



1、【失去爆破逐字稿】1. 内容British and American English are different in many ways. The first and most obvious way is in the vocabulary. There are hundreds of different words which are not used on the other side of the Atlantic, or which are used with a different meaning. Some of these words are well knownAmeric

2、ans drive automobiles down freeways and fill up with gas; the British drive cars along motorways and fill up with petrol. As a tourist, you will need to use the underground in London or the subway in New York, or maybe you preferred to get around the town by taxi(British) or cab(American).2. 要求(1)用英

3、文试讲;(2)配合教学内容设计适当的板书;(3)进行失去爆破的教学;(4)试讲时间:约 10 分钟;1. Lead in “OK, boys and girls, before the class, I will say a tongue twister, please listen to me carefully Can you can a can as a canner can can a can? Can you do it?At the beginning of the class, Id like to show you a word. Please look at the scre

4、en British and American English. There are many differences between American and British English. I have some questions for you, listen carefully:Can you list the difference type in both languages? (陈述提问)Do you know the answer? “in vocabulary.” Yes, such as taxi and cap. Any others? “in pronunciatio

5、n”. Like potato and tomato. Excellent! You know so much about it. Would you like to learn something more? (回答总结)Today, We are going to learn a new lesson, British and American English. And a new grammar: loss of plosive (引出课题)”2. PresentationStep 1: 理解材料“Guys, please open your book.Now we have a sho

6、rt passage and please listen to the tape and think about this question: Whats the first and most obvious difference? Please listen carefully and try to give me the answer. Lets begin.Ok times up. Please share your ideas. Jordan, you please. Thank you, sit down please. Yes, vocabulary. Good job! You

7、all get the correct answer. Step 2: 呈现知识点All right guys, its time to learn something new. Here are some new sentences. Lets look at the first one. Can you read it? Yes, “The first and most obvious way is in the vocabulary”. Can anybody try again? Yes, that little girl. What about this one? Ok, this

8、is “maybe you preferred to get around the town by cab or taxi” And can anybody try again? Good. So, how can we be more native when we read the sentences? Yes, we pay attention to the tones and link sounds. Why? Lets see.Step 3: 总结规律 Ok, lets strike when the iron is hot. When we read the plosive soun

9、ds such as “/b/, /p/, /d/, /t/, /g/, /k/”, we usually read them fast and gently. We call them “loss of plosive”. Please work with your desk mates first and then Ill choose someone to share your ideas, ok? Times up. Who would like to try? Messi please. Ok, he said: “The first rule is when two plosive

10、s are together, the first one is always skipped. Like the phrase “preferred to”. Any other volunteers? Yes, Tyler Swift. She said: “The second rule is that when plosive meats other vowels the plosive is not pronounced completely. Like the phrases “first and most obvious.” Fantastic ideas!3. Practice

11、Activity1: 复习材料 Practice makes perfect, so lets do more exercises then. There two activities, first, lets review the passage using find more words. Please finish it as quickly as you can and we will check the answers later. Here we go. (板书内容) different words, side of, different meaning, need toHave

12、you finished? Whats the answer? Cool, any different opinions? All right, I think you have mastered it.Activity2: 结对活动 Now, lets work in pairs to have more communication. I am going to set up a situation like this: suppose you are an American, and you are in Britain. How would you make yourself clear

13、 in ordering food? Try to make a conversation and practice with your partner. Remember, try to use the new knowledge we learned today, clear? Ok, start! So, which team goes first? You two please. Great!4. ProductionTask 1: 话题讨论“As we usually say: there are a thousand Hamlets in a thousand peoples ey

14、es. We have learned about difference in English today. Now lets have a discussion. Think about it this way: What are the differences in English and Chinese, especially in pronunciation? Ok, 10 minutes for you. Please work in your groups and share your ideas, then each group will choose one reporter

15、to share your group opinion to us. Lets see which group has the most creative idea, and which reporter talks more smoothly and clearly.Ok, times up. Which team goes first? Great job!Task 2: 配音练习 Since we have mastered the knowledge well, lets play a dubbing game. We will watch a movie. For the first

16、 time, listen to it carefully, and the second time it will be silent. You need to choose your own character, and try to make the scene as interesting as you can, all right? Then we will have a dubbing competition. Are you ready? Excellent, you all give wonderful performance, I am very proud of your

17、progress and smart ideas. 4. Summary and homework “How time flies! Who can tell me what we have learned today? Ok, I heard most of you say we have learnt different ways of greeting. Great! And I also heard that we have learned how to use correct tones in tag questions. Exactly! And dont forget: lear

18、ning English is not just inside the class. Its for life, for fun.”“OK, boys and girls. Class is almost over. And there is one last thing, what is it? Right, our homework! When you go home, please finish the exercise book first and check more information about Culture differences on the internet. We will share them in the


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