well? Are they beinghonest? Listen and youll know.5.Give the applicant time to ask questions about the company andthe job.Sell the position and the organization;

38、 create goodwill. This person人才流失吸引和留住人才中英文对照外文翻译文献has the potential to increase your profits.Companies that approach their employees as numbers, and treatthem as nothing but vessels from which to get money and revenue, fail atretaining their people, he adds.You have to be concerned about their welf

39、are, and give themflexibility when they need it, says Groce. If a company could providesome kind of day care, or anything like that with a personal touch, thatwould be a huge boon to their people. How about an employee with nomore vacation time and an emergency illness with his mother? You tellhim t

40、o go to her, and that vacation time can be figured out later. You needto cement the relationship as a supportive force in their lives.Employees Butcher and St. John conducted a survey of their own employees tofind out about their job satisfaction and what they like, or dont like, abouttheir job. The

41、 companys financial health (66.7 percent) far outpacedbenefits (41.7 percent) and salary (33.3 percent) as reasons for theirsatisfaction with their jobs. Other factors cited include flexibility, jobsecurity, relationship with colleagues, company size, relationship withmanagement and feeling of being

42、 valued. Fifty-eight percent said that thework itself was what they liked most about their job; and 25 percent citedtheir salary as what they like least about their job.I think that their citing the companys financial health as their人才流失吸引和留住人才中英文对照外文翻译文献biggest reason for satisfaction is significan

43、t, says Butcher. We askedthem for their input, and its noted that they feel valued and appreciate theflexible working environment.Of IBSs 12 employees, the newest has been there four months, andthe longest tenure is 20 years. The other 10 have been with the companyfor an average of nine years.Weve s

44、et up an appraisal system, and the people here areresponsible for their own success and happiness, says St. John.Everyone knows where they stand. We solicit opinions constantly. Wemeet with each employee and appraise them two or three times a year,and give them the power to improve themselves. Ultim

45、ately that creates afeeling that they are responsible for themselves. But that they cited salaryas what they like least is interesting, since most are overpaidcomparatively in the industry, and feel as though theyre not paidenough.B.Keeping employeesThere are three parts to employee recruiting and r

46、etention:Identifying why employees leave; appreciating employees financially;and creating a better working environment.Why do employees leave? When a problem arises on the jobsite,everything comes to a halt until the problem is identified and corrected.Contractors rarely follow the same process when

47、 an employee leaves.人才流失吸引和留住人才中英文对照外文翻译文献Employers dont have to wait until an employee leaves to begin takingpreventive measures. They can begin by asking themselves, “If I werelooking for a job, why would I want to work for my company?”Many of the underlying reasons employees leave have little to

48、dowith money. They often leave because of a human factor such asmanagement conflict, broken promises, or perceived lack of appreciation,support or direction. Still others have nothing to do with the employer,such as a need to be physically closer to family.Financial steps to employee stabilityCompan

49、ies can do several things to appreciate employees financially.The first is to pay market wages. Associations, recruitment firms andeven the Internet make compensation surveys readily available. Anyemployee worth keeping is smart enough to monitor these figures tomake sure he or she is getting paid f

50、air market value.1.Stock plans can encourage loyalty. The most loyal employee is theone with ownership in the firm. Corey M. Rosen, the executive directorfor the National Center for Employee Ownership, states a strong stockplan can cut employee turnover in half.2.Bonuses or other performance-based p

51、ay scales can instill loyalty.Payment on commission has been common for salespeople for years andits now becoming more prevalent for operations employees to earncompensation through bonuses and/ or commissions.人才流失吸引和留住人才中英文对照外文翻译文献3.Benefits can entice and retain workers. Perks dont have to cost ag

52、reat deal of money and the message they send to the employee canincrease loyalty and reduce turnover.A lot of companies also give incentives such as cruises, vacationsand the like. It rewards the great employee, and motivates the goodemployee to become great.Other common incentives include reimburse

53、ment for tuition on qualifiedprograms, retirement plans, child-care subsidies and flexible schedulesfor working parents.Other benefits can be weekend excursions, leased vehicles,memberships in professional organizations, computers/laptops, cellularphones, additional paid days off, gifts and health c

54、lub memberships. Youcan be creative; just make sure the employee perceives value in thebenefit.4.Improving the work environment can help retain employees. Mostpeople spend more time with co-workers than with their families and lookto fellow workers for support, encouragement and appreciation.With me

55、ntoring, someone is always there to answer questions oncompany culture, responsibilities, promotional opportunities and thelike, says Ford. A lot of companies find that its been very successful,and I think, it will become more popular as word travels.The Center for Creative Leadership in San Diego r

56、eports that firms人才流失吸引和留住人才中英文对照外文翻译文献offering employee development, good communication, ethical practicesand other positive human factors enjoy greater retention rates and 20percent higher profits. Here are some non-financial tools some employersuse to help boost retention rates:5.Develop a career

57、 plan with employees. Help employees develop acareer plan so they understand where they are going and why it makessense to achieve those goals.6.Foster open dialog. Sharing operating and financial informationhelps build trust between employer and employee. It ultimately investsthem with a feeling of

58、 ownership in the company and, in turn, a long-termstake in its future.7.Listen to employees. Make suggestion boxes available and offer areward for the suggestion of the week or month.8.Build your team. Provide reward programs that recognizeperformance and achievement. Hold regular company socials t

59、o buildrapport and enthusiasm.Tips to attract quality employeesThere are several tools that can help you find employees to fill openor new positions. Consider:1.Develop ongoing advertising and marketing programs targeted topotential employees.2.Use computer-based recruitment.人才流失吸引和留住人才中英文对照外文翻译文献3.

60、Network with associations, suppliers, owners and peers.4.Establish a program that pays employees for successful referrals.5.Be visible wherever the labor pool frequents, such as at industryassociations and related events.6. Visit job fairs and colleges and follow up on any leads.7.Use a specialty re


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