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1、浙江省杭市部分学校2020-2021 学年上学期九年级英语 月月考试卷分类汇编单词拼写2020-2021 年浙江杭州市文海验中学年级上学期 月月考英语卷 节 单拼写 共 小题每小题 分满 分)第一根据下列句子及所给单词的首字母 ,答题纸上按题号写出各单词的完全形式 (每限 填一词)。 this?-It Carla She volleyball. Their body language faces helped the Dont be nervous in the new If ask for help p_, they wont refuse. people they are Drivers

2、you on the road. A conversation two people in film or During the outbreak of were to to help put. Teenagers in countries move so they can lives It is the 28 10. When I 12, I that loud and energetic. I like light 【答案】 3. sour 5.licenses 7. 8. 10. preferred2020-2021 年浙江杭州市西湖十三中年级上学期 月月考英语卷第一节:单词拼写(共 1

3、0 小题每小题 分满分 10 分根据下列句子及所给的首字母答题纸上按题号写出各单词的正确完全形(空限填 一词1.During outbreak of 19, many schools were closed to be sure about students 2.Jim to in but he likes them. Generally speaking, will more in a hospital than in a public know which s_ in Hangzhou?Yes, s stinky tofu. My grandparents like eating it v

4、ery much. fight meant the end of their e_ now. you know w_ it I find its owner.7.Jim hasn at and he looks e_ the same What you think your father is now?He could l_ in bed rest. make 10.Liu Yus parents nothing a_ running. supported every race of 【答案】 2. 3. private 4. 7. exactly lying whether 【解答】考查名根

5、据句意可知学校是为了确保学生的安所以填 出九上 unit7.考查动根据句意可知是想说以前 Jim 更喜欢游泳用过考查 prefer to 的句型宁做某事而不愿意做某事注意 过式的写法填 出自九上 unit9. 考形容词,根据句意可知,私立医院花的比公立医院多,从后半句可以看出所填空与 public 的义相反,即“私人的所以填 出自九上 考查动 根句意是闻起来不好,但吃起来香。从 可得知 smell 为般现在,所 以填 smells.出九上 unit6.考查名根据句意可知这场架意味着友谊结束以他们是敌人 enemy是可数名词 据主语 复形式,以填 出自九上 考查连,由 导的宾语从句 用作连接代词

6、时“.”意思是谁”其后 通常要接名, 所填 出自九上 unit8.考查副根据句子可知他和以前看起来就是一样“exactly翻成“恰恰,正好,就 句子完整填副词,所以填 出自九上 考查动根据句意可知猜测的是正在做考查现在进行时lie 示“躺现在分词形 式 lying所以填 be 出九上 unit2. 考连词 ,根据意可知他只关心他是否能赚更多的钱,引导宾语从句,又表示是否,和 not 连所以填 出自八下 考查介,根据句意可知他们全力支持以前一句是Liu 母不反对查 have against 表“不反对” ,以填 出八下 学年浙省杭州市余区临平一中九年级 月月考语试卷 第节词写共 10 题每题 1

7、 分满 分根下句及给首母写各词完形(空填词 A bicycle will be more than a car when traffic heavy. find good learning. hope the will p_ like homework in the future. lifted head and e_ I You took the of my mouth. really and p_ with children. He is great father. s_ supermarket was by the lot of vegetables flowers Wed better

8、 the food because food s_.10. He is h_. laugh when talking with them.【答案】1. convenient 2. grammar 3. produce 4. its 5. patient 8. 9. safety 学年江省州市余区信外国语年级上 月月考英语试浙 第一节单词拼写(共 小,满分 10 分)根据下列句子及所给的单词首字母,在答题卷上按题号写出各单词的完全形式(每空填一 词 Parents learn really want by with patiently.2.It is law to too drinking. I

9、 may go out with my weekend if there is p_ of of new medicine millions of lives the world. We all take in our country controlling the COVID-19 in Walking the or lying on beach can make us after working for time. December is the t_ month of book on how improve English. I I him. I wished I that.10. te

10、ll me your phone a_ that I send package to 【答案】 4.saved; 5.pride; 6.relaxed; 7.twelfth; 10.address江省杭市翠苑中学 九年级一学期英语科 12 月月考卷第一节单拼(共 10 小,每小题 ,满分 分)根据下列句子及所给的首字母答题纸上按题号写出各单词的正确完全形(每空 限填一词61. Last summer, t_of college students in Hangzhou for traffic safety.62. likes her job. lot of fun and it.63. A h

11、e is successful and encouraged he fails.64. Im find p_on 65. My grandma always l_what wants to buy 66.When and “While are e things at the same time.67. are natural e_of insects.68. Although heavy, to the airport in 69. She I _telling her 70. is no wind and is as 【考案:thousands; valuable; lists; enemi

12、es; managed; regretted; 浙江省州市下城区蕾中学 学年九年级一学期 12 月语试题卷第一节:单词拼(共 小题,每小题 分满分 )根据下列句子及所给的首字母,在答题纸上按题号写出各单词的正确,完全形式(每空仅限 一词。 Its use the by heart w_understanding it. Speaking p_ sometimes make it easier for us to communicate with you bought It gone bad. a gift in can speak and I got late this morning, bu

13、t school people who are for very having great. is the she can everything as well as a_ in her class. caught when was is w_ to let know more 10. make n_in class to make laugh.【答案】 without 2. politely 4.languages 5. luckily 6.Heroes 10. noises【解答】 考介词 缺 考副词,因为修饰 ,里用 politely 考动词,闻起来 考名词, 表在某方面 考副词,luc

14、kily 考名词复数 heroes well as as well as someone 其一些人,其他任何人 考过去进行时 考副词,被广泛的用来10. make 制造噪音浙江省州市余杭区兰中学 学九年级上学 月月考英语卷 第一节单词拼写(共 小,满分 10 分)根据下列句子及所给的单词首字母,在答题卷上按题号写出各单词的完全形式(每空填一 词 in m_ are probably be doctors has a_ from for two of 3.Making p_ is quite in our daily r_ telling daughter the felt sorry about he had to her.5.Ricky t changed at He e_ same as he did school before was bu


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