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1、中级宏观经济学Intermediate Macroeconomics吴超林2016 School of Economics & ManagementSyllabus Macroeconomics is the study of economies at the nationallevel. By abstracting away from the decisions of individual firms, workers and consumers (the domain of Micro-econ.) we are able to gain some insight into many q

2、uestions of general importance. Why are some countries rich and otherspoor? What determines the rate at which a countrys economygrows? What causes recessions? What effects do particular government policies have on the national economy? The purpose of this course is to provide you, the student, with

3、a toolkit that will allow you to think reason about such issues in a flexible logical framework. We will often present some materials in a different fashion and with a different focus than the text, and may make use of outside sources. We will highlight the most important articles as the course prog

4、resses. Some articles may be added at a later date. In case of conflict, lecture notes override the textbook.1. Andrew B. Abel, Ben S. Bernanke, Dean Croushore, Macroeconomics, 6TH Edition. 2. J.D.Sachs, Macroeconomics in the Global Economy3. M .Doepke, A .Lehnert, A .W. Sellgren, Macroeconomics. 4.

5、 R. Dornbusch, Macroeconomics, 8TH Edition.5. N. Gregory Mankiw, Macroeconomics, 6TH or 7TH Edition. 6. Dirk Krueger, Intermediate Macroeconomics.Main References Course Organization Lectures are on Thursday from 7:00 pm to 9:00 pm in Teaching Building 5-505, Guangzhou Higher Education Mega Center.In

6、structorsWu Chaolin Professor Ph.D., Wuhan University 吴超林 Tel: E-mail: Zhang Yong Professor Ph.D., Nanjing University 张 勇 Tel: E-mail: Peng Lianqing Associate professor Ph.D., Jinan University 彭连清 Tel: E-mail: Wu Mingqin Associate professor Ph.D., Hongkong University 吴明琴 Tel: E-mail: Evaluation (Gra

7、ding Policy)Attendance & Participate in Class10%Homework (Literature review)20%Final Examination70%Total100%Course Overview Part One Introduction to Macroeconomics1. 导论Part Two The Short-term Macro-economy and the Main models of Macroeconomics 2. 消费、储蓄与投资3. 货币需求、货币供给与资本市场均衡4. 失业与通货膨胀5. AD-AS模型:宏观经济分析的一般框架6. 市场出清宏观经济模型:古典主义对经济周期的分析7. 市场非出清宏观经济模型:凯恩斯主义对经济周期的分析8. 以工资和价格粘性为基础的宏观经济模型:新凯恩斯主义 对经济周期的分析9. 货币经济周期与实际经济周期模型:新古典宏观经济学 Part Three The Long-term Macro-economy and Economi


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